Iran Bans U.S. Inspectors from All Nuclear Sites

Did you miss it? The US is banned from inspecting Iranian facilities.....But you go ahead and believe (everyone must have some faith after all) that Iran will be getting rid of their weapons grade material. Have you ever heard of P.T. Barnum?

Iran will not accept American inspectors. They will accept inspectors from any country they maintain normal diplomatic relations with.

Are you under the impression that the US is the only other country involved in this deal?
No, but I am under the impression that we brokered the deal and we are significant stakeholders in this deal. Are you saying that banning US inspectors is not the least bit suspicious?

We did not "broker" this deal, we were one of 7 parties involved in the direct negotiations, on behalf the 164 member-states of the IAEA.

Why is it "suspicious" that Iran would not want inspectors from a country that it considers, and is considered by an enemy?
Okay, we were the lead principle for this deal, I"m sorry you don't consider us the principle broker, but we are. In My opinion, the other nations were simply along for the photo ops....

In any case, we have a stakeholder interest in this deal and a right to be included in the inspections. However, why should we even maintain this deal if the other side considers us an enemy?

A bad deal, all the way around.

They get everything they wanted...

We get told to fuck off.....

What could possibly be wrong with it?

We were not the "lead principle" for this deal. I don't know where you're pulling this shit from. We were in no higher a position at the table than any of the P5+1, your "opinion" that they were there for the fun of it notwithstanding.

As for "stakeholders" in the deal, we have less of an active stake it this than hundreds of other IAEA countries who would actually be in theoretical danger should Iran get a bomb.

Your post seems to suffer from a frequently seen issue in this country - the United States is not the center of the Universe, and the rest of the world doesn't revolve around us.

Russia, China, Pakistan, India, England, France, Germany - all of them have more to worry about than us from a nuclear Iran.
But...but...we're 'Mericans'.
We have the military option at any time. A week ago, ten years ago, ten years from now.

The only thing that changed is Iran will be getting rid of almost all of its weapons grade nuclear material and inspectors will check on their facilities regularly. If they are cheating they will pay the price.

Republicans ONLY hate this deal because they don't now foreign policy and could never negotiate a deal. That's it.

So yes Republicans, cry for us. But please do so in California, they need the water.

No..we hate this deal for it's obvious flaws.


It's pretty hard to take your statements seriously, since you guys have "hated" the deal for years now - long before you actually knew anything about it.

You hate it because you've been told to hate it. At this point it's silly for you to even pretend it has anything to do with the deal itself.
Drinking tonight?

I've not been told to hate anything, by anyone......not now, not ever....

However, I do recall that the standard was that Iran was NOT to have any nuclear nuclear enrichment equipment....and NO BOMB.....

This was the standard back in 1980.....and it was ONE of the reasons we put sanctions on Iran to begin with......To get them to stop....

Now......we just threw our hands in the air and capitulated to the Mullahs....

Great deal we have there...

1. The "standard" that you recall is incorrect.
2. In what sense have we "capitulated" anything?

So explain why anyone should support this deal..

1. Iran has agreed to stop developing nuclear weapons.
2. Iran has agreed to shut down the vast majority of it's centrifuges.
3. Iran has agreed to the removal of the vast majority of it's fissile uranium.
4. Ending sanctions will help bring Iran into the modern world, both in the economic sense and the political one.

Tell me why we shouldn't support this deal?
Did you miss it? The US is banned from inspecting Iranian facilities.....But you go ahead and believe (everyone must have some faith after all) that Iran will be getting rid of their weapons grade material. Have you ever heard of P.T. Barnum?

Iran will not accept American inspectors. They will accept inspectors from any country they maintain normal diplomatic relations with.

Are you under the impression that the US is the only other country involved in this deal?
No, but I am under the impression that we brokered the deal and we are significant stakeholders in this deal. Are you saying that banning US inspectors is not the least bit suspicious?

We did not "broker" this deal, we were one of 7 parties involved in the direct negotiations, on behalf the 164 member-states of the IAEA.

Why is it "suspicious" that Iran would not want inspectors from a country that it considers, and is considered by an enemy?
Okay, we were the lead principle for this deal, I"m sorry you don't consider us the principle broker, but we are. In My opinion, the other nations were simply along for the photo ops....

In any case, we have a stakeholder interest in this deal and a right to be included in the inspections. However, why should we even maintain this deal if the other side considers us an enemy?

A bad deal, all the way around.

