Is America good or bad?

is America good or evil?

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Ideally, we're a force for ourselves ... the rest of the world can do as it likes.
Compared to pretty much the rest of the world we are the shining light on the hill.
There is good And bad. No clear cut answer to this.
It seems the Left in particular sees very little good in the USA however...yet they refuse to leave, and call for mass immigration here??. Go figure.
We're human, so we're a mixed bag, at best.

We have the best Constitution ever created, so that's a positive.

We're usually an inspiration for good. Sometimes we fuck up, being human and all.

Too bad we can't get along. We'd be much better if we could.
Good question, and a relevant one for today.

American Academe has been infected with the cancer of Howard Zinn's historical theories. In his book and in the minds of his followers, the European White People (and by implication, the United States) are a constant force for evil against the innocent and unwary aboriginals living here and elsewhere in the world. An entire generation of American public school students have been infected with this cancer.

Recognizing that people are imperfect, the reality is far, far different.

Without writing a tome here, consider:

What wars has the United States entered in the past 100 years FOR ITS OWN BENEFIT? (Hint: None).

Afghanistan: seeking to depose the evil Taliban and replace it with a government chosen by the indigenous people, freely.

Iraq: Same thing. Deposing of a tyrant who was threatening the entire region, and replacing him with a government, of, by, and for the people of Iraq.

Vietnam: Same thing. We had absolutely nothing to gain, but were trying to save the people of RVN from the invading communist dictatorship of the North.

Korea? Same thing.

WWII? What did we have to gain? NOTHING.

WWI? Same thing.

How many countries FOUGHT A WAR, involving more than a half a million casualties, TO END SLAVERY? None. Nobody. You know who got "reparations" when Great Britain ended slavery? THE SLAVE OWNERS!

After the second World War, which country voluntarily assumed the bulk of the military obligation to defend Europe against the threat of the Soviet Union? Do we not STILL spend more than all of the other NATO countries combined, TO PROTECT THEM???

Who is guaranteeing the viability of Israel?

The U.S. has long been, and remains, a HUGE force for "good" in the world

And gets zero credit for it in the world community.
are we a force for good or a force for evil?
------------------------------------------------ Finneco says it correct . And me , as a 70 year old i have have it made in the USA for those 70 years , Same for my parents and kids and other family members , friends , neighbors and others that i know .
Is selfishness evil?
--------------------------------------- Who is being Selfish Tehon ??
A few responses in this thread suggested that we (America) are only in this for ourselves.
------------------------------------------ AGREE , and thats the way it should be . Though after Americans are satisfied the OTHERS are welcome to the Leavings Tehon .

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