Is America coming apart?

Awwwww... don't get your panties in a bunch, Princess... there's a place on that list for treasonous scum like you, too... not to worry.

I am trying to give you an oppurtunity to defend the police state.

Please make arguments. Not deflection.
First, you must obtain consensus that we reside in a police state.

You do not have that consensus.
Our nation is in peril right now. If HRC wins there will be a serious secession movement starting in Texas and moving east and north rapidly. Real America is fed up with the lies and corruption coming out of DC from both parties. Fed up---------fricken fed up.

Yep- if Clinton wins Texas will threaten to takes its toys and go play by itself.....

It wont be just Texas. won't be any state.
America once had a strong middle class, sound institutions, a real sense of community and was a place where ordinary, decent people actually could get ahead, especially with an honest work ethic.

That America seems to have disappeared and in the words of George Packer, today’s middle class seems to have slipped into a state of permanent poverty.

Is America coming apart?

America has been on its death bed for years so yup.
America once had a strong middle class, sound institutions, a real sense of community and was a place where ordinary, decent people actually could get ahead, especially with an honest work ethic. That America seems to have disappeared and in the words of George Packer, today’s middle class seems to have slipped into a state of permanent poverty. AUDIO
Is America coming apart?

Things started coming apart in the 1960s when the democrats discovered that white americans had stopped voting for them, so they decided to:

1- flood the country with the poor, uneducated, impoverished bottom of society immigrants from central/south america putting huge numbers of americans out of jobs they'd held for decades, if not centuries

2- look the other way when illegals from many of those same places snuck into the country

3-shower poor minorities with welfare and handouts, creating a permanent underclass of blacks surviving solely on govt

all done for the sole purpose of obtaining their obedience/loyalty and voting support in exchange for that welfare.

When a taxpayer today looks at the astronomical level of taxes and fees they are paying, and sees the billions being given out as welfare for syrian muslim "refugees" and illegal aliens from Nicaragua, the anger begins to really increase and will continue to do so until there is a meltdown.

I believe that if Trump is not elected, the imposition of such a corrupt, crooked lifetime politician like hillary who will use the power of her office to further engage these anti-american efforts will lead to a civil uprising, possibly a civil war.
...Or being a fascist liberal, like you
Hear that, my little LibTard colleagues?

You are just a fascist.
Oh, blow it out your ass, foolish little LibTard...

To those suffering from your mental illness, anyone who disagrees with your or takes a hard stand on A or B is a fascist...

You wouldn't know an honest-to-goodness 'fascist' if one came up and bit you on the nose...
Once Trump loses we should be better off. If the republicans lose the House and Senate, America will be on a fast track to actually repair itself. I don't have a whole lot of faith in democrats, but with republicans out of the picture America might be fine.

You're so, so correct- if bankruptcy is your goal - just using detroit, chicago and other shit holes solely controlled by dems for many years that have been driven into the ground.
Once Trump loses we should be better off. If the republicans lose the House and Senate, America will be on a fast track to actually repair itself. I don't have a whole lot of faith in democrats, but with republicans out of the picture America might be fine.

You're so, so correct- if bankruptcy is your goal - just using detroit, chicago and other shit holes solely controlled by dems for many years that have been driven into the ground.
It's so dumb how you cons always refer to cities rather than states when it comes to supposed "liberal failures." Never mind that MS, LA, and KS are republican shitholes while liberal California has no deficit.
Now the debt is far too large to ever be paid back thanks to socialism and it's progressives

It certainly puts statists in a difficult position.

The debt is only illegitimate if the people view the state as illegitimate (which it is)

The great United States enslaved Americans to a death sentence. Either we will be forced to pay into this with increasing desperation, or the state will push this nation to the eve of destruction by screwing over debtors.
The deficit's not bad considering your corrupt GOP depression, dupe.

What's screwed up is the fact that the rich got their tax breaks, Bush got his wars and the republicans don't want to fix the out of control health care system...Well, I hope they enjoy the debt...idiots.

Of course, they take it out on the guy on the street with their dumb cuts on areas that never caused the problem. Attached at the hip with the super rich! Fuck the super rich...They're really pissing me off.
The debt comes from all the socialist entitlement programs, all other expenditures are pocket change in comparison. Dumbass
You might notice your hypocrite heroes have the biggest deficits, except when Obama had to avert ANOTHER corrupt GOP WORLD DEPRESSION.
Once Trump loses we should be better off. If the republicans lose the House and Senate, America will be on a fast track to actually repair itself. I don't have a whole lot of faith in democrats, but with republicans out of the picture America might be fine.

You're so, so correct- if bankruptcy is your goal - just using detroit, chicago and other shit holes solely controlled by dems for many years that have been driven into the ground.
Had nothing to do with white flight and manufacturing leaving and GOP racism, of course lol...
Once Trump loses we should be better off. If the republicans lose the House and Senate, America will be on a fast track to actually repair itself. I don't have a whole lot of faith in democrats, but with republicans out of the picture America might be fine.

