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Is being "for the Middle Class" the same as being "for America"?

To protect the rights of individuals.

It is not the purpose of government to institute ham handed social engineering experiments via taxation.

To protect the rights of individuals. The right to live after a disaster? The right to live without starvation? The right to marry who you want? The right to learn enough to hold a job? What "rights" are you talking about?

Oh, and a government that will protect those rights costs money.

And what does that have to do with class and the special treatment of some over others?

If every individual was treated exactly the same then we would be much better off.

Right now we are nowhere near that.

And I have never been against taxes just unfair taxes.

Define 'unfair taxes'.
Is being "for the Middle Class" the same as being "for America"?

Some might say "We are all Americans", but while that might be true in a broad sense, the major political parties have certainly taken sides in a struggle for what some consider what is good for the country.

Some consider a strong and vibrant middle class with upward mobility with access to healthcare and education what is best for the country.

Some consider a wealthy upper class who are best fit to lead the country simply because of their great wealth which is evidence of their fitness to lead and the more wealth they have the more fit they are.

One of those groups feel the poor should be helped so they too can move into the middle class which would make the country even stronger.

The other group feels the poor are weak and should be left alone and helping them is "socialism". They made their choice and so helping them puts a drain on the country and drags it down from the great heights that supporting the super wealthy will lead us to.

So the question boils down to, "Is being "for the Middle Class" the same as being "for America"?"

The middle class are the same people whose Tax money fronts all of those crazy programs you numbskulls feel are integral to America's survival. The question I have is do you honestly believe that simply taxing the rich can pay for those programs? Doubtful.
To protect the rights of individuals. The right to live after a disaster? The right to live without starvation? The right to marry who you want? The right to learn enough to hold a job? What "rights" are you talking about?

Oh, and a government that will protect those rights costs money.

And what does that have to do with class and the special treatment of some over others?

If every individual was treated exactly the same then we would be much better off.

Right now we are nowhere near that.

And I have never been against taxes just unfair taxes.

I have to agree with you there. Romney making 22 million and paying 13% in Taxes?

And millions of people paying zero income taxes. Let's not forget that.

Bush getting jumped over thousands to get into Harvard because he daddy pulled strings?

That has nothing to do with government.

McCain getting into the Academy and graduating 5th from the bottom out of 899 cadets just because his father and grandfather were admirals?

Yep, if only people were treated "equally".

Not just McCain.

And are you using these people as examples because somehow you think I support them politically? You'd be wrong again and there are just as many dimwitcrap hacks who have pulled strings for people to deny that is to be naive to the point of mental retardation.
To protect the rights of individuals. The right to live after a disaster? The right to live without starvation? The right to marry who you want? The right to learn enough to hold a job? What "rights" are you talking about?

Oh, and a government that will protect those rights costs money.

And what does that have to do with class and the special treatment of some over others?

If every individual was treated exactly the same then we would be much better off.

Right now we are nowhere near that.

And I have never been against taxes just unfair taxes.

Define 'unfair taxes'.

Let's see me paying 22% of my income to the feds and others paying zero percent of theirs is pretty unfair is it not?
Well, if Democrats were really for the middle class or America, they would introduce initiatives to get people off of welfare and into a job. But I don't see that. Keep people poor to keep them voting for you!

Clever line but without perspective or historical weight. (But then I am addressing someone who uses a juvenile, fantasy cartoon as an avatar).

Let me see....Try the French revolution and just what made those Parisians gather in the streets and head for Versailles. Poverty drives people into rebellion and against authority, toots. Not the reverse.
Is being "for the Middle Class" the same as being "for America"?

Some might say "We are all Americans", but while that might be true in a broad sense, the major political parties have certainly taken sides in a struggle for what some consider what is good for the country.

Some consider a strong and vibrant middle class with upward mobility with access to healthcare and education what is best for the country.

Some consider a wealthy upper class who are best fit to lead the country simply because of their great wealth which is evidence of their fitness to lead and the more wealth they have the more fit they are.

