Iran Seeking ‘Many Billions of Dollars’ in Ransom to Free more U.S. Hostages

So they already have American hostages?!?
That's incredible. I didn't know that!
I thought there were no American hostages in Iran! :eusa_think:
ISIS probably handed them over to Iran.
Let me get this right! You're claiming an ultra conservative "monotheist" Sunni Muslim terrorist organization that slaughters Shi'a Muslims on sight has handed over American hostages to the Iranians who are predominately "polytheist" Shi'a, and who have been at each other's throats for over 1300 years???? Someone slipped you a "mickey" in that last shit sundae you slurped up, or you just make shit up to display your blatant ignorance to get attention!

Most Americans are just dumbed-down hicks when it comes to global affairs. They have no idea what a 'Sunni' or 'Shiite' is. All they know is, they need to support Permanent War. It's what years and years of American Government/Corporate Media propaganda does to most people. They have no idea that their own Government has been funding and arming brutal Islamic Terrorist groups for many years. Just about all current Sunni Terrorist groups have ties to the US. The last two ISIS leaders are well known to have been trained by the US. It goes back as far as helping Bin Laden's gang in Afghanistan.

If anything, we need to start distancing ourselves from evil countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. It's Saudi radical Wahhabi teachings that has created horrific gangs like Al Qaeda and ISIS. We should get out of Syria and allow the Russians, Syrians, and Iranians to wipe ISIS out. But in the end, it doesn't matter. Americans really are uninformed rubes for the most part. As long as they can keep on stuffing their fat faces, shopping till the drop at the Walmart, watching their porn, sports, and reality tv, they're content. They'll support any insanity their Government pushes. They'll continue on supporting endless war. Sadly, it is what it is.
Well, the US isn't going to end their involvement in the ME any time soon. The US has been involved for the last 63+ years starting with Iran and operation Ajax that Eisenhower gave the ok on to depose a democratically elected leader, along with the help of the Brits, resulting in the eventual installing of the US puppet Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran, as the head of state once more, until he was driven out in '79! The Persians have LONG memories, and if they can hold memories of a 1300+ year blood feud, 38 years is nothing for a grudge against the US!

Excellent observations. Most Americans really are uninformed rubes when it comes to global affairs. Their Government/Corporate Media works tirelessly to keep em dumbed-down and ignorant. We need to disengage from the Middle East. We've done enough damage over there.

How much more blood & treasure needs to be spent over there? Time to come home. But is that gonna happen anytime soon? I have to agree with you, it ain't gonna happen. Permanent War is what the Globalist Elites want. Nothing's gonna change that.
Why are Americans in Iran? I'm sure Iran views them as Israeli/Western spies. And it has every right to suspect. There are many Israeli/Western spies operating in Iran. It is what it is.
. So your another liberal excuse maker for Iran eh ??

No. But Americans don't belong in Iran. They're not welcome there. Iran has every right and reason to assume they're Western spies. It knows very well that Western spies are operating in the country. Some of these spies have carried out assassinations of Iranian officials.

Americans just don't belong there. Even i'm very skeptical of why they're in Iran. Americans especially, just aren't welcome there. So, you don't wanna be detained in Iran? Don't go to Iran. Problem solved.
. Better yet, don't give the dam mullahs a billion dollars while they are still considered a state sponsor of terror, and as you say an enemy to the American people.
This is what happens when you have a weak, pathetic, president .:mad:

Iran Seeking ‘Many Billions of Dollars’ in Ransom to Free U.S. Hostages

Source close to IRGC puts bounty on remaining U.S. hostages


Iran is seeking “many billions of dollars” in payments from the United States in exchange for the release of several U.S. hostages still being detained in Iran, according to reports by Iran’s state-controlled press that are reigniting debate over the Obama administration’s decision earlier this year to pay Iran $1.7 billion in cash.

Senior Iranian officials, including the country’s president, have been floating the possibility of further payments from the United States for months. Since the White House agreed to pay Tehran $1.7 billion in cash earlier this year as part of a deal bound up in the release of American hostages, Iran has captured several more U.S. citizens

Iran Seeking ‘Many Billions of Dollars’ in Ransom to Free U.S. Hostages
I would not offer billions. I would promise megatons.
So they already have American hostages?!?
That's incredible. I didn't know that!
I thought there were no American hostages in Iran! :eusa_think:
ISIS probably handed them over to Iran.
Let me get this right! You're claiming an ultra conservative "monotheist" Sunni Muslim terrorist organization that slaughters Shi'a Muslims on sight has handed over American hostages to the Iranians who are predominately "polytheist" Shi'a, and who have been at each other's throats for over 1300 years???? Someone slipped you a "mickey" in that last shit sundae you slurped up, or you just make shit up to display your blatant ignorance to get attention!

