Is anyone actually voting for Joe Biden?

My top seven reasons, in order:

1. I am closer to him on a majority of the issues
2. I am closer to him on a majority of the issues
3. I am closer to him on a majority of the issues
4. He is not an unstable, buffoonish, embarrassing sociopath like his opponent
5. He is not a clear and present danger to America like his opponent
6. I am closer to him on a majority of the issues
7. I am closer to him on a majority of the issues
So you won't commit to any issues, just that you are "closer" to Biden. You must think you are very clever. Any objective observer would disagree.
what good do they do?....are you proud of a congress with a 20 something approval rating?...are you proud of the the shit that has happened in this country the last 20 years?...i didnt vote for any of them,but you did....

Job number 1 is getting that contagious con man out of the white house ;)
It's a damn shame. I'd much rather vote third party, but this fuckin' madness has to end.
what good do they do?....are you proud of a congress with a 20 something approval rating?...are you proud of the the shit that has happened in this country the last 20 years?...i didnt vote for any of them,but you did....

Job number 1 is getting that contagious con man out of the white house ;)
well that con man has a higer approval rating then the jerks in congress who are trying to judge him.... ;)
well that con man has a higer approval rating then the jerks in congress who are trying to judge him.... ;)
Who cares about congress, you've got a con man in charge. Get him out.

Put larvae Pence in charge but just.... get him out.
Yes I will vote for Biden. Far decent person than this ignorant, racist pig, corrupted, dishonest, disgusting president serial liar, Putin puppet, incompetent and inept president ever. The worst president we ever had. Trump destroyed this country.

There’s about 25 women accused Trump of sexual advances including pussy grabbing and one sue Trump for rape waiting for DNA.

So, 60 negative words about Trump and three positive words about your candidate.

It's OK if you just don't have it in your heart to get out and vote on election day.
Is anyone who is voting democrat this election, actually doing it because the candidate is Joe Biden? If you are, please tell us what Biden has done to deserve your vote for the office of President of the United States? (this will be a short thread).

He's not the blob.
Good enough for me.
people with your attitude is why get people like hillary,trump,biden and harris and a horrible congress.....thanks candy.......

You're welcome.
people like you who are part of the problem are just so proud of yourselves for fucking up the country....

Who are you voting for?
the same guy i voted for since 2000.....Rufus T.Firefly.....i will not vote for the shit the parties put up....when they get some quality people i will but until then fuck the parties and all the shit they give us........

You're the entire problem as you represent apathy and a certain cowardice.
but yet i dont vote for the assholes that got us to were we are over and over like you do...i dont let a party tell me who i should vote for like you do....

No, you vote for imaginary people in hopes that it would make the nation stronger. Its sad and pathetic.
i told you why i vote that why dont you tell me why you vote for same useless people over and over,the same people that got us to were we are.....the same people that make up a congress with a dismal approval rating.....why do you vote for the useless party person they give you instead of demanding some quality people....thats whats sad and pathetic....i wasnt afraid to cut that party cord,unlike some people....your turn candy...

Your reasoning is faulty and frankly stupid.

The "useless" people do some good...a lot more than your imaginary figures ever produced for damn sure.
what good do they do?....are you proud of a congress with a 20 something approval rating?...are you proud of the the shit that has happened in this country the last 20 years?...i didnt vote for any of them,but you did....

We're the strongest nation on earth, highest standard of living, most benevolent nation on earth...just for starters.

What has your imaginary candidate ever do? Answer the qeustion.
I know as many people voting for Biden as I know how many have gotten Covid.

Absolutely Zero.

Not even a friend of a friend, of a friend.

I c
another example of why we get the shitty candidates we get...

And only 56% of Americans vote.

Here is another good question. Will this be the biggest election ever, or the smallest? We have two extremely unpopular candidates. Does it make sense that would lead to the biggest election in history?
I can guarantee you that this will be a record breaking voter turn out from several categories especially the African Americans going to Biden. People’s lives depends on it.

If you want to continue the same chaos and discombobulations destroying this country vote Trump but be very careful what you wish for. Look at what he has gone in almost 4 years.
We are in almost close to economic collapse, health crisis, racial injustice......... ALL 3 Trump has done total failures.
Is anyone who is voting democrat this election, actually doing it because the candidate is Joe Biden? If you are, please tell us what Biden has done to deserve your vote for the office of President of the United States? (this will be a short thread).