One of those groups feel the poor should be helped so they too can move into the middle class which would make the country even stronger.

The other group feels the poor are weak and should be left alone and helping them is "socialism". They made their choice and so helping them puts a drain on the country and drags it down from the great heights that supporting the super wealthy will lead us to.

So the question boils down to, "Is being "for the Middle Class" the same as being "for America"?"

America was at it's best when we had a thriving growing middle class, if a large portion of a nations population earns enough money not only to provide itself with basic needs but have a little bit left over for such things as entertainment and vacations plus something to put into savings then the nations wealth keeps circulating and all boats get lifted but when a nations wealth flows primarily to the top while everybody else has their spending power in decline soon the very foundation of a nations economy collapses.
Is being "for the Middle Class" the same as being "for America"?

Some might say "We are all Americans", but while that might be true in a broad sense, the major political parties have certainly taken sides in a struggle for what some consider what is good for the country.

Some consider a strong and vibrant middle class with upward mobility with access to healthcare and education what is best for the country.

Some consider a wealthy upper class who are best fit to lead the country simply because of their great wealth which is evidence of their fitness to lead and the more wealth they have the more fit they are.

One of those groups feel the poor should be helped so they too can move into the middle class which would make the country even stronger.

The other group feels the poor are weak and should be left alone and helping them is "socialism". They made their choice and so helping them puts a drain on the country and drags it down from the great heights that supporting the super wealthy will lead us to.

So the question boils down to, "Is being "for the Middle Class" the same as being "for America"?"

America was at it's best when we had a thriving growing middle class, if a large portion of a nations population earns enough money not only to provide itself with basic needs but have a little bit left over for such things as entertainment and vacations plus something to put into savings then the nations wealth keeps circulating and all boats get lifted but when a nations wealth flows primarily to the top while everybody else has their spending power in decline soon the very foundation of a nations economy collapses.

A middle class helps bring those who are down rise up and those who are up stay there. It's that simple.
Well, if Democrats were really for the middle class or America, they would introduce initiatives to get people off of welfare and into a job. But I don't see that. Keep people poor to keep them voting for you!

They do introduce such initiatives. You sit in front of Google. Look some up. Or, maybe you don't know how? Let me know and I will help you. If you don't mind a little "socialism" that is.

Sure they do. But you have to convince people that working is better then sucking on the gov tit.
Thats going to be tough when they've been doing it their whole lives.
Well, if Democrats were really for the middle class or America, they would introduce initiatives to get people off of welfare and into a job. But I don't see that. Keep people poor to keep them voting for you!

They do introduce such initiatives. You sit in front of Google. Look some up. Or, maybe you don't know how? Let me know and I will help you. If you don't mind a little "socialism" that is.

Sure they do. But you have to convince people that working is better then sucking on the gov tit.
Thats going to be tough when they've been doing it their whole lives.

Yeah, $440 a month is really coasting, isn't it? That's the average "milk money" from that gov't tit for a welfare recipient.

Why not do some means testing for social security benefits before we bash those tit suckers?

My father gets not only his SS benefits every month but since his uber-wealthy late wife passed a few years ago, he now gets almost $4000 a month. Why does he get a dead woman's benefits? And oh yeah, he doesn't work either. And another clue, pal: He's a staunch Republican.

And let's save billions each year by getting rid of subsidies to the oil companies.

And while we're at it, let's get the Pentagon off the gov't tit. THey spend more than any other government segment combined as well as more than the top other 13 developed countries combined.

But for some reason neo-cons are convinced that all of our tax money is going to welfare queens. You'd think those welfare queens would put a fire under their lobbyists feet inside the Beltway and get the real truth out.
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They do introduce such initiatives. You sit in front of Google. Look some up. Or, maybe you don't know how? Let me know and I will help you. If you don't mind a little "socialism" that is.

