Zone1 Is America Racist? Larry Elder

Blah, blah, blah. Get out of denial racist.
So, Nixon used racial fear to secure voters. But the Democrats who officially cite “racism in the laws” aren’t doing the same thing? if It’s not in the letter of the law, then it’s not in the law. Period. So, where are the racist laws Democrats are using to promote racial fear?

No, I think any black person who has been pulled over for a DWB (Driving While Black) can tell you that there is racism in the laws. When I was picking up the wife from work last night, I saw exactly that sort of thing. Cop just pulled this guy over. He wasn't speeding or breaking any laws, cop just pulled him over while ignoring white people who were driving faster.

You also can’t show me exactly how the system is racist in “application”. No, you point to outcomes without being able to explain what exactly caused that outcome. Your belief is that it’s racism. But its just a belief and your failure to provide proof essentially makes your belief a faith-based ideology.

It's not faith, in so much as common sense. A five minute conversation with a cop will tell you that they racially profile and don't feel bad about it.
No, I think any black person who has been pulled over for a DWB (Driving While Black) can tell you that there is racism in the laws.

But you refuse to name the racist laws? Seems like this problem could be resolved very quickly if you guys would just point out the racist laws….. You complain about the racist-laws but then you protect them by refusing to name them.

Disparity does not equal discrimination no matter how badly you want it to.

When I was picking up the wife from work last night, I saw exactly that sort of thing. Cop just pulled this guy over. He wasn't speeding or breaking any laws, cop just pulled him over while ignoring white people who were driving faster.

Ok, Matlock. I am sure from your causal perspective as a liberal passerby that you got the whole story. The driver was black, obviously to you the rest of the situation is a foregone conclusion.

It's not faith, in so much as common sense. A five minute conversation with a cop will tell you that they racially profile and don't feel bad about it.


But you refuse to name the racist laws? Seems like this problem could be resolved very quickly if you guys would just point out the racist laws….. You complain about the racist-laws but then you protect them by refusing to name them.

Disparity does not equal discrimination no matter how badly you want it to.

Ok, Matlock. I am sure from your causal perspective as a liberal passerby that you got the whole story. The driver was black, obviously to you the rest of the situation is a foregone conclusion.

Exactly. They might have run his plates and found issues. Being black does not exempt you from being stopped by law enforcement.
But you refuse to name the racist laws? Seems like this problem could be resolved very quickly if you guys would just point out the racist laws….. You complain about the racist-laws but then you protect them by refusing to name them.

It's not how the laws are written, it's how they are enforced by racist cops, racist prosecutors, and racist judges.

If you are going to be deliberately dishonest, there's no point talking to you.
It's not how the laws are written, it's how they are enforced by racist cops, racist prosecutors, and racist judges.

If you are going to be deliberately dishonest, there's no point talking to you.
You said it was racist laws. Now you are saying the laws aren’t racist, its how they are enforced. The BS can crawl.

Again disparity does not equal discrimination. If you are suggesting a nation wide racist conspiracy by law enforcement, then the burden of proof is on you.

The Washington Post has a great database on police shooting deaths. It lets you sort incidents by race, gender or if they were armed. You should check it out.
There have been 10 unarmed black people shot and killed by police this year in the entire country. “10“ in a country of over 300 million people. 10 black people get shot by other black people every week in Chicago.

“The city recorded 695 homicides throughout the entirety of 2022, according to the most recent data.

There were 37 homicides in February alone, according to police, which is actually the second-highest total for that month over the past four years.

Chicago recorded 132 shootings last month, which was the lowest total for any February since at least 2019, while the number of shootings in 2023 (300) is down 9% over last year.”

The G.O.P. prizes Black Republicans — as long as they don’t alienate white members​

As the entire nation grapples with issues relating to race and racial inequality, all kinds of organizations—from churches to businesses to neighborhood associations—are trying to demonstrate their commitment to racial diversity in a way that does not alienate white stakeholders. The Republican Party is no exception, and, in fact, it has long struggled to project an openness to diversity. But presenting a diverse coalition of support has particular resonance in the wake of the Trump administration.

The public representation of Black Republicans has certainly shifted under Mr. Trump’s leadership of the party. The social media personalities Diamond and Silk replaced Michael Steele, the Catholic former chair of the Republican National Committee. Former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke was more relevant than General Colin Powell. Candace Owens supplanted Condoleezza Rice. Internet celebrities have taken the place of the legislators, military leaders and judges who used to stand as the “face” of Black Republicans.

This shift reflects many of the themes I found in my research for a book about the experience of being Black in the Republican Party. Through interviews with Black Republican activists, it became clear to me that most people understand these activists based on their relationships to other Black people.

Black Republicans also told me that their opportunities for advancement in the G.O.P. depended on sticking to the party’s dominant rhetoric on race. When the Republican Party embraces white grievance, articulates anti-Black policies and raises anti-Black voices, Black Republicans are less able to talk about Republican policies in ways that will uplift Black people. The Black Republicans who articulate ideas consistent with white grievance, or who work to undermine claims of racism, are given broad platforms within the party, even when those ideas are not particularly resonant with Black audiences. This race-blind messaging is not necessarily representative of what all Black Republicans think, but it is what the primarily white leadership of Republican organizations wants to hear.

