Is America coming apart?

...They collapsed a long time ago, thanks for nothing. The New BS GOP gave the nonrich pneumonia, and the blacks died...
Oh, horseshit... your feral under-performers, infecting inner-city shit-holes, have merely gotten better at killing each other...

The collapse started with White Flight of the 1930s-1960s, when your under-performers moved North and started pushing down property values...

People flushed their equity in city neighborhoods while they still could, and bailed for the far more civilized suburbs...

Leaving your under-performers to rot for a half-century or more...

And, predictably, being the non-starters and under-performers that so many are, they did just that... rot...
Thanks for the racist Has nothing to do with no jobs in the cities and crap public transport to get to the jobs, or racism I'm sure...
the people will riot in the streets over a police shooting, politicians will complain about the militarization of the police. somebody says, end the police state. and the libtard replies, what police state you talking about, there is no police state. in other words, liberalism is a mental disorder.

america falls apart because the socialist demands, they are all about dividing people, keeping groups against each other, that's all they know. then came the cultural marxism, every natural thing about human beings is defined as some kind of oppression. it's gotten so bad that all political discourse is profane, the contest of which party can insult the other first.

all possible solutions have been explored, none of them are welcome. if someone says, balance the budget, somehow that translates into the jargon of political correctness as ''war on women''. the united states is the world's largest institution, very bigly indeed, and this is a complete institutional failure of the political system.

because every word in the english language is offensive to every shape and color of genitals that anyone is willing to imagine. america is screwed. get the picture?
...Thanks for the racist
Correction. You are welcome, for the Real World overview; one free of political correctness.

...Has nothing to do with no jobs in the cities...
Who the phukk wants to risk business assets plopped down in the middle of Zulu-Land... good money after bad.

...and crap public transport to get to the jobs...
Incorrect. Whitey pays good money to keep those unprofitable bus-lines afloat. Your feral inner-city troglodytes sure-as-hell can't.

...or racism I'm sure...
True... your inner-city Neanderthals DO tend to band-together because of their skin-color, don't they?
It's so dumb how you cons always refer to cities rather than states when it comes to supposed "liberal failures." Never mind that MS, LA, and KS are republican shitholes while liberal California has no deficit.

Perhaps arrogant liberals like you should research deeper before speaking.

#1, IL, the DEMOCRATICALLY RUN liberal state in which chicago resides, is functionally bankrupt, #2, CA might not have a deficit this year, but its pension system is functionally bankrupt, it is bleeding citizens dry with lunatic-level taxes, and is driving all but the illegals out of the state in record numbers.
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Had nothing to do with white flight and manufacturing leaving and GOP racism, of course lol...

First assholes like you blame whites for being there and mistreating the blacks, then you blame the whites for not being there...if all the whites moved to mars, would assholes like you still be blaming whites 1,000 years later? Probably, because that's all losers like you can do, blame someone else for your failings.

States like NY and IL have been run into the ground by black and white democratic party leadership for DECADES, so stop blaming the republicans for the absolute shit policies of the democraptic party. Policies designed to keep people poor and indebted to the government for handouts forever, for their votes - with the eternal lie comforting them: "it's the white man's fault! that you're in this tough spot!"

Funny how asians can come into bad, mostly poor, black/minority neighborhoods and manage to succeed. Wonder why that is...
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That America seems to have disappeared and in the words of George Packer, today’s middle class seems to have slipped into a state of permanent poverty.

With the exception of the homeless, nobody in the U.S. lives in poverty.
You are out of your mind.

Poverty Facts | Poverty Rate, Poverty Thresholds ... - Poverty USA › The State of Poverty
Poverty Facts. The Population of Poverty USA. In 2014, 47 million people lived in Poverty USA. That means the poverty rate for 2014 was 15%. The 2014 poverty ...►
11 Facts About Education and Poverty in America | ...
Do Something
What is the "Poverty Line," anyway? According to the 2011 U.S. Census Bureau, it is a family of 4 (2 adults, 2 children under 18) that earns less than $23,021.
Hunger Facts & Poverty Statistics | Feeding America®
Feeding America
Read on for national hunger and poverty facts and statistics, or visit Map the Meal Gap for state-specific information. ... 48.1 million Americans lived in food insecure households, including 32.8 million adults and 15.3 million children. 14 percent of households (17.4 million ...

People also ask

How many people are food insecure in the US?

