Iran war

Do I doubt that Iran is lying about building nuclear weapon capabilities?

Not one bit.

Does it worry me?


Are you concerned that Iran is developing its Shahab 7 missile that will be able to deliver a nuclear warhead to any target on the US east coast and a few hundred miles beyond?
Lol! Who the fuck is Ron Paul?

The person fucking you up the ass right now, ****.

You're too fucking stupid to understand a complex subject like politics,

Now back to your armchair sabre rattling you lilly livered chicken shitehawk.

I served for many years scumbag - so go fuck yourself idiot asshole.

Another ron paul trolling moron ploy: calling everyone who seeks an interventionist foreign policy a "chickenhawk." Too funny how these 19 year fucking idiot assholes don't even know what it means, or that it is not even applicable regarding iran. So fucking stupid its funny.

Touched a nerve have we yellow belly! Now go play with your toy soldiers and leave the adults alone.
704. Iran war (2) (1/28/2011)

Be noticed that on 1/10, Treasury Secretary Geithner visited China. I allege it was to confirm the secret deal. Next day, there was such a news:

Harper to visit China, seeking higher oil sales
By David Ljunggren | Reuters – Wed, Jan 11, 2012

OTTAWA (Reuters) - Prime Minister Stephen Harper plans to visit China next month as his government looks to open new markets for oil sands crude in the wake of Washington's decision to delay approval of a major pipeline from Alberta to Texas.
After winning power in 2006, Harper's Conservatives initially took a cool line with China and cited what they described as Beijing's poor human rights record.

Harper to visit China, seeking higher oil sales - Yahoo! News

For the war on Iran, puppet Canada government ignores Beijing's poor human rights, now has a warm line to satisfy China's great appetite on oil.

On Jan. 18, news reported that "Obama rejects oil pipeline from Canada, triggering loud controversy". Of course, it is not for the consideration of environment as he said. It is part of the secret deal for Iran war.

All these events: Geithner's China visit, Harper's plan to visit China for oil export to China, Obama's reject of the oil pipeline from Canada, Chinese Premier Wen's visit to Gulf and new deals with these oil countries, were done within ten days - from Jan.10 to Jan. 18. The technical details must have been prepared in advance. That plan should have started from last November.

My last clear warning for Iran war date was October. see "691. October 21 plot (11/1/2011)". It signals with Harold Camping's World End Day prediction and FBI's case of "Iran plans to assassinate Saudi ambassador in US soil".

Since November, they were preparing this big one - bribe China. Part of this plot is NDAA. It was proposed in late November. When Obama signed it into law on 12/31, I wrote on 1/2, "700. National Defense Authorization Act (1/2/2012)". On point 5, I said,

"5. War on Iran is their major goal. With great possibility, there will be false flag nuclear attacks on US cities to justify the Iran war. Most people realize the truth of the 911 attack. This law is created to deal with the people who won’t believe this government anymore when such “terror attack” happens again. "

I would say my observation was very accurate. One week later, we saw all these events relate to Iran war.
1. Iran is a signatory to the NNPT. This means that they are allowed to use uranium with which to create nuclear energy projects, which they are doing with Russian technical help.

2. These facilities are inspected by the IAEA.

3. To date, no nuclear materials have gone missing, or unaccounted for.

4. The Iranians are enriching uranium up to 20%, which is necessary for the creation of medical isotopes.

5. You have to be enriching uranium over 95% to create a nuclear bomb, which the Iranians are not doing.

6. Israel refuses to become a member of the NNPT, and does have nuclear weapons, and refuses for their nuclear sites to be inspected.

7. Israel wants the US to attack Iran because Israel claims that Iran is an existential threat to Israel's survival.

8. Russia and China may well enter the war on the side of Iran, should Iran be attacked; both are nuclear armed countries.

SO, to recap: we are looking engaging in a thermonuclear war with Russia and China to neutralize one of Israel's existential threats which has no nuclear weapons program.


7. The Iranians haven't started a war in 200 years, and definitely hasn't started any wars since becoming an Islamic Republic in 1979.

