Iran put on notice

Maybe Trump will resist this Israeli pressing who knows? Or maybe the Israelis change their mind and quit their pressing on Iran

Israel managed to stop both Iraq's and Syria's nuclear ambitions.....for a while......But, these 2 countries never had the support of Russia, Pakistan and North Korea, like Iran currently has........Let us be very careful of the trump's war hawks
Maybe Trump will resist this Israeli pressing who knows? Or maybe the Israelis change their mind and quit their pressing on Iran

Israel managed to stop both Iraq's and Syria's nuclear ambitions.....for a while......But, these 2 countries never had the support of Russia, Pakistan and North Korea, like Iran currently has........Let us be very careful of the trump's war hawks
Keep in mind what Iran did to Iraq during their war too.
Oh goody, more miserable war. Can't wait. Man, i sure hope Trump doesn't allow the Warmongers to drag him into more bloody quagmire wars. I hope he resists.

Right wing morons "forget" (lack of education, really) that IRAN is THREE-times the size of Iraq, has a formidable air force and navy, has the FULL backing of Russia, and is fully united as Shi;a Muslims......

Yep, make that war mongering idiot, Kelly, start a war and see 4 to 5 thousands of our soldiers die on a monthly basis.

It wouldn't be a 'Cakewalk.' That's for sure. But that being said, Iran couldn't possibly win any conflict with the US. And it knows that. It's building up its defenses in preparation for an Israeli, Saudi, or US attack.

It's about Defense. And every sovereign nation has the right to defend itself. Trump needs to be very careful. He shouldn't allow the Warmongers too much of a voice in his Administration. They'll sink him.
Meanwhile in Iran they're planning something :dunno:

Iran to ban US citizens in retaliation to Trump move | New York Post

I hope the situation won't get worse now :(
Israel is pressing for its only ally in the world to have Iran destroyed. The Americans usually do as the Israelis want so we see the scene being set for the Americans to do some more shock and awe against the Iranian people this time. Maybe the English will join-in because they usually do.
Maybe Trump will resist this Israeli pressing who knows? Or maybe the Israelis change their mind and quit their pressing on Iran :dunno:
Don't count on it.
Maybe Trump will resist this Israeli pressing who knows? Or maybe the Israelis change their mind and quit their pressing on Iran

Israel managed to stop both Iraq's and Syria's nuclear ambitions.....for a while......But, these 2 countries never had the support of Russia, Pakistan and North Korea, like Iran currently has........Let us be very careful of the trump's war hawks
Keep in mind what Iran did to Iraq during their war too.
Why would Americans keep in mind the war Iraq had with Iran. Wasn't Saddam getting help from the Americans then?
It would be nice if the Americans minded their own business for a change.
Keep in mind what Iran did to Iraq during their war too.

Good point....We have really never heard of an Iranian "terrorist"......But attack that country and the floodgates of fanaticism will be unleashed.
It wouldn't be a 'Cakewalk.' That's for sure. But that being said, Iran couldn't possibly win any conflict with the US. And it knows that. It's building up its defenses in preparation for an Israeli, Saudi, or US attack.

It's about Defense. And every sovereign nation has the right to defend itself. Trump needs to be very careful. He shouldn't allow the Warmongers too much of a voice in his Administration. They'll sink him.

True.........The MAIN incentive for Muslim countries (beside Pakistan) to acquire nukes, is the real fact that Israel has had such weaponry for decades and has refused to take part of any anti-nuclear restrictions (or even monitoring,) thanks to France and South Africa..
Meanwhile in Iran they're planning something :dunno:

Iran to ban US citizens in retaliation to Trump move | New York Post

I hope the situation won't get worse now :(
Israel is pressing for its only ally in the world to have Iran destroyed. The Americans usually do as the Israelis want so we see the scene being set for the Americans to do some more shock and awe against the Iranian people this time. Maybe the English will join-in because they usually do.
Maybe Trump will resist this Israeli pressing who knows? Or maybe the Israelis change their mind and quit their pressing on Iran :dunno:
Don't count on it.
Maybe Trump will resist this Israeli pressing who knows? Or maybe the Israelis change their mind and quit their pressing on Iran

Israel managed to stop both Iraq's and Syria's nuclear ambitions.....for a while......But, these 2 countries never had the support of Russia, Pakistan and North Korea, like Iran currently has........Let us be very careful of the trump's war hawks
Keep in mind what Iran did to Iraq during their war too.
Why would Americans keep in mind the war Iraq had with Iran. Wasn't Saddam getting help from the Americans then?
It would be nice if the Americans minded their own business for a change.
Yes...did that help Iraq win?
It wouldn't be a 'Cakewalk.' That's for sure. But that being said, Iran couldn't possibly win any conflict with the US. And it knows that. It's building up its defenses in preparation for an Israeli, Saudi, or US attack.

