Iranians Shrug Off Obama - America Soon To Follow?

Actually not, but thanks for stopping by.

Now I suggest you further your studies of your own nation's recent history, particularly the interesting links between JFK and the neoconservative movement...
of course, if you hadn't provided a link to anything, they would have just dismissed it off hand

I know. Damn lefties always dismiss links out of hand without reading them. Like the guy who said this:

so, the puffington post says it so it MUST be true

thanks for showing how fucking braindead you really are

Consistency fail, bitch.
wrong again, asshole
grow a fucking brain, that cavity between your ears may begin to collapse soon
Oh...I see, the Huffington Post. :lol::lol: They probably paid a couple of derelicts to pose as republicans and stated that nonsense. Nickie would buy into it.

Umm, no. Try reading the article, dickface. They linked to the website and video of Republicans saying as much. Oh, but I'm sure it was all staged, cause you are a little conspiracy nutter, aren't you?

Fine, fuckhead. We'll start quoting from Hannity's website, then.

Go for it, as long as he includes direct links to sources, as the Huffington article did.
that shows again, how fucking koronic and braindead you are

first off because NEOCONS are NOT right wing by any means
they are moderate to LIBERAL


You can't be serious?

may want to read up on the history of neoconservatism before you start criticizing others on the subject, fuckstain.

I know the history, dumbass. JFK wasn't a neocon. That shit is incredibly absurd.
It has everything to do with the Huntington Post. The headline in the H-post says that neocons are rooting for our enemies. they back that up by saying that TWO count em TWO neocons made that statement. So now that trash-whore Maggie says everyone who KNEW obama's speeches would have zero impact on the outcome of the election is supporting our enemies.
Mousavi uses Obama's words, therefore Obama made a difference. Obamabot (nice way of calling you Obama's bitch.)

Moron. I don't give a shit about their opinions, I was pointing to them because they listed the neocon shitheads who supported Ahmadinejad. You and your retarded right-wing bitches can't seem to get past the fact that its *gasp* the huffington post. Maybe its because you know that if you actually read the damn thing, you wouldn't have anything to say in response.

like I said, we'll start quoting Hannity's site, then.

Like I said, as long as they cite to direct sources, you can quote whoever the hell you want.
so, the puffington post says it so it MUST be true

thanks for showing how fucking braindead you really are

Oy. Let me make this very clear for all the retarded fucking rightwingers.

If you have a problem with the source, point to exactly what you disagree with. Attacking the authority is a logical flaw and causes you to fail.
you are one to call anyone retarded, you fucking moron
the puffington post is a piece of SHIT
i suppose you would deal with us using newsmax or WND as a source and treat it as gospell

grow a fucking brain asshole

Really? So do you think the cites they linked too are faked? Or what exactly?
of course, if you hadn't provided a link to anything, they would have just dismissed it off hand

I know. Damn lefties always dismiss links out of hand without reading them. Like the guy who said this:

so, the puffington post says it so it MUST be true

thanks for showing how fucking braindead you really are

Consistency fail, bitch.
wrong again, asshole
grow a fucking brain, that cavity between your ears may begin to collapse soon

Oh, do explain how I am wrong. Oh wait, you can't.
Left-wingers and right-wingers are a problem. I'm talking about the ones who only listen to their ideologues that feed them garbage. They take this garbage and fill up their landfills. They start tossing (spitting it out) the debris to non-believers. You wonder why they are a bunch of crap.
And now, how much covert money and manpower is going to be spent to try and get some form of actual revolution in Iran so the American President can save face?

Happening as we post - of that you can be certain...

I thought the US run out of crayons to draw $$...
That's because he is VERY WEAK and UNCERTAIN- he's a community organisor turned President.
How true Sinatra, Kennedy was no mindless, weak kneeded leftist, he was conservative and passed one of the largest across the boards tax cuts in history. He tolerated no B.S from foriegn leaders and handled the Cuban Crisis with total strength and determination during the cold war.

So many democrats like to tout his name, but if they actually knew what a strong determined, tax cutting, pro business president he was, I wonder if they still would.

He was nothing like his brother Ted, they were related in blood only, otherwise they were total opposites in ideology.
credit for the fighters in Pakistan fighting the Taliban, for Lebanon, for what's going on in Iran, for the parting of the waters, and the spreading of locusts. I like Sinatra beleive that should you give credit to Obama for what you claim is disarming the terrorists then I am going to give him credit for the current state of this economy. He OWNS it now and he can no longer claim it was the previous adminstration's fault.

Hell, he has lost 2 million more jobs since he took over, and it ain't over yet folks, just wait until inflation kicks in. It's high time he manned up.
i already have, asshole

No, you haven't. Saying "wrong again, asshole" isn't an explanation, retard.
it has been explained to you SEVERAL times
yet you still claim it hasnt, and you are calling anyone else a retard?
you are nothing but a fucking MORONIC ASSHOLE

Really? Its been explained several times why you didn't fail at consistency?

Considering I only made that point 15 posts ago, can you please point me to exactly which posts explained it?
No, you haven't. Saying "wrong again, asshole" isn't an explanation, retard.
it has been explained to you SEVERAL times
yet you still claim it hasnt, and you are calling anyone else a retard?
you are nothing but a fucking MORONIC ASSHOLE

Really? Its been explained several times why you didn't fail at consistency?

Considering I only made that point 15 posts ago, can you please point me to exactly which posts explained it?
only a fucking moronic asshole thinks there was any inconsistancy
it has been explained to you SEVERAL times
yet you still claim it hasnt, and you are calling anyone else a retard?
you are nothing but a fucking MORONIC ASSHOLE

Really? Its been explained several times why you didn't fail at consistency?

Considering I only made that point 15 posts ago, can you please point me to exactly which posts explained it?
only a fucking moronic asshole thinks there was any inconsistancy

Wait...I thought it was explained to me several times. You mean you can't show to me where it was explained how they were consistent? So you mean your a lying shitbag? Say it ain't so Dive...say it ain't so :eusa_angel:
Really? Its been explained several times why you didn't fail at consistency?

Considering I only made that point 15 posts ago, can you please point me to exactly which posts explained it?
only a fucking moronic asshole thinks there was any inconsistancy

Wait...I thought it was explained to me several times. You mean you can't show to me where it was explained how they were consistent? So you mean your a lying shitbag? Say it ain't so Dive...say it ain't so :eusa_angel:
you are such a fucking moronic asshole
there is no need to explain beyond the original posts because there was ZERO inconsistancy
you cant possibly be more stupid than chric/bobo, but it sure seems like you are trying very hard to show you are

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