They get everything they wanted...

We get told to fuck off.....

What could possibly be wrong with it?

We were not the "lead principle" for this deal. I don't know where you're pulling this shit from. We were in no higher a position at the table than any of the P5+1, your "opinion" that they were there for the fun of it notwithstanding.

As for "stakeholders" in the deal, we have less of an active stake it this than hundreds of other IAEA countries who would actually be in theoretical danger should Iran get a bomb.

Your post seems to suffer from a frequently seen issue in this country - the United States is not the center of the Universe, and the rest of the world doesn't revolve around us.

Russia, China, Pakistan, India, England, France, Germany - all of them have more to worry about than us from a nuclear Iran.
And the far left drones forget that Israel has the most to worry about. Russia, China and Pakistan do not have that much to worry about..
Iran will not accept American inspectors. They will accept inspectors from any country they maintain normal diplomatic relations with.

Are you under the impression that the US is the only other country involved in this deal?
No, but I am under the impression that we brokered the deal and we are significant stakeholders in this deal. Are you saying that banning US inspectors is not the least bit suspicious?

We did not "broker" this deal, we were one of 7 parties involved in the direct negotiations, on behalf the 164 member-states of the IAEA.

Why is it "suspicious" that Iran would not want inspectors from a country that it considers, and is considered by an enemy?
Okay, we were the lead principle for this deal, I"m sorry you don't consider us the principle broker, but we are. In My opinion, the other nations were simply along for the photo ops....

In any case, we have a stakeholder interest in this deal and a right to be included in the inspections. However, why should we even maintain this deal if the other side considers us an enemy?

A bad deal, all the way around.

They get everything they wanted...

We get told to fuck off.....

What could possibly be wrong with it?

We were not the "lead principle" for this deal. I don't know where you're pulling this shit from. We were in no higher a position at the table than any of the P5+1, your "opinion" that they were there for the fun of it notwithstanding.

As for "stakeholders" in the deal, we have less of an active stake it this than hundreds of other IAEA countries who would actually be in theoretical danger should Iran get a bomb.

Your post seems to suffer from a frequently seen issue in this country - the United States is not the center of the Universe, and the rest of the world doesn't revolve around us.

Russia, China, Pakistan, India, England, France, Germany - all of them have more to worry about than us from a nuclear Iran.
But...but...we're Mericans

Sorry top the far left drones like you, they are "White" Hispanics..
We have the military option at any time. A week ago, ten years ago, ten years from now.

The only thing that changed is Iran will be getting rid of almost all of its weapons grade nuclear material and inspectors will check on their facilities regularly. If they are cheating they will pay the price.

Republicans ONLY hate this deal because they don't now foreign policy and could never negotiate a deal. That's it.

So yes Republicans, cry for us. But please do so in California, they need the water.

No..we hate this deal for it's obvious flaws.


It's pretty hard to take your statements seriously, since you guys have "hated" the deal for years now - long before you actually knew anything about it.

You hate it because you've been told to hate it. At this point it's silly for you to even pretend it has anything to do with the deal itself.
Drinking tonight?

I've not been told to hate anything, by anyone......not now, not ever....

However, I do recall that the standard was that Iran was NOT to have any nuclear nuclear enrichment equipment....and NO BOMB.....

This was the standard back in 1980.....and it was ONE of the reasons we put sanctions on Iran to begin with......To get them to stop....

Now......we just threw our hands in the air and capitulated to the Mullahs....

Great deal we have there...

Bush & Condoleezza Rice told Iran they could keep centrifuges & use them to enrich uranium. Obama is not the one who caved to Iran.

I'd like to see some links for that so I can say you're right.......
Iran will not accept American inspectors. They will accept inspectors from any country they maintain normal diplomatic relations with.

Are you under the impression that the US is the only other country involved in this deal?
No, but I am under the impression that we brokered the deal and we are significant stakeholders in this deal. Are you saying that banning US inspectors is not the least bit suspicious?

We did not "broker" this deal, we were one of 7 parties involved in the direct negotiations, on behalf the 164 member-states of the IAEA.

Why is it "suspicious" that Iran would not want inspectors from a country that it considers, and is considered by an enemy?
Okay, we were the lead principle for this deal, I"m sorry you don't consider us the principle broker, but we are. In My opinion, the other nations were simply along for the photo ops....

In any case, we have a stakeholder interest in this deal and a right to be included in the inspections. However, why should we even maintain this deal if the other side considers us an enemy?

