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Is another Civil War brewing?

... or is that alarmist?
Even the "gay marriage" is aligning South vs. North...or no?

Could be, but I'd give it less than a 20% chance of really happening.

Agreed. There will be no "civil war" because New York vs Ferber upon peaceful civil challenge will overturn Obergefell and the question of states defining marriage will be affirmed in favor of the states. There never was a provision in the Constitution for either 1. Just some deviant repugnant sex behaviors but not others (polygamy, for instance which the 14th says should also right now be legal) or 2. A definition or promise of a "right" for everyone to marry anyone they like.

Loving v Virgina was about race, not behavior. And it didn't eradicate a mother and father for children. Gay marriage does, and that's a problem. And, harmful ultimately to children. New York vs Ferber (1982) was a USSC Finding that says that even if an adult enjoys a constitutionally-protect right, even as rock-solid as the 1st Amendment which the Court slavishly finds in favor of, that right cannot hurt a child or children physically or psychologically.

Ferber was a depraved man who was trying to peddle child pornography featuring two young boys masturbating. He claimed when New York shut him down, that doing so was his constitutional right. He won initially in the lower courts but when SCOTUS reviewed his "right" they recoiled and determined that no, there was a clear line in the sand when children are involved in any adult "right" if that right harms them. Then, it isn't constitutionally-protected. An interesting case for those thinking about challenging Obergefell 2015...

Ferber never so much as mentions marriage. Let alone finds that same sex marriage 'hurts children'. Ferber is merely your case of the month. You'll forget about in a few weeks and come up with a brand new irrelevant case you insist will overturn Obergefell. And then forget about that one too.

Back in reality, Obergefell is fine. And your pseudo-legal babble is still irrelevant.

As you know, when people use previous Court Findings to support their argument, they don't narrow down to specifics, but instead argue the GENERALIZED finding of a case. In Ferber, the generalized finding was that even when a person enjoys a civil right...even one as rock-solid and supported by previous case law as the 1st Amendment, that right is suspended if that "enjoyment" involves hurting children physically or psychologically.

Using your logic, Loving v Virginia never mentioned gay marriage...so....it can't be used to argue that "gay marriage should be legal across 50 states"..
You cannot fly in the face of reality. Your opinion that the Loving case cannot be used to support same sex marriage denies the fact that it was, and favorably. The Supreme Court has ruled that the marriage of perverts is a benefit to children.

It doesn't mean that perv marriage really is a benefit to children, merely that the Supreme Court said it was. Since we are a nation of laws, (as filtered through social justice) it will remain this way until such time as social justice is replaced by real justice.

Real justice encompasses same sex marriage. As denying marriage to same sex parents doesn't magically make them opposite sex parents. It only guarantees that these children will never have married parents.

Which hurts these kids and helps none.
There are no unintended pregnancies in same sex relationships. Children are deliberately inserted into perv marriage. Don't insert children into pervert relationships and the issue of parentage doesn't come up.

Same sex marriage is the law of the land. Children being raised by perverts to be perverts is the law of the land. All normal people can do is keep the perversion as far from themselves as they can. Forcing acceptance of perversion is not the law of the land. At least so far.
... or is that alarmist?
Even the "gay marriage" is aligning South vs. North...or no?
You're right. It is alarmist.

And I believe, in the land of Johnny Mercer and Tennessee Williams and William Faulkner there are LGBT people living, working, paying taxes, active in their community and church and thankful that they have equal access to the protections of a marriage license.

The Conservatives who, as usual, are acting out in a fit of pique would find it difficult to rally armed support for the cause of repressing American citizens.
Don't forget Truman Capote
There is no division like North v South. The corruption is too pervasive. The division is more house by house, block by block. The ordinary mechanism of revolution won't work. It needs a stronger power with a large network of collaboration to end what we have made.

