Iran. We are capable of producing a nuclear bomb.

Iran never signed the agreement so there was nothing to hold them to it. Tell me, what is the Iranian Mullahs belief system?
I think you might be confused.

They never signed the TPNW.

Different agreement. So yes, there was an agreement to hold them to.
I think you might be confused.

They never signed the TPNW.

Different agreement. So yes, there was an agreement to hold them to.


The agreement between the P5+1+EU and Iran on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is the culmination of 20 months of "arduous" negotiations. The agreement followed the Joint Plan of Action (JPA), an interim agreement between the P5+1 powers and Iran that was agreed to on 24 November 2013 at Geneva.

Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action - Wikipedia​


The agreement between the P5+1+EU and Iran on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is the culmination of 20 months of "arduous" negotiations. The agreement followed the Joint Plan of Action (JPA), an interim agreement between the P5+1 powers and Iran that was agreed to on 24 November 2013 at Geneva.

Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action - Wikipedia

Not sure how this supports the idea that there was no agreement to hold them to.
I don't much care if Iran has nukes or not.
Only a coward (in America) would be afraid of it.

Apartheid Israel has had nukes for decades.
That has killed FAR MORE innocent civilians than Iran has over the last 20 years (not that I am a fan of Iran either).

I would rather neither country had them.
But if one has them.
It's pure hypocrisy to say Iran is not allowed them as well.

And save the bullshit that Israel is an ally.
They are NO ally of America.
They have taken hundreds of billions of our tax dollars.
Some of our best, military equipment.
And gave us NOTHING but trouble in return.
And piss the Middle East at us because we are supporting a government that treats the Palestinians little better than Nazi Germany did before WW2.

And to those cowards who says Iran will nuke America?
You are an idiot.
They nuke us?
We obliterate them.
MAD works.
Always has.
Always will.
Are you seriously that uneducated? That is Obama's Nuclear agreement with Iran, Iran never signed it. It was called an "agreement" because Obambi couldn't get it ratified as a Treaty.
You are the uneducated one (on this).
Of course Iran signed it.'
  • Signed in 2015 by Iran and several world powers, including the United States, the JCPOA placed significant restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief.'

Where do you get your news from?
An empty can with a string attached to it?
I don't much care if Iran has nukes or not.
Only a coward (in America) would be afraid of it.

Apartheid Israel has had nukes for decades.
That has killed FAR MORE innocent civilians than Iran has over the last 20 years (not that I am a fan of Iran either).

I would rather neither country had them.
But if one has them.
It's pure hypocrisy to say Iran is not allowed them as well.

And save the bullshit that Israel is an ally.
They are NO ally of America.
They have taken hundreds of billions of our tax dollars.
Some of our best, military equipment.
And gave us NOTHING but trouble in return.
And piss the Middle East at us because we are supporting a government that treats the Palestinians little better than Nazi Germany did before WW2.

And to those cowards who says Iran will nuke America?
You are an idiot.
They nuke us?
We obliterate them.
MAD works.
Always has.
Always will.

I don't much care if Iran has nukes or not.
Only a coward (in America) would be afraid of it.

Why? Iran doesn't try to kill/hurt cowardly and brave Americans?

But if one has them.
It's pure hypocrisy to say Iran is not allowed them as well.

the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense:

I believe the barbaric, terror sponsoring Iranian regime shouldn't have nukes.
No hypocrisy involved in that moral standard and belief.

And piss the Middle East at us because we are supporting a government that treats the Palestinians little better than Nazi Germany did before WW2.

Wow! Is your traumatic brain injury recent?
Iran never signed the agreement so there was nothing to hold them to it. Tell me, what is the Iranian Mullahs belief system?

They are Shia Muslims. Nobody actually wants nuclear weapons, but circumstances often force development of them as a deterrent.. that's what happened with India and Pakistan.
You should. Israel will not accept it, first and foremost. All out war. Second, the country is run by religious extremists who should not have nukes.

During the Yom Kippur war Golde Meir threatened to bomb the Saudi oil fields if Nixon didn't resupply Israel.

Iran has needed nuclear power since Eisenhower was president. Remember Atoms for Peace?

These days a nuclear desalination plant can produce lots of cheap electricity as a by-product.

I don't know why any fool would spend money on just nuclear weapons.. what a waste.
Iran never signed the agreement so there was nothing to hold them to it. Tell me, what is the Iranian Mullahs belief system?
Where did you get it from? The JCPOA wasn't a treaty, it was a political declaration. What gave it a legal basis was the UN Security Council resolution.

And yes, Iran signed this declaration.
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Where did you get it from? The JCPOA wasn't a treaty, it was a political declaration. What gave it a legal basis was the UN Security Council resolution.

And yes, Iran signed this declaration.
Where did you get it from? The JCPOA wasn't a treaty, it was a political declaration. What gave it a legal basis was the UN Security Council resolution.

And yes, Iran signed this declaration.


According to the U.S. State Department (Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs Julia Frifield), "The JCPOA is not a treaty or an executive agreement, and is not a signed document. The JCPOA reflects political commitments between Iran, the P5+1, and the EU."[66]
They are Shia Muslims. Nobody actually wants nuclear weapons, but circumstances often force development of them as a deterrent.. that's what happened with India and Pakistan.

Go a little further. Do they still anticipate their 12th Imam?


According to the U.S. State Department (Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs Julia Frifield), "The JCPOA is not a treaty or an executive agreement, and is not a signed document. The JCPOA reflects political commitments between Iran, the P5+1, and the EU."[66]
And? This confirms my words.
Different agreement. So yes, there was an agreement to hold them to.
You know, I'd be a lot more sympathetic to Americans wibbling on about Iran's adherence to nuclear agreements once the US actually started honouring the agreements to which it is signatory. Like the NPT, to start with.
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