Iran put on notice

Will you be fighting in Iran?

You people crack me up... all they are doing is setting up for pulling out of that stupid deal the past admin did. The basis will be that Iran broke the treaty, so we're done. It was a fools errand anyway to even for a moment think the Mullah's would abide by it.

That's your opinion.

Mine is trump has seen and heard the resistance, and what better way to change the conversation than to put our troops in harms way?

Resistance my ass. A bunch of progressive crying and sniveling is not "resistance".

I'm sorry, you are not the Lexicon in Chief, you're simply a hack with nothing of substance tooffer.
Will you be fighting in Iran?

You people crack me up... all they are doing is setting up for pulling out of that stupid deal the past admin did. The basis will be that Iran broke the treaty, so we're done. It was a fools errand anyway to even for a moment think the Mullah's would abide by it.

That's your opinion.

Mine is trump has seen and heard the resistance, and what better way to change the conversation than to put our troops in harms way?

Resistance my ass. A bunch of progressive crying and sniveling is not "resistance".

I'm sorry, you are not the Lexicon in Chief, you're simply a hack with nothing of substance tooffer.

And you think crying and sniveling is substantive? No wonder you 'tards lost.
No we didn't. Bush lost the war. The surge failed. There wasn't even supposed to have been need for a surge. What a joke that war was. The GOP is itching to fuck up another war, this time with Iran. My money is on Iran humiliating Trumptard. They get a nuke, and OrangeBabyMan can't do a thing to stop them. Look at what's already happened. An Iranian missle test is answered with a sternly worded lecture . Oooooooohhhh. I bet Iran is shaking in their boots. Pfffffft.

Hmmm. The history books say different.
Leftists are well known for history versions of their own. The surge was a rousing success

The surge was a flop. Violence still took place daily. And most importantly, there never was supposed to be a need for any surge! It was Mission Accomplished in 2003, then a surge a few years later? What the fuck kind of clusterfuck was that? The war was a mistake, and the voters corrected the mistake by firing the GOP from Congress and the White House two elections in a row.

Looks like the GOP will repeat their mistake, but with Iran.

You do realize that Iran has a nuclear program only because of GOP aggressiveness. If it weren't for conservative Americans, then Iran wouldn't need a nuke. Their program is the fault of people like you.

Shit dude. Chicago is more dangerous than the violence that was occurring after the surge. You're full of horse dung.

Bzzzzt . Wrong. And Iraq was safest prior to Bushtard's stupid invasion. Saddam Hussien did a great job of keeping Shiite and Sunni extremists in check too. Now that the Bush War Monkey stupidly removed him,, the Shiite and Sunni extremists are fighting for power. And stupid conservatives think our lack of a presence is the problem. No, stupid, our presence was the problem.

Unless you were one of the 35,000 that he and his boys murdered on a yearly basis. That being said I was not in favor of the invasion. That whole thing was a disaster IMO.
Will you be fighting in Iran?

You people crack me up... all they are doing is setting up for pulling out of that stupid deal the past admin did. The basis will be that Iran broke the treaty, so we're done. It was a fools errand anyway to even for a moment think the Mullah's would abide by it.

That's your opinion.

Mine is trump has seen and heard the resistance, and what better way to change the conversation than to put our troops in harms way?

Resistance my ass. A bunch of progressive crying and sniveling is not "resistance".

I'm sorry, you are not the Lexicon in Chief, you're simply a hack with nothing of substance tooffer.

And you think crying and sniveling is substantive? No wonder you 'tards lost.

You're not very bright, no matter how smart you delude yourself to believe. It's no wonder you are a trump supporter, you too are a bully, and in my experience bullies are cowards attempting to prove to themselves they are something they are not.

Defending the man who is totally unfit to hold the power he has is not patriotic, it is foolish; attacking those who have watched the fiasco and discord created by this man disrespects all that made our nation great. The truth is you're a coward, fearful of minorities, even small children and the women who flee murderous despots, and want us to believe the US remains what it once was - the defender of human rights. That moral code vanished in the blink of an eye the very day trump took the oath of office.
You people crack me up... all they are doing is setting up for pulling out of that stupid deal the past admin did. The basis will be that Iran broke the treaty, so we're done. It was a fools errand anyway to even for a moment think the Mullah's would abide by it.

That's your opinion.

Mine is trump has seen and heard the resistance, and what better way to change the conversation than to put our troops in harms way?

Resistance my ass. A bunch of progressive crying and sniveling is not "resistance".

I'm sorry, you are not the Lexicon in Chief, you're simply a hack with nothing of substance tooffer.

And you think crying and sniveling is substantive? No wonder you 'tards lost.

