Is Biden capable of dealing with Putin?

It seems to me that the U.S. should be dealing with Russia about resolving the Ukraine situation (as our former President undoubtedly would have done). Unfortunately, it is obvious that no one takes President Biden or his caretakers seriously, since their only interest is in political stunts for domestic consumption. How can we stop these morons from blundering us into another war? Is that their only solution to the coming recession/depression they are creating?
Is Biden capable of dealing with Putin?

Yes, badly
It seems to me that the U.S. should be dealing with Russia about resolving the Ukraine situation (as our former President undoubtedly would have done). Unfortunately, it is obvious that no one takes President Biden or his caretakers seriously, since their only interest is in political stunts for domestic consumption. How can we stop these morons from blundering us into another war? Is that their only solution to the coming recession/depression they are creating?
Serious question... do you think Biden, on his own, no one to help or assist him - could properly run a single Starbucks shop?
Yeah. So how the hell can he even BEGIN to engage in high end diplomacy?
It seems to me that the U.S. should be dealing with Russia about resolving the Ukraine situation (as our former President undoubtedly would have done). Unfortunately, it is obvious that no one takes President Biden or his caretakers seriously, since their only interest is in political stunts for domestic consumption. How can we stop these morons from blundering us into another war? Is that their only solution to the coming recession/depression they are creating?

Why should Biden make peace with Putin? You seem to think that Zelensky isn’t capable of speaking for himself, or is it because Putin consider this a war against the USA?

That’s what Trump did in Afghanistan. Brokered a deal with the Taliban and the government of Afghanistan wasn’t a part of the negotiations. How did that turn out for you?????

You Russian trolls are dumber than you seem.
It seems to me that the U.S. should be dealing with Russia about resolving the Ukraine situation (as our former President undoubtedly would have done). Unfortunately, it is obvious that no one takes President Biden or his caretakers seriously, since their only interest is in political stunts for domestic consumption. How can we stop these morons from blundering us into another war? Is that their only solution to the coming recession/depression they are creating?
The world is united against Russia. If we were in a fighting war you’d complain. We are in an economic war and you complain. You don’t care about facts. Biden has played this very well.
It doesn't seem real wise to me to corner someone who possesse's the most nukes in the world.
You might just find out when your cell phone alerts you to incoming in 20 mins. and you press confirm before you melt away.
i thought you were up on the news?

Xiden was literally held in contempt by our european allies

Where? When??? How did NATO come together on their unified response and sanctions while holding Biden “in contempt”?

NATO hasn’t been this united since the end of WWII, and that’s due entirely to Biden’s leadership.

You still haven’t provided a link of the “contempt” allegation.
It doesn't seem real wise to me to corner someone who possesse's the most nukes in the world.
You might just find out when your cell phone alerts you to incoming in 20 mins. and you press confirm before you melt away.
What do you propose instead?

Just go along with whatever murder and mayhem that asshole wants to impose on the world??
Serious question... do you think Biden, on his own, no one to help or assist him - could properly run a single Starbucks shop?
Yeah. So how the hell can he even BEGIN to engage in high end diplomacy?


Biden has “handled” Putin with more skill and dexterity than Donald Trump’s master/servant relationship with Putin.
Where? When??? How did NATO come together on their unified response and sanctions while holding Biden “in contempt”?

NATO hasn’t been this united since the end of WWII, and that’s due entirely to Biden’s leadership.

You still haven’t provided a link of the “contempt” allegation.
hahah xiden has nothing to do with NATO response.
Where? When??? How did NATO come together on their unified response and sanctions while holding Biden “in contempt”?

NATO hasn’t been this united since the end of WWII, and that’s due entirely to Biden’s leadership.

You still haven’t provided a link of the “contempt” allegation.
He was held in contempt by the United Kingdom..our oldiesr and closest ally
It doesn't seem real wise to me to corner someone who possesse's the most nukes in the world.
You might just find out when your cell phone alerts you to incoming in 20 mins. and you press confirm before you melt away.

Putin is already cornered with nowhere to go.

Nor does he own the most nukes in the world. The USA has more than double the nukes that Russia has.

No, President Biden is NOT capable of dealing with the international outcast or with anything else.

Even people in the Obama administration had no respect for Vice President Biden's views.

The current Dem Administration is incapable of dealing with the major issues because it is being held hostage by the woke elements.
You haven’t posted a single link to back up your bullshit FuckBoi.

Gullible, stupid and ill-informed is no way to go through life.
i agree…but you still decide to do it…you have no idea your queen held xiden in contempt
Why should Biden make peace with Putin?
Why should the U.S. be at war with Russia?
You seem to think that Zelensky isn’t capable of speaking for himself,
That is all Zelenski is speaking for.
or is it because Putin consider this a war against the USA?
Why would Putin think that?
That’s what Trump did in Afghanistan. Brokered a deal with the Taliban and the government of Afghanistan wasn’t a part of the negotiations. How did that turn out for you?????
It worked out just fine until Biden got into the act.
You Russian trolls are dumber than you seem.
False Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

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