Is Billy Graham Jr correct, political correctness has permanently damaged the US?

Has the Left won? Is the culture war over, and the traditionalists have lost?

  • Yes, the Left won, at least according to the MSM, Political Correctness Rules

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • No the Left has not won the culture war, the truth will eventually prevail

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • What culture war? There is no such thing as "political correctness" my home area is safe

    Votes: 2 14.3%

  • Total voters
Many "Irish" are Jews. John Sellout McAIPAC was one obvious one. Being IRISH or Scottish doesn't mean jack for religion.

The list of Zionist Frauds is very long....

Osama = really Col Tim Osman
Al Baghdadi = really Simon Elliot

GOP Jews pretending to be Christians
Lindsay Graham
Peter King
Rupert Murdoch
Mike Huckabee
Bill O'Reilly = another one from the UK

Heck, they even stoke the white population. Who was in charge of the "skinheads?"

Tom METZGER and his assistant DENNIS MAHON = BOTH JEWS

Time is like a river. You cannot touch the water twice, because the
flow that has passed will never pass again. Franklin Graham was
speaking at the First Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida, when he
said America will not come back.

He wrote:
Letter: Rev. Graham tells the 'sad truth'

“The American dream ended on November 6th, 2012. The second term of
Barack Obama has been the final nail in the coffin for the legacy of
the white Christian males who discovered, explored, pioneered, settled
and developed the greatest republic in the history of mankind.

A coalition of blacks, Latinos, feminists, gays, government workers,
union members, environmental extremists, the media, Hollywood,
uninformed young people, the “forever needy,” the chronically
unemployed, illegal aliens and other “fellow travelers” have ended
Norman Rockwell’s America.

You will never again out-vote these people. It will take individual
acts of defiance and massive displays of civil disobedience to get
back the rights we have allowed them to take away. It will take
zealots, not moderates and shy, not reach-across-the-aisle RINOs
to right this ship and restore our beloved country to its former status.

People like me are completely politically irrelevant, and I will
probably never again be able to legally comment on or concern myself
with the aforementioned coalition which has surrendered our culture,
our heritage and our traditions without a shot being fired.

The Cocker spaniel is off the front porch, the pit bull is in the back
yard, the American Constitution has been replaced with Saul Alinsky’s
“Rules for Radicals” and the likes of Chicago shyster David Axelrod
along with international socialist George Soros have been pulling the
strings on their beige puppet and have brought us Act 2 of the New
World Order.

The curtain will come down but the damage has been done, the story has
been told. Those who come after us will once again have to risk their lives,
their fortunes and their sacred honor to bring back the Republic that
this generation has timidly frittered away due to white guilt and
political correctness..”

Let's take a poll on whether or not the culture war is over...

Franklin Graham is not Billy Graham Jr. but Franklin Graham is a bigoted white nationalist that utilizes The Gospel for his war on none whites in America. Some of US can see through the hate of Graham; others cannot. That's too bad.
I can't say for sure that the damage is permanent, but it has been profound and doesn't show any signs of letting up.

PC = Strategic hypersensitivity deployed to put your target on the defensive, avoid honest conversation, and intimidate.

It's dishonest, it's cowardly, and if flies directly in the face of the most liberal value of all, freedom of expression.

Israel won the culture war, since they now own 90% of the US, the media, the Dems, the GOP, and thanks to frauds like the Grahams, they own the midget minds of "Christians."

Being a pro Israel Christian does not make you a CONSERVATIVE.

It makes you a MORON.

Us "midget" minded folks are the "rich" ones in this country, remember? That is what we have always heard about Republicans. Upper middle and upper class folks do tend to vote Republican. I will let you figure out who the smart ones are.

Time is like a river. You cannot touch the water twice, because the
flow that has passed will never pass again. Franklin Graham was
speaking at the First Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida, when he
said America will not come back.

He wrote:
Letter: Rev. Graham tells the 'sad truth'

“The American dream ended on November 6th, 2012. The second term of
Barack Obama has been the final nail in the coffin for the legacy of
the white Christian males who discovered, explored, pioneered, settled
and developed the greatest republic in the history of mankind.