U.N. Nuclear Inspectors’ Visit to Iran Is a Failure, West Says

Published: February 3, 2012

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — American and European officials said Friday that a mission by international nuclear inspectors to Tehran this week had failed to address their key concerns, indicating that Iran’s leaders believe they can resist pressure to open up the nation’s nuclear program.

more here-

your turn.
The islimic shithole of iranistan is the al qaeda-supporting pathetic remnant of the defunct persian empire and should be bombed into dust.

Send the virgin-chasing motherfuckers to paradise allahu fucku

Anti-Semite ! you work for al qaeda on a mission make Jewish people look stupid,irrational, assholes fool no none -

You still PMS'ing, twat?

692. Iran war (11/8/2011)

To justify a war on Iran, the accusation is that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. To push the Americans to support the war, the Feds did a lot of provocateur work.

1. Psychological work: Intimidate public with nuclear crisis. We saw on 3/11/2011, an earthquake in Japan which damaged the nuclear plant in Fukushima. Media blew the trumpet to make it another Chernobyl case. Then in June, (timing is important here. Remember the Operation Geronimo was on May 1st. ) They prepared two nuclear disasters in US. One was in Calhoun Nuclear Plant in Nebraska, the other one was in Los Alamos nuclear Lab in New Mexico.

Insiders knew the disaster to come in advance, gave a warning.

6/10/11 NASA Emails ALL Employees to PREPARE!
June 10, 2011
NASA Emails ALL Employees to PREPARE! June 10, 2011 - YouTube

“ Nebraska Nuclear Plant: Emergency Level 4 & Getting Worse -
June 14, 2011 (1of3)
Arnie Gundersen - Nebraska Nuclear Plant: Emergency Level 4 & Getting Worse - June 14, 2011 (1of3) - YouTube “

“10 Mile Mandatory Evacuation Area at the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant
Posted on July 2, 2011 by admin
10 Mile Mandatory Evacuation Area at the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant | NCRenegade

“Mandatory evacuation ordered as blaze threatens Los Alamos
Posted On Tuesday, June 28, 2011 By . Under WORLD

Mandatory evacuation ordered as blaze threatens Los Alamos | World News - Russian opinion “

You also can see how US media is under the control of the Feds. They didn’t report the disaster, although it was at #4 emergency level, same level Fukushima had had. They were waiting for a false flag nuclear attack from “Al Qaida”. They wanted to make a shock and awe. When people were frozen in nuclear panic, Pentagon could activate a war.

The nuclear disaster hadn’t developed further because their main case failed to go through.

2. A false flag nuclear attack to justify war on Iran.

(1) On April 25, Five days before “Operation Geronimo”, so said “Al Qaida” knew Bin Laden would be “killed” and threatened a nuclear attack.

Al-Qaeda Threatens to Unleash ‘Nuclear Hellstorm’ if bin Laden Caught

Posted by Ingrid Turner on Apr 25, 2011

Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (NEWSTABULOUS) – According to news reported by WikiLeaks, threats have been received from al-Qaeda terrorists, stating that they will “unleash a nuclear hellstorm” upon Western countries if Osama bin Laden is ever caught or killed.

Al-Qaeda Threatens to Unleash ‘Nuclear Hellstorm’ if bin Laden Caught | Newstabulous – Headlines

(2) May 1st, Operation Geronimo. Bin Laden was “killed” in a corpse less show.

(3) June 8, an announcement from Al Qaida justified the planned June nuke attack.

Bin Laden's No. 2: Muslims will destroy America

By BEN HUBBARD, Associated Press Ben Hubbard, Associated Press – Wed Jun 8, 4:24 pm ET
CAIRO – Osama bin Laden's deputy warned Wednesday that America faces not individual terrorists or groups but an international community of Muslims that seek to destroy it and its allies. He was delivering a 28-minute videotaped eulogy to slain al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden.

Though the June plot failed, the Feds still plans one before the end of the year – before Pentagon has to withdraw the troops from Iraq in 2011. So we saw Holder and Mueller have pushed out an “Iran is to assassinate Saudi Ambassador in US soil” case and now this news:

Correcting the ‘fairy tale’: A SEAL’s account of how Osama bin Laden really died
Correcting the

Government changed the “kill Bin Laden” story again and again. It made their credit notorious low. They don’t care. Yesterday they let out a new one. What’s the purpose? My point of view: It’s a trick to remind public of Operation Geronimo. It’s a psychological tactic to let people believe it is a “revenge from Al Qaida” when a nuclear attack happens,.
692. Iran war (11/8/2011)

To justify a war on Iran, the accusation is that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. To push the Americans to support the war, the Feds did a lot of provocateur work.