It's about Defense. And every sovereign nation has the right to defend itself. Trump needs to be very careful. He shouldn't allow the Warmongers too much of a voice in his Administration. They'll sink him.

True.........The MAIN incentive for Muslim countries (beside Pakistan) to acquire nukes, is the real fact that Israel has had such weaponry for decades and has refused to take part of any anti-nuclear restrictions (or even monitoring,) thanks to France and South Africa..

Iran understands that Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US want to attack. It naturally has to build up its defenses. Any nation being threatened with attack has to do that. Why would Iran be any different? And i tried to warn folks about the 'deal' Obama made with Iran. That 'deal' will lead to war.

The US will try to use the UN and justify attacking Iran. We've done this many times in the past. Just look at the recent Iraq War. The US will inevitably claim Iran is in 'violation' of the deal, and then move to attack. The US can't control every nation on earth. But it continues to pursue that. I wish we would move to disengage from the Middle East. But i know that isn't likely to happen. The Permanent War agenda will continue on.
It amuses me how the tards keep claiming Iran is not honoring the JCPOA and yet can't point to a single violation.

Parroting their propaganda outlets brainlessly.
I wish we would move to disengage from the Middle East. But i know that isn't likely to happen. The Permanent War agenda will continue on.

Of course, Israel will not "allow" us to pull out of the ME and our unquenchable thirst for Saudi oil is another factor.
In lobbying influence to our country, check out how much AIPAC (Amer. Israeli Public Affairs Committee) spends on bribing our elected morons.....which is ironic in many ways since our congress actually gives taxpayers money to Israel which funnels back to AIPAC and is used to lobby us.............In a sense, we manage to actually "buy the rope to hang ourselves."
Iran is openly laughing at is the world

Put on notice?
What is this.....fourth grade?

What next?
Trump is going to put it on their permanent record?
It amuses me how the tards keep claiming Iran is not honoring the JCPOA and yet can't point to a single violation.

Parroting their propaganda outlets brainlessly.

This US/Iran 'deal' will lead to war. I said that back when it was made. The US will inevitably claim Iran is in violation, and proceed with an attack. It's gonna look like the lead-up to the recent Iraq War. Stay tuned.
Iran doesn't have to enter into an agreement with anyone. They can tell the world to fuck off. It's their right. That Obama did get Iran to enter into an agreement is a significant achievement.

Obama got them to stop developing nuclear weapons. Iran shipped out their enriched uranium, decommissioned thousands of centrifuges, and closed down a reactor.

Yet the tards say "Obama gave nukes to Iran." They say Iran has violated the agreement. :lol:

It's truly bizarre how they say the most insane things with no basis in fact. These tards are the most empty-headed parroting vassals of their propaganda masters I have ever seen.

By shooting the ballistic missile, Iran was sending a direct signal to Trump. Trump pounded his chest all through the campaign about tearing up the agreement, WHICH IRAN HAS HONORED.

So fuck you, Trump. Iran heard you. Loud and clear. They just gave you their response.

Good job!

Here's the really funny part. Trump constantly makes a big deal about not telegraphing to our enemies what we are going to do. And yet Trump bragged and bragged and bragged and bragged about what he was going to do concerning Iran and the agreement.

And the missile test is the result.
I wish we would move to disengage from the Middle East. But i know that isn't likely to happen. The Permanent War agenda will continue on.

Of course, Israel will not "allow" us to pull out of the ME and our unquenchable thirst for Saudi oil is another factor.
In lobbying influence to our country, check out how much AIPAC (Amer. Israeli Public Affairs Committee) spends on bribing our elected morons.....which is ironic in many ways since our congress actually gives taxpayers money to Israel which funnels back to AIPAC and is used to lobby us.............In a sense, we manage to actually "buy the rope to hang ourselves."

