IRS email snafu "mind-boggling", says IT expert


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
Looks like the IRS person who wrote the report to Congress, is the only one on the planet who believes what's in it. Plus maybe a few of the sillier leftist fanatics on various internet forums.

I wonder what these IT experts have to say about today's IRS notice that SIX MORE EMPLOYEES' EMAILS HAVE VANISHED.


IRS email snafu ?mind-boggling,? says IT expert | Fox News

IRS email snafu ‘mind-boggling,’ says IT expert

by James Rogers
Published June 17, 2014

The IRS’ inability to locate a trove of emails belonging to Lois Lerner, the former agency official at the center of the department’s targeting scandal is “mind-boggling,” according to an expert in electronic discovery.

Bruce Webster, who has served as a consulting and IT expert in more than 80 civil lawsuits, is astonished by the fact that the IRS could lose two years’ worth of emails.

“It is very well known in both legal and IT circles that as soon as litigation and/or criminal investigation is likely -- not actually initiated, but merely likely -- it is imperative to preserve any relevant electronic documents, even it if means suspending existing practices of, say, email deletion or purging of backup files,” he explained in an email to

“So, for the IRS to come back and say, ‘we didn't save those emails on our servers, and the external hard drive that Ms. Lerner used to backup the emails has crashed’ is mind-boggling. In a court of law, that could be considered grounds for finding spoliation of evidence; in other words, even if the loss was inadvertent, it would be considered as deliberate destruction of evidence and sanctioned accordingly.”
I never thought I'd be living in a nation where the governments most powerful agencies are used as political weapons against it's own people and half the country are okay with it.
I see today's news is that they've lost even more emails dealing with the topic.
It is like they have a virus that goes around deleting emails of illegal activity.
This tech expert only understands computers.

This Chicago Mob that is running the country understand that their Democratic voters do know what he is talking about and that the Media will not educate them.

They have told this lie,,,committed this crime...not because they didn't think they would be caught at is because they don't care.

It serves them better than the Truth...just as it does in a Banana Republics...just as it did in the old Soviet Union.

And it is just so in the Obama Administration.

Holder will conduct no real investigation; Reid will allow no real legislation; and the Media will do no real reporting....because they are all Democrats and protecting this Thug in the White House is more important than the Truth.

The Truth is irrelevant to the Chicago Mob.
Every time I think this Administration couldn't possibly shock me any more with their "Chicago on the Potomac" style of ruling, they manage to shock me again.

YOWZAH! I want to see some people wearing orange suits at the end of this term.
It's gone beyond the Obama administration simply not telling the truth.

They don't even care any more, if they get caught lying.

There was no way they expected anyone to believe the "Lois Lerner's computer crashed" excuse for six differnt people's emails vanishing. But they just tossed it out there anyway.

They only want to avoid the punishment for destroyng evidence, lying, etc.
I never thought I'd be living in a nation where the governments most powerful agencies are used as political weapons against it's own people and half the country are okay with it.
As long as they are allowed to benefit/pilfer the treasury. What happens after the private sector is destroyed and the money runs out? Those that support it have capitulated to their new lot in life called the NEW SLAVERY imposed not only by the Imperial FED, but themselves. They are COWARDS that took the easy way out of the troubles of exercising liberty instead of defending it.
It's gone beyond the Obama administration simply not telling the truth.

They don't even care any more, if they get caught lying.

There was no way they expected anyone to believe the "Lois Lerner's computer crashed" excuse for six differnt people's emails vanishing. But they just tossed it out there anyway.

They only want to avoid the punishment for destroyng evidence, lying, etc.
JUST another phony scandal...:eusa_whistle:
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I never thought I'd be living in a nation where the governments most powerful agencies are used as political weapons against it's own people and half the country are okay with it.

I doubt many people would be okay with the IRS targeting anyone for political purposes.

The half of the country you think is "okay with it", have figured out it has nothing to do with Obama, and it is time for the rest of you to catch up.

