Iran put on notice

National Security Advisor Gen. Michael Flynn: "As of today, we are officially putting Iran on notice."
Okay cool, they're "on notice", Now what?


They've set the stage for backing out of the nuke deal. That's what.
...and that will accomplish what? Given that all the other signatories to it have indicated that they're not about to "back out" of it.

Might as well just go ahead and "back out" of it if that's what the underlying intention is, saber rattling and bluster over violations just makes the United States look impotent.

They've (Iran) have already violated the agreement... only a fool would have ever thought the Mullahs would have ever honored the agreement.

Nobody's going to war over this.
Again... The Trump Administration backs out of the "Agreement" and then what ? How does it preclude Iran from going right on doing what they're doing now? Is the U.S. backing out of the "agreement" the only consequence that buttresses the recent "officially putting Iran on notice" declaration by the Administration?

There is nothing more that the "agreement" can do, in the first place it was never real and in the second Iran got all f it's money. There is nothing left hence the missiles.
Seems to me Iran is doing as they please with the agreement.....back out of it
Damage is done - Sanctions are gone, not to come back, all leverage is gone, with the sanctions gone Iran has been loading up on defensive weapons....
Okay cool, they're "on notice", Now what?


They've set the stage for backing out of the nuke deal. That's what.
...and that will accomplish what? Given that all the other signatories to it have indicated that they're not about to "back out" of it.

Might as well just go ahead and "back out" of it if that's what the underlying intention is, saber rattling and bluster over violations just makes the United States look impotent.

They've (Iran) have already violated the agreement... only a fool would have ever thought the Mullahs would have ever honored the agreement.

Nobody's going to war over this.
Again... The Trump Administration backs out of the "Agreement" and then what ? How does it preclude Iran from going right on doing what they're doing now? Is the U.S. backing out of the "agreement" the only consequence that buttresses the recent "officially putting Iran on notice" declaration by the Administration?

Seems to me Iran is doing as they please with the agreement.....back out of it
Sure why not, it apparently isn't accomplishing anything anyways but the question is what do people think the options are for actually hindering Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them is? I don't see any way that simply backing out of the "agreement" and "putting them on notice" moves us any closer to that goal.

What do you think the Trump Administrations plan is beyond backing out of the agreement and putting Iran "on notice" is? Is there one?
Iran has met its obligations under the JCPOA. Those who say Iran has not are just parroting manufactured bullshit from their propaganda organs. They have never even read the agreement.

Here's an example of Iran meeting the agreement:

Ship with low-enriched uranium leaves Iran for Russia - U.S.

Ian is shipping 25,000 pounds of enriched uranium to Russia to meet its obligations under the nuclear agreement reached with the P5+1 in July. A cargo ship with the uranium stockpile departed Iran yesterday.


They've set the stage for backing out of the nuke deal. That's what.
...and that will accomplish what? Given that all the other signatories to it have indicated that they're not about to "back out" of it.

Might as well just go ahead and "back out" of it if that's what the underlying intention is, saber rattling and bluster over violations just makes the United States look impotent.

They've (Iran) have already violated the agreement... only a fool would have ever thought the Mullahs would have ever honored the agreement.

Nobody's going to war over this.
Again... The Trump Administration backs out of the "Agreement" and then what ? How does it preclude Iran from going right on doing what they're doing now? Is the U.S. backing out of the "agreement" the only consequence that buttresses the recent "officially putting Iran on notice" declaration by the Administration?

Seems to me Iran is doing as they please with the agreement.....back out of it
Sure why not, it apparently isn't accomplishing anything anyways but the question is what do people think the options are for actually hindering Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them is? I don't see any way that simply backing out of the "agreement" and "putting them on notice" moves us any closer to that goal.

What do you think the Trump Administrations plan is beyond backing out of the agreement and putting Iran "on notice" is? Is there one?

Short of "sanctions" or military action I think the options are limited.

Israel is never going to allow Iran to keep on working towards a nuke w/o some sort of action.
Seems to me Iran is doing as they please with the agreement.....back out of it
Damage is done - Sanctions are gone, not to come back, all leverage is gone, with the sanctions gone Iran has been loading up on defensive weapons....

Yet another bungle by Obungles
An Un-Constitutional one, at that - negotiated his own Treaty then fled to the UN to get it ratified before allowing Congress to see it...which makes the whole thing not worth the paper it is written on. It is a deal between BARRY and Iran, NOT the United states and Iran. Barry is gone now.
Trump is being punked.