Describe this 'stronger power with a large network of collaboration'. Because it sounds depressingly like a network of secret police.
I would hope that Russia steps up to the plate and ends the American experiment with liberalism, perversion and corruption. I would be honored to be an informant.
Authoritarianism over Liberty? You're not an American at all, are you?
There are no unintended pregnancies in same sex relationships. Children are deliberately inserted into perv marriage. Don't insert children into pervert relationships and the issue of parentage doesn't come up.

And how would you prevent it, specifically?

Report them to your local Russian Neighbhood Commander, comrade?
You're right. It is alarmist.

And I believe, in the land of Johnny Mercer and Tennessee Williams and William Faulkner there are LGBT people living, working, paying taxes, active in their community and church and thankful that they have equal access to the protections of a marriage license.

The Conservatives who, as usual, are acting out in a fit of pique would find it difficult to rally armed support for the cause of repressing American citizens.
Don't forget Truman Capote
There is no division like North v South. The corruption is too pervasive. The division is more house by house, block by block. The ordinary mechanism of revolution won't work. It needs a stronger power with a large network of collaboration to end what we have made.

Describe this 'stronger power with a large network of collaboration'. Because it sounds depressingly like a network of secret police.
I would hope that Russia steps up to the plate and ends the American experiment with liberalism, perversion and corruption. I would be honored to be an informant.
Authoritarianism over Liberty? You're not an American at all, are you?

Comrade Tipsy? Of course she is.
There are no unintended pregnancies in same sex relationships. Children are deliberately inserted into perv marriage. Don't insert children into pervert relationships and the issue of parentage doesn't come up.

And how would you prevent it, specifically?

Report them to your local Russian Neighbhood Commander, comrade?
In a better world someone would save these children. We aren't in a better world. All normal people can do is use what authority they have to act in their own lives. No one has to accept perverts unless there they fall into a class where it's necessary . Even that's limited. You don't have to let them in your house. Your children aren't required by law to play with them. After work hours, you can tell your gay cubicle mate to fuck off and die.
There are no unintended pregnancies in same sex relationships. Children are deliberately inserted into perv marriage. Don't insert children into pervert relationships and the issue of parentage doesn't come up.

And how would you prevent it, specifically?

Report them to your local Russian Neighbhood Commander, comrade?
In a better world someone would save these children. We aren't in a better world. All normal people can do is use what authority they have to act in their own lives. No one has to accept perverts unless there they fall into a class where it's necessary . Even that's limited. You don't have to let them in your house. Your children aren't required by law to play with them. After work hours, you can tell your gay cubicle mate to fuck off and die.

So.....nothing then.
There are no unintended pregnancies in same sex relationships. Children are deliberately inserted into perv marriage. Don't insert children into pervert relationships and the issue of parentage doesn't come up.

And how would you prevent it, specifically?

Report them to your local Russian Neighbhood Commander, comrade?
In a better world someone would save these children. We aren't in a better world. All normal people can do is use what authority they have to act in their own lives. No one has to accept perverts unless there they fall into a class where it's necessary . Even that's limited. You don't have to let them in your house. Your children aren't required by law to play with them. After work hours, you can tell your gay cubicle mate to fuck off and die.