A bad deal, all the way around.

They get everything they wanted...

We get told to fuck off.....

What could possibly be wrong with it?

We were not the "lead principle" for this deal. I don't know where you're pulling this shit from. We were in no higher a position at the table than any of the P5+1, your "opinion" that they were there for the fun of it notwithstanding.

As for "stakeholders" in the deal, we have less of an active stake it this than hundreds of other IAEA countries who would actually be in theoretical danger should Iran get a bomb.

Your post seems to suffer from a frequently seen issue in this country - the United States is not the center of the Universe, and the rest of the world doesn't revolve around us.

Russia, China, Pakistan, India, England, France, Germany - all of them have more to worry about than us from a nuclear Iran.
And the far left drones forget that Israel has the most to worry about. Russia, China and Pakistan do not have that much to worry about..

Israel doesn't get a seat at the table because they're not members of IAEA, because of their illegal nuclear weapons.

It's pretty stupid to think that Russia, China and Pakistan want another member of the club.
Iran Bans U.S. Inspectors from All Nuclear Sites

No Americans permitted under final nuclear deal

U.S. and Iranian officials confirmed Thursday that no American nuclear inspectors will be permitted to enter the country’s contested nuclear site under the parameters of a deal reached with world powers this week, according to multiple statements by American and Iranian officials.

Under the tenants of the final nuclear deal reached this week in Vienna, only countries with normal diplomatic relations with Iran will be permitted to participate in inspections teams organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

The revelation of this caveat has attracted concern from some analysts who maintain that only American experts can be trusted to verify that Iran is not cheating on the deal and operating clandestine nuclear facilities.

The admission is the latest in a series of apparent concessions made by the United States to Iran under the deal. Other portions of the agreement include a promise by the United States to help Iran combat nuclear sabotage and threats to its program.

“Iran will increase the number of designated IAEA inspectors to the range of 130-150 within 9 months from the date of the implementation of the JCPOA, and will generally allow the designation of inspectors from nations that have diplomatic relations with Iran, consistent with its laws and regulations,” the deal states, according to text released by the Russians and Iranians.

Susan Rice, President Obama’s national security adviser, confirmed this in an interview with CNN.

Iran Bans U.S. Inspectors from All Nuclear Sites Washington Free Beacon

We knew something like this was coming, didn't we?
Hopefully Congress will not approve this deal.
There is no guarantee of accountability.
No, but I am under the impression that we brokered the deal and we are significant stakeholders in this deal. Are you saying that banning US inspectors is not the least bit suspicious?

We did not "broker" this deal, we were one of 7 parties involved in the direct negotiations, on behalf the 164 member-states of the IAEA.

Why is it "suspicious" that Iran would not want inspectors from a country that it considers, and is considered by an enemy?
Okay, we were the lead principle for this deal, I"m sorry you don't consider us the principle broker, but we are. In My opinion, the other nations were simply along for the photo ops....

In any case, we have a stakeholder interest in this deal and a right to be included in the inspections. However, why should we even maintain this deal if the other side considers us an enemy?

A bad deal, all the way around.

They get everything they wanted...

We get told to fuck off.....

What could possibly be wrong with it?

We were not the "lead principle" for this deal. I don't know where you're pulling this shit from. We were in no higher a position at the table than any of the P5+1, your "opinion" that they were there for the fun of it notwithstanding.

As for "stakeholders" in the deal, we have less of an active stake it this than hundreds of other IAEA countries who would actually be in theoretical danger should Iran get a bomb.

Your post seems to suffer from a frequently seen issue in this country - the United States is not the center of the Universe, and the rest of the world doesn't revolve around us.

Russia, China, Pakistan, India, England, France, Germany - all of them have more to worry about than us from a nuclear Iran.
And the far left drones forget that Israel has the most to worry about. Russia, China and Pakistan do not have that much to worry about..

Israel doesn't get a seat at the table because they're not members of IAEA, because of their illegal nuclear weapons.
Illegal, huh? How so?.....
No..we hate this deal for it's obvious flaws.


It's pretty hard to take your statements seriously, since you guys have "hated" the deal for years now - long before you actually knew anything about it.

You hate it because you've been told to hate it. At this point it's silly for you to even pretend it has anything to do with the deal itself.
Drinking tonight?

I've not been told to hate anything, by anyone......not now, not ever....

However, I do recall that the standard was that Iran was NOT to have any nuclear nuclear enrichment equipment....and NO BOMB.....