Iran brushes off Trump's 'empty threats,' vows more missile tests

A top aide to Iran's supreme leader blamed the "inexperienced" Trump administration for apparent U.S. threats and vowed his country would continue testing ballistic missiles.

Ali Akbar Velayati, who advises Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on foreign affairs, said that Iran had not breached a nuclear deal reached with six major powers in 2015 or a U.N. Security Council resolution that endorsed the accord. The White House has accused Tehran of acting "in defiance" of a separate U.N. Security Council resolution on ballistic missiles, as opposed to the nuclear agreement.

See? Even Trump admits Iran has not violated the JCPOA.
...and that will accomplish what? Given that all the other signatories to it have indicated that they're not about to "back out" of it.

Might as well just go ahead and "back out" of it if that's what the underlying intention is, saber rattling and bluster over violations just makes the United States look impotent.

They've (Iran) have already violated the agreement... only a fool would have ever thought the Mullahs would have ever honored the agreement.

Nobody's going to war over this.
Again... The Trump Administration backs out of the "Agreement" and then what ? How does it preclude Iran from going right on doing what they're doing now? Is the U.S. backing out of the "agreement" the only consequence that buttresses the recent "officially putting Iran on notice" declaration by the Administration?

Seems to me Iran is doing as they please with the agreement.....back out of it
Sure why not, it apparently isn't accomplishing anything anyways but the question is what do people think the options are for actually hindering Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them is? I don't see any way that simply backing out of the "agreement" and "putting them on notice" moves us any closer to that goal.

What do you think the Trump Administrations plan is beyond backing out of the agreement and putting Iran "on notice" is? Is there one?

Short of "sanctions" or military action I think the options are limited.

Israel is never going to allow Iran to keep on working towards a nuke w/o some sort of action.
You're probably right, however unilateral sanctions more than likely end up hurting U.S. businesses more than they hurt the Iranian Leadership and military action either by the United States or Israel carries a high degree of risk, specifically provoking a general war in the Middle East (which is what the Iranian Leadership may be hoping for).

So unless the Trump Administration can convince or pressure the other signatories into changing their minds about re-instituting sanctions there doesn't seem to be any good options for keeping nukes and their delivery systems out of the hands of the Iranians, the Obama Administration really backed us into a corner on this one.
London, Dresden and many more would say that what you typed is stupid.

Speaking of "stupid", two retorts:

a. Were London and Dresden part of a world war to thwart the other side munitions' capabilities

b.......and do we really hunker for ANOTHER prolonged world war?

Iran is NO Iraq and the very real fact that Russia has a multitude of interests in Iran, should tamper your war-lust.
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Just for education sake, here's an article regarding Israel's OWN assessment of Iran's nuclear aspirations:

In a cabinet meeting in October 1980, Sharon said something fascinating. “I agree with those who say that we will not be able to forestall the development of nuclear weapons in Arab countries forever.”

The attack in Iraq was considered the most far-reaching actualization of what was later called the “Begin Doctrine”: that Israel will stop at nothing to prevent a country it considers hostile from attaining nuclear weapons. But it was precisely Sharon, the unmistakable hawk, who expressed out loud the thought that few Israelis dare to contemplate: The very fact that the world thinks that Israel possesses nuclear weapons ensures that the day will come when our bitter enemy will have a bomb.

Perhaps, then, it is no coincidence that Sharon as prime minister promoted the view that efforts to thwart an Iranian nuclear weapons program must be made in the political arena. Evidently he understood that until we take a clear, honest look at our place here in the Middle East, we are destined to pay ever-increasing costs for what -- under the best possible scenarios -- are only temporary delays

Read more: Iran Is Not Iraq; This Is Not 1981
Israel is pressing for its only ally in the world to have Iran destroyed. The Americans usually do as the Israelis want so we see the scene being set for the Americans to do some more shock and awe against the Iranian people this time. Maybe the English will join-in because they usually do.

let us AVOID another instance where "the tail is wagging the dog."
Meanwhile in Iran they're planning something :dunno:

Iran to ban US citizens in retaliation to Trump move | New York Post

I hope the situation won't get worse now :(
Israel is pressing for its only ally in the world to have Iran destroyed. The Americans usually do as the Israelis want so we see the scene being set for the Americans to do some more shock and awe against the Iranian people this time. Maybe the English will join-in because they usually do.
Maybe Trump will resist this Israeli pressing who knows? Or maybe the Israelis change their mind and quit their pressing on Iran :dunno:

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