Iraqi WMD's Finally Found? In Syria?

Liberals will claim Syria doesn't have WMDs or the CIA/military planted them there.

I've always believe this would blow up in liberals' faces in due this puts Obamination in a bind. Does he help secure the WMDs in Syria thus ruining his bullshit claims on the campaign trail that "Bush lied and people died" or does he just let the terrorists steal the WMD to cover up his claims to get re-elected.....
Something was in those truck caravans going from Iraq to Syria. It was speculated at the time that it was Iraq's chemical weapons.

It never ceases to amaze me how f-ing stupid people are. Hey, shithead, when you see a truck in your neighborhood, do you fear that it has WMDs? Something is in those trucks!

That was a stupid comment....if you see CARAVANS of trucks all on the same road all going the same direction, you know damn well they were carrying something out of the country! I suppose they delivering flowers to their friends in Syria?? My son has been to Iraq 3 times, he's seen the evidence....he saw the terrorist training camps that Sadaam approved of. Were you there?

Ex-Official: Russia Moved Saddam's WMD

A top Pentagon official who was responsible for tracking Saddam Hussein's weapons programs before and after the 2003 liberation of Iraq, has provided the first-ever account of how Saddam Hussein "cleaned up" his weapons of mass destruction stockpiles to prevent the United States from discovering them.

"The short answer to the question of where the WMD Saddam bought from the Russians went was that they went to Syria and Lebanon," former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense John A. Shaw told an audience Saturday at a privately sponsored "Intelligence Summit" in Alexandria, Va. (
"They were moved by Russian Spetsnaz (special forces) units out of uniform, that were specifically sent to Iraq to move the weaponry and eradicate any evidence of its existence," he said.
Something was in those truck caravans going from Iraq to Syria. It was speculated at the time that it was Iraq's chemical weapons.

It never ceases to amaze me how f-ing stupid people are. Hey, shithead, when you see a truck in your neighborhood, do you fear that it has WMDs? Something is in those trucks!

That was a stupid comment....if you see CARAVANS of trucks all on the same road all going the same direction, you know damn well they were carrying something out of the country! I suppose they delivering flowers to their friends in Syria?? My son has been to Iraq 3 times, he's seen the evidence....he saw the terrorist training camps that Sadaam approved of. Were you there?

Ariux is just a Jew hating clown, he is in love with the Arabs because they hate Jews.
What they found did meet the specified criteria, however they did not meet the Bush administrations claims justifying the invasion and occupation.

Right, even of these mustard shells were WMDs, they still don't meet the Bush administrations claims justifying the invasion and occupation. But, they're not WMDs.

The military's definition of a WMD is chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear weapons "capable of a high order of destruction or causing mass casualties." Degraded mustard gas no longer has the ability to cause a high order of destruction or mass casualties, it's no longer a WMD. It might cause a few casualties or mass irritation, but not mass casualties.
Others cannot accept the fact that they did not exist because that proves that Bush was a lying sack of .....................
But, they did exist.

....[/INDENT] News Article: Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says

What they found did meet the specified criteria, however they did not meet the Bush administrations claims justifying the invasion and occupation.
Considering what they found, the toxicity of the materials, the lethality of them, etc., what they found is just as dangerous as nukes. And, that's just what they found.
It's pathetic seeing liberal idiots pick and choose which WMD count and which don't count.
Liberals will claim Syria doesn't have WMDs or the CIA/military planted them there.

I've always believe this would blow up in liberals' faces in due this puts Obamination in a bind. Does he help secure the WMDs in Syria thus ruining his bullshit claims on the campaign trail that "Bush lied and people died" or does he just let the terrorists steal the WMD to cover up his claims to get re-elected.....

That's about the stupidest analysis I've heard. Syria was an ally of Iran. If they got WMDs, it was from Iran.
Dumbfuck, I didn't say they got all their WMD from Iraq.

Russia has been giving Syria weapons going back to the 1960s....because they both hate the "Jews," like you.:eusa_whistle:

Oh, Saddam hated the "Jews" too.....what a coincidence.