This was the standard back in 1980.....and it was ONE of the reasons we put sanctions on Iran to begin with......To get them to stop....

Now......we just threw our hands in the air and capitulated to the Mullahs....

Great deal we have there...

1. The "standard" that you recall is incorrect.
2. In what sense have we "capitulated" anything?

So explain why anyone should support this deal..

1. Iran has agreed to stop developing nuclear weapons.
2. Iran has agreed to shut down the vast majority of it's centrifuges.
3. Iran has agreed to the removal of the vast majority of it's fissile uranium.
4. Ending sanctions will help bring Iran into the modern world, both in the economic sense and the political one.

Tell me why we shouldn't support this deal?

Saddam agreed to many of the same tings, took over ten years to make Iraq comply. Explain what the consequences are if Iran does not comply, are there any? The threat of sanctions? Sanctions have been on Iran since 1979, show where that has really stopped them?

Also point to the parts of the deal that express that..

Sanctions do not hurt the dictatorship in charge of Iran. So lifting sanctions just gives them more money and more capability to pull the wool over the eyes of the blind..
We did not "broker" this deal, we were one of 7 parties involved in the direct negotiations, on behalf the 164 member-states of the IAEA.

Why is it "suspicious" that Iran would not want inspectors from a country that it considers, and is considered by an enemy?
Okay, we were the lead principle for this deal, I"m sorry you don't consider us the principle broker, but we are. In My opinion, the other nations were simply along for the photo ops....

In any case, we have a stakeholder interest in this deal and a right to be included in the inspections. However, why should we even maintain this deal if the other side considers us an enemy?

A bad deal, all the way around.

They get everything they wanted...

We get told to fuck off.....

What could possibly be wrong with it?

We were not the "lead principle" for this deal. I don't know where you're pulling this shit from. We were in no higher a position at the table than any of the P5+1, your "opinion" that they were there for the fun of it notwithstanding.

As for "stakeholders" in the deal, we have less of an active stake it this than hundreds of other IAEA countries who would actually be in theoretical danger should Iran get a bomb.

Your post seems to suffer from a frequently seen issue in this country - the United States is not the center of the Universe, and the rest of the world doesn't revolve around us.

Russia, China, Pakistan, India, England, France, Germany - all of them have more to worry about than us from a nuclear Iran.
And the far left drones forget that Israel has the most to worry about. Russia, China and Pakistan do not have that much to worry about..

Israel doesn't get a seat at the table because they're not members of IAEA, because of their illegal nuclear weapons.
Illegal, huh? How so?.....

Technically, Israel's weapons aren't "illegal", because they're one of the only countries in the world that has refused to sign the NPT.

But their weapons are illegal to 164 countries in the world.
No, but I am under the impression that we brokered the deal and we are significant stakeholders in this deal. Are you saying that banning US inspectors is not the least bit suspicious?

We did not "broker" this deal, we were one of 7 parties involved in the direct negotiations, on behalf the 164 member-states of the IAEA.

Why is it "suspicious" that Iran would not want inspectors from a country that it considers, and is considered by an enemy?
Okay, we were the lead principle for this deal, I"m sorry you don't consider us the principle broker, but we are. In My opinion, the other nations were simply along for the photo ops....

In any case, we have a stakeholder interest in this deal and a right to be included in the inspections. However, why should we even maintain this deal if the other side considers us an enemy?

A bad deal, all the way around.

They get everything they wanted...

We get told to fuck off.....

What could possibly be wrong with it?

We were not the "lead principle" for this deal. I don't know where you're pulling this shit from. We were in no higher a position at the table than any of the P5+1, your "opinion" that they were there for the fun of it notwithstanding.

As for "stakeholders" in the deal, we have less of an active stake it this than hundreds of other IAEA countries who would actually be in theoretical danger should Iran get a bomb.

Your post seems to suffer from a frequently seen issue in this country - the United States is not the center of the Universe, and the rest of the world doesn't revolve around us.

Russia, China, Pakistan, India, England, France, Germany - all of them have more to worry about than us from a nuclear Iran.
But...but...we're Mericans

Sorry top the far left drones like you, they are "White" Hispanics..
White Hispanics can be 'Merican' too.
We did not "broker" this deal, we were one of 7 parties involved in the direct negotiations, on behalf the 164 member-states of the IAEA.