A coalition of blacks, Latinos, feminists, gays, government workers,
union members, environmental extremists, the media, Hollywood,
uninformed young people, the “forever needy,” the chronically
unemployed, illegal aliens and other “fellow travelers” have ended
Norman Rockwell’s America.

You will never again out-vote these people. It will take individual
acts of defiance and massive displays of civil disobedience to get
back the rights we have allowed them to take away. It will take
zealots, not moderates and shy, not reach-across-the-aisle RINOs
to right this ship and restore our beloved country to its former status.

People like me are completely politically irrelevant, and I will
probably never again be able to legally comment on or concern myself
with the aforementioned coalition which has surrendered our culture,
our heritage and our traditions without a shot being fired.

The Cocker spaniel is off the front porch, the pit bull is in the back
yard, the American Constitution has been replaced with Saul Alinsky’s
“Rules for Radicals” and the likes of Chicago shyster David Axelrod
along with international socialist George Soros have been pulling the
strings on their beige puppet and have brought us Act 2 of the New
World Order.

The curtain will come down but the damage has been done, the story has
been told. Those who come after us will once again have to risk their lives,
their fortunes and their sacred honor to bring back the Republic that
this generation has timidly frittered away due to white guilt and
political correctness..”

Let's take a poll on whether or not the culture war is over...

Franklin Graham is not Billy Graham Jr. but Franklin Graham is a bigoted white nationalist that utilizes The Gospel for his war on none whites in America. Some of US can see through the hate of Graham; others cannot. That's too bad.

There is no war on non-whites. The left has been fed this nonsense for so long, many actually believe it. What government policies support "white" people only? I can name a few that support non-whites only.

Time is like a river. You cannot touch the water twice, because the
flow that has passed will never pass again. Franklin Graham was
speaking at the First Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida, when he
said America will not come back.

He wrote:
Letter: Rev. Graham tells the 'sad truth'

“The American dream ended on November 6th, 2012. The second term of
Barack Obama has been the final nail in the coffin for the legacy of
the white Christian males who discovered, explored, pioneered, settled
and developed the greatest republic in the history of mankind.

A coalition of blacks, Latinos, feminists, gays, government workers,
union members, environmental extremists, the media, Hollywood,
uninformed young people, the “forever needy,” the chronically
unemployed, illegal aliens and other “fellow travelers” have ended
Norman Rockwell’s America.

You will never again out-vote these people. It will take individual
acts of defiance and massive displays of civil disobedience to get
back the rights we have allowed them to take away. It will take
zealots, not moderates and shy, not reach-across-the-aisle RINOs
to right this ship and restore our beloved country to its former status.

People like me are completely politically irrelevant, and I will
probably never again be able to legally comment on or concern myself
with the aforementioned coalition which has surrendered our culture,
our heritage and our traditions without a shot being fired.

The Cocker spaniel is off the front porch, the pit bull is in the back
yard, the American Constitution has been replaced with Saul Alinsky’s
“Rules for Radicals” and the likes of Chicago shyster David Axelrod
along with international socialist George Soros have been pulling the
strings on their beige puppet and have brought us Act 2 of the New
World Order.

The curtain will come down but the damage has been done, the story has
been told. Those who come after us will once again have to risk their lives,
their fortunes and their sacred honor to bring back the Republic that
this generation has timidly frittered away due to white guilt and
political correctness..”

Let's take a poll on whether or not the culture war is over...

Franklin Graham is not Billy Graham Jr. but Franklin Graham is a bigoted white nationalist that utilizes The Gospel for his war on none whites in America. Some of US can see through the hate of Graham; others cannot. That's too bad.

There is no war on non-whites. The left has been fed this nonsense for so long, many actually believe it. What government policies support "white" people only? I can name a few that support non-whites only.

White supremacy in the US is not a government policy; it is an ideology espoused by folks like Franklin Graham, David Duke, Donald Trump, and others. Hitler would be proud of these guys.
Frankie is being his usual idiotic self. The U.S. Constitution is still in place. The members of this "coalition" he frets about are Americans like him. He seems to have a grievance against just about everyone. He's playing identity politics, as usual. Who is this "we" and what rights have been taken away? He worries that he won't be able to "legally comment" about those who are on his shit list. What a load of crap. And he's allowed to vote, just like the rest of us. He's got his tax exemption and a whopping salary.