Most Americans are just dumbed-down hicks when it comes to global affairs. They have no idea what a 'Sunni' or 'Shiite' is. All they know is, they need to support Permanent War. It's what years and years of American Government/Corporate Media propaganda does to most people. They have no idea that their own Government has been funding and arming brutal Islamic Terrorist groups for many years. Just about all current Sunni Terrorist groups have ties to the US. The last two ISIS leaders are well known to have been trained by the US. It goes back as far as helping Bin Laden's gang in Afghanistan.

If anything, we need to start distancing ourselves from evil countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. It's Saudi radical Wahhabi teachings that has created horrific gangs like Al Qaeda and ISIS. We should get out of Syria and allow the Russians, Syrians, and Iranians to wipe ISIS out. But in the end, it doesn't matter. Americans really are uninformed rubes for the most part. As long as they can keep on stuffing their fat faces, shopping till the drop at the Walmart, watching their porn, sports, and reality tv, they're content. They'll support any insanity their Government pushes. They'll continue on supporting endless war. Sadly, it is what it is.
. Your attitude towards your fellow Americans is deplorable, and pathetic. Anyone who takes you serious on anything is a dam fool.
Why are Americans in Iran? I'm sure Iran views them as Israeli/Western spies. And it has every right to suspect. There are many Israeli/Western spies operating in Iran. It is what it is.
. So your another liberal excuse maker for Iran eh ??

No. But Americans don't belong in Iran. They're not welcome there. Iran has every right and reason to assume they're Western spies. It knows very well that Western spies are operating in the country. Some of these spies have carried out assassinations of Iranian officials.

Americans just don't belong there. Even i'm very skeptical of why they're in Iran. Americans especially, just aren't welcome there. So, you don't wanna be detained in Iran? Don't go to Iran. Problem solved.
. Better yet, don't give the dam mullahs a billion dollars while they are still considered a state sponsor of terror, and as you say an enemy to the American people.

Well, that too. I've already said the 'Deal' they made, will lead to war. They always do. The US/West will manufacture a way to claim Iran is in 'violation' of the deal, and then start a war. The deal will actually have the opposite effect of what most thought it would.

Trump is Spot On. The deal was probably the worst deal ever negotiated in history. Iran is laughing all the way to the bank at this point. But it won't be laughing as much when the bombs start dropping. Because war is inevitable. Their 'Deal' guarantees it.
Why are Americans in Iran? I'm sure Iran views them as Israeli/Western spies. And it has every right to suspect. There are many Israeli/Western spies operating in Iran. It is what it is.
. So your another liberal excuse maker for Iran eh ??

No. But Americans don't belong in Iran. They're not welcome there. Iran has every right and reason to assume they're Western spies. It knows very well that Western spies are operating in the country. Some of these spies have carried out assassinations of Iranian officials.

Americans just don't belong there. Even i'm very skeptical of why they're in Iran. Americans especially, just aren't welcome there. So, you don't wanna be detained in Iran? Don't go to Iran. Problem solved.
. Better yet, don't give the dam mullahs a billion dollars while they are still considered a state sponsor of terror, and as you say an enemy to the American people.

Well, that too. I've already said the 'Deal' they made, will lead to war. They always do. The US/West will manufacture a way to claim Iran is in 'violation' of the deal, and then start a war. The deal will actually have the opposite effect of what most thought it would.

Trump is Spot On. The deal was probably the worst deal ever negotiated in history. Iran is laughing all the way to the bank at this point. But it won't be laughing as much when the bombs start dropping. Because war is inevitable. Their 'Deal' guarantees it.
Agree...but the drop will be delayed if Hillary gets in. She has no clue.
Why are Americans in Iran? I'm sure Iran views them as Israeli/Western spies. And it has every right to suspect. There are many Israeli/Western spies operating in Iran. It is what it is.
. So your another liberal excuse maker for Iran eh ??

No. But Americans don't belong in Iran. They're not welcome there. Iran has every right and reason to assume they're Western spies. It knows very well that Western spies are operating in the country. Some of these spies have carried out assassinations of Iranian officials.

Americans just don't belong there. Even i'm very skeptical of why they're in Iran. Americans especially, just aren't welcome there. So, you don't wanna be detained in Iran? Don't go to Iran. Problem solved.
. Better yet, don't give the dam mullahs a billion dollars while they are still considered a state sponsor of terror, and as you say an enemy to the American people.