Why is it "suspicious" that Iran would not want inspectors from a country that it considers, and is considered by an enemy?
Okay, we were the lead principle for this deal, I"m sorry you don't consider us the principle broker, but we are. In My opinion, the other nations were simply along for the photo ops....

In any case, we have a stakeholder interest in this deal and a right to be included in the inspections. However, why should we even maintain this deal if the other side considers us an enemy?

A bad deal, all the way around.

They get everything they wanted...

We get told to fuck off.....

What could possibly be wrong with it?

We were not the "lead principle" for this deal. I don't know where you're pulling this shit from. We were in no higher a position at the table than any of the P5+1, your "opinion" that they were there for the fun of it notwithstanding.

As for "stakeholders" in the deal, we have less of an active stake it this than hundreds of other IAEA countries who would actually be in theoretical danger should Iran get a bomb.

Your post seems to suffer from a frequently seen issue in this country - the United States is not the center of the Universe, and the rest of the world doesn't revolve around us.

Russia, China, Pakistan, India, England, France, Germany - all of them have more to worry about than us from a nuclear Iran.
And the far left drones forget that Israel has the most to worry about. Russia, China and Pakistan do not have that much to worry about..

Israel doesn't get a seat at the table because they're not members of IAEA, because of their illegal nuclear weapons.
Illegal, huh? How so?.....

Many far left drones think that Israel has illegal nuclear weapons, yet no one has been able to prove it. Although you can thank the French for them having Nuclear Power..
Iran Bans U.S. Inspectors from All Nuclear Sites

No Americans permitted under final nuclear deal

U.S. and Iranian officials confirmed Thursday that no American nuclear inspectors will be permitted to enter the country’s contested nuclear site under the parameters of a deal reached with world powers this week, according to multiple statements by American and Iranian officials.

Under the tenants of the final nuclear deal reached this week in Vienna, only countries with normal diplomatic relations with Iran will be permitted to participate in inspections teams organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

The revelation of this caveat has attracted concern from some analysts who maintain that only American experts can be trusted to verify that Iran is not cheating on the deal and operating clandestine nuclear facilities.

The admission is the latest in a series of apparent concessions made by the United States to Iran under the deal. Other portions of the agreement include a promise by the United States to help Iran combat nuclear sabotage and threats to its program.

“Iran will increase the number of designated IAEA inspectors to the range of 130-150 within 9 months from the date of the implementation of the JCPOA, and will generally allow the designation of inspectors from nations that have diplomatic relations with Iran, consistent with its laws and regulations,” the deal states, according to text released by the Russians and Iranians.

Susan Rice, President Obama’s national security adviser, confirmed this in an interview with CNN.

Iran Bans U.S. Inspectors from All Nuclear Sites Washington Free Beacon

We knew something like this was coming, didn't we?
Hopefully Congress will not approve this deal.
There is no guarantee of accountability.

Congress doesn't have to "approve" the deal.

They can disapprove of the deal, but that will take a 2/3s majority to override Obama's veto.
We did not "broker" this deal, we were one of 7 parties involved in the direct negotiations, on behalf the 164 member-states of the IAEA.

Why is it "suspicious" that Iran would not want inspectors from a country that it considers, and is considered by an enemy?
Okay, we were the lead principle for this deal, I"m sorry you don't consider us the principle broker, but we are. In My opinion, the other nations were simply along for the photo ops....

In any case, we have a stakeholder interest in this deal and a right to be included in the inspections. However, why should we even maintain this deal if the other side considers us an enemy?

A bad deal, all the way around.

They get everything they wanted...

We get told to fuck off.....

What could possibly be wrong with it?

We were not the "lead principle" for this deal. I don't know where you're pulling this shit from. We were in no higher a position at the table than any of the P5+1, your "opinion" that they were there for the fun of it notwithstanding.

As for "stakeholders" in the deal, we have less of an active stake it this than hundreds of other IAEA countries who would actually be in theoretical danger should Iran get a bomb.

Your post seems to suffer from a frequently seen issue in this country - the United States is not the center of the Universe, and the rest of the world doesn't revolve around us.

Russia, China, Pakistan, India, England, France, Germany - all of them have more to worry about than us from a nuclear Iran.
But...but...we're Mericans

Sorry top the far left drones like you, they are "White" Hispanics..
White Hispanics can be 'Merican' too.

And you prove why you are a far left drone, next the far left will be claiming "white" Arabs..
Okay, we were the lead principle for this deal, I"m sorry you don't consider us the principle broker, but we are. In My opinion, the other nations were simply along for the photo ops....