He's not the blob.
Good enough for me.
people with your attitude is why get people like hillary,trump,biden and harris and a horrible congress.....thanks candy.......

You're welcome.
people like you who are part of the problem are just so proud of yourselves for fucking up the country....

Who are you voting for?
the same guy i voted for since 2000.....Rufus T.Firefly.....i will not vote for the shit the parties put up....when they get some quality people i will but until then fuck the parties and all the shit they give us........

You're the entire problem as you represent apathy and a certain cowardice.
but yet i dont vote for the assholes that got us to were we are over and over like you do...i dont let a party tell me who i should vote for like you do....

No, you vote for imaginary people in hopes that it would make the nation stronger. Its sad and pathetic.
i told you why i vote that why dont you tell me why you vote for same useless people over and over,the same people that got us to were we are.....the same people that make up a congress with a dismal approval rating.....why do you vote for the useless party person they give you instead of demanding some quality people....thats whats sad and pathetic....i wasnt afraid to cut that party cord,unlike some people....your turn candy...

Your reasoning is faulty and frankly stupid.

The "useless" people do some good...a lot more than your imaginary figures ever produced for damn sure.
what good do they do?....are you proud of a congress with a 20 something approval rating?...are you proud of the the shit that has happened in this country the last 20 years?...i didnt vote for any of them,but you did....

We're the strongest nation on earth, highest standard of living, most benevolent nation on earth...just for starters.

What has your imaginary candidate ever do? Answer the qeustion.
that isnt because of the people in there now ......and your fellow democrats have had threads saying how we are no longer what you are saying we are and we dont have the highest standard of living.....and when you answer the questions i asked you i will tell you about rufus....
That’s your
Is anyone who is voting democrat this election, actually doing it because the candidate is Joe Biden? If you are, please tell us what Biden has done to deserve your vote for the office of President of the United States? (this will be a short thread).
Biden deserves my vote at the very least because it is a vote against the stupid, whiny little bitch in office.
that exactly why you are voting for biden
He'll hold his breath and not talk if you ask him a question he doesn't like. Or get in your face
Or call you a lying dog face pony soldier.

That’s your Donnie boy attitude.
Is anyone who is voting democrat this election, actually doing it because the candidate is Joe Biden? If you are, please tell us what Biden has done to deserve your vote for the office of President of the United States? (this will be a short thread).

He's not the blob.
Good enough for me.
people with your attitude is why get people like hillary,trump,biden and harris and a horrible congress.....thanks candy.......

You're welcome.
people like you who are part of the problem are just so proud of yourselves for fucking up the country....

Who are you voting for?
the same guy i voted for since 2000.....Rufus T.Firefly.....i will not vote for the shit the parties put up....when they get some quality people i will but until then fuck the parties and all the shit they give us........

You're the entire problem as you represent apathy and a certain cowardice.
but yet i dont vote for the assholes that got us to were we are over and over like you do...i dont let a party tell me who i should vote for like you do....

No, you vote for imaginary people in hopes that it would make the nation stronger. Its sad and pathetic.
i told you why i vote that why dont you tell me why you vote for same useless people over and over,the same people that got us to were we are.....the same people that make up a congress with a dismal approval rating.....why do you vote for the useless party person they give you instead of demanding some quality people....thats whats sad and pathetic....i wasnt afraid to cut that party cord,unlike some people....your turn candy...

Your reasoning is faulty and frankly stupid.

The "useless" people do some good...a lot more than your imaginary figures ever produced for damn sure.
what good do they do?....are you proud of a congress with a 20 something approval rating?...are you proud of the the shit that has happened in this country the last 20 years?...i didnt vote for any of them,but you did....

We're the strongest nation on earth, highest standard of living, most benevolent nation on earth...just for starters.

What has your imaginary candidate ever do? Answer the qeustion.
that isnt because of the people in there now ......and your fellow democrats have had threads saying how we are no longer what you are saying we are and we dont have the highest standard of living.....and when you answer the questions i asked you i will tell you about rufus....

What has your imaginary candidate ever do? Answer the qeustion.
Is anyone who is voting democrat this election, actually doing it because the candidate is Joe Biden? If you are, please tell us what Biden has done to deserve your vote for the office of President of the United States? (this will be a short thread).