1. Psychological work: Intimidate public with nuclear crisis. We saw on 3/11/2011, an earthquake in Japan which damaged the nuclear plant in Fukushima. Media blew the trumpet to make it another Chernobyl case. Then in June, (timing is important here. Remember the Operation Geronimo was on May 1st. ) They prepared two nuclear disasters in US. One was in Calhoun Nuclear Plant in Nebraska, the other one was in Los Alamos nuclear Lab in New Mexico.

Insiders knew the disaster to come in advance, gave a warning.

6/10/11 NASA Emails ALL Employees to PREPARE!
June 10, 2011
NASA Emails ALL Employees to PREPARE! June 10, 2011 - YouTube

“ Nebraska Nuclear Plant: Emergency Level 4 & Getting Worse -
June 14, 2011 (1of3)
Arnie Gundersen - Nebraska Nuclear Plant: Emergency Level 4 & Getting Worse - June 14, 2011 (1of3) - YouTube “

“10 Mile Mandatory Evacuation Area at the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant
Posted on July 2, 2011 by admin
10 Mile Mandatory Evacuation Area at the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant | NCRenegade

“Mandatory evacuation ordered as blaze threatens Los Alamos
Posted On Tuesday, June 28, 2011 By . Under WORLD

Mandatory evacuation ordered as blaze threatens Los Alamos | World News - Russian opinion “

You also can see how US media is under the control of the Feds. They didn’t report the disaster, although it was at #4 emergency level, same level Fukushima had had. They were waiting for a false flag nuclear attack from “Al Qaida”. They wanted to make a shock and awe. When people were frozen in nuclear panic, Pentagon could activate a war.

The nuclear disaster hadn’t developed further because their main case failed to go through.

2. A false flag nuclear attack to justify war on Iran.

(1) On April 25, Five days before “Operation Geronimo”, so said “Al Qaida” knew Bin Laden would be “killed” and threatened a nuclear attack.

Al-Qaeda Threatens to Unleash ‘Nuclear Hellstorm’ if bin Laden Caught

Posted by Ingrid Turner on Apr 25, 2011

Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (NEWSTABULOUS) – According to news reported by WikiLeaks, threats have been received from al-Qaeda terrorists, stating that they will “unleash a nuclear hellstorm” upon Western countries if Osama bin Laden is ever caught or killed.

Al-Qaeda Threatens to Unleash ‘Nuclear Hellstorm’ if bin Laden Caught | Newstabulous – Headlines

(2) May 1st, Operation Geronimo. Bin Laden was “killed” in a corpse less show.

(3) June 8, an announcement from Al Qaida justified the planned June nuke attack.

Bin Laden's No. 2: Muslims will destroy America

By BEN HUBBARD, Associated Press Ben Hubbard, Associated Press – Wed Jun 8, 4:24 pm ET
CAIRO – Osama bin Laden's deputy warned Wednesday that America faces not individual terrorists or groups but an international community of Muslims that seek to destroy it and its allies. He was delivering a 28-minute videotaped eulogy to slain al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden.

Though the June plot failed, the Feds still plans one before the end of the year – before Pentagon has to withdraw the troops from Iraq in 2011. So we saw Holder and Mueller have pushed out an “Iran is to assassinate Saudi Ambassador in US soil” case and now this news:

Correcting the ‘fairy tale’: A SEAL’s account of how Osama bin Laden really died
Correcting the

Government changed the “kill Bin Laden” story again and again. It made their credit notorious low. They don’t care. Yesterday they let out a new one. What’s the purpose? My point of view: It’s a trick to remind public of Operation Geronimo. It’s a psychological tactic to let people believe it is a “revenge from Al Qaida” when a nuclear attack happens,.
1. Iran is a signatory to the NNPT. This means that they are allowed to use uranium with which to create nuclear energy projects, which they are doing with Russian technical help.

