Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community?

Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community?

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I believe that you attended poor schools. That is evident. weren't a white kid among a sea of black kids. There is no way.

Well lets get back on topic then. What were you saying? black kids need to go to school with white kids so the white majic can rub off on them or something?

Nope. Try again.

Oh, then you said that black kids need to be bussed to school in white areas because black people are net takers of the tax system and contribute nothing to their own schools (Despite the fact that intercity schools have more funding per pupil than any white district I am aware of)?


Nope. One more try? Please remember that I began your lesson with a question about how public schools are funded. I know you can do it!

You allowed a link to do your arguing for you. What is your claim? claim is that institutionalized and legal segregation.....based on economic factors.....such as low levels of property tax revenue....which has impacted minorities to a greater degree than it has impacted white people....when coupled with the school to prison DIRECTLY responsible for the "thug" culture that you are so interested in discussing.

Get it, professor?
I believe that you attended poor schools. That is evident. weren't a white kid among a sea of black kids. There is no way.

How would you know this, Assclown?

What could you POSSIBLY base such a claim on?

I went to a predominantly Jewish high school. Do you claim that is false as well?

Why would I?

Why would you think his was?

Call it an educated guess.
Well lets get back on topic then. What were you saying? black kids need to go to school with white kids so the white majic can rub off on them or something?

Nope. Try again.

Oh, then you said that black kids need to be bussed to school in white areas because black people are net takers of the tax system and contribute nothing to their own schools (Despite the fact that intercity schools have more funding per pupil than any white district I am aware of)?


Nope. One more try? Please remember that I began your lesson with a question about how public schools are funded. I know you can do it!

You allowed a link to do your arguing for you. What is your claim? claim is that institutionalized and legal segregation.....based on economic factors.....such as low levels of property tax revenue....which has impacted minorities to a greater degree than it has impacted white people....when coupled with the school to prison DIRECTLY responsible for the "thug" culture that you are so interested in discussing.

Get it, professor?

Not educated enough to be a professor but thanks.

My gosh then. How is this possible? DC schools are overwhelmingly black. DC Schools have the highest spending per pupil in the nation. DC schools also have a horrendous graduation rate. By your standard, Washing DC should have the best schools system in the nation. What gives? ... ... ... One more thing, DC is completely run by blacks! However, the thuggery in Washington DC still reins supreme. Why? Black culture.

D.C. Leads Nation as U.S. Per Pupil Tops 10 600 Census Bureau Reports - Finance Insurance Real Estate - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
D.C. Public Schools Spend Almost 30 000 Per Student
DC Takes Top Honors -- for Worst Graduation Rate in U.S. CNS News
D.C. 2012 Murder Rate Ranked 8th Among Nation s Most Populated Cities Homicide Watch D.C. Mark every death. Remember every victim. Follow every case.

And the liberal myth goes down in a ball of flames.

"Despite this astounding price tag—$29,409 for the 2009–2010 school year, to be exact, compared to the national average of just under $12,500 (both figures are total expenditures calculated on a per-pupil basis, including capital outlays)—the graduation rate for D.C. students hovers around 60 percent, well below the nationwide average of 74 percent. Math and reading scores are also among the lowest in the country."

And this will be your response (if you respond at all).

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Well lets get back on topic then. What were you saying? black kids need to go to school with white kids so the white majic can rub off on them or something?

Nope. Try again.

Oh, then you said that black kids need to be bussed to school in white areas because black people are net takers of the tax system and contribute nothing to their own schools (Despite the fact that intercity schools have more funding per pupil than any white district I am aware of)?


Nope. One more try? Please remember that I began your lesson with a question about how public schools are funded. I know you can do it!

You allowed a link to do your arguing for you. What is your claim? claim is that institutionalized and legal segregation.....based on economic factors.....such as low levels of property tax revenue....which has impacted minorities to a greater degree than it has impacted white people....when coupled with the school to prison DIRECTLY responsible for the "thug" culture that you are so interested in discussing.

Get it, professor?

You're full of shit. Got it, komrade kool-aid?
Nope. Try again.

Oh, then you said that black kids need to be bussed to school in white areas because black people are net takers of the tax system and contribute nothing to their own schools (Despite the fact that intercity schools have more funding per pupil than any white district I am aware of)?


