Irish Magazine Encourages the Assassination of Our President

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016

Germany has one nearly as deplorable. This isn t going to end well for the Left. Hope they continue to make themselves irrelevant.

Trump can be criticized and mocked and laughed at . . . not a thing anyone can do about it.
Only a real ass hole could engender so much hate. Can you imagine how much this is gnawing at his narcissistic little mind? He's in danger of a complete mental breakdown at any time.
Trump's BigOil pals sabotaged VW in Germany so they can force us not to be able to buy clean small affordable diesel commuters. They tried during campaign 2016 to force Britain to do a "diesel scrapping program" which was rejected by Britain ultimately. You go monkeying around with a foreign nation's economy to such an extent and they're bound to get hot under the collar. One thing's for sure, they're not going to be lining up to buy the only cars allowed to be manufactured now that the dems aren't in power.... And how are we supposed to get our own economy back if fat gas hogs sit gathering dust at car sales lots?

You gonna buy a 12mpg underpowered luxury/SUV gas hog in today's economy? Me neither.. And Tillerson's boys forced Germany to not sell their unique brands at all in the US. The only one they're "allowed" to sell here now (suddenly on just this model VW can be trusted!) is a big, 2.0 liter (hugely underpowered/inefficient) gas hog SUV. Surprise! No wonder they hate Trump. These new type of VW cars will flop and their share of the US market will be GONE completely. You don't shut an entire nation out of a great market they kept afloat on for many many decades and stay beloved to them.

Trump's Dieselgate?: How The GOP/BigOil Powers Intend To Smash Efficient Cars Again
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Foreign people hate Trump because he is a nationalist.

He puts America first, and that enrages them. .... :cool:
Pissing off our allies is the work of an idiot. Bush did it too and now he`s spending his days in exile on a fake ranch in a shithole state.
Only a real ass hole could engender so much hate. Can you imagine how much this is gnawing at his narcissistic little mind? He's in danger of a complete mental breakdown at any time.
Backing a two-time loser candidate is what engendered the Left's hate. Candidate Trump filled coliseums; Hillary couldn't fill a high school basketball court and only received more worthless popular votes because they came from the two most populous liberal States. When the water is flowing, you don't need to keep priming the pump.

Maybe you people can find another articulate African-American again. That went well for you even though it was a disaster for the country.
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Foreign people hate Trump because he is a nationalist.

He puts America first, and that enrages them. .... :cool:
They fear their allowance being cut off. Germany hates that we are waking up before we travel down the road they took.
Only a real ass hole could engender so much hate. Can you imagine how much this is gnawing at his narcissistic little mind? He's in danger of a complete mental breakdown at any time.
Backing a two-time loser candidate engendered the Left's hate. candidate Trump filled coliseums; Hillary couldn't fill a high school basketball court.

Big deal. Hillary lost. That's over. Trump is the problem now. I guess that's to be expected when you elect a real live Cartman as president.
Only a real ass hole could engender so much hate. Can you imagine how much this is gnawing at his narcissistic little mind? He's in danger of a complete mental breakdown at any time.
Backing a two-time loser candidate engendered the Left's hate. candidate Trump filled coliseums; Hillary couldn't fill a high school basketball court.

Big deal. Hillary lost. That's over. Trump is the problem now. I guess that's to be expected when you elect a real live Cartman as president.
Problem? Only in the Lefts world.
Trump can be criticized and mocked and laughed at . . . not a thing anyone can do about it.

Criticised and mocked yes, but this is a bit different than criticism and mockery, this is publicly calling for him to be assassinated.

Probably the Secret Service will be investigating the repulsive editorial staff of these publications.

The International Left have gone completely insane and are now literally circling the drain.

Whilst I might strongly disagree with a politicians political philosophy, I would never advocate murdering them because I strongly disagree with them. I don't like Obama or Hillary or many others, but I would never wish for their assassination, at the end of the day they have loved one's and children and grandchildren and I am not that hateful that I would openly wish for them to be murdered.

Anyone who wishes for the assassination of anyone because they disagree with that persons politics is simply and purely human filth and should be dealt with by the appropriate Law Enforcement agencies and dragged off the streets and removed from society,.

There are certain limits to Free Speech and calling for assassination is one of them.
Only a real ass hole could engender so much hate. Can you imagine how much this is gnawing at his narcissistic little mind? He's in danger of a complete mental breakdown at any time.
Backing a two-time loser candidate engendered the Left's hate. candidate Trump filled coliseums; Hillary couldn't fill a high school basketball court.

Big deal. Hillary lost. That's over. Trump is the problem now. I guess that's to be expected when you elect a real live Cartman as president.
Problem? Only in the Lefts world.

Make that the entire world. He's already pissed off our allies,and millions protested the inauguration of Cartman all over the world. People hate him........They really do.
Only a real ass hole could engender so much hate. Can you imagine how much this is gnawing at his narcissistic little mind? He's in danger of a complete mental breakdown at any time.
So, no words from you that this is wrong?

Yes. Too much to list here of what is wrong about Trump being president.
So, dumb is your defense? I'm not going to say playing dumb. I don't think you're playing.

No words from you about the cover of the magazine and how that is just wrong to do? You know, like how you'd lose your shit if it was Obama or a Democrat on the cover with a crosshair on their temple?

No? No thoughts on that at all?
The article is wrong, but the Trumpers need to understand their hero is hated by an American majority and apparently a super majority in the world.
Only a real ass hole could engender so much hate. Can you imagine how much this is gnawing at his narcissistic little mind? He's in danger of a complete mental breakdown at any time.
So, no words from you that this is wrong?

Yes. Too much to list here of what is wrong about Trump being president.
So, dumb is your defense? I'm not going to say playing dumb. I don't think you're playing.

No words from you about the cover of the magazine and how that is just wrong to do? You know, like how you'd lose your shit if it was Obama or a Democrat on the cover with a crosshair on their temple?

No? No thoughts on that at all?
No thoughts about the Palin cross hairs on Congresswoman Gabby from AZ?

You better condemn both, you hypocritical poof.

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