So.....nothing then.
Nope. Not a thing. Perversion is the law of the land. Individuals don't have to accept it though.
Everyone under 40 makes the same mistakes on questions like these. They are simply to young to remember when America was really free from this PC shit going around now. Believe me, it can't last. The rest of us have not gone anywhere, we are here and getting sick of this monkey business. Some of us did raise our kids right and passed on what we know about socialism and communism and rights that are just wrong. Now, we are on the cusp. Either people will elect Trump and we can do this peacefully, or they can try to phoney up the peoples will and cause the civil war that is simmering. It's like the fox and the hare. Patriots will be fighting for our way of life, you commies will be fighting for lunch. Guess who will win.
Everyone under 40 makes the same mistakes on questions like these. They are simply to young to remember when America was really free from this PC shit going around now. Believe me, it can't last. The rest of us have not gone anywhere, we are here and getting sick of this monkey business. Some of us did raise our kids right and passed on what we know about socialism and communism and rights that are just wrong. Now, we are on the cusp. Either people will elect Trump and we can do this peacefully, or they can try to phoney up the peoples will and cause the civil war that is simmering. It's like the fox and the hare. Patriots will be fighting for our way of life, you commies will be fighting for lunch. Guess who will win.
Every patriot to the American way of life is a traitor to the transformed country.
Everyone under 40 makes the same mistakes on questions like these. They are simply to young to remember when America was really free from this PC shit going around now. Believe me, it can't last. The rest of us have not gone anywhere, we are here and getting sick of this monkey business. Some of us did raise our kids right and passed on what we know about socialism and communism and rights that are just wrong. Now, we are on the cusp. Either people will elect Trump and we can do this peacefully, or they can try to phoney up the peoples will and cause the civil war that is simmering. It's like the fox and the hare. Patriots will be fighting for our way of life, you commies will be fighting for lunch. Guess who will win.

Same problem as always: civil wars involve war. And your ilk won't fight.

They'll give elaborate explanations for why its someone *else's* responsibility to bleed. But why they shouldn't have to.

And the result? Jack shit. Which is why there will be no civil war.
Hmm, they must have let you kids out of school early today.

It's 7:00 PM when you posted that.....you must have just gottent into your GED night class?
It took you all night to come up with that? :lol:

Just because you sit in front of your computer 24/7 spewing your nonsense doesn't mean everyone else on this Forum does the same.....So, did you learn anything new in your GED class?
You're averaging about 23 posts a day on this forum ALONE asshole!
Then there are the two other forums you are on. One averaging MORE than 30 posts a day!
You're looking at around to 80 posts a day!
What you get from the 'Oprah' forum is beyond me.
How do you even find time to put in your 4 hours a day, three days a week, at 'Jack-In-The-Box?
Oh dannyboy, "At this point, what difference does it make, whether I post here or there?" You aren't pissed that I am pointing out how much LIBERALLISM is failing not only in America but the rest of the world? Go back to your pot smoking in your parents basement, collect welfare, and use your parents healthcare till you are 26, and be at peace. Go vote for the vagina who stole once again the elections of New Hampshire, because the regular people voted for Bernie, yet the Super Electorics were bought off by HRC. I know how angry you libtards are as with Der Fuhrer with pen and phone haven't done enough to provide you with free drugs(but old farts get free drugs) and food and internet porn. May you not live long and prosper, your gene pool needs to end.
Read this very carefully pal. YOU have 100% totally mistaken me for some other poster. Go back and give your fucking head a shake! And lay off the dope.
Then come back and apologize for getting my post/s mixed up with some stupid fucking LIB. OK?
There won't be a civil war in the same sense that the last civil war was fought. There are no clear lines of demarcation. At best there are isolated areas that insulate themselves from their surroundings.
Everyone under 40 makes the same mistakes on questions like these. They are simply to young to remember when America was really free from this PC shit going around now. Believe me, it can't last. The rest of us have not gone anywhere, we are here and getting sick of this monkey business. Some of us did raise our kids right and passed on what we know about socialism and communism and rights that are just wrong. Now, we are on the cusp. Either people will elect Trump and we can do this peacefully, or they can try to phoney up the peoples will and cause the civil war that is simmering. It's like the fox and the hare. Patriots will be fighting for our way of life, you commies will be fighting for lunch. Guess who will win.
Every patriot to the American way of life is a traitor to the transformed country.

Says the gal who insists we need to be taken over by Russia with a network of 'informants' to turn neighbors into the local "Russian Commander''.

The loathing that the fringe right has of the United States has no bounds.
I don't know what planet you are living on, but it sure isn't Earth(or Earf if you live in the inner city).

Oh, its earth:

Liberals are at a record high of 24%. Conservatives are a point off an all time low at 38, a slow decline since 2010. While liberals have been ascending during the same period.