Liberals will claim Syria doesn't have WMDs or the CIA/military planted them there.

I've always believe this would blow up in liberals' faces in due this puts Obamination in a bind. Does he help secure the WMDs in Syria thus ruining his bullshit claims on the campaign trail that "Bush lied and people died" or does he just let the terrorists steal the WMD to cover up his claims to get re-elected.....

That's about the stupidest analysis I've heard. Syria was an ally of Iran. If they got WMDs, it was from Iran.

What they found did meet the specified criteria, however they did not meet the Bush administrations claims justifying the invasion and occupation.
Considering what they found, the toxicity of the materials, the lethality of them, etc., what they found is just as dangerous as nukes. And, that's just what they found.

:lol: I'm thinking no, probably not.

[ame=]Aerial view of an atomic bomb explosion - YouTube[/ame]
It's pathetic seeing liberal idiots pick and choose which WMD count and which don't count.

What's even more pathatic are the pseudo-cons trying to justify the lives of our men and women lost during the invasion and occupation with some degraded munitions from a war that happend over twenty years ago.

Without huge stockpiles and production facilities or any evidence of the aforementioned items the invasion was not justified. Oh and there is no way that number of trucks could have possibly moved the number of weapons and manufacturing plants that was claimed.

Iraq war: Success in removing Saddam. Strategic blunder that left Iran as one of the chief Arab power in the ME.

Iraq Occupation: Miserable failure.

Syria getting Iraq's missing weapon conspiricy: Stupid.
It's pathetic seeing liberal idiots pick and choose which WMD count and which don't count.

What's even more pathatic are the pseudo-cons trying to justify the lives of our men and women lost during the invasion and occupation with some degraded munitions from a war that happend over twenty years ago.

Without huge stockpiles and production facilities or any evidence of the aforementioned items the invasion was not justified. Oh and there is no way that number of trucks could have possibly moved the number of weapons and manufacturing plants that was claimed.

Iraq war: Success in removing Saddam. Strategic blunder that left Iran as one of the chief Arab power in the ME.

Iraq Occupation: Miserable failure.

Syria getting Iraq's missing weapon conspiricy: Stupid.
Considering that a single 155 mm shell of sarin can kill hundreds of thousands, and a hell of a lot more than one shell was found, enough was found.

Oh, and labs were found, too.
That was a stupid comment....if you see CARAVANS of trucks all on the same road all going the same direction, you know damn well they were carrying something out of the country! I suppose they delivering flowers to their friends in Syria?? My son has been to Iraq 3 times, he's seen the evidence....he saw the terrorist training camps that Sadaam approved of. Were you there?

Do you have documentation for these caravans? And, I don't mean one of your fellow fucktards making the same unsupported claim as you're making. Were they military trucks? Were they common tractor-trailers? I bet you don't know a thing about what you're claiming. You are an idiot, with a Jew's cock in your ass.

Why didn't the US intercept one these caravans? Hmmm, shithead, and catch Saddam red-handed. If our black hawks couldn't catch a convoy on the road, why didn't the US pay a visit to the destination of these trucks, not because Syria could stop us.

Considering that the evidence overwhelmingly shows Saddam didn't have WMDs, where did these WMDs come from for Saddam to truck in these convoys? Oh wait, you know Saddam had WMDs because after they where shipped to Syria you were told that Saddam had distributed WMDs to his troops and could deploy them within 45 minutes... you're a f-ing idiot.

You know Saddam shipped WMDs to Syria because it makes so much sense to put your weapons out of your reach while you're preparing for war... you're a f-ing idiot.

XXXX No Family But, shooting at mostly defenseless people isn't too dangerous.
That was a stupid comment....if you see CARAVANS of trucks all on the same road all going the same direction, you know damn well they were carrying something out of the country! I suppose they delivering flowers to their friends in Syria?? My son has been to Iraq 3 times, he's seen the evidence....he saw the terrorist training camps that Sadaam approved of. Were you there?

Do you have documentation for these caravans? And, I don't mean one of your fellow fucktards making the same unsupported claim as you're making. Were they military trucks? Were they common tractor-trailers? I bet you don't know a thing about what you're claiming. You are an idiot, with a Jew's cock in your ass.