He's just a bawling little boy. Somebody ought to tell him that these wonderful "white Christian males" on whose accomplishments he uses to try and justify his importance are all dead. The folks on his shit list have their own accomplishments.
Only fucked up pieces of shit think political correctness is a good thing in anyway...
Upper middle and upper class folks do tend to vote Republican

Midterms show Dems the party of the elite, not the middle class

Your biggest problem in life is that you do not have a curious mind. You parrot. You never question. You don't think.

Pro Israel American Christians are the dumbest life forms in the universe. If ants worshiped anteaters, it would be a tie...

Sample questions:

1. when he says "give up everything and follow me," who gets "everything?"
2. why do the Jews, "God's Chosen People" and clearly superior to you, a "second class citizen" in the "eyes" of "God," not believe in Jesus? Is it because their ancestors ACTUALLY WERE THERE AND OBSERVED HIM while your mindless birdbrain just PARROTS THE SALES BROCHURE???
3. why did none of the folks he "healed" show up at his trial?
4. why did the Disciples BOLT when the "authorities" showed up to arrest him?
Upper middle and upper class folks do tend to vote Republican

Midterms show Dems the party of the elite, not the middle class

Your biggest problem in life is that you do not have a curious mind. You parrot. You never question. You don't think.

Pro Israel American Christians are the dumbest life forms in the universe. If ants worshiped anteaters, it would be a tie...

Sample questions:

1. when he says "give up everything and follow me," who gets "everything?"
2. why do the Jews, "God's Chosen People" and clearly superior to you, a "second class citizen" in the "eyes" of "God," not believe in Jesus? Is it because their ancestors ACTUALLY WERE THERE AND OBSERVED HIM while your mindless birdbrain just PARROTS THE SALES BROCHURE???
3. why did none of the folks he "healed" show up at his trial?
4. why did the Disciples BOLT when the "authorities" showed up to arrest him?

The idiots who call themselves "Christians" don't seem to realize that Judaism is unrelated to Christianity. It is a separate religion. If some Muslims or Hindus approached Christians to convert based on some person who they feel was a holy person in their religion and the Christians decided that they did not want to convert, would the Muslims or Hindus have a case for being angry with them?
Of course it has; political correctness has degenerated into an exercise in violent hatred against white males. And selling the Western world out to the most demonstrably violent, human-rights-atrocity hate ideology on this planet, Islam. And it's 100% track record of destroying every society it touches.
Of course it has; political correctness has degenerated into an exercise in violent hatred against white males. And selling the Western world out to the most demonstrably violent, human-rights-atrocity hate ideology on this planet, Islam. And it's 100% track record of destroying every society it touches.

That's because the Godless left and Islam serve the same master, Satan. They just don't know it.
Of course it has; political correctness has degenerated into an exercise in violent hatred against white males. And selling the Western world out to the most demonstrably violent, human-rights-atrocity hate ideology on this planet, Islam. And it's 100% track record of destroying every society it touches.

Just what, kitten, has been "violent hatred against white males"? Have you been been put in chains or massacred? Held done and raped? Enslaved? Or are you just whining because other people are here, too, and are your equals?
That guy is now known as the destroyer of Christians in America. He is a bigot.
That guy is now known as the destroyer of Christians in America. He is a bigot.
I don't know where the religion of Christianity goes at this point. When I knelt down to pray at Ephesus, along with Muslim worshipers (Jesus is a Prophet in the Islamic faith), I did not imagine someone like frankie graham or hagee or focus on the family. I once met a noted Christian scholar in a receiving line following a worship service. I told him that my faith was hanging on by a thread and that most of it was bullshit, but his writings were helping me to preserve my faith. He told me that most of it was, but there was and is a kernal there that holds truth that is to be discovered.
Truth always wins out in time

These short periods of greed and the foolish rising always comes to a destructive end

A logic test for voting will come after the crooked deep state and immoral democrats gets chased and stopped totally
Yes. They killed it. But long term we win. Political correctness is Marxism.

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