How many people are starving in the United States?

What percent of American families live in poverty?

What percentage of children in the US live in poverty?

21 Facts About The Explosive Growth Of Poverty In America That Will ...
Nov 3, 2015 - What you are about to see is more evidence that the growth of poverty in the United States is wildly out of control. It turns out that there is a ...
Poverty in the United States - National Poverty Center | University of ...
University of Michigan
NPC > Poverty Facts ... How does the United States measure poverty? ... The United Statesdetermines the official poverty rate using poverty thresholds that are ...
Hunger in America: 2016 United States Hunger and Poverty Facts ...
Hunger in America: 2016 United States Hunger and Poverty Facts. image001 St. George's, an Episcopal church in Fredericksburg, Virginia, runs a daily food ...
15 Facts That Will Change The Way You Think Of Poverty In America
Nov 4, 2014 - 15 Facts That Will Change The Way You Think Of Poverty In America. Just because it can be hard to see doesn't mean it's not there. posted on ...

American poverty is like living on easy street compared to poverty in many other parts of the world. With all the programs available, if you are living below the poverty line, there almost certainly is some form of government help for you. That does not mean it is easy for anyone or everyone to actually get ahead and to live the American dream. That is another issue completely.
the people will riot in the streets over a police shooting, politicians will complain about the militarization of the police. somebody says, end the police state. and the libtard replies, what police state you talking about, there is no police state. in other words, liberalism is a mental disorder.

america falls apart because the socialist demands, they are all about dividing people, keeping groups against each other, that's all they know. then came the cultural marxism, every natural thing about human beings is defined as some kind of oppression. it's gotten so bad that all political discourse is profane, the contest of which party can insult the other first.

all possible solutions have been explored, none of them are welcome. if someone says, balance the budget, somehow that translates into the jargon of political correctness as ''war on women''. the united states is the world's largest institution, very bigly indeed, and this is a complete institutional failure of the political system.

because every word in the english language is offensive to every shape and color of genitals that anyone is willing to imagine. america is screwed. get the picture?
Yep, I surely do. You need some psychiatric help. The picture is very clear.
It's so dumb how you cons always refer to cities rather than states when it comes to supposed "liberal failures." Never mind that MS, LA, and KS are republican shitholes while liberal California has no deficit.

Perhaps arrogant liberals like you should research deeper before speaking.

#1, IL, the DEMOCRATICALLY RUN liberal state in which chicago resides, is functionally bankrupt, #2, CA might not have a deficit this year, but its pension system is functionally bankrupt, it is bleeding citizens dry with lunatic-level taxes, and is driving all but the illegals out of the state in record numbers.
Uh no actually. California is still creating new jobs. KS on the other hand is in a recession and MS remains the poorest state in the country.
Had nothing to do with white flight and manufacturing leaving and GOP racism, of course lol...

First assholes like you blame whites for being there and mistreating the blacks, then you blame the whites for not being there...if all the whites moved to mars, would assholes like you still be blaming whites 1,000 years later? Probably, because that's all losers like you can do, blame someone else for your failings.

States like NY and IL have been run into the ground by black and white democratic party leadership for DECADES, so stop blaming the republicans for the absolute shit policies of the democraptic party. Policies designed to keep people poor and indebted to the government for handouts forever, for their votes - with the eternal lie comforting them: "it's the white man's fault! that you're in this tough spot!"

Funny how asians can come into bad, mostly poor, black/minority neighborhoods and manage to succeed. Wonder why that is...

It's the racist white GOP's fault as always. Those are 3rd world Asians who make incredible sacrifices. Blacks are Americans who, like the white version, don't do well when discriminated against. NYS is just fine thanks. Red states are the shitholes. The whole country's slowly going to hell under Reaganism pander to the rich GOP policies...
That America seems to have disappeared and in the words of George Packer, today’s middle class seems to have slipped into a state of permanent poverty.

With the exception of the homeless, nobody in the U.S. lives in poverty.
You are out of your mind.