Sure they do. But you have to convince people that working is better then sucking on the gov tit.
Thats going to be tough when they've been doing it their whole lives.

Yeah, $440 a month is really coasting, isn't it? That's the average "milk money" from that gov't tit for a welfare recipient.

Why not do some means testing for social security benefits before we bash those tit suckers?

My father gets not only his SS benefits every month but since his uber-wealthy late wife passed a few years ago, he now gets almost $4000 a month. Why does he get a dead woman's benefits? And oh yeah, he doesn't work either. And another clue, pal: He's a staunch Republican. Hypocrisy is the middle name for our average "conservative".

Hey jack ass. I never said I had a problem with social security. My mother received my fathers as well. Not sure why you even brought up SS. Since you have to work to get it.

And if you think they only receive 440 a month you're crazy. You have to add the obammy phone the gov housing free health care.
You people must live in a bubble.....

The denial of something so fundamental to discussion of society as CLASS is the stuff of Orwellian propagandists...

...who really hit it out of the park with the white trash nutball element. Anyone stupid enough to believe voodoo economics (borrowing to live on) is a good target demographic for corporate propaganda built around their worst fears.
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And what does that have to do with class and the special treatment of some over others?

If every individual was treated exactly the same then we would be much better off.

Right now we are nowhere near that.

And I have never been against taxes just unfair taxes.

Define 'unfair taxes'.

Let's see me paying 22% of my income to the feds and others paying zero percent of theirs is pretty unfair is it not?

Why don't you list you total income and total Federal taxes paid from income so we can see if you're lying.
Is being "for the Middle Class" the same as being "for America"?

Some might say "We are all Americans", but while that might be true in a broad sense, the major political parties have certainly taken sides in a struggle for what some consider what is good for the country.

Some consider a strong and vibrant middle class with upward mobility with access to healthcare and education what is best for the country.

Some consider a wealthy upper class who are best fit to lead the country simply because of their great wealth which is evidence of their fitness to lead and the more wealth they have the more fit they are.

One of those groups feel the poor should be helped so they too can move into the middle class which would make the country even stronger.

The other group feels the poor are weak and should be left alone and helping them is "socialism". They made their choice and so helping them puts a drain on the country and drags it down from the great heights that supporting the super wealthy will lead us to.

So the question boils down to, "Is being "for the Middle Class" the same as being "for America"?"

Considering how much the middle class has shrunk one wouldn't be looking out for the majority......

Is being "for the Middle Class" the same as being "for America"?

Some might say "We are all Americans", but while that might be true in a broad sense, the major political parties have certainly taken sides in a struggle for what some consider what is good for the country.

Some consider a strong and vibrant middle class with upward mobility with access to healthcare and education what is best for the country.

Some consider a wealthy upper class who are best fit to lead the country simply because of their great wealth which is evidence of their fitness to lead and the more wealth they have the more fit they are.

One of those groups feel the poor should be helped so they too can move into the middle class which would make the country even stronger.

The other group feels the poor are weak and should be left alone and helping them is "socialism". They made their choice and so helping them puts a drain on the country and drags it down from the great heights that supporting the super wealthy will lead us to.

So the question boils down to, "Is being "for the Middle Class" the same as being "for America"?"

Considering how much the middle class has shrunk one wouldn't be looking out for the majority......


Actually, the middle class will aways be there. They may be poorer than they used to be, but they are still there. And I wouldn't want to be in a country where the top 1% was fabulously wealthy and the rest of the country was looking for a blanket and something to eat.
Well, if Democrats were really for the middle class or America, they would introduce initiatives to get people off of welfare and into a job. But I don't see that. Keep people poor to keep them voting for you!

Clever line but without perspective or historical weight. (But then I am addressing someone who uses a juvenile, fantasy cartoon as an avatar).

Let me see....Try the French revolution and just what made those Parisians gather in the streets and head for Versailles. Poverty drives people into rebellion and against authority, toots. Not the reverse.