Why didn't the US intercept one these caravans? Hmmm, shithead, and catch Saddam red-handed. If our black hawks couldn't catch a convoy on the road, why didn't the US pay a visit to the destination of these trucks, not because Syria could stop us.

Considering that the evidence overwhelmingly shows Saddam didn't have WMDs, where did these WMDs come from for Saddam to truck in these convoys? Oh wait, you know Saddam had WMDs because after they where shipped to Syria you were told that Saddam had distributed WMDs to his troops and could deploy them within 45 minutes... you're a f-ing idiot.

You know Saddam shipped WMDs to Syria because it makes so much sense to put your weapons out of your reach while you're preparing for war... you're a f-ing idiot.
As if a racist shitbag couldn't get lower - what a piece of shit you are. Reported.
I couldn't get any lower than someone who tells lies to start a war against innocent people.
It's pathetic seeing liberal idiots pick and choose which WMD count and which don't count.

What's even more pathatic are the pseudo-cons trying to justify the lives of our men and women lost during the invasion and occupation with some degraded munitions from a war that happend over twenty years ago.

Without huge stockpiles and production facilities or any evidence of the aforementioned items the invasion was not justified. Oh and there is no way that number of trucks could have possibly moved the number of weapons and manufacturing plants that was claimed.

Iraq war: Success in removing Saddam. Strategic blunder that left Iran as one of the chief Arab power in the ME.

Iraq Occupation: Miserable failure.

Syria getting Iraq's missing weapon conspiricy: Stupid.
Considering that a single 155 mm shell of sarin can kill hundreds of thousands, and a hell of a lot more than one shell was found, enough was found.

Oh, and labs were found, too.

"As a former UN inspector, I'm also familiar with the level of disarmament achieved concerning Iraq's banned WMD. And during my time in Iraq, 95 percent of the WMD produced by Iraq were verifiably accounted for. But I've always contended that Iraq is a WMD archaeological site, and that if one digs long enough, vestiges of these past WMD programs will be uncovered. Determining whether the discovery of the sarin artillery shell represents such an archaeological discovery, or is part of Saddam Hussein's alleged stockpile of WMD, rests with a full forensic exam of the shell."

Iraq sarin shell is not part of a secret cache / The Christian Science Monitor -
What's even more pathatic are the pseudo-cons trying to justify the lives of our men and women lost during the invasion and occupation with some degraded munitions from a war that happend over twenty years ago.

Without huge stockpiles and production facilities or any evidence of the aforementioned items the invasion was not justified. Oh and there is no way that number of trucks could have possibly moved the number of weapons and manufacturing plants that was claimed.

Iraq war: Success in removing Saddam. Strategic blunder that left Iran as one of the chief Arab power in the ME.

Iraq Occupation: Miserable failure.

Syria getting Iraq's missing weapon conspiricy: Stupid.
Considering that a single 155 mm shell of sarin can kill hundreds of thousands, and a hell of a lot more than one shell was found, enough was found.

Oh, and labs were found, too.

"As a former UN inspector, I'm also familiar with the level of disarmament achieved concerning Iraq's banned WMD. And during my time in Iraq, 95 percent of the WMD produced by Iraq were verifiably accounted for. But I've always contended that Iraq is a WMD archaeological site, and that if one digs long enough, vestiges of these past WMD programs will be uncovered. Determining whether the discovery of the sarin artillery shell represents such an archaeological discovery, or is part of Saddam Hussein's alleged stockpile of WMD, rests with a full forensic exam of the shell."

Iraq sarin shell is not part of a secret cache / The Christian Science Monitor -
He is no chemist. And, that's based on just the IED. Scroll above and see all that was found, not just what was found in 2006:

Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says

By Samantha L. Quigley
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, June 29, 2006 – The 500 munitions discovered throughout Iraq since 2003 and discussed in a National Ground Intelligence Center report meet the criteria of weapons of mass destruction, the center's commander said here today.

