Is Anthropogenic (Human-Caused) Global Warming/AGW Falsifiable?

Didn't say that. I said that so called "climate research" organizations and people are dependent upon DONATIONS and must reach conclusions favored by donors or the money dries up. Just how stupid must one BE these days to equate that comment to "you're smarter than...."?
What a bogus response...the money dries up if any climate science institution with working climate scientists is proven fraudulent, incompetent and consistently comes up with dubious conclusions…..Deniers always start off with the assumption that literally, all climate science is wrong, and their infantile little opinions are right. How utterly weird can you be ?
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Didn't say that. I said that so called "climate research" organizations and people are dependent upon DONATIONS and must reach conclusions favored by donors or the money dries up. Just how stupid must one BE these days to equate that comment to "you're smarter than...."?
Climate science deniers of AGW all have two things in common. First, they are science illiterate and second they actually think they are right. It’s like you pretending you know nuclear physics better that a plethora nuclear physicists, and you dropped out of school in Jr High.
This information you cite is great. It represents the best guess of what the climate was like based on fossil and geological evidence. Bravo!

However, it contains NOTHING that shows any rationality that would lead one to the conclusion that CO2 at these trace levels (400ppm = 0.04%) causes increased temperatures.

Currently, there is very little observable change in sea levels. The sea level may well rise. If it does, the only effect would be that people living in coastal dwellings and cities would need to move to higher ground.

SO WHAT? With a greener planet and more opportunity for life (based on increased photosynthesis), the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. Also, the increased sea surface will increase the ability of the ecosystem to regulate the CO2 given off by the increased life.

And still, NOTHING in what you say provides any rationality that would show CO2 causes warming. If the planet warms and the ice caps melt, then so be it: These TRACE LEVELS of Carbon Dioxide have nothing to do with it causing global warming. In fact, all of the evidence indicates the slightly increased CO2 we are observing is caused by a warming planet: increased bacteria activity and increased Sea Surface Temperature in some places (the oceans give off some of its stored Carbon as CO2 when it warms).

Still, no scientific rationality in what you say. There is a relationship between CO2 and global temperatures as I've illustrated with scientific facts. But you have it backwards, and you (and so many other people) are fixated on fear. Mankind can not control the temperature of the planet. The only thing we can do is adapt to our changing environment.

Not Game Over: Life is incredible and resilient. I wish I could be alive in another 1000 years to see the splendor that will evolve on our planet after the ice age is over!

Oh, and to put your fear that things are changing too fast to rest, the changes at the Antarctic are very gradual and go in cycles. In recent years, the ice shelf has regrown to about normal during it's cold season. This chart below is from fear mongers and still shows very stable and gradual changes happening.

View attachment 1016265

Now if a supervolcano erupts or we get hit with a major meteorite, or some other natural phenomena happens THEN things would change very fast. Overnight. These things have happened in the past, and very well could happen again. But the gradual changes taking place now are expected, normal, and indicate a very good future for life on Earth.
Kind of a non worthwhile argument…modern man was not ever around. One question. Do you understand what evolution is about ?
Didn't say that. I said that so called "climate research" organizations and people are dependent upon DONATIONS and must reach conclusions favored by donors or the money dries up. Just how stupid must one BE these days to equate that comment to "you're smarter than...."?
So your saying Mitch, our military, nasa, MIT are all just making up shit…so NASA, a trusted dissemination of climate information used by our entire transportation industry world wide, can’t be trusted….MIT can’t be trusted and every university in the world gives out bogus diplomas.
So your saying Mitch, our military, nasa, MIT are all just making up shit…so NASA, a trusted dissemination of climate information used by our entire transportation industry world wide, can’t be trusted….MIT can’t be trusted and every university in the world gives out bogus diplomas.
Most do, but that has nothing to do with my comment... nor did I ever say "every university in the world." I said that those who publish bogus "climate change/global warming/global cooling/etc." crap do precisely that.
No shit. Of course they are dependent upon
Tax dollars and private donations. Only stupid people think thousands of them are paid to lie. How stupid can you be. How stupid are you when you can’t come up with one case if proven fraud in the tens of thousands of climate science facilities

Let’s just talk about one if them, MIT. Your contention is MiT is a fraud ? Right ? Just say it dufus.
Never said that MIT is a fraud. I DO contend, however, that the so-called "climate scientists" that work there (and those they supposedly "educate") are likely frauds.
Never said that MIT is a fraud. I DO contend, however, that the so-called "climate scientists" that work there (and those they supposedly "educate") are likely frauds.
So your story is….