I think it is sad that some people haven't figured out yet that Obama had nothing to do with whatever they think the IRS did or didn't do. No matter how hard you wish it was so, it isn't so.

If there was wrongdoing, let's get to the bottom of it and discipline the people who fucked up. But when you act like idiots trying to make it about Obama and impeachment, you just alienate half the country with your mindboggling stupidity.
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The left doesn't give a hoot. All that matters is the agenda. Lie, cheat, steal, whatever. Rules and laws are for one purpose, to control the opposition. Scum.
I never thought I'd be living in a nation where the governments most powerful agencies are used as political weapons against it's own people and half the country are okay with it.

I think it is sad that some people haven't figured out yet that Obama had nothing to do with whatever they think the IRS did or didn't do.

Do you have any proof that Obama had nothing to do with it?

Have you found the person who IS responsible? Have you made even the slightest attempt?

Is it OK with you if we check and see if maybe he DID have something to do with it? In light of the fact that the head of the IRS office that did it, has seen her emails to the White House and other outside agencies deliberately deleted after they were requested by Congress?
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I never thought I'd be living in a nation where the governments most powerful agencies are used as political weapons against it's own people and half the country are okay with it.

I think it is sad that some people haven't figured out yet that Obama had nothing to do with whatever they think the IRS did or didn't do.

Do you have any proof that Obama had nothing to do with it?

Proving a negative? :lol:

For God's sake, will you people PLEASE take a course in logic!

That is not how it works. You have to prove he did. Good luck with that.

The article makes a disturbing point.

The so-called "IRS scandal" concerns someone making the IRS deny tax-free status (important in fundraising, advertising etc.) to conservative groups.

Richard Nixon tried to get the IRS to send him confidential tax information (an illegal act) on some of his opponents... and that act became the foremost article of impeachment voted out against him in 1974. The IRS refused to send him that info, but he tried, which was bad enough. People were justly appalled at the idea of a government using its most powerful agency to go after its political opponents. That happens in third-world banana republics, not in the U.S.

Fast forward to 2014. Now we have somebody in government not only trying, but SUCCEEDING, in using the IRS to attack groups whose ideology is different from theirs. Has there ever been a time in U.S. history, when elected officials in government have used the machinery of that government, to carry out an attempted assassination of the ideology of half (or more) of the people in the country?
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I think it is sad that some people haven't figured out yet that Obama had nothing to do with whatever they think the IRS did or didn't do.

Do you have any proof that Obama had nothing to do with it?
That is not how it works. You have to prove he did. Good luck with that.

As I thought, you have no idea who did it... and so no evidence that is wasn't the President.

Once again, is it OK with you if we check and see if maybe he DID have something to do with it? In light of the fact that the head of the IRS office that did it, has seen her emails to the White House and other outside agencies deliberately deleted after they were requested by Congress?

You're the one saying "we have to prove it". Even as you disparage attempts to do that. Sounds like you need to make up your mind.
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It's gone beyond the Obama administration simply not telling the truth.

They don't even care any more, if they get caught lying.

At least Nixon tried to be covert about it. This Administration, however, flaunts corruption like it's something to be proud of.
Seriously, people, if we want to see any emails Lerner or anyone in her office sent to the White House, but she pretends they were accidently deleted, all we have to do is subpeona the White House copies of those emails. I don't think even they would be so stupid as to claim that they were also deleted by a crashing workstation.
It's gone beyond the Obama administration simply not telling the truth.

They don't even care any more, if they get caught lying.

At least Nixon tried to be covert about it. This Administration, however, flaunts corruption like it's something to be proud of.

This is SOP for this administration. You are correct, they DON'T care if they get caught doing something, because they are confident that they will get away with it. Obama is basically saying, "So what are you going to do about it?", and as long as he has enough sycophants to give him cover, no one will do anything about it. He'll keep upping the ante until someone grows a set of cajones big enough to stand him down.

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