You're not very bright, no matter how smart you delude yourself to believe. It's no wonder you are a trump supporter, you too are a bully, and in my experience bullies are cowards attempting to prove to themselves they are something they are not.

Defending the man who is totally unfit to hold the power he has is not patriotic, it is foolish; attacking those who have watched the fiasco and discord created by this man disrespects all that made our nation great. The truth is you're a coward, fearful of minorities, even small children and the women who flee murderous despots, and want us to believe the US remains what it once was - the defender of human rights. That moral code vanished in the blink of an eye the very day trump took the oath of office.

Projection son. You lost dumbass and all you can do is whine, cry, and call people names. You are like a child that didn't get his way, kicking the floor and screaming. Now run along, the children are playing down the hall.
Hmmm. The history books say different.
Leftists are well known for history versions of their own. The surge was a rousing success

The surge was a flop. Violence still took place daily. And most importantly, there never was supposed to be a need for any surge! It was Mission Accomplished in 2003, then a surge a few years later? What the fuck kind of clusterfuck was that? The war was a mistake, and the voters corrected the mistake by firing the GOP from Congress and the White House two elections in a row.

Looks like the GOP will repeat their mistake, but with Iran.

You do realize that Iran has a nuclear program only because of GOP aggressiveness. If it weren't for conservative Americans, then Iran wouldn't need a nuke. Their program is the fault of people like you.

Shit dude. Chicago is more dangerous than the violence that was occurring after the surge. You're full of horse dung.

Bzzzzt . Wrong. And Iraq was safest prior to Bushtard's stupid invasion. Saddam Hussien did a great job of keeping Shiite and Sunni extremists in check too. Now that the Bush War Monkey stupidly removed him,, the Shiite and Sunni extremists are fighting for power. And stupid conservatives think our lack of a presence is the problem. No, stupid, our presence was the problem.

Unless you were one of the 35,000 that he and his boys murdered on a yearly basis. That being said I was not in favor of the invasion. That whole thing was a disaster IMO.
That has to be the very most flattering possible to speak of "W"'s criminal catastrophe.
National Security Advisor Gen. Michael Flynn: "As of today, we are officially putting Iran on notice."
Okay cool, they're "on notice", Now what?


They've set the stage for backing out of the nuke deal. That's what.
...and that will accomplish what? Given that all the other signatories to it have indicated that they're not about to "back out" of it.

Might as well just go ahead and "back out" of it if that's what the underlying intention is, saber rattling and bluster over violations just makes the United States look impotent.
We will NEVER Invade Iran.
- The nation is too massive, the terrain is too mountainous, etc.

The US MILITARY OPTION Goal would NOT be Iranian Regime Change by US military means as was the case in Iraq. The use of military and other means might be used to create circumstances / opportunities where change might be possible from within, but the US military would not / will not INVADE Iran with the intention of overthrowing the govt.

Iran's CONTINUED focus on building nuclear weapons is the US's concern.
-- YES, I most certainly said 'IRAN'S CONTINUED FOCUS ON BUILDING NUCLEAR WEAPONS'. don't be an ignorant dumbass - think for a minute. WHY would Iran be building and testing missiles capable of CARRYING NUCLEAR WEAPONS if they had no intention of continuing to work towards acquiring them?!
--- THIS, BTW, was a violation of Obama's Un-Constitutional UN-ratified Treaty with Iran. If NOTHING is done to / against them in retaliation for this violation it will be the equivalent of Barry issuing his Syrian 'Red Line' only to back down when Assad called his bluff. It will embolden Iran to do whatever they want.

Obama negotiated an UN-Constitutional Treaty with Iran out of a position of complete weakness.
- After every other nation had walked away from the negotiating table John Kerry remained....while the Iranian leader led chants of 'Death To America', while Iran's top military leader mocked the US and declared Obama was so desperate for a deal they would agree to anything (and was proven to be right), and while Iran's military practiced bombing mock US aircraft carriers.


Obama did nothing but give Iran everything they wanted, gave them more time, and delayed any real UN / world action against Iran to prevent them from acquiring nuclear weapons...which they will eventually do if something is not done to stop them.
You do realize you don't win a war until you actually kill enough people to fucking win. The war was lost when obie put ridiculous engagement rules on us. This war could be over in six months and I will explain it to you. You simply give the military the order and stand back and watch. You then get overwhelming victories that send the opposing side back to their safe spaces looking for puppies and crayons. Simply put you win a war by actually fighting one. I hope Trump does this.

This MORON still "thinks" we are fighting wars like we did in WW II....armies against armies on a battle field away from innocent civilians and with "conventional weaponry"....