He's not the blob.
Good enough for me.
people with your attitude is why get people like hillary,trump,biden and harris and a horrible congress.....thanks candy.......

You're welcome.
people like you who are part of the problem are just so proud of yourselves for fucking up the country....

Who are you voting for?
the same guy i voted for since 2000.....Rufus T.Firefly.....i will not vote for the shit the parties put up....when they get some quality people i will but until then fuck the parties and all the shit they give us........

You're the entire problem as you represent apathy and a certain cowardice.
but yet i dont vote for the assholes that got us to were we are over and over like you do...i dont let a party tell me who i should vote for like you do....

No, you vote for imaginary people in hopes that it would make the nation stronger. Its sad and pathetic.
i told you why i vote that why dont you tell me why you vote for same useless people over and over,the same people that got us to were we are.....the same people that make up a congress with a dismal approval rating.....why do you vote for the useless party person they give you instead of demanding some quality people....thats whats sad and pathetic....i wasnt afraid to cut that party cord,unlike some people....your turn candy...

Your reasoning is faulty and frankly stupid.

The "useless" people do some good...a lot more than your imaginary figures ever produced for damn sure.
what good do they do?....are you proud of a congress with a 20 something approval rating?...are you proud of the the shit that has happened in this country the last 20 years?...i didnt vote for any of them,but you did....

We're the strongest nation on earth, highest standard of living, most benevolent nation on earth...just for starters.

What has your imaginary candidate ever do? Answer the qeustion.
that isnt because of the people in there now ......and your fellow democrats have had threads saying how we are no longer what you are saying we are and we dont have the highest standard of living.....and when you answer the questions i asked you i will tell you about rufus....

What has your imaginary candidate ever do? Answer the qeustion.
its funny how i ask you a question and you just ignore it but i am supposed to answer what you want.....are my questions the kind you just dont want to answer because you dont know what to say?......or because being a typical die hard party person you dont answer questions but expect everyone else too?....which is it candy?....
Is anyone who is voting democrat this election, actually doing it because the candidate is Joe Biden? If you are, please tell us what Biden has done to deserve your vote for the office of President of the United States? (this will be a short thread).

He's not the blob.
Good enough for me.
people with your attitude is why get people like hillary,trump,biden and harris and a horrible congress.....thanks candy.......

You're welcome.
people like you who are part of the problem are just so proud of yourselves for fucking up the country....

Who are you voting for?
the same guy i voted for since 2000.....Rufus T.Firefly.....i will not vote for the shit the parties put up....when they get some quality people i will but until then fuck the parties and all the shit they give us........

You're the entire problem as you represent apathy and a certain cowardice.
but yet i dont vote for the assholes that got us to were we are over and over like you do...i dont let a party tell me who i should vote for like you do....

No, you vote for imaginary people in hopes that it would make the nation stronger. Its sad and pathetic.
i told you why i vote that why dont you tell me why you vote for same useless people over and over,the same people that got us to were we are.....the same people that make up a congress with a dismal approval rating.....why do you vote for the useless party person they give you instead of demanding some quality people....thats whats sad and pathetic....i wasnt afraid to cut that party cord,unlike some people....your turn candy...

Your reasoning is faulty and frankly stupid.

The "useless" people do some good...a lot more than your imaginary figures ever produced for damn sure.
what good do they do?....are you proud of a congress with a 20 something approval rating?...are you proud of the the shit that has happened in this country the last 20 years?...i didnt vote for any of them,but you did....

We're the strongest nation on earth, highest standard of living, most benevolent nation on earth...just for starters.

What has your imaginary candidate ever do? Answer the qeustion.
that isnt because of the people in there now ......and your fellow democrats have had threads saying how we are no longer what you are saying we are and we dont have the highest standard of living.....and when you answer the questions i asked you i will tell you about rufus....

What has your imaginary candidate ever do? Answer the qeustion.
its funny how i ask you a question and you just ignore it but i am supposed to answer what you want.....are my questions the kind you just dont want to answer because you dont know what to say?......or because being a typical die hard party person you dont answer questions but expect everyone else too?....which is it candy?....

I answered your questions. You never answered mine.
Well one just HAS to vote the way others tell one to vote. What's even more funny is when someone says "you are not american if you vote for this person. ". That's comical.

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