"These are chemical weapons as defined under the Chemical Weapons Convention, and yes ... they do constitute weapons of mass destruction," Army Col. John Chu told the House Armed Services Committee.

The Chemical Weapons Convention is an arms control agreement which outlaws the production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons. It was signed in 1993 and entered into force in 1997.

The munitions found contain sarin and mustard gases, Army Lt. Gen. Michael D. Maples, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, said. Sarin attacks the neurological system and is potentially lethal.

"Mustard is a blister agent (that) actually produces burning of any area (where) an individual may come in contact with the agent," he said. It also is potentially fatal if it gets into a person's lungs.

The munitions addressed in the report were produced in the 1980s, Maples said. Badly corroded, they could not currently be used as originally intended, Chu added.

While that's reassuring, the agent remaining in the weapons would be very valuable to terrorists and insurgents, Maples said. "We're talking chemical agents here that could be packaged in a different format and have a great effect," he said, referencing the sarin-gas attack on a Japanese subway in the mid-1990s.

This is true even considering any degradation of the chemical agents that may have occurred, Chu said. It's not known exactly how sarin breaks down, but no matter how degraded the agent is, it's still toxic.

"Regardless of (how much material in the weapon is actually chemical agent), any remaining agent is toxic," he said. "Anything above zero (percent agent) would prove to be toxic, and if you were exposed to it long enough, lethal."
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Considering that a single 155 mm shell of sarin can kill hundreds of thousands, and a hell of a lot more than one shell was found, enough was found.

Oh, and labs were found, too.

"As a former UN inspector, I'm also familiar with the level of disarmament achieved concerning Iraq's banned WMD. And during my time in Iraq, 95 percent of the WMD produced by Iraq were verifiably accounted for. But I've always contended that Iraq is a WMD archaeological site, and that if one digs long enough, vestiges of these past WMD programs will be uncovered. Determining whether the discovery of the sarin artillery shell represents such an archaeological discovery, or is part of Saddam Hussein's alleged stockpile of WMD, rests with a full forensic exam of the shell."

Iraq sarin shell is not part of a secret cache / The Christian Science Monitor -
He is no chemist. And, that's based on just the IED. Scroll above and see all that was found, not just what was found in 2006: News Article: Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says

The munitions addressed in the report were produced in the 1980s, Maples said. Badly corroded, they could not currently be used as originally intended

The weapons, we were told, were being recently manufactured and stockpiled. 500 shells is not a large stockpile. 500 tons is what they claimed Saddam had made and not destroyed.

The old munitions that were found were not in any danger of being transfered to al Queda or being used against us, well, that is until the invasion and occupation destroyed the security of Iraq and foriegn fighters were able to stream in.
That was a stupid comment....if you see CARAVANS of trucks all on the same road all going the same direction, you know damn well they were carrying something out of the country! I suppose they delivering flowers to their friends in Syria?? My son has been to Iraq 3 times, he's seen the evidence....he saw the terrorist training camps that Sadaam approved of. Were you there?

Do you have documentation for these caravans? And, I don't mean one of your fellow fucktards making the same unsupported claim as you're making. Were they military trucks? Were they common tractor-trailers? I bet you don't know a thing about what you're claiming. You are an idiot, with a Jew's cock in your ass.

Why didn't the US intercept one these caravans? Hmmm, shithead, and catch Saddam red-handed. If our black hawks couldn't catch a convoy on the road, why didn't the US pay a visit to the destination of these trucks, not because Syria could stop us.

Considering that the evidence overwhelmingly shows Saddam didn't have WMDs, where did these WMDs come from for Saddam to truck in these convoys? Oh wait, you know Saddam had WMDs because after they where shipped to Syria you were told that Saddam had distributed WMDs to his troops and could deploy them within 45 minutes... you're a f-ing idiot.

You know Saddam shipped WMDs to Syria because it makes so much sense to put your weapons out of your reach while you're preparing for war... you're a f-ing idiot.

XXXX No Family But, shooting at mostly defenseless people isn't too dangerous.

You are a piece of shit....look for it yourself lazy ass, why should i waste my time?

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