Poverty Facts | Poverty Rate, Poverty Thresholds ... - Poverty USA › The State of Poverty
Poverty Facts. The Population of Poverty USA. In 2014, 47 million people lived in Poverty USA. That means the poverty rate for 2014 was 15%. The 2014 poverty ...►
11 Facts About Education and Poverty in America | ...
Do Something
What is the "Poverty Line," anyway? According to the 2011 U.S. Census Bureau, it is a family of 4 (2 adults, 2 children under 18) that earns less than $23,021.
Hunger Facts & Poverty Statistics | Feeding America®
Feeding America
Read on for national hunger and poverty facts and statistics, or visit Map the Meal Gap for state-specific information. ... 48.1 million Americans lived in food insecure households, including 32.8 million adults and 15.3 million children. 14 percent of households (17.4 million ...

People also ask

How many people are food insecure in the US?

How many people are starving in the United States?

What percent of American families live in poverty?

What percentage of children in the US live in poverty?

21 Facts About The Explosive Growth Of Poverty In America That Will ...
Nov 3, 2015 - What you are about to see is more evidence that the growth of poverty in the United States is wildly out of control. It turns out that there is a ...
Poverty in the United States - National Poverty Center | University of ...
University of Michigan
NPC > Poverty Facts ... How does the United States measure poverty? ... The United Statesdetermines the official poverty rate using poverty thresholds that are ...
Hunger in America: 2016 United States Hunger and Poverty Facts ...
Hunger in America: 2016 United States Hunger and Poverty Facts. image001 St. George's, an Episcopal church in Fredericksburg, Virginia, runs a daily food ...
15 Facts That Will Change The Way You Think Of Poverty In America
Nov 4, 2014 - 15 Facts That Will Change The Way You Think Of Poverty In America. Just because it can be hard to see doesn't mean it's not there. posted on ...

American poverty is like living on easy street compared to poverty in many other parts of the world. With all the programs available, if you are living below the poverty line, there almost certainly is some form of government help for you. That does not mean it is easy for anyone or everyone to actually get ahead and to live the American dream. That is another issue completely.
Not in comparison to countries with comparable wealth. Only the US has a party as greedy and regressive as the GOP, and voters that stupid....Only the Conservatives in the UK are even in the ballpark.
As long as Reaganism rolls on, yes.

Which Reaganism is that? The one from all the way in the 80's or the one that JoeB131 claims taxes went up like with other Dem regimes?
Yes, Reaganism. When taxes on the richest were cut from 70%, gov't investment in EVERYTHING went to hell, and state and local taxes which hit the nonrich rose. Great job!
As long as Reaganism rolls on, yes.

Which Reaganism is that? The one from all the way in the 80's or the one that JoeB131 claims taxes went up like with other Dem regimes?
Yes, Reaganism. When taxes on the richest were cut from 70%, gov't investment in EVERYTHING went to hell, and state and local taxes which hit the nonrich rose. Great job!

:lmao: The fact that you think taxing people 70 percent is a great idea. That's slavery. Leftists love slavery!
As long as Reaganism rolls on, yes.
Still waiting for that trickle down are you?

Trickle down means when you buy something, the purchase trickles down the pipeline of people who manufactured, transported and sold you the product. Everyone benefits even if in a small way. Regardless if it's a bottle of shampoo or a new car, think of all the people along the way that manufactured each component as part of their jobs. Lower income tax means folks have more disposable income and that drives the economy. If you're still confused, ask your mommy to use words you can understand.

The problem comes when the govt starts giving the rich money in an effort to make trickle down, and it doesn't work because the rich hoard their money.

You got that backwards. The rich give the government the greatest share in their taxes. Without the rich, our government would be living on a shoe string and city hall would be a rundown dilapidated and abandoned Sears department store.
As long as Reaganism rolls on, yes.
Still waiting for that trickle down are you?

Trickle down means when you buy something, the purchase trickles down the pipeline of people who manufactured, transported and sold you the product. Everyone benefits even if in a small way. Regardless if it's a bottle of shampoo or a new car, think of all the people along the way that manufactured each component as part of their jobs. Lower income tax means folks have more disposable income and that drives the economy. If you're still confused, ask your mommy to use words you can understand.

The problem comes when the govt starts giving the rich money in an effort to make trickle down, and it doesn't work because the rich hoard their money.

You got that backwards. The rich give the government the greatest share in their taxes. Without the rich, our government would be living on a shoe string and city hall would be a rundown dilapidated and abandoned Sears department store.

The rich give the greatest amount of money, but where do they get that money from? From the labor of the poorer workers they employ.
That America seems to have disappeared and in the words of George Packer, today’s middle class seems to have slipped into a state of permanent poverty.