Maybe instead of living in your parents basement typing an a plastic keyboard that is made from PETROLEUM you get out and see what is going on in America. Let me remind you of the past election and even though the Republicrats still aren't listening to US, more and more Americans are moving away from your socialist president and more towards what made America great. Republicans Rule House and Senate for First Time in 8 Years - NBC News

Again, more people voted for democratic house and senate candidates than voted for republican. You can hardly claim to have the 'people' behind you when more vote against you than vote for you. Democratic house and senate candidates got 98 million votes. Republican house and senate candidates got only 94 million votes.

You can babble on about basements all you like. But the numbers don't change. Nor apparently does your desperate, willful ignorance of them.

Oh, and Obama's approval numbers are steady. And about 15 points higher than the last republican president at this point in his presidency.
Republicans are 90% white and getting older all the time.

Liberals are only a part of the Democratic Party. Democrats have conservatives. Republicans have no liberals.
Republicans have engaged in a steady tactic of purging their own party of moderates, pragmatists, and anyone willing to cross the aisle to get things done. What they don't seem to realize is that moderates and liberals make up the majority of the electorate.
Tell that to the REPs who will again control Congress. To a REP controlled Senate. To President Trump.
Anyone who believes Hillary or Sanders will beat Trump in the General is delusional.

Um......Trump has the highest disapproval rating of any candidate. Ever.

He doesn't appeal outside his core demographic. Check out Nate Silver, the man who essentially called the 2012 election. He considers Trump a very high risk candidate.

Anyone who would ignore these enormous warning signs is delusional.
Oh you mean THIS Nate Silver?
Dear God you're a fucking idiot!
Nate Silver Said Donald Trump Had No Shot. Where Did He Go Wrong?
Everyone under 40 makes the same mistakes on questions like these. They are simply to young to remember when America was really free from this PC shit going around now. Believe me, it can't last. The rest of us have not gone anywhere, we are here and getting sick of this monkey business. Some of us did raise our kids right and passed on what we know about socialism and communism and rights that are just wrong. Now, we are on the cusp. Either people will elect Trump and we can do this peacefully, or they can try to phoney up the peoples will and cause the civil war that is simmering. It's like the fox and the hare. Patriots will be fighting for our way of life, you commies will be fighting for lunch. Guess who will win.
Every patriot to the American way of life is a traitor to the transformed country.

Says the gal who insists we need to be taken over by Russia with a network of 'informants' to turn neighbors into the local "Russian Commander''.

The loathing that the fringe right has of the United States has no bounds.
I would personally love it. I don't have any loathing for the United States. The mountains are still as beautiful, the deserts as spectacular. The beaches are as pure as they ever were. The people, such as yourself, liberals, perverts, the collective you, deserves to be and is loathed. Your mistake is in thinking its an inconsequential fringe instead of a movement whose purpose is to destroy everything you did or ever want to do.

We no longer have feelings for our neighbors. They happen to occupy an adjacent space and deserve nothing. Not even the time of day.
Wow, you guys are really going at it, when I posted that a Arab Israel Christian was hacked up by a Muslim in an Ohio Eatery. Maybe you still deny that we are at war with Fundamental Radical Muslims who are hell bent on killing US, but I for one will not go down without a fight, or be like a chicken shit liberal Weiner(Anthony) who shows off his body parts on the net, as Carlos Danger(ROTFLMAO). You lefties are so in the tank for Der Fuhrer that is, he tells you to surrender, you will be first in line to throw up your hands(Don't shoot) in the hope that your shoulders wont be separated from your head, while it is shoved so far up your ass. But not to worry, as the Conservatives who go around armed in a concealed way, will not allow the EVIL, from spreading into our neighborhoods. You guys can continue to talk about homosexuals, but they will be thrown off buildings first, then women and children will be raped, and you men will be drowned in pools because the radical liberal Muslims hate weak people. Live free or die trying, be a liberal and you will be a victim.

As liberals support muslims, it is possible that the muslim invasion could result in a civil war.

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