Now watch this idiot and his ilk revert to "Lets just nuke them" !!
You do realize you don't win a war until you actually kill enough people to fucking win. The war was lost when obie put ridiculous engagement rules on us. This war could be over in six months and I will explain it to you. You simply give the military the order and stand back and watch. You then get overwhelming victories that send the opposing side back to their safe spaces looking for puppies and crayons. Simply put you win a war by actually fighting one. I hope Trump does this.

This MORON still "thinks" we are fighting wars like we did in WW II....armies against armies on a battle field away from innocent civilians and with "conventional weaponry"....

Now watch this idiot and his ilk revert to "Lets just nuke them" !!

London, Dresden and many more would say that what you typed is stupid.
National Security Advisor Gen. Michael Flynn: "As of today, we are officially putting Iran on notice."
Okay cool, they're "on notice", Now what?


They've set the stage for backing out of the nuke deal. That's what.
...and that will accomplish what? Given that all the other signatories to it have indicated that they're not about to "back out" of it.

Might as well just go ahead and "back out" of it if that's what the underlying intention is, saber rattling and bluster over violations just makes the United States look impotent.

They've (Iran) have already violated the agreement... only a fool would have ever thought the Mullahs would have ever honored the agreement.

Nobody's going to war over this.
The ball is in Iran's court, the problem is the people in charge over there believe chaos/war will usher in the return of the Mahdi (their "messiah")
It shouldn't be....Markets hate uncertainty, and right now the world is uncertain what is going to happen. There should be no uncertainty - Iran violated the agreement and needs to be dealt with. Consistency - something the UN and many leaders completely lack. Iran has the power right now, and they shouldn't. I am not saying 'war', but something has to be done.

Unfortunately thanks to Barry the sanctions have been lifted, and now that they have been they are NOT going back on.
They've (Iran) have already violated the agreement... only a fool would have ever thought the Mullahs would have ever honored the agreement.

Only a dumbass . moron would believe Iran smiling at them and declaring they will comply with the agreement while outside Iran's leader is leading a chant of 'Death To' your country and the Military leader is publicly mocking you and calling you / your nation desperate....

Of course that was JOHN KERRY sitting there, speaking for Barak Obama.

'Nuff said.
National Security Advisor Gen. Michael Flynn: "As of today, we are officially putting Iran on notice."
Okay cool, they're "on notice", Now what?


They've set the stage for backing out of the nuke deal. That's what.
...and that will accomplish what? Given that all the other signatories to it have indicated that they're not about to "back out" of it.

Might as well just go ahead and "back out" of it if that's what the underlying intention is, saber rattling and bluster over violations just makes the United States look impotent.

They've (Iran) have already violated the agreement... only a fool would have ever thought the Mullahs would have ever honored the agreement.

Nobody's going to war over this.
Again... The Trump Administration backs out of the "Agreement" and then what ? How does it preclude Iran from going right on doing what they're doing now? Is the U.S. backing out of the "agreement" the only consequence that buttresses the recent "officially putting Iran on notice" declaration by the Administration?
The ball is in Iran's court, the problem is the people in charge over there believe chaos/war will usher in the return of the Mahdi (their "messiah")
It shouldn't be....Markets hate uncertainty, and right now the world is uncertain what is going to happen. There should be no uncertainty - Iran violated the agreement and needs to be dealt with. Consistency - something the UN and many leaders completely lack. Iran has the power right now, and they shouldn't. I am not saying 'war', but something has to be done.

Unfortunately thanks to Barry the sanctions have been lifted, and now that they have been they are NOT going back on.

When/if they hit us they will be dealt with, but they won't do it until they are ready. Right now they are concentrating on the Saudi's in Yemen. They hate the Saudi's even more than the US and Israel.
National Security Advisor Gen. Michael Flynn: "As of today, we are officially putting Iran on notice."
Okay cool, they're "on notice", Now what?


They've set the stage for backing out of the nuke deal. That's what.
...and that will accomplish what? Given that all the other signatories to it have indicated that they're not about to "back out" of it.

Might as well just go ahead and "back out" of it if that's what the underlying intention is, saber rattling and bluster over violations just makes the United States look impotent.

They've (Iran) have already violated the agreement... only a fool would have ever thought the Mullahs would have ever honored the agreement.

Nobody's going to war over this.
Again... The Trump Administration backs out of the "Agreement" and then what ? How does it preclude Iran from going right on doing what they're doing now? Is the U.S. backing out of the "agreement" the only consequence that buttresses the recent "officially putting Iran on notice" declaration by the Administration?

Seems to me Iran is doing as they please with the agreement.....back out of it

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