Nope. One more try? Please remember that I began your lesson with a question about how public schools are funded. I know you can do it!

You allowed a link to do your arguing for you. What is your claim? claim is that institutionalized and legal segregation.....based on economic factors.....such as low levels of property tax revenue....which has impacted minorities to a greater degree than it has impacted white people....when coupled with the school to prison DIRECTLY responsible for the "thug" culture that you are so interested in discussing.

Get it, professor?

You're full of shit. Got it, komrade kool-aid?

Which is why he will ignore this post. Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community Page 19 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
So in order to become well educated students they need to be bussed into white schools so maybe some of that white magic can rub off on them? I was raised in a black intercity neighborhood. I was often the only white kid in the class. I graduated university (High Honors) after a stent in the military with an MA in History. Why was I able to do that?

Since you were white, the racists didn't follow you around, slap the book out of your hand and stop you from paying attention in class and doing your homework at night.

Seriously, you weren't raised to believe that you didn't stand a chance in hell and stop trying because you believed that government would pave the way for you.
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Fuggin black culture. Rioting over something as insignificant as another dead negro. Jesus H. Christ.

They should riot over shit that matters. Like when some white guys lose a hockey game!

The matter is being investigated and when completed, we will know what caused the man's death and whether people should be charged.

Even still, there is never any excuse for this kind of violence. Protesting when something is unfair is a good thing and the right of every American, but destroying a city and injuring people before you even have the facts are symptoms of a much more serious issue.
So in order to become well educated students they need to be bussed into white schools so maybe some of that white magic can rub off on them? I was raised in a black intercity neighborhood. I was often the only white kid in the class. I graduated university (High Honors) after a stent in the military with an MA in History. Why was I able to do that?

Since you were white, the racists didn't follow you around, slap the book out of your hand and stop you from paying attention in class and doing your homework at night.

In my school, the racists were all black. I've seen white students beat up for any number of things. I never saw, however, one black student simply attack a white student. It was always a group of black students attacking a solitary white student.
So in order to become well educated students they need to be bussed into white schools so maybe some of that white magic can rub off on them? I was raised in a black intercity neighborhood. I was often the only white kid in the class. I graduated university (High Honors) after a stent in the military with an MA in History. Why was I able to do that?

Since you were white, the racists didn't follow you around, slap the book out of your hand and stop you from paying attention in class and doing your homework at night.

In my school, the racists were all black. I've seen white students beat up for any number of things. I never saw, however, one black student simply attack a white student. It was always a group of black students attacking a solitary white student.

Of course. Did you ever get attacked?
In my school, the racists were all black. I've seen white students beat up for any number of things. I never saw, however, one black student simply attack a white student. It was always a group of black students attacking a solitary white student.

Nothing has changed. Nothing. The more Dems do to help people, the more things stay the same. Only difference is that there are far more people going through their whole lives believing they are disenfranchised simply because whites exist.

To get to the root of the problem, you look at the people that many minorities have trusted all along and look at the message they've been receiving.
So in order to become well educated students they need to be bussed into white schools so maybe some of that white magic can rub off on them? I was raised in a black intercity neighborhood. I was often the only white kid in the class. I graduated university (High Honors) after a stent in the military with an MA in History. Why was I able to do that?

Since you were white, the racists didn't follow you around, slap the book out of your hand and stop you from paying attention in class and doing your homework at night.

In my school, the racists were all black. I've seen white students beat up for any number of things. I never saw, however, one black student simply attack a white student. It was always a group of black students attacking a solitary white student.

Of course. Did you ever get attacked?

Quite often. Most of the time because my parents couldn't afford to buy me decent cloths and that made me subject to ridicule and assaults. Once again, I never was attacked by one black student, only a group of black students. Isn't it funny, though my parents were never on welfare the black students at school had $100.00 shoes and nice cloths/jackets in a school that was 99% free or reduced lunch. And they had the nerve to attack me because I looked poor. If that isn't irony I don't know what is.

Now respond to the post you're ignoring for obvious reasons. Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community Page 19 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. MLK

Sad that the positive voices no longer lead the way.
So in order to become well educated students they need to be bussed into white schools so maybe some of that white magic can rub off on them? I was raised in a black intercity neighborhood. I was often the only white kid in the class. I graduated university (High Honors) after a stent in the military with an MA in History. Why was I able to do that?

