Iran agreement looks inevitable

Iran will never honor any deal that stops their progress towards a Nuclear Weapon...............Irregardless of what is finally agreed to................Iran is just buying it needs more time to join the Nuclear Club...............................

The deal in the end will mean NOTHING...........A political victory to say................LOOKY WHAT I DID....................

It will fail..............they will not honor it..............
Iran will never honor any deal that stops their progress towards a Nuclear Weapon...............Irregardless of what is finally agreed to................Iran is just buying it needs more time to join the Nuclear Club...............................

The deal in the end will mean NOTHING...........A political victory to say................LOOKY WHAT I DID....................

It will fail..............they will not honor it..............

Yup! Any agreement reached will not hold up.
Iran says no agreement. France, Russia and China have left so there's really no possibility of an agreement. All Kerry can do is come up with a proposal for an agreement.
Only apartheid Israel hates the agreement. ...... :cool: an American I'm opposed to making a deal with a country that chants Death to America..................

They are a State Sponsor of Terror..................I see no reason to respect any damned thing they say................

As a realist, they will never honor the agreement................

Our cultures are destined to clash...............they are opposite of each the Radical Islamist push for convert to ISLAM OR DIE...................they eventually will face the crowd that says.......................

WE CHOOSE THE OR ELSE OPTION..................Now do something about that...............

aka Kiss my ass Iran.
It's the U.S. that always wants to extend the talks. From this alone, it tells us Iran has the upper hand in the bargaining. Gonna be just another Obamablama fail.
Means nothing.

Iran can do anything they want, including build nukes.

The Republicans said so.
Iran will never honor any deal that stops their progress towards a Nuclear Weapon...............Irregardless of what is finally agreed to................Iran is just buying it needs more time to join the Nuclear Club...............................

The deal in the end will mean NOTHING...........A political victory to say................LOOKY WHAT I DID....................

It will fail..............they will not honor it..............

Knew you were an idiot, but seriously?

Only apartheid Israel hates the agreement. ...... :cool:

Even Saudi Arabia-----land of the two mosques---HATE it ----in fact all decent sunnis hate it ------(please note---I put the words "decent" and "sunni" in one sentence. In fact most of my muslim friends have been sunnis----some of them were decent
Iran agreement looks inevitable and eyes turn to Congress Mondoweiss

The american people agree this is a good thing. The only people who hate this are Israel Firster traitors and/or War mongers.

you are kinda quoting the supporters of Chamberlain. ----
way back before 1970----there were hundreds of propaganda pamphlets still floating around in my ---semi rural/suburban town-------the most interesting was the
islamo Nazi stuff from the 1930s. People who objected to your pal ADOLF were being called
WAR MONGERS. The "agreement" will change nothing------the war in Yemen will march on----in fact it will encourage ACCELERATION of the filth you adore. The war in Yemen will spread to Saudi Arabia that much faster and the USA will be sucked into the filth you support. It might be a good thing-----get it over with that much faster
Iran will never honor any deal that stops their progress towards a Nuclear Weapon...............Irregardless of what is finally agreed to................Iran is just buying it needs more time to join the Nuclear Club...............................

The deal in the end will mean NOTHING...........A political victory to say................LOOKY WHAT I DID....................

It will fail..............they will not honor it..............

Knew you were an idiot, but seriously?


I thought it was not a word as well....however......
Irregardless originated in dialectal American speech in the early 20th century. Its fairly widespread use in speech called it to the attention of usage commentators as early as 1927. The most frequently repeated remark about it is that “there is no such word.” There is such a word, however. It is still used primarily in speech, although it can be found from time to time in edited prose. Its reputation has not risen over the years, and it is still a long way from general acceptance. Use regardless instead.

Irregardless - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

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