Well, that too. I've already said the 'Deal' they made, will lead to war. They always do. The US/West will manufacture a way to claim Iran is in 'violation' of the deal, and then start a war. The deal will actually have the opposite effect of what most thought it would.

Trump is Spot On. The deal was probably the worst deal ever negotiated in history. Iran is laughing all the way to the bank at this point. But it won't be laughing as much when the bombs start dropping. Because war is inevitable. Their 'Deal' guarantees it.
Agree...but the drop will be delayed if Hillary gets in. She has no clue.

Nah, she's a Globalist Elite Warmonger. She'll do whatever the NWO agenda calls for. And Permanent War is the agenda. She'll manufacture a pretext for war with Iran. Bet on it. This 'Deal' guarantees war. Stay tuned.
I'm not against war with Iran...just make sure it's over in a day.

You shouldn't support war with Iran. It could spark WWIII. And i assure you, it won't be over in a day. Was Iraq and Afghanistan over in a day? Nope. We're still in those countries fighting endless war.
Why are Americans in Iran? I'm sure Iran views them as Israeli/Western spies. And it has every right to suspect. There are many Israeli/Western spies operating in Iran. It is what it is.

You pay for hostages you get more of them...Tha'st common sense

True. And maybe Americans should stop going to Iran? If they aren't there, they can't be taken hostage. Even more common sense.

Yup. I agree.

If you are American stay the hell away from Iran or any of the surrounding countries.

If you are caught in Iran. Tough fucking shit. Let your relatives bail your stupid ass out.
I'm not against war with Iran...just make sure it's over in a day.

You shouldn't support war with Iran. It could spark WWIII. And i assure you, it won't be over in a day. Was Iraq and Afghanistan over in a day? Nope. We're still in those countries fighting endless war.
Endless war is a choice. Make a different choice.

Those who start the wars don't care what you think. It's not about you. It's about more wealth and control for the few Globalist Elites. It's about the plundering and war profiteering. Lowly Citizens don't have a say in such matters.
I'm not against war with Iran...just make sure it's over in a day.

You shouldn't support war with Iran. It could spark WWIII. And i assure you, it won't be over in a day. Was Iraq and Afghanistan over in a day? Nope. We're still in those countries fighting endless war.
Endless war is a choice. Make a different choice.

Those who start the wars don't care what you think. It's not about you. It's about more wealth and control for the few Globalist Elites. It's about the plundering and war profiteering. Lowly Citizens don't have a say in such matters.
So stop whining about them. Kill them.
I'm not against war with Iran...just make sure it's over in a day.

You shouldn't support war with Iran. It could spark WWIII. And i assure you, it won't be over in a day. Was Iraq and Afghanistan over in a day? Nope. We're still in those countries fighting endless war.
Endless war is a choice. Make a different choice.

Those who start the wars don't care what you think. It's not about you. It's about more wealth and control for the few Globalist Elites. It's about the plundering and war profiteering. Lowly Citizens don't have a say in such matters.
So stop whining about them. Kill them.

Killing millions of Iranians won't benefit you in any way. It will only put you in more danger.
I'm not against war with Iran...just make sure it's over in a day.

You shouldn't support war with Iran. It could spark WWIII. And i assure you, it won't be over in a day. Was Iraq and Afghanistan over in a day? Nope. We're still in those countries fighting endless war.
Endless war is a choice. Make a different choice.

Those who start the wars don't care what you think. It's not about you. It's about more wealth and control for the few Globalist Elites. It's about the plundering and war profiteering. Lowly Citizens don't have a say in such matters.
So stop whining about them. Kill them.

Killing millions of Iranians won't benefit you in any way. It will only put you in more danger.
Why are Americans in Iran? I'm sure Iran views them as Israeli/Western spies. And it has every right to suspect. There are many Israeli/Western spies operating in Iran. It is what it is.

You pay for hostages you get more of them...Tha'st common sense

True. And maybe Americans should stop going to Iran? If they aren't there, they can't be taken hostage. Even more common sense.

Yup. I agree.

If you are American stay the hell away from Iran or any of the surrounding countries.

If you are caught in Iran. Tough fucking shit. Let your relatives bail your stupid ass out.
. These stripes don't run, and for as long as we have interest in the middle East, and we have friends who want to work with us there, and sometimes need our help there, then we are there by invite #1 and we are there to help the helpless at times, and we are there for our national interest.

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