Since you were white, the racists didn't follow you around, slap the book out of your hand and stop you from paying attention in class and doing your homework at night.

In my school, the racists were all black. I've seen white students beat up for any number of things. I never saw, however, one black student simply attack a white student. It was always a group of black students attacking a solitary white student.

Yeah, nobody believes you.
So in order to become well educated students they need to be bussed into white schools so maybe some of that white magic can rub off on them? I was raised in a black intercity neighborhood. I was often the only white kid in the class. I graduated university (High Honors) after a stent in the military with an MA in History. Why was I able to do that?

Since you were white, the racists didn't follow you around, slap the book out of your hand and stop you from paying attention in class and doing your homework at night.

In my school, the racists were all black. I've seen white students beat up for any number of things. I never saw, however, one black student simply attack a white student. It was always a group of black students attacking a solitary white student.

Yeah, nobody believes you.

Take it or leave it. I was asked and I answered. The value of my existence is certainly not weighed by whether you believe me or not.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. MLK

Sad that the positive voices no longer lead the way.

MLK?..the plagiarist and philanderer who posed as a "minister"?...hell his name wasn't even "martin luther"..that was just some made up BS...his name was michael
So in order to become well educated students they need to be bussed into white schools so maybe some of that white magic can rub off on them? I was raised in a black intercity neighborhood. I was often the only white kid in the class. I graduated university (High Honors) after a stent in the military with an MA in History. Why was I able to do that?

Since you were white, the racists didn't follow you around, slap the book out of your hand and stop you from paying attention in class and doing your homework at night.

In my school, the racists were all black. I've seen white students beat up for any number of things. I never saw, however, one black student simply attack a white student. It was always a group of black students attacking a solitary white student.

Yeah, nobody believes you.

Take it or leave it.。。。。.

Leave it
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. MLK

Sad that the positive voices no longer lead the way.

MLK?..the plagiarist and philanderer who posed as a "minister"?...hell his name wasn't even "martin luther"..that was just some made up BS...his name was michael

Indeed, he went from content of character over color of ones skin to "give us some welfare yall." no one quotes the latter MLK. I wonder why not?
So in order to become well educated students they need to be bussed into white schools so maybe some of that white magic can rub off on them? I was raised in a black intercity neighborhood. I was often the only white kid in the class. I graduated university (High Honors) after a stent in the military with an MA in History. Why was I able to do that?

Since you were white, the racists didn't follow you around, slap the book out of your hand and stop you from paying attention in class and doing your homework at night.

In my school, the racists were all black. I've seen white students beat up for any number of things. I never saw, however, one black student simply attack a white student. It was always a group of black students attacking a solitary white student.

Yeah, nobody believes you.

Take it or leave it.。。。。.

Leave it

yeah I gathered that much.
Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community?

The left often wants to blame racism as the primary cause of the ill's experienced by the black community. This issue has worked its way deep into policy decisions to help "level the playing field." So I ask the question, is it really racism that plagues the black community or black culture?
I would say "yes" if I were to concentrate on the MINORITY of Black people who aren't doing well, instead of concentrating on the MAJORITY of Black people who are not on welfare.

What do you consider "Black culture".......rap? Do you think that those deviants who rioted in Baltimore make up the majority of that population? What percentage of that population do you think that the looters and deviants were?

Black People on Welfare Let s Not Sugarcoat It
Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community?

The left often wants to blame racism as the primary cause of the ill's experienced by the black community. This issue has worked its way deep into policy decisions to help "level the playing field." So I ask the question, is it really racism that plagues the black community or black culture?
I would say "yes" if I were to concentrate on the MINORITY of Black people who aren't doing well, instead of concentrating on the MAJORITY of Black people who are not on welfare.

What do you consider "Black culture".......rap? Do you think that those deviants who rioted in Baltimore make up the majority of that population? What percentage of that population do you think that the looters and deviants were?

Black People on Welfare Let s Not Sugarcoat It

What percentage of that population are excusing and/or supporting the looters would be a more relevant question. And black culture promotes deviance (Though not all blacks are deviant) just as Asian culture promotes education (Though not all Asians do well in school). A culture is defined by the behavior it promotes, knowingly or unknwingly.

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