With the exception of the homeless, nobody in the U.S. lives in poverty.
You are out of your mind.

Poverty Facts | Poverty Rate, Poverty Thresholds ... - Poverty USA › The State of Poverty
Poverty Facts. The Population of Poverty USA. In 2014, 47 million people lived in Poverty USA. That means the poverty rate for 2014 was 15%. The 2014 poverty ...►
11 Facts About Education and Poverty in America | ...
Do Something
What is the "Poverty Line," anyway? According to the 2011 U.S. Census Bureau, it is a family of 4 (2 adults, 2 children under 18) that earns less than $23,021.
Hunger Facts & Poverty Statistics | Feeding America®
Feeding America
Read on for national hunger and poverty facts and statistics, or visit Map the Meal Gap for state-specific information. ... 48.1 million Americans lived in food insecure households, including 32.8 million adults and 15.3 million children. 14 percent of households (17.4 million ...

People also ask

How many people are food insecure in the US?

How many people are starving in the United States?

What percent of American families live in poverty?

What percentage of children in the US live in poverty?

21 Facts About The Explosive Growth Of Poverty In America That Will ...
Nov 3, 2015 - What you are about to see is more evidence that the growth of poverty in the United States is wildly out of control. It turns out that there is a ...
Poverty in the United States - National Poverty Center | University of ...
University of Michigan
NPC > Poverty Facts ... How does the United States measure poverty? ... The United Statesdetermines the official poverty rate using poverty thresholds that are ...
Hunger in America: 2016 United States Hunger and Poverty Facts ...
Hunger in America: 2016 United States Hunger and Poverty Facts. image001 St. George's, an Episcopal church in Fredericksburg, Virginia, runs a daily food ...
15 Facts That Will Change The Way You Think Of Poverty In America
Nov 4, 2014 - 15 Facts That Will Change The Way You Think Of Poverty In America. Just because it can be hard to see doesn't mean it's not there. posted on ...

Try stepping outside of the country one time in your life and realize how grossly uninformed you are
I've been to Europe 24 times and speak French and Spanish fluently. You were in the service and learned nada.

Oh, France and Spain? Well then, you clearly know all about poverty :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Go visit South America or Africa or certain parts of Asia sometime and then tell me all about American "poverty."

There must be many more people living under the poverty line now than even in the 60's.

What will the next Great Depression be called? Will our cities, instead of Hoovervilles, be called Hillaryvilles?
As long as Reaganism rolls on, yes.
Still waiting for that trickle down are you?

Trickle down means when you buy something, the purchase trickles down the pipeline of people who manufactured, transported and sold you the product. Everyone benefits even if in a small way. Regardless if it's a bottle of shampoo or a new car, think of all the people along the way that manufactured each component as part of their jobs. Lower income tax means folks have more disposable income and that drives the economy. If you're still confused, ask your mommy to use words you can understand.

The problem comes when the govt starts giving the rich money in an effort to make trickle down, and it doesn't work because the rich hoard their money.

You got that backwards. The rich give the government the greatest share in their taxes. Without the rich, our government would be living on a shoe string and city hall would be a rundown dilapidated and abandoned Sears department store.

The rich give the greatest amount of money, but where do they get that money from? From the labor of the poorer workers they employ.

It does not grow on trees.

Without employment, "poorer workers" would become homeless or aimless.
...They collapsed a long time ago, thanks for nothing. The New BS GOP gave the nonrich pneumonia, and the blacks died...
Oh, horseshit... your feral under-performers, infecting inner-city shit-holes, have merely gotten better at killing each other...

The collapse started with White Flight of the 1930s-1960s, when your under-performers moved North and started pushing down property values...

People flushed their equity in city neighborhoods while they still could, and bailed for the far more civilized suburbs...

Leaving your under-performers to rot for a half-century or more...

And, predictably, being the non-starters and under-performers that so many are, they did just that... rot...
Thanks for the racist Has nothing to do with no jobs in the cities and crap public transport to get to the jobs, or racism I'm sure...
Thanks for your racist racist democrats seems to enjoy what you do to blacks in the inner cities.....
I personally am tired of all of the crap in this country now. I am not necessarily saying other places are better, but in America you are not even allowed one second away from the non-stop, 24/7 BS.

Americans think of themselves as little gods. It's really annoying. You aren't a god, you are a human being who craps and dies.

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