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Iraq is imploding. Should we lend air support or wash our hands?

None of this Happy Horseshit in Iraq is driven primarily by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

This is about creating a power-base for a myriad of purposes, not just one.

There's a whole zone on this board-system, for discussion of the Israeli-Palestine conflict.

This ain't it.

Perhaps it's time to ease-off about talk with Israel and to get this thread back on track?

It's true, that it's all connected, but perhaps, here, we would do better to focus upon the Primary Issue, rather than collateral ones?
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The Sunni Saudis have been funding ISIS

Such a setback for Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has been the dream of Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah for years. He has regarded Maliki as little more than an Iranian stooge, refusing to send an ambassador to Baghdad and instead encouraging his fellow rulers of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) -- Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman -- to take a similar standoff-ish approach. Although vulnerable to al Qaeda-types at home, these countries (particularly Kuwait and Qatar) have often turned a blind eye to their citizens funding radical groups like Jabhat al-Nusra, one of the most active Islamist groups opposed to Assad in Syria.
Currently on vacation in Morocco, King Abdullah has so far been silent on these developments. At 90-plus years old, he has shown no wish to join the Twitter generation, but the developments on the ground could well prompt him to cut short his stay and return home. He has no doubt realized that -- with his policy of delivering a strategic setback to Iran by orchestrating the overthrow of Assad in Damascus showing little sign of any imminent success -- events in Iraq offer a new opportunity.
Anyone who believes the root issue is the Jewish state is either mentally feeble, woefully ignorant, or mentally malignant.
If you get all your information about Israel's occupation of Palestine from US media, you are not seeing the daily humiliations and crimes inflicted upon indigenous Palestinians by recent migrants from Europe or Russia.

Solving the problem of Palestine would eliminate one source of Arab mistrust towards the west.

I agree: forcibly cleanse the Palestinians to the Arab nations.

They have shown they will not live in peace.

The Arabs lost by verdict of Arms three times now.
None of this Happy Horseshit in Iraq is driven primarily by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

This is about creating a power-base for a myriad of purposes, not just one.

There's a whole zone on this board-system, for discussion of the Israeli-Palestine conflict.

This ain't it.

Perhaps it's time to ease-off about talk with Israel and to get this thread back on track?

It's true, that it's all connected, but perhaps, here, we would do better to focus upon the Primary Issue, rather than collateral ones?
That's a good idea.
(I knew you had ONE):lol:
Possibly the happy horse shit we are seeing in Iraq is validating Colonel Ralph's map of the New Middle East?


How long before "Free" Kurdistan makes its appearance?

Plans for Redrawing the Middle East: The Project for a ?New Middle East? | Global Research
They want to wipe off the Earth every Jew and Christian on this planet.
Why do you think that they are killing all of the Christians over there and destroying the Churches?
The Christians over there have done nothing to them.
There are more than a billion Muslims on the planet; how many want to exterminate all Jews and Christians. The Christians "over there" may not have done anything to Muslims, but Christians in the US and Europe have done a great deal.

"Conventional wisdom in American politics focuses only on American costs in the war in Iraq: the casualties to U.S. soldiers, the financial costs, and sometimes the strategic costs. But the human cost to the Iraqis themselves are nearly ignored in political discourse, the news media, and intellectual circles. This site is a corrective to those oversights. We present empirical reports, studies, and other accounts that convey and assess the consequences of war for the people of Iraq. "

The Human Cost of the War in Iraq

There is a big difference between Muslim Terrorists and Muslims.

Yeah and we are now allowing the same ones back in there who murdered and tortured more Iraqis than the entire time our troops where there.

I don't know why you think the news is ignoring it. It's all over the front of newspapers.

Newseum | Today's Front Pages | Daily News
None of this Happy Horseshit in Iraq is driven primarily by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

This is about creating a power-base for a myriad of purposes, not just one.

There's a whole zone on this board-system, for discussion of the Israeli-Palestine conflict.

This ain't it.

Perhaps it's time to ease-off about talk with Israel and to get this thread back on track?

It's true, that it's all connected, but perhaps, here, we would do better to focus upon the Primary Issue, rather than collateral ones?
That's a good idea.
(I knew you had ONE):lol:
Possibly the happy horse shit we are seeing in Iraq is validating Colonel Ralph's map of the New Middle East?


How long before "Free" Kurdistan makes its appearance?

Plans for Redrawing the Middle East: The Project for a ?New Middle East? | Global Research

That is not Bush's policy. That is the U.N.'s policy draw-en up by a retired U.S. Colonel.
Bush wanted Iraq united with the people in charge who allowed freedom for women to become educated and the people to vote.

