Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community?

Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community?

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Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community?

The left often wants to blame racism as the primary cause of the ill's experienced by the black community. This issue has worked its way deep into policy decisions to help "level the playing field." So I ask the question, is it really racism that plagues the black community or black culture?

I don't believe it is racism. You can't make a person do something, or not do something, if they hate you. It's those they trust that have led them in the wrong direction.

I believe it's more about the perception some have regarding the effects of racism. The left has certainly done their best to convince minorities that racism is holding them back, yet they've never been able to explain why. Racism is responsible for people not getting at least a high school education. Racism is responsible for young people turning to drugs and crime. Racism is responsible for people not being offered good jobs. The list goes on, but it's a widely held belief by some that racism has kept people down and unable to move forward. The left addresses these mythical causes with solutions, like affirmative action, which supposedly forces the racists to hire minorities. The left also lowers standards, supposedly to make up for the poor education minorities were offered.

You have to assume that minorities must go to the worst schools because we make them. Parents cannot move and send children to better schools because they themselves, and generations before them, also received a poor education, didn't graduate and are not gainfully employed. They are stuck in government housing in the poor neighborhood with the worst school. There is nothing in our system that encourages parents to finish school and set an example for their children. Racists must have put a stop to people trying to improve themselves.

Since minorities are stuck in crappy government housing in crappy neighborhoods, we must give them more welfare and lower the bar so they can get a better job. It doesn't matter that requiring lower standards for them means they likely won't succeed because they won't do as well as those who met the higher standards. Only racists object to giving people jobs they aren't fully qualified to do.

Increasing welfare and eliminating the stigma that goes along with it was supposed to convince the proud people that it's okay to accept help when you need it. The left talked about how they have a right to be subsidized. Racists held them back, so this was the only way to level the playing field. Gee, who could have predicted that it would get to a point where people felt entitled to it because they were victims of the very people who pay their way. The left's answer is that those people should pay even more because they are guilty. Even if they aren't guilty of forcing people to drop out of schools and live in crappy housing, some are white and guilty by virtue of skin color. Because we didn't do more to elevate them, we owe them.

So, no more stigma, but plenty of race baiting. Look at those white people in middle and upper class neighborhoods. They are only there because they are privileged and the wealthy ones took advantage of the poor. The left fills their heads with crap about returning that wealth to it's rightful owners.

Now, people are angry because they have someone to blame for their lot in life and, therefore, it's okay to burn down those businesses, nice homes and attack people who don't look poor or any white person.

But the deep down anger comes from knowing that they failed themselves. Despite the left's efforts to ridicule successful minorities, people know that anyone can succeed if they actually apply themselves. Maybe some of the anger is really about being lied to for decades. Listening to liberal politicians promising to elevate them was a huge mistake and only kept them in poverty.

I'd be mad at myself if I were in their position. I'm sure it's hard to admit that being ignorant your whole life and believing the myth that someone else kept you down is what really held you back. That is a hard reality to face, yet the anger builds up. No wonder it's easy for people, like Sharpton, to help them find another outlet for all the pent-up hostility.
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Pretty sure this guy is a rigid constitutionalist.
There was a time when men like John Coltrane and the Count were the epitomes of black culture --- those days are long gone.


I enjoyed watching the entire video.

True beauty contained inside a rugged shell. The music is grinding but harmonious at the same time. Genius.

Now if you want to see true musical greatness promoted in a mainstream way by a culture you need to seek out the Japanese who weren't afraid to adopt the working model.

"Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community?"

No, you and other racists are the primary cause of the ills that plague the Black community.

Some ignorant fools don't know the difference between race and culture.

Are you a racist? Or maybe a "culturalist"?

Question: What is the primary source of funding for public schools in America?

The taxpayer.

Oh? Interesting. What kind of taxes? Do you know?


Excellent! Now....stay with me here.

How would a Supreme Court that isn't quite ready to give full equality to the ******* handle cases following Brown v Board of Ed in such a way as to perpetuate an uneven playing field for black people in America?

Here is some you will definitely need it:

A Return to School Segregation in America Separate and Unequal FRONTLINE PBS
I'd be mad at myself if I were in their position. I'm sure it's hard to admit that being a fool your whole life and believing the myth that someone else kept you down is what really held you back. No wonder it's easy for people, like Sharpton, to help you find another outlet for your pent-up hostility.
They're not fools, they're humans who have been conditioned over generations.

Anyone would behave differently if they were raised and immersed in that, if they had people who claim to "care" making excuses for them, spinning for them, lowering standards for them, ignoring their misbehavior. For generations.

We are all responsible for our actions, but this shit runs deep.

Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community?

The left often wants to blame racism as the primary cause of the ill's experienced by the black community. This issue has worked its way deep into policy decisions to help "level the playing field." So I ask the question, is it really racism that plagues the black community or black culture?
There are many causes, and they date back 200 years or more. The main reason, in my opinion, is the lack of opportunities for most of them. Yes, we have black millionaires, black CEO's, black politicians, a half-black president, and blacks are in every field including doctors, lawyers, and judges. But, for the most part, blacks are outside the elevator that rises to the top of society