In any case, we have a stakeholder interest in this deal and a right to be included in the inspections. However, why should we even maintain this deal if the other side considers us an enemy?

A bad deal, all the way around.

They get everything they wanted...

We get told to fuck off.....

What could possibly be wrong with it?

We were not the "lead principle" for this deal. I don't know where you're pulling this shit from. We were in no higher a position at the table than any of the P5+1, your "opinion" that they were there for the fun of it notwithstanding.

As for "stakeholders" in the deal, we have less of an active stake it this than hundreds of other IAEA countries who would actually be in theoretical danger should Iran get a bomb.

Your post seems to suffer from a frequently seen issue in this country - the United States is not the center of the Universe, and the rest of the world doesn't revolve around us.

Russia, China, Pakistan, India, England, France, Germany - all of them have more to worry about than us from a nuclear Iran.
And the far left drones forget that Israel has the most to worry about. Russia, China and Pakistan do not have that much to worry about..

Israel doesn't get a seat at the table because they're not members of IAEA, because of their illegal nuclear weapons.
Illegal, huh? How so?.....

Many far left drones think that Israel has illegal nuclear weapons, yet no one has been able to prove it. Although you can thank the French for them having Nuclear Power..
Many far right retards think they have a right to inspect even though Iran said they don't.
We have the military option at any time. A week ago, ten years ago, ten years from now.

The only thing that changed is Iran will be getting rid of almost all of its weapons grade nuclear material and inspectors will check on their facilities regularly. If they are cheating they will pay the price.

Republicans ONLY hate this deal because they don't now foreign policy and could never negotiate a deal. That's it.

So yes Republicans, cry for us. But please do so in California, they need the water.

No..we hate this deal for it's obvious flaws.


It's pretty hard to take your statements seriously, since you guys have "hated" the deal for years now - long before you actually knew anything about it.

You hate it because you've been told to hate it. At this point it's silly for you to even pretend it has anything to do with the deal itself.
Drinking tonight?

I've not been told to hate anything, by anyone......not now, not ever....

However, I do recall that the standard was that Iran was NOT to have any nuclear nuclear enrichment equipment....and NO BOMB.....

This was the standard back in 1980.....and it was ONE of the reasons we put sanctions on Iran to begin with......To get them to stop....

Now......we just threw our hands in the air and capitulated to the Mullahs....

Great deal we have there...

Bush & Condoleezza Rice told Iran they could keep centrifuges & use them to enrich uranium. Obama is not the one who caved to Iran.

And now, 47 Republicans have told them they can have any nukes they want.

Okay, we were the lead principle for this deal, I"m sorry you don't consider us the principle broker, but we are. In My opinion, the other nations were simply along for the photo ops....

In any case, we have a stakeholder interest in this deal and a right to be included in the inspections. However, why should we even maintain this deal if the other side considers us an enemy?

A bad deal, all the way around.

They get everything they wanted...

We get told to fuck off.....

What could possibly be wrong with it?

We were not the "lead principle" for this deal. I don't know where you're pulling this shit from. We were in no higher a position at the table than any of the P5+1, your "opinion" that they were there for the fun of it notwithstanding.

As for "stakeholders" in the deal, we have less of an active stake it this than hundreds of other IAEA countries who would actually be in theoretical danger should Iran get a bomb.

Your post seems to suffer from a frequently seen issue in this country - the United States is not the center of the Universe, and the rest of the world doesn't revolve around us.

Russia, China, Pakistan, India, England, France, Germany - all of them have more to worry about than us from a nuclear Iran.
And the far left drones forget that Israel has the most to worry about. Russia, China and Pakistan do not have that much to worry about..

Israel doesn't get a seat at the table because they're not members of IAEA, because of their illegal nuclear weapons.
Illegal, huh? How so?.....

Technically, Israel's weapons aren't "illegal", because they're one of the only countries in the world that has refused to sign the NPT.

But their weapons are illegal to 164 countries in the world.
Technically Israel doesn't confirm or deny its nuclear weapons, even though they obviously exist: Nuclear weapons and Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
In a December 2006 interview, Israeli Prime MinisterEhud Olmert stated that Iran aspires "to have a nuclear weapon as America, France, Israel and Russia".[189] Olmert's office later said that the quote was taken out of context; in other parts of the interview, Olmert refused to confirm or deny Israel's nuclear weapon status.[190]

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