This is what Kerry is pushing for. This is exactly what Iran wants so that they can take over in controlling Iraq.
If that happens Iran will control that oil and get a lot of money and gets them closer to Israel in order to wipe them off the map.
It gives them the money to continue with their nuclear weapons.
That's just great, Kerry is pushing for our enemy Iran to get nukes.
The terrorists are now marching on Bagdad. The Iraq government is asking for help, should we oblige?
Seems strange to me that we would spend all the money & lives just to let it fall in a matter of weeks/months.

I say just arm the crap out of the Kurds and let them handle it. They are the only ethnic group in the area that like us anyway.

I like this.
They want to wipe off the Earth every Jew and Christian on this planet.
Why do you think that they are killing all of the Christians over there and destroying the Churches?
The Christians over there have done nothing to them.
There are more than a billion Muslims on the planet; how many want to exterminate all Jews and Christians. The Christians "over there" may not have done anything to Muslims, but Christians in the US and Europe have done a great deal.

"Conventional wisdom in American politics focuses only on American costs in the war in Iraq: the casualties to U.S. soldiers, the financial costs, and sometimes the strategic costs. But the human cost to the Iraqis themselves are nearly ignored in political discourse, the news media, and intellectual circles. This site is a corrective to those oversights. We present empirical reports, studies, and other accounts that convey and assess the consequences of war for the people of Iraq. "

The Human Cost of the War in Iraq

There is a big difference between Muslim Terrorists and Muslims.

Yeah and we are now allowing the same ones back in there who murdered and tortured more Iraqis than the entire time our troops where there.

I don't know why you think the news is ignoring it. It's all over the front of newspapers.

Newseum | Today's Front Pages | Daily News
If you believe in the validity of the Nuremburg judgements where aggression was defined as the supreme international crime, differing from other war crimes because it encompasses all the evil that follows, Bush and Blair should be hanged for igniting the Sunni/Shite conflict.

All of those "who murdered and tortured more Iraqis than the entire time our troops were there" would never have been in Iraq absent the Bush invasion in 2003.

Maybe it's time for US War Crimes Trials?
This thread is like the Star Wars bar scene with kooks like the socialist, losertarians and liberals with their demented views on display.

The typical bullshit is "this isn't our problem because it doesn't affect life in the trailer park or ghetto here."

Of course the mental midgets acting like they graduated from junior high school (we know is a lie) believe that the US military would never need to get involved if Iran or AQ/ISIS took over the middle east oil supply and could destabilize the world economy. Your fellow scum said the same things back in the 1930s about "those little people in Japan" and "crazy drunk Germans."

The problem is the US military has to clean up your fucking mess that you create by waiting until it's too late, see 9-11, WW2, etc. It's better to clean up the scum before they spread and get more powerful....
The Sunni Saudis have been funding ISIS

Such a setback for Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has been the dream of Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah for years. He has regarded Maliki as little more than an Iranian stooge, refusing to send an ambassador to Baghdad and instead encouraging his fellow rulers of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) -- Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman -- to take a similar standoff-ish approach. Although vulnerable to al Qaeda-types at home, these countries (particularly Kuwait and Qatar) have often turned a blind eye to their citizens funding radical groups like Jabhat al-Nusra, one of the most active Islamist groups opposed to Assad in Syria.
Currently on vacation in Morocco, King Abdullah has so far been silent on these developments. At 90-plus years old, he has shown no wish to join the Twitter generation, but the developments on the ground could well prompt him to cut short his stay and return home. He has no doubt realized that -- with his policy of delivering a strategic setback to Iran by orchestrating the overthrow of Assad in Damascus showing little sign of any imminent success -- events in Iraq offer a new opportunity.

Good observation. The Sunni Rebels in Iraq aren't going away. They're very well-funded by Saudi Arabia and other wealthy Sunni Nations in the region. They despise the Shiites and especially Iran. They're doing the same in Syria. They're very concerned with Iran's rapidly expanding power & influence.

It's not really about the U.S. anymore. We can do some bombing, but the Sunni Rebels in Iraq will survive and continue fighting. It's an awful mess for sure. And yes, we are responsible for the mess. Iran & Al Qaeda's power in the region has grown since the Iraq War. It was a monumental blunder.
This thread is like the Star Wars bar scene with kooks like the socialist, losertarians and liberals with their demented views on display.