Yeah, it does appear to be a permanent quagmire over there. We've locked ourselves in to Permanent War. It's very depressing.
Putin is the one pulling Iran's strings. Putin is waiting to see what limp-wristed response Trump comes up with in response to the missile test.

Last Saturday, Trump called his boss Vladimir. The next day, the Russians re-opened hostilities in the Ukraine, and Iran fired a ballistic missile.

Thanks a lot, Donald!
Iran is a sovereign nation. On that basis, they are entitled to develop nuclear weapons if they wish, and shoot all the ballistic missiles they want.

Obama got them to stop developing nuclear weapons. Iran shipped out their enriched uranium, decommissioned thousands of centrifuges, and closed down a reactor.

Yet the tards say "Obama gave nukes to Iran." :lol:

It's truly bizarre how they say the most insane things with no basis in fact. These tards are the most empty-headed vassals of their propaganda masters I have ever seen.

Iran doesn't have to enter into an agreement with anyone. They can tell the world to fuck off. It's their right. That Obama did get Iran to enter into an agreement is a significant achievement.

The rest of the world has the right to tell Iran to fuck off, too, and to stop trading with them.

Then it just becomes a matter of who feels the most pain.

By shooting the ballistic missile, Iran was sending a direct signal to Trump. Trump pounded his chest all through the campaign about tearing up the agreement, WHICH IRAN HAS HONORED.

So fuck you, Trump. Iran heard you. Loud and clear. They just gave you their response.

Good job!

Here's the really funny part. Trump constantly makes a big deal about not telegraphing to our enemies what we are going to do. And yet Trump bragged and bragged and bragged and bragged about what he was going to do concerning Iran and the agreement.

And the missile test is the result.

You did manage to make a few valid points, in spite of all the loony Trump-Hater stuff. Iran as a sovereign nation, does have the right to defend itself. I mean Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US are on the verge of attacking Iran. So of course it has to beef up its defenses. Iran's not looking for war with the US. It knows it can't possibly win such a war. It's on Defense at this point. When you're constantly being threatened, you have no choice but to defend.

The next big clash is gonna take place in Yemen. We're really stepping up our intervention there. Saudi Arabia and Iran are fighting a proxy war. And the Saudis are struggling to win, despite the daily US bombings. It's demanding the US get more involved. We'll see if Trump gets sucked into that quagmire. Can he resist the Warmongers?
Putin is the one pulling Iran's strings. Putin is waiting to see what limp-wristed response Trump comes up with in response to the missile test.

Last Saturday, Trump called his boss Vladimir. The next day, the Russians re-opened hostilities in the Ukraine, and Iran fired a ballistic missile.

Thanks a lot, Donald!

Biased hate-filled absurdity. The hostilities in Ukraine were re-started by the illegal US/Western-backed Government there. The Globalists are trying to bait Trump into a bloody conflict with Russia. They know such a conflict would completely derail his Presidency.

And Trump can't respond to Iran if it isn't in violation of the agreement. You yourself have said that Iran isn't in violation. So i don't see what Trump can do on that. He can have a few harsh words about Iran. But that's about it.
Putin is the one pulling Iran's strings. Putin is waiting to see what limp-wristed response Trump comes up with in response to the missile test.

Last Saturday, Trump called his boss Vladimir. The next day, the Russians re-opened hostilities in the Ukraine, and Iran fired a ballistic missile.

Thanks a lot, Donald!

Biased hate-filled absurdity. The hostilities in Ukraine were re-started by the illegal US/Western-backed Government there.
Hey dumbshit. Russia invaded Ukraine, not the other way around.
I mean Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US are on the verge of attacking Iran.

No they are not.

You so sure about that? The first big bloodbath is gonna take place in Yemen. The US is in the process of stepping up its intervention there. Saudi Arabia and Iran are fighting a proxy war in Yemen. And it's not going very well for Saudi Arabia.

So look for a bloodbath there first. Once Saudi Arabia and the US feel they've won in Yemen, the plans for attacking Iran will move into full swing. That's my assessment anyway. But i guess we'll see.

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