MIT collects money and allows fraudulent scientists to use their facilities……along with Cal Tech, Harvard, Yale and thousands of others including ALL the other country climate institutes in the world, incl China and Russia and Iran, all have crooked climate scientists who all agree to commit the same fraud and come up with the same dishonest results. They are all in conspiracy to commit fraud……and no one can catch and PROSECUTE THEM.

That means accordingly all these institutions are giving out science degrees based upon fraud……? That’s your story ?
Oh, don’t forget al, the scientist working in related corporations are frauding the US govt and committing federal crimes…..and no one can catch them.
Even Exxon Mobil and the other oil cos know it's over and have said so publicly.
In fact, they were the First to know.

Revealed: Exxon made 'breathtakingly' accurate climate ...

The Guardian › business › jan › exxon-c...

Jan 12, 2023 — A new study, however, has made clear that Exxon's scientists were uncannily accurate in their projections from the 1970s onwards.

Exxon scientists predicted global warming with 'shocking skill ...

Harvard Gazette › gazette › story › 2023/01 › h..
Jan 12, 2023 — Research shows that company modeled and predicted global warming with 'shocking skill and accuracy' starting in the 1970s.

Revealed: Exxon Made “Breathtakingly” Accurate Climate ...

Mother Jones › environment › 2023/01

Jan 16, 2023 — The oil giant Exxon privately “predicted global warming correctly and skillfully” only to then spend decades publicly rubbishing such science.

Exxon's models predicting climate change were spot on › accountability › study-exxonmobil-mo...
Jan 12, 2023 — Between 63 and 83 percent of Exxon's projections, depending on how they're measured, accurately predicted how the world would warm in the coming decades.

How Exxon Mobil dismissed its own researchers' climate ...

The Christian Science Monitor › Environment › How-Exxo...

Jan 13, 2023 — Exxon Mobil's scientists in the 1970s forecasted the coming global warming with precision equal to or better than government and academic scientists, says a ...

Gameover # 8,746

Nope, according to deniers, the Exxon scientist were forced to agree with climate change just so Exxon could continue to get subsidies…..,and no one can catch them ? Amazing.
You sick denier POS.

Climate solutions
Article Nov. 15, 2023 - ExxonMobil'com

ExxonMobil Chairman and CEO, Darren Woods, talks about reframing the climate challenge during the APEC CEO Summit​

So, allow me to share this with you – here’s what ExxonMobil knows:

    • Climate change is real,
    • Human activity plays a Major role,
    • And, it is one of the Major problems facing the World today – the Need to address the very Real Threat of Climate Change.

According to deniers….
Now wait. Al Gore is master minding the whole conspiracy. He couldn’t get elected so he’s instead controlling the entire science world to commit the biggest fraud known to man kind, even bigger than the ozone layer and…there is no such thing as pollution….nope, it’s all a conspiracy. Car exhaust fumes are rose petals and do no harm.
Never said that MIT is a fraud. I DO contend, however, that the so-called "climate scientists" that work there (and those they supposedly "educate") are likely frauds.
So your contention is every university in the world gives out degrees based upon fraud ?
Didn't say that. I said that so called "climate research" organizations and people are dependent upon DONATIONS and must reach conclusions favored by donors or the money dries up. Just how stupid must one BE these days to equate that comment to "you're smarter than...."?
So, you claim you’re still claiming you’re smarter than MIT…
They are stupid and allow frauds to work in their science department. But you aren’t stupid because you claim every climate scientist in every science institute in the world is committing fraud…
Climate science deniers of AGW all have two things in common. First, they are science illiterate and second they actually think they are right. It’s like you pretending you know nuclear physics better that a plethora nuclear physicists, and you dropped out of school in Jr High.

Can you answer 5 basic climate questions??

1. Why does one Earth polar circle have 9+ times the ice of the other?
2. Why is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland but no such ice age glacier north of Arctic Circle on Alaska?
3. If the oceans are "warming" why is the record decade for canes still the 1940s?
4. If the oceans are "rising" why can't we see one single photo of land sinking?
5. How did Co2 thaw North America and freeze Greenland at the same time?
Speaking of religions. All the major religions are in on AGW climate change. Even god….

Proof "god" is WRONG A LOT!!!

Can "god" even define ICE AGE properly???

Proof "god" is WRONG A LOT!!!

Can "god" even define ICE AGE properly???

God is in my side, not yours.
Can you answer 5 basic climate questions??

1. Why does one Earth polar circle have 9+ times the ice of the other?
2. Why is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland but no such ice age glacier north of Arctic Circle on Alaska?
3. If the oceans are "warming" why is the record decade for canes still the 1940s?
4. If the oceans are "rising" why can't we see one single photo of land sinking?
5. How did Co2 thaw North America and freeze Greenland at the same time?
Why is there no glacier on Alaska?

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