Actually, it was more due to excessive debt & taxation to support Louis XVI and his ministers' lifestyles and ultimately crushed upward mobility.

Add to that the increased embracement of the Enlightenment...

You need to educate yourself before you start spouting your nonsense... and check out your own avatar before making fun of others'.
Is being "for the Middle Class" the same as being "for America"?

Some might say "We are all Americans", but while that might be true in a broad sense, the major political parties have certainly taken sides in a struggle for what some consider what is good for the country.

Some consider a strong and vibrant middle class with upward mobility with access to healthcare and education what is best for the country.

Some consider a wealthy upper class who are best fit to lead the country simply because of their great wealth which is evidence of their fitness to lead and the more wealth they have the more fit they are.

One of those groups feel the poor should be helped so they too can move into the middle class which would make the country even stronger.

The other group feels the poor are weak and should be left alone and helping them is "socialism". They made their choice and so helping them puts a drain on the country and drags it down from the great heights that supporting the super wealthy will lead us to.

So the question boils down to, "Is being "for the Middle Class" the same as being "for America"?"

Considering how much the middle class has shrunk one wouldn't be looking out for the majority......


Actually, the middle class will aways be there. They may be poorer than they used to be, but they are still there. And I wouldn't want to be in a country where the top 1% was fabulously wealthy and the rest of the country was looking for a blanket and something to eat.

Based solely on the law of averages it's a given that there will always be a Middle class......
It's hard work staying there, though, I tell ya
They do introduce such initiatives. You sit in front of Google. Look some up. Or, maybe you don't know how? Let me know and I will help you. If you don't mind a little "socialism" that is.

Sure they do. But you have to convince people that working is better then sucking on the gov tit.
Thats going to be tough when they've been doing it their whole lives.

Yeah, $440 a month is really coasting, isn't it? That's the average "milk money" from that gov't tit for a welfare recipient.

Why not do some means testing for social security benefits before we bash those tit suckers?

My father gets not only his SS benefits every month but since his uber-wealthy late wife passed a few years ago, he now gets almost $4000 a month. Why does he get a dead woman's benefits? And oh yeah, he doesn't work either. And another clue, pal: He's a staunch Republican.

And let's save billions each year by getting rid of subsidies to the oil companies.

And while we're at it, let's get the Pentagon off the gov't tit. THey spend more than any other government segment combined as well as more than the top other 13 developed countries combined.

But for some reason neo-cons are convinced that all of our tax money is going to welfare queens. You'd think those welfare queens would put a fire under their lobbyists feet inside the Beltway and get the real truth out.

Looks like your dad kicked you out and you landed up on that 440$ of welfare therefore you are spewing so much hatred. Had he share with you that "dead woman's benefits" you would be singing otherwise :D
Sure they do. But you have to convince people that working is better then sucking on the gov tit.
Thats going to be tough when they've been doing it their whole lives.

Yeah, $440 a month is really coasting, isn't it? That's the average "milk money" from that gov't tit for a welfare recipient.

Why not do some means testing for social security benefits before we bash those tit suckers?

My father gets not only his SS benefits every month but since his uber-wealthy late wife passed a few years ago, he now gets almost $4000 a month. Why does he get a dead woman's benefits? And oh yeah, he doesn't work either. And another clue, pal: He's a staunch Republican.

And let's save billions each year by getting rid of subsidies to the oil companies.

And while we're at it, let's get the Pentagon off the gov't tit. THey spend more than any other government segment combined as well as more than the top other 13 developed countries combined.

But for some reason neo-cons are convinced that all of our tax money is going to welfare queens. You'd think those welfare queens would put a fire under their lobbyists feet inside the Beltway and get the real truth out.

Looks like your dad kicked you out and you landed up on that 440$ of welfare therefore you are spewing so much hatred. Had he share with you that "dead woman's benefits" you would be singing otherwise :D

Out of Rep so I guess I'll just have to warn ya about the No Family rule

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