Is Biden going to do ANYTHING to lower gas prices since there is an upcoming election?

The problem is that many Americans want cheap gasoline at any price... and think the government owes them that. Hunter Biden isn't in the oil business.. Rex Tillerson was.
And you may be right in ways. The Feds are involved in all of this also with Tillerson.
If he would allow drilling, that would solve the problem.

Liberals are too stupid to know that the price of oil on the world market is based much more on perceptions than reality. If the world hears that the US is about to drill and flood the market with more oil, the price is not going to go up, its going to go down. Even if the reality is that there won't be any new oil on the market for months or even years. The exact opposite is true if they perceive a reduction in oil on the market, like when the child molester stopped the pipeline on his first day in office. Now the price of oil, which had that pipeline built into it, suddenly shot up because the pipeline was gone. Doesn't matter that we produce more oil now than we did under Trump or that the pipeline hadn't delivered its first drop of crude yet. The PERCEPTION is less oil on the market, so the prices are higher. Every time OPEC speaks oil shoots up or down not because the actual quantity of oil on the market changes that quickly, but because the PERCEPTION that it will does.

Just like the stock market. The day Trump won the election, well the next day, the markets shot up. Why? Not because of anything Obama or Trump did, but because the markets perceived Obama finally being gone and the future looking brighter with someone who was an actual businessman making billions rather than a 100 day senator who was selected because he was black.

If we would announce that ANWR is now open for drilling, the price of oil on the WORLD market would fall rapidly, thus taking gas prices with it. Even if it took years for the first drop of ANWR oil to hit the market. It's known in the markets as "hedging" but that's far too complicated for liberals to understand.

These are the same people who called it the next ice age, and then global warming and finally "climate change" when their ideas of what the climate would actually be never transpired. They call it "record heat" because its hotter than in the last 100 years. On a planet 4.5 BILLION YEARS OLD. Liberals can't see past their noses. I guess because they're stuck up so high in the hair the sun is blinding them.
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Liberals are too stupid to know that the price of oil on the world market is based much more on perceptions than reality. If the world hears that the US is about to drill and flood the market with more oil, the price is not going to go up, its going to go down.

markets know that isnt going to happen as that would be stupid for the reasons i noted earlier.

Even if the reality is that there won't be any new oil on the market for months or even years. The exact opposite is true if they perceive a reduction in oil on the market, like when the child molester stopped the pipeline on his first day in office. Now the price of oil, which had that pipeline built into it, suddenly shot up because the pipeline was gone. Doesn't matter that we produce more oil now than we did under Trump or that the pipeline hadn't delivered its first drop of crude yet. The PERCEPTION is less oil on the market, so the prices are higher. Every time OPEC speaks oil shoots up or down not because the actual quantity of oil on the market changes that quickly, but because the PERCEPTION that it will does.

Just like the stock market. The day Trump won the election, well the next day, the markets shot up. Why? Not because of anything Obama or Trump did, but because the markets perceived Obama finally being gone and the future looking brighter with someone who was an actual businessman making billions rather than a 100 day senator who was selected because he was black.

If we would announce that ANWR is now open for drilling, the price of oil on the WORLD market would fall rapidly, thus taking gas prices with it. Even if it took years for the first drop of ANWR oil to hit the market. It's known in the markets as "hedging" but that's far too complicated for liberals to understand.

These are the same people who called it the next ice age, and then global warming and finally "climate change" when their ideas of what the climate would actually be never transpired. They call it "record heat" because its hotter than in the last 100 years. On a planet 4.5 BILLION YEARS OLD. Liberals can't see past their noses. I guess because they're stuck up so high in the hair the sun is blinding them.

Oil and gas prices went up after Trump was elected.
Why would an oil company do this?

What other companies can you think of that would flood the market to drop the price of their product?
We have oil on federal land. As such we can DICTATE the terms of oil production from those lands in any contracts that are signed.

Companies lower prices DAILY when they sign contracts that are up for bid to eligible companies.
Even if the US produced more usable oil than it consumes, unless you nationalize the industry you are still at the mercy of global markets and prices.
Then nationalize it. How is this complicated? Not to mention huge amounts of our oil are on federal lands so the process should be pretty fucking simple.

See a problem, solve it. Simple as that.
The US government doesn't own any oil companies.
The government does not need to own the companies to dictate the terms of the contract regarding the product.
Government contracts come with all kinds of stipulations. Usually they are a hindrance but they could easily be made to actually benefit the American people for once.
I was a government contractor for over a decade and even in my small sphere the regulations were onerous at best.
Finally one of you said this part out loud!

Thank you!
I've said it for years. We don't need government control of the product just a law stating it can not be sold overseas. Same shit we need to do to stop the Chinese invasion in all of our industries but reversed. Farmland for instance. Why on earth would we let that be purchased by any entity from outside our borders???

The problem isn't complicated. The only thing that makes it appear complicated are the special interests and money involved.
Our 33 trillion dollar debt shows it is not working.
That is the politicians fault, not capitalism's fault.
I just wrote my congressman with my recommendation to raise taxes, balance the budget, and start paying down the DEBT.
1. Add a 4% Federal Sales Tax on all sales (gains ~400b/yr)

2. Add a 0.1%? financial transaction tax on ALL financial buy/sell transactions (stocks, bonds, derivatives, bitcoin, etc.) (gains 777b/yr)

3. Add a Remittance Tax on all money sent out of the US (gains ~$150b/yr, see below)

4. Remove the cap on SS tax, and raise the ages from 62/67 to 63/68 (saves SS)

5. Raise the tax and co-pay for Medicare

6. Add a co-pay for Medicaid

7. So if all of the above taxes were implemented, the $1T Budget Deficit would become a $350b surplus to start paying down the $32T Debt

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