You said it was racist laws. Now you are saying the laws aren’t racist, its how they are enforced. The BS can crawl.

Again disparity does not equal discrimination. If you are suggesting a nation wide racist conspiracy by law enforcement, then the burden of proof is on you.

You know damned well if a law is written and then only applied to black people, that law is racist.

Why are you such a lying sack of shit?

There have been 10 unarmed black people shot and killed by police this year in the entire country. “10“ in a country of over 300 million people. 10 black people get shot by other black people every week in Chicago.

That's 10 too many.

The thing about those 10 black people shot in Chicago is that they will be arrested (assuming the CPD can put down the donuts long enough to do their jobs), prosecuted, and imprisoned.

A cop can shoot an unarmed black man, and more often than not, it will be ruled as "justified", as it was in the case of Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner. In fact, the case has to be particularly egregious for a prosecution to happen at all.
You know damned well if a law is written and then only applied to black people, that law is racist.

And let me guess, you won’t name the laws that are only applied to black people….

A cop can shoot an unarmed black man, and more often than not, it will be ruled as "justified", as it was in the case of Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner. In fact, the case has to be particularly egregious for a prosecution to happen at all.

Micheal Brown reached into the officers SUV sand tried to take his gun. “Hand up don’t shoot” never happened.

Tamil Rice was a tragic incident but he was waving around a realistic looking toy gun. That is ultimately what got him shot, not the color of his skin. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

And that brings us to Eric Garner. The are two easy things you can do that will eliminate 99.99% of the risk that police will kill you for “being black”. 1). Don’t do crime. 2). Comply with law enforcement. Do those two things and chances are you will never find yourself being restrained by the police.

None of those cases demonstrate the police “selectively enforcing” “racist laws” against black people. If it’s racism when the police kill a black person, what is it when the police kill a white person?
And let me guess, you won’t name the laws that are only applied to black people….
Well, pretty much all of them... but never mind.

Tamil Rice was a tragic incident but he was waving around a realistic looking toy gun. That is ultimately what got him shot, not the color of his skin. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
The tragedy is that a white officer who was fired from a previous job for "emotional immaturity" was hired by the Cleveland PD, and completely overreacted. Tamir (not Tamil) was playing with a toy in the park with his sister watching him.
And that brings us to Eric Garner. The are two easy things you can do that will eliminate 99.99% of the risk that police will kill you for “being black”. 1). Don’t do crime. 2). Comply with law enforcement. Do those two things and chances are you will never find yourself being restrained by the police.

Again, he was arrested for selling single smokes. That was it. this required lethal force?

Shit, let's just let the cops execute jaywalkers, while we are at it.
If you go to the State Fair, and you white go back home, and if blacks cut in line never for a second say anything to them.

10K bond for multiple assaults and armed robbery.
Again, he was arrested for selling single smokes. That was it. this required lethal force?
No that did not require lethal force. He resisted. His decision to resist lead to a physical struggle. Had he just complied he would be alive.

Don’t cry about police brutality. I oppose police brutality. You are making this a racial issue. I, like everyone supported the George Floyd cause until the left made it a racial issue rather than about police brutality. Even police came out to protest the death of George Floyd until the left hijacked the cause. Police brutality is a unifying issue. Crying-wolf about racism is not.
No that did not require lethal force. He resisted. His decision to resist lead to a physical struggle. Had he just complied he would be alive.

Don’t cry about police brutality. I oppose police brutality. You are making this a racial issue. I, like everyone supported the George Floyd cause until the left made it a racial issue rather than about police brutality. Even police came out to protest the death of George Floyd until the left hijacked the cause. Police brutality is a unifying issue. Crying-wolf about racism is not.
It's a racial issue because police are more likely to use excessive force on blacks, usually for petty offenses.

If white people are being brutalized (they aren't), then shame on them for not making more of an issue of it.
It's a racial issue because police are more likely to use excessive force on blacks, usually for petty offenses.

If white people are being brutalized (they aren't), then shame on them for not making more of an issue of it.
White people are being brutalized and killed by the police.

Disparity doesn’t not equal discrimination no matter how many times you try to support your position with that assumption.
Then they should be insisting on police reform.

We could if the liberals would stop wrongly blaming racism for everything. I told you, in the wake of the death of George Floyd, there was wide support because people saw it as a case of police brutality. Then the left shifted the narrative from police brutality to ”RACISM!” and blamed white people for being part of the inherent “white supremacy” in America. That kind of ugly-stupid isn’t attractive to a lot of people.
Yeah, actually it does, when you see it systematically.

But you admittedly don’t see it systemically, you see disparity being equal to discrimination. It’s also not in the laws. You acknowledged this. First it was racist laws, you actually later claimed it was “all of them”. Zero naming of racist laws. Then it was how those laws are only enforced on black people. Your example of this was completely false. And now you are back to claiming a false equivalence between disparity and discrimination. We’ve been here before, and begin again.
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Then they should be insisting on police reform.
Instead of calling for police reform, the left went full retard and demanded the police be defunded. Again, that level of ugly-stupid is not attractive to a lot of people. The only people that kind of ugly-stupid is attractive to is white liberals who live in low crime areas.

Even Democrats are now admitting ‘Defund the Police’ was a massive mistake​


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