Interracial marriage should be illegal, say 46% of Mississippi Republicans in new poll

Interracial marriage should be illegal say 46 of Mississippi Republicans in new poll - NY Daily News

Really? I mean even for Mississippi this is pretty sad. Jeez.

What happened to "Conservatives want less gov't inteference"?
Wouldn't less marriage licenses be less government?
That would be offset by more tax payer money needed to keep white women away from Black men.
Funny, the Right is still saying the Democrats are the racists. They do live in the past.

You are racists, hateful bigots who can only see skin deep. You can't help yourselves and can't conceal the hate in your black little hearts.
This is childish and ridiculous, and completely devoid of evidence in support.

Indeed, all the evidence supports the fact that liberals have been fighting against racism and discrimination since before the days of Brown.

What evidence? You people have been dividing people by race and pitting them against each other for political gain since you were the Klan. You frame opposition to Obama's agenda as racist, pushing for voter ID as racist, and wanting to secure our borders as racist. Seeing people as races instead of just people is what makes you a racist. Forming policies that favor one race over another makes you a racist that uses discrimination. Today you are worse than your bedsheet predecessors, today you are in power and your racism affects people everyday.
Get back to us when they do a poll on what Black people thinks on inter-racial marriage

until then we just laugh at you for swallowing any stupid crap put out on the Internet

I don't believe the poll anyway, not even for a second. Nearly all opposition to interracial marriage comes from minorities, but that doesn't stop the Left from trying to hunt down some old white guy that says he opposes it too to frame the issue as white racism. The truth is, whites are nowhere near as racist as minorities are in this country today, whether we're talking about segregation, marriage, or any other issue. Nearly all the racism in this country comes from minorities and from the Democrat party.
Remember folks, Dem/libs/progressives project onto others what they are take threads like this with a gain of salt
Interracial marriage should be illegal say 46 of Mississippi Republicans in new poll - NY Daily News

Really? I mean even for Mississippi this is pretty sad. Jeez.

What happened to "Conservatives want less gov't inteference"?

The majority of those polled are black. Go figure.
Doubt that. Most Blacks are not members of the GOP but nice try.

Most blacks don't vote.

Oooh, that's gotta sting!
No sense trying to argue with these idiots who are just as ignorant as the people they claim those in Mississippi are. believe me they are no better if not worse

GO though this site and look at any thread on Black Republicans, Women Republicans, etc
Maybe they thought it was a poll on gay marriage. "Whaaaat? Did you say mixed up marriage?"
True. What with the state of education and all down there. :lmao:
They aren't educated enough to know a guy in a guy's ass is just as good as what nature intended.
Are you bi sexual? Its ok but your post seems to infer that.
Hey, a racist showed up. Go figure!
Yeah Stein was the second or third person to post. We know interracial marriage disgusts him and others of his ilk.

You're a lying sack of shit. Most conservatives are either in an interracial marriage, as I am, or have family or close friends in an interracial marriage. The racism is all in your head, like a projector that projects pictures, but the images are inside the projector, not the surface it projects upon. You Leftists are the racists. The rest of us go by the motto of live and let live. We don't have a problem with interracial marriage, you do.
No sense trying to argue with these idiots who are just as ignorant as the people they claim those in Mississippi are. believe me they are no better if not worse

GO though this site and look at any thread on Black Republicans, Women Republicans, etc

I don't think a credible poll was ever conducted, or that it's even possible to find 46% of ANY cross section community that doesn't approve of interracial marriage. This is what the Left does, tries to make kind hearted Americans into something they're not, the ugly, bigoted racists that the Left is. When you talk to enough people in every facet of life, you find that they're decent, kind, compassionate, and believe that love is colorblind. That's the real America, not the fake revision of the Left.
Wouldn't less marriage licenses be less government?
That would be offset by more tax payer money needed to keep white women away from Black men.
Funny, the Right is still saying the Democrats are the racists. They do live in the past.

You are racists, hateful bigots who can only see skin deep. You can't help yourselves and can't conceal the hate in your black little hearts.
This is childish and ridiculous, and completely devoid of evidence in support.

Indeed, all the evidence supports the fact that liberals have been fighting against racism and discrimination since before the days of Brown.

What evidence? You people have been dividing people by race and pitting them against each other for political gain since you were the Klan. You frame opposition to Obama's agenda as racist, pushing for voter ID as racist, and wanting to secure our borders as racist. Seeing people as races instead of just people is what makes you a racist. Forming policies that favor one race over another makes you a racist that uses discrimination. Today you are worse than your bedsheet predecessors, today you are in power and your racism affects people everyday.
With regard to the very case that ended anti-miscegenation measures, Loving v. Virginia, it was yet another example of liberals fighting against racism and discrimination, and conservatives fighting to keep racism and discrimination in place using the myth of 'states' rights.'

And we see conservatives today seeking to do the same thing with regard to gay Americans, by denying them their right to access marriage law motivated solely by hate.
That would be offset by more tax payer money needed to keep white women away from Black men.
Funny, the Right is still saying the Democrats are the racists. They do live in the past.

You are racists, hateful bigots who can only see skin deep. You can't help yourselves and can't conceal the hate in your black little hearts.
This is childish and ridiculous, and completely devoid of evidence in support.

Indeed, all the evidence supports the fact that liberals have been fighting against racism and discrimination since before the days of Brown.

