Interracial marriage should be illegal, say 46% of Mississippi Republicans in new poll

But once again we see further evidence confirming the fact that racists and bigots are attracted to aspects of the GOP agenda and conservative dogma in general, where racists tend to identify as conservative and find refuge among the ranks of republicans.
How many videos and stories have you seen in the past year where young black people are finding random white people and knocking them unconscious with sucker punches? Don't lecture us about evidence of racism in our party. We aren't attacking people, putting them into comas, or killing them. Why does a video of a bunch of college kids singing an offensive song, somehow trump videos of violent attacks perpetrated by mobs of black people? I fucking WISH that the racism white people are faced with all over this country was just an offensive song. You people need to get your fucking priorities straight and you need to stop overlooking the violent racism we see regularly from the left. The problem is on the left, not on the right, clearly.

I am simply waiting for someone to go to an all black fraternity.....yes....all black, no whites....and catch them when they think no one is recording will happen....and the racists in the democrat party will ignore it......
Obviously Mississippi republicans are not representative of all republicans and conservatives Nation-wide, nor do republicans and conservatives as a whole endorse making inter-racial marriage illegal.

But once again we see further evidence confirming the fact that racists and bigots are attracted to aspects of the GOP agenda and conservative dogma in general, where racists tend to identify as conservative and find refuge among the ranks of republicans.

It's incumbent upon republicans and conservatives, therefore, to examine the many faults and failings of rightist dogma to discover why racists are indeed attracted to conservatism.

Uh, no...we don't....which group killed gay marriage in democrats......which party has a racist President in office....the democrats...obama sat in a racist church for 20 years, had the racist pastor marry him and michelle, and the racist pator baptized their children...and then throw in the heavy dose of anti semitism to boot.......the democrats elected an openly racist President.....who also opposed gay get elected.... racist racist

al sharpton...racist...been to obama's white house over 80 times...


nation of racist group....doesn't vote republican...that's for sure.....

The democrat party is the party of racists...thru and thru both historically and today.....
They need to poll if black people if interacial marriage should be illeagal, I bet the percentage would be higher than 46%.
They need to poll if black people if interacial marriage should be illeagal, I bet the percentage would be higher than 46%.
First. let's not even begin to give this 46% figure any credence. It's a bullshit number based on a poll that never happened and can't be linked to.

But your point is well taken. Among my own people, the percentage is even higher with nearly all opposing marriage to other races in an effort to keep our race from dying out. I got a lot of heat from other American Indians when I married a white woman. I don't care because love is color blind. But this issue is near and dear to my heart because the war over interracial marriage is happening right in my own family.
That poll was hardly indicative of the beliefs of the GOP in that state. 68% of them were over 45 years old. They clearly polled a bunch of old people, thereby skewing the results. Old people suck. Weve always known that. The younger generation is here to right the wrongs of the past, and we do a pretty good job of it.
You would get the same results if you took that poll on USMB.
It would 100% if Goodboy took the poll by himself. I thought it funny he was trying to present himself as not a racist.
Interracial marriage should be illegal say 46 of Mississippi Republicans in new poll - NY Daily News

Really? I mean even for Mississippi this is pretty sad. Jeez.

What happened to "Conservatives want less gov't inteference"?

The majority of those polled are black. Go figure.
Doubt that. Most Blacks are not members of the GOP but nice try.

Most blacks don't vote.

Oooh, that's gotta sting!
Why would something as dumb as what you said sting?
Interracial marriage should be illegal say 46 of Mississippi Republicans in new poll - NY Daily News

Really? I mean even for Mississippi this is pretty sad. Jeez.

What happened to "Conservatives want less gov't inteference"?

The majority of those polled are black. Go figure.
Doubt that. Most Blacks are not members of the GOP but nice try.

Most blacks don't vote.

Oooh, that's gotta sting!
Why would something as dumb as what you said sting?

Only to an idiot Leftist is the truth "dumb".
That poll was hardly indicative of the beliefs of the GOP in that state. 68% of them were over 45 years old. They clearly polled a bunch of old people, thereby skewing the results. Old people suck. Weve always known that. The younger generation is here to right the wrongs of the past, and we do a pretty good job of it.
You would get the same results if you took that poll on USMB.
It would 100% if Goodboy took the poll by himself. I thought it funny he was trying to present himself as not a racist.

A racist like you has no credibility to decide who's racist or not.
Interracial marriage should be illegal say 46 of Mississippi Republicans in new poll - NY Daily News

Really? I mean even for Mississippi this is pretty sad. Jeez.

What happened to "Conservatives want less gov't inteference"?

The majority of those polled are black. Go figure.
Doubt that. Most Blacks are not members of the GOP but nice try.

Most blacks don't vote.

Oooh, that's gotta sting!
Why would something as dumb as what you said sting?

Only to an idiot Leftist is the truth "dumb".
I didnt know you were a leftist?
That poll was hardly indicative of the beliefs of the GOP in that state. 68% of them were over 45 years old. They clearly polled a bunch of old people, thereby skewing the results. Old people suck. Weve always known that. The younger generation is here to right the wrongs of the past, and we do a pretty good job of it.
You would get the same results if you took that poll on USMB.
It would 100% if Goodboy took the poll by himself. I thought it funny he was trying to present himself as not a racist.

A racist like you has no credibility to decide who's racist or not.
I have more credibility in my big toe than a racist like you.
Can you imagine how one stupid poll that isn't even credible can get a liberal all chest beating like apes. finger pointing see see see

they need to show how they are so superior over others. it's pathetic this thread has run this long...but not surprising anymore
True. What with the state of education and all down there. :lmao:
They aren't educated enough to know a guy in a guy's ass is just as good as what nature intended.
Hmm you might want to rethink what you just wrote there bub :rofl:
Because you just supported guy on guy anal. Which knowing your posting history is a hilarious typo. :lmao:
Wow, you really are a dumb fuck. A grade schooler would have understood.
A grade schooler would have spotted the error too. Which is why it was funny.

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