Iran, Russia deliberate on nuclear deal


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
It seems like Iran is steaming ahead with its nuclear program.


Foreign Ministers of Iran and Russia deliberated on the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, apart from other issues, on the sidelines of a conference in Italy's capital Rome on Friday.

The two sides discussed on the state of bilateral relations, regional issues and current developments in Syria and Yemen on the sidelines of a Mediterranean Dialogues conference in the city, according to the Iranian Foreign ministry, Anadolu News Agency reported.

The Iran nuclear deal or the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was inked between five countries-the United States, the United Kingdom, France, China, Russia, and also the European Union. Under the agreement, the US and others agreed to lift sanctions on Iran in exchange for it agreeing to control its development of nuclear weapons programme.

However, in May this year, US President Donald Trump had announced that Washington would exit the pact, terming it as "defective" and the "worst ever deal" leading to a spike in tensions between the US and Iran.

Earlier this month, the White House re-imposed the "toughest sanctions" on Iran, which were earlier lifted by former president Barack Obama under the nuclear deal. The penalties have been slapped on Tehran's shipping, financial and energy sectors and would also target the crude oil exports of the country.

The US would penalise countries for importing oil and foreign companies that do business with certain Iranian entities. However, it granted waivers for oil sanctions to eight countries-China, India, Italy, Greece, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Turkey. (ANI)

Iran, Russia deliberate on nuclear deal
They’ve been working together for decades on nuclear weapons, along with China, NK, and Cuba
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