What evidence? You people have been dividing people by race and pitting them against each other for political gain since you were the Klan. You frame opposition to Obama's agenda as racist, pushing for voter ID as racist, and wanting to secure our borders as racist. Seeing people as races instead of just people is what makes you a racist. Forming policies that favor one race over another makes you a racist that uses discrimination. Today you are worse than your bedsheet predecessors, today you are in power and your racism affects people everyday.
With regard to the very case that ended anti-miscegenation measures, Loving v. Virginia, it was yet another example of liberals fighting against racism and discrimination, and conservatives fighting to keep racism and discrimination in place using the myth of 'states' rights.'

And we see conservatives today seeking to do the same thing with regard to gay Americans, by denying them their right to access marriage law motivated solely by hate. people were on the side of marital segregation, just so you know.

Yeah, I know, embarrassing.
Wouldn't less marriage licenses be less government?
That would be offset by more tax payer money needed to keep white women away from Black men.
Funny, the Right is still saying the Democrats are the racists. They do live in the past.

You are racists, hateful bigots who can only see skin deep. You can't help yourselves and can't conceal the hate in your black little hearts.
This is childish and ridiculous, and completely devoid of evidence in support.

Indeed, all the evidence supports the fact that liberals have been fighting against racism and discrimination since before the days of Brown.

What evidence? You people have been dividing people by race and pitting them against each other for political gain since you were the Klan. You frame opposition to Obama's agenda as racist, pushing for voter ID as racist, and wanting to secure our borders as racist. Seeing people as races instead of just people is what makes you a racist. Forming policies that favor one race over another makes you a racist that uses discrimination. Today you are worse than your bedsheet predecessors, today you are in power and your racism affects people everyday.
Get back to us when they do a poll on what Black people thinks on inter-racial marriage

until then we just laugh at you for swallowing any stupid crap put out on the Internet, no matter if it's a credible polling site or not

Newsflash for you, sunshine, I will ridicule blacks, whites or any other race for wanting to make someone else's interracial marriage illegal.
No sense trying to argue with these idiots who are just as ignorant as the people they claim those in Mississippi are. believe me they are no better if not worse

GO though this site and look at any thread on Black Republicans, Women Republicans, etc

I don't think a credible poll was ever conducted, or that it's even possible to find 46% of ANY cross section community that doesn't approve of interracial marriage. This is what the Left does, tries to make kind hearted Americans into something they're not, the ugly, bigoted racists that the Left is. When you talk to enough people in every facet of life, you find that they're decent, kind, compassionate, and believe that love is colorblind. That's the real America, not the fake revision of the Left.
Interracial marriage should be illegal say 46 of Mississippi Republicans in new poll - NY Daily News

Really? I mean even for Mississippi this is pretty sad. Jeez.

What happened to "Conservatives want less gov't inteference"?

The majority of those polled are black. Go figure.

No kidding. Most blacks oppose interracial marriage but are never called racist because of it. Among my people, (Native American) opposition to interracial marriage is far more entrenched. I know because I got a lot of shit when I married a white woman. Leftists are unabashed at this double standard, only seeing disagreement to interracial marriage if it's by white people. That's why I will continue to expose them for the racist bigots they truly are.
Who are those faggots?

Someone should take a bat to the face of anyone that wears one of those stupid fedoras unironically. That guy has a really punchable face.
But once again we see further evidence confirming the fact that racists and bigots are attracted to aspects of the GOP agenda and conservative dogma in general, where racists tend to identify as conservative and find refuge among the ranks of republicans.
How many videos and stories have you seen in the past year where young black people are finding random white people and knocking them unconscious with sucker punches? Don't lecture us about evidence of racism in our party. We aren't attacking people, putting them into comas, or killing them. Why does a video of a bunch of college kids singing an offensive song, somehow trump videos of violent attacks perpetrated by mobs of black people? I fucking WISH that the racism white people are faced with all over this country was just an offensive song. You people need to get your fucking priorities straight and you need to stop overlooking the violent racism we see regularly from the left. The problem is on the left, not on the right, clearly.
Maybe they thought it was a poll on gay marriage. "Whaaaat? Did you say mixed up marriage?"
True. What with the state of education and all down there. :lmao:
They aren't educated enough to know a guy in a guy's ass is just as good as what nature intended.
Hmm you might want to rethink what you just wrote there bub :rofl:
Because you just supported guy on guy anal. Which knowing your posting history is a hilarious typo. :lmao:
Wow, you really are a dumb fuck. A grade schooler would have understood.
Have you got anything other than some bullshit website to support the charge? You know, something with an actual cite?

You mean like News Busters, Breibart, World Net Daily, Daily Caller, Newsmax; etc?
No, asshole. Regardless of which site repeats a poll, there needs to be a link to it so people can see where the poll came from, how it was done and exactly what questions were asked.

You liberals really are stupid people. That's not rhetoric, you're mentally diminished and can't understand anything beyond the level of children.
Indeed, all the evidence supports the fact that liberals have been fighting against racism and discrimination since before the days of Brown.
Many liberal policies have the opposite effect. Which isn't all that unusual. The argument isn't whether racism needs to be disolved but how to go about it. Liberals typically try to force people to change from the outside in by way of power from the government, conservatives would rather people change from the inside out where change is more authentic and meaningful.

There's a good chance you and most liberals won't even understand those words. THAT is the problem, not some redneck in Mississippi.

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