You're so, so correct- if bankruptcy is your goal - just using detroit, chicago and other shit holes solely controlled by dems for many years that have been driven into the ground.
It's so dumb how you cons always refer to cities rather than states when it comes to supposed "liberal failures." Never mind that MS, LA, and KS are republican shitholes while liberal California has no deficit.

I didn't hear anyone ringing the liberal lie bell!

You need a new definition of shit hole. That one in your face might qualify.
For blacks it was bad and for many it still is. For Native Americans it was bad and for many it still is. But for the white folk who controlled everything in the past and made themselves a nice little home by making sure others were below them, they've still got their nice little home and they still make sure others are below them.

The rich aren't rich because the poor are poor and the poor aren't poor because the rich are rich. You just selling class war because your life is a monumental failure and you are envious.

The problem comes when the govt starts giving the rich money in an effort to make trickle down, and it doesn't work because the rich hoard their money.

The gov't does not give money to the rich. Again all you have is that class war whine because you ended up on the bottom and it's everyone else's fault.
Once Trump loses we should be better off. If the republicans lose the House and Senate, America will be on a fast track to actually repair itself. I don't have a whole lot of faith in democrats, but with republicans out of the picture America might be fine.

You're so, so correct- if bankruptcy is your goal - just using detroit, chicago and other shit holes solely controlled by dems for many years that have been driven into the ground.
It's so dumb how you cons always refer to cities rather than states when it comes to supposed "liberal failures." Never mind that MS, LA, and KS are republican shitholes while liberal California has no deficit.
Only because of multiple and large-scale Democrat-controlled inner-city shit-holes, embedded within those States, and placing an intolerable drain upon State treasuries, eh?

If it weren't for the White Folk outside those shit-holes, carrying the water for Inner City Blacks, those cities would collapse in a heartbeat.
Now the debt is far too large to ever be paid back thanks to socialism and it's progressives

It certainly puts statists in a difficult position.

The debt is only illegitimate if the people view the state as illegitimate (which it is)

The great United States enslaved Americans to a death sentence. Either we will be forced to pay into this with increasing desperation, or the state will push this nation to the eve of destruction by screwing over debtors.
The deficit's not bad considering your corrupt GOP depression, dupe.

What's screwed up is the fact that the rich got their tax breaks, Bush got his wars and the republicans don't want to fix the out of control health care system...Well, I hope they enjoy the debt...idiots.

Of course, they take it out on the guy on the street with their dumb cuts on areas that never caused the problem. Attached at the hip with the super rich! Fuck the super rich...They're really pissing me off.
The debt comes from all the socialist entitlement programs, all other expenditures are pocket change in comparison. Dumbass
You might notice your hypocrite heroes have the biggest deficits, except when Obama had to avert ANOTHER corrupt GOP WORLD DEPRESSION.
All career politicians are to blame, even the fuck up Barry... Lol
Once Trump loses we should be better off. If the republicans lose the House and Senate, America will be on a fast track to actually repair itself. I don't have a whole lot of faith in democrats, but with republicans out of the picture America might be fine.

You're so, so correct- if bankruptcy is your goal - just using detroit, chicago and other shit holes solely controlled by dems for many years that have been driven into the ground.
It's so dumb how you cons always refer to cities rather than states when it comes to supposed "liberal failures." Never mind that MS, LA, and KS are republican shitholes while liberal California has no deficit.
Only because of multiple and large-scale Democrat-controlled inner-city shit-holes, embedded within those States, and placing an intolerable drain upon State treasuries, eh?

If it weren't for the White Folk outside those shit-holes, carrying the water for Inner City Blacks, those cities would collapse in a heartbeat.
They collapsed a long time ago, thanks for nothing. The New BS GOP gave the nonrich pneumonia, and the blacks died...
Very scary, fear mongered Pub dupe. But thanks for the WORLD DEPRESSION. Idiot.

You deserve to be scared. I'd hope that this information is used for empowerment and not depression.

Either way, I am not liable for the negative consequences that the truth may produce.
...They collapsed a long time ago, thanks for nothing. The New BS GOP gave the nonrich pneumonia, and the blacks died...
Oh, horseshit... your feral under-performers, infecting inner-city shit-holes, have merely gotten better at killing each other...

The collapse started with White Flight of the 1930s-1960s, when your under-performers moved North and started pushing down property values...

People flushed their equity in city neighborhoods while they still could, and bailed for the far more civilized suburbs...

Leaving your under-performers to rot for a half-century or more...

And, predictably, being the non-starters and under-performers that so many are, they did just that... rot...

The only difference between now and then is that recent inner-city shit-hole Kill Stats have made the rot smell even worse...

But the rot has been there all the while... hell, vast numbers of them brought the rot with them, and never shook it off... them OR their descendants...

As evidenced by Chicago, Detroit and several other 'beneficiaries' of The Great MIgration.

Hope that helps - restating the obvious in Real World terms, rather than LibTard Double-Speak.
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