2. These facilities are inspected by the IAEA.

3. To date, no nuclear materials have gone missing, or unaccounted for.

4. The Iranians are enriching uranium up to 20%, which is necessary for the creation of medical isotopes.

5. You have to be enriching uranium over 95% to create a nuclear bomb, which the Iranians are not doing.

6. Israel refuses to become a member of the NNPT, and does have nuclear weapons, and refuses for their nuclear sites to be inspected.

7. Israel wants the US to attack Iran because Israel claims that Iran is an existential threat to Israel's survival.

8. Russia and China may well enter the war on the side of Iran, should Iran be attacked; both are nuclear armed countries.

SO, to recap: we are looking engaging in a thermonuclear war with Russia and China to neutralize one of Israel's existential threats which has no nuclear weapons program.


7. The Iranians haven't started a war in 200 years, and definitely hasn't started any wars since becoming an Islamic Republic in 1979.

and yet the jew owned media is saying Iran is a threat to us.:cuckoo:
  • Thanks
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[ame=]Epic Debate George Galloway about 'War with Iran' - YouTube[/ame]
  • Thanks
Reactions: Jos
[ame=]George Galloway supports Hezbollah and Hamas - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Everlast, "Stone In My Hand for May15" - Third Intifada - Gaza, Palestine - Ken O'Keefe - YouTube[/ame]
^^ Third Intefada?

They never ended the first one.

Introducing Galloway's opinions, unless you are talking about British politics provides the same degree of fail as comparing people with Nazi's aka Godwin's law. The fact that Galloway lies, and constantly changes his opinions to suit his politics at the time, makes his opinions on anything totally worthless. Next time if you are going to post an opinion on the middle east perhaps use someone like Robert Fisk, who actually believes what he is saying, and isn't just doing it for political points, or an RT clip.
1. Iran is a signatory to the NNPT. This means that they are allowed to use uranium with which to create nuclear energy projects, which they are doing with Russian technical help.

2. These facilities are inspected by the IAEA.

3. To date, no nuclear materials have gone missing, or unaccounted for.

4. The Iranians are enriching uranium up to 20%, which is necessary for the creation of medical isotopes.

5. You have to be enriching uranium over 95% to create a nuclear bomb, which the Iranians are not doing.

6. Israel refuses to become a member of the NNPT, and does have nuclear weapons, and refuses for their nuclear sites to be inspected.

7. Israel wants the US to attack Iran because Israel claims that Iran is an existential threat to Israel's survival.

8. Russia and China may well enter the war on the side of Iran, should Iran be attacked; both are nuclear armed countries.

SO, to recap: we are looking engaging in a thermonuclear war with Russia and China to neutralize one of Israel's existential threats which has no nuclear weapons program.


7. The Iranians haven't started a war in 200 years, and definitely hasn't started any wars since becoming an Islamic Republic in 1979.

Are you paid to be a lying asshole/troll?
Yes - She is certainly lying. Saudi king urged U.S. to attack Iran The lying Palestinian sympathizers keep blaming Israel. Also the US has been protecting Iran from a Russian take-over. The Russians are not protecting Iran, they want to take it over.
Are you concerned that Iran is developing its Shahab 7 missile that will be able to deliver a nuclear warhead to any target on the US east coast and a few hundred miles beyond?

Too complex a thought for the moron iran defenders, they're still stuck on "you have no proof that iran is working on nukes!" and "you are a chickenhawk !" as talking points, they're codebook hasn't been updated yet.
Touched a nerve have we yellow belly! Now go play with your toy soldiers and leave the adults alone.

Let us know when you are finished sucking ron paul's cock, moron.

did you miss your turn?

Ugh, shogun's bedtime storyteller and bed-sharer lands like a turd in the toilet right on time. No longer a mod, eh fuckhead? Too hard a job for those with 2-digit IQs? I'm away for a while from here and I see the forum made at least one smart decision firing your weak ass.
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Let us know when you are finished sucking ron paul's cock, moron.

did you miss your turn?

Ugh, shogun's bedtime storyteller and bed-sharer lands like a turd in the toilet right on time. No longer a mod, eh fuckhead? Too hard a job for those with 2-digit IQs? I'm away for a while from here and I see the forum made at least one smart decision firing your weak ass.


shouldn't you be telling me what a tough guy you are, sweetie?

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