The typical bullshit is "this isn't our problem because it doesn't affect life in the trailer park or ghetto here."

Of course the mental midgets acting like they graduated from junior high school (we know is a lie) believe that the US military would never need to get involved if Iran or AQ/ISIS took over the middle east oil supply and could destabilize the world economy. Your fellow scum said the same things back in the 1930s about "those little people in Japan" and "crazy drunk Germans."

The problem is the US military has to clean up your fucking mess that you create by waiting until it's too late, see 9-11, WW2, etc. It's better to clean up the scum before they spread and get more powerful....

There wouldn't be so many messes to clean up if we'd stop creating so many of em. We screwed the pooch on Iraq. We as Americans have to accept that. It was a monumental blunder which has allowed Iran and Al Qaeda to seize more power & influence in the region.

We need to dramatically scale back our presence in the Middle East and stop meddling in their internal affairs. In fact, we need to adopt that same approach all around the World. Your aggressive Foreign Interventionist agenda has bankrupted us. It's time for change. It's time to come home.
I wonder what our soldiers think. Especially the ones that were wounded in Iraq.

I'm sure many are disappointed. But i'm sure they aren't surprised. They were used & abused. And for what? So Iran and Al Qaeda could gain more power & influence in the region? Obama is doing the same thing in Afghanistan. They're currently working on deals which will hand a good portion of Afghanistan over to the Taliban.

The Globalist Elite Politicians just use our Soldiers to advance their own agendas. Look at VP Biden's little brat son getting rich in Ukraine. Just follow the money. Never forget what one evil SOB Globalist Elite had to say about our Soldiers...

"Military Men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in Foreign Policy." - Henry Kissinger
Code Pink and the French should guide our foreign policies.... Lol

Surely you're not implying that the Iraq War has been good for our Country? Let's see, $Trillions wasted, Thousands of Soldiers maimed & killed, and a more powerful Iran and Al Qaeda? Yeah, doesn't sound like a good deal for the American People. It was a monumental blunder for sure.
This thread is like the Star Wars bar scene with kooks like the socialist, losertarians and liberals with their demented views on display.

The typical bullshit is "this isn't our problem because it doesn't affect life in the trailer park or ghetto here."

Of course the mental midgets acting like they graduated from junior high school (we know is a lie) believe that the US military would never need to get involved if Iran or AQ/ISIS took over the middle east oil supply and could destabilize the world economy. Your fellow scum said the same things back in the 1930s about "those little people in Japan" and "crazy drunk Germans."

The problem is the US military has to clean up your fucking mess that you create by waiting until it's too late, see 9-11, WW2, etc. It's better to clean up the scum before they spread and get more powerful....
War of Aggression.
Responsible for all the evil that follows.
Hang Bush, Blair, and Cheney

"I suggest that an 'aggressor' is generally held to be that state which is the first to commit any of the following actions:

"(1) Declaration of war upon another State;

"(2) Invasion by its armed forces, with or without a declaration war, of the territory of another State;

"(3) Attack by its land, naval, or air forces, with or without a declaration of war, on the territory, vessels, or aircraft of another Stat6 ;

"(4) Provision of support to armed bands formed in the territory of another State, or refusal, notwithstanding the request of the invaded State, to take in its own territory, all the measures in its power to deprive those bands of all assistance or protection."

Opening address for the United States/Part 10 - Wikisource, the free online library
I don't give a rat's ass about Iraq, and never have. We never should have been there, and we should never go back. Bombing them is not going to make even the slightest difference in this conflict, one way or another. The tribal and religious wars of that region are perpetual, and anyone who thinks that we can make things better is just plain ignorant of history, geography and politics. Bush was at fault for invading, and Obama is at fault for not pulling out immediately. Vietnam and North Korea have already proven that you can't stop this kind of crap from happening with modern weapons and military hardware, but our politicians are too damned dumb to "get it".
This thread is like the Star Wars bar scene with kooks like the socialist, losertarians and liberals with their demented views on display.

The typical bullshit is "this isn't our problem because it doesn't affect life in the trailer park or ghetto here."

Of course the mental midgets acting like they graduated from junior high school (we know is a lie) believe that the US military would never need to get involved if Iran or AQ/ISIS took over the middle east oil supply and could destabilize the world economy. Your fellow scum said the same things back in the 1930s about "those little people in Japan" and "crazy drunk Germans."

The problem is the US military has to clean up your fucking mess that you create by waiting until it's too late, see 9-11, WW2, etc. It's better to clean up the scum before they spread and get more powerful....
War of Aggression.
Responsible for all the evil that follows.
Hang Bush, Blair, and Cheney

"I suggest that an 'aggressor' is generally held to be that state which is the first to commit any of the following actions:

"(1) Declaration of war upon another State;

"(2) Invasion by its armed forces, with or without a declaration war, of the territory of another State;

"(3) Attack by its land, naval, or air forces, with or without a declaration of war, on the territory, vessels, or aircraft of another Stat6 ;

"(4) Provision of support to armed bands formed in the territory of another State, or refusal, notwithstanding the request of the invaded State, to take in its own territory, all the measures in its power to deprive those bands of all assistance or protection."

Opening address for the United States/Part 10 - Wikisource, the free online library

The Constitution is the roadmap for issues of War. If they had followed the Constitution and debated the War properly, it probably wouldn't have happened. These interventions are wrong. The Iraq War has only made things worse for the American People. A more powerful Iran and Al Qaeda has been the tragic result. We need to force our Politicians to follow the Constitution. Most of these awful blunders would likely be avoided.
This thread is like the Star Wars bar scene with kooks like the socialist, losertarians and liberals with their demented views on display.

The typical bullshit is "this isn't our problem because it doesn't affect life in the trailer park or ghetto here."

Of course the mental midgets acting like they graduated from junior high school (we know is a lie) believe that the US military would never need to get involved if Iran or AQ/ISIS took over the middle east oil supply and could destabilize the world economy. Your fellow scum said the same things back in the 1930s about "those little people in Japan" and "crazy drunk Germans."

The problem is the US military has to clean up your fucking mess that you create by waiting until it's too late, see 9-11, WW2, etc. It's better to clean up the scum before they spread and get more powerful....
War of Aggression.
Responsible for all the evil that follows.
Hang Bush, Blair, and Cheney

"I suggest that an 'aggressor' is generally held to be that state which is the first to commit any of the following actions:

"(1) Declaration of war upon another State;

"(2) Invasion by its armed forces, with or without a declaration war, of the territory of another State;

"(3) Attack by its land, naval, or air forces, with or without a declaration of war, on the territory, vessels, or aircraft of another Stat6 ;

"(4) Provision of support to armed bands formed in the territory of another State, or refusal, notwithstanding the request of the invaded State, to take in its own territory, all the measures in its power to deprive those bands of all assistance or protection."

Opening address for the United States/Part 10 - Wikisource, the free online library

The Constitution is the roadmap for issues of War. If they had followed the Constitution and debated the War properly, it probably wouldn't have happened. These interventions are wrong. The Iraq War has only made things worse for the American People. A more powerful Iran and Al Qaeda has been the tragic result. We need to force our Politicians to follow the Constitution. Most of these awful blunders would likely be avoided.
We need prosecutions of some kind to make sure such blunders aren't perpetrated in the future. It seems unlikely a majority of Americans would get behind trials for war crimes, but many might support prosecution of the graft and corruption that ran rampant during the US occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Official Study: US Wasted Billions in Iraq, Afghanistan -- News from Antiwar.com
War of Aggression.
Responsible for all the evil that follows.
Hang Bush, Blair, and Cheney

"I suggest that an 'aggressor' is generally held to be that state which is the first to commit any of the following actions:

"(1) Declaration of war upon another State;

"(2) Invasion by its armed forces, with or without a declaration war, of the territory of another State;

"(3) Attack by its land, naval, or air forces, with or without a declaration of war, on the territory, vessels, or aircraft of another Stat6 ;

"(4) Provision of support to armed bands formed in the territory of another State, or refusal, notwithstanding the request of the invaded State, to take in its own territory, all the measures in its power to deprive those bands of all assistance or protection."

Opening address for the United States/Part 10 - Wikisource, the free online library

The Constitution is the roadmap for issues of War. If they had followed the Constitution and debated the War properly, it probably wouldn't have happened. These interventions are wrong. The Iraq War has only made things worse for the American People. A more powerful Iran and Al Qaeda has been the tragic result. We need to force our Politicians to follow the Constitution. Most of these awful blunders would likely be avoided.
We need prosecutions of some kind to make sure such blunders aren't perpetrated in the future. It seems unlikely a majority of Americans would get behind trials for war crimes, but many might support prosecution of the graft and corruption that ran rampant during the US occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Official Study: US Wasted Billions in Iraq, Afghanistan -- News from Antiwar.com

Where is Eric "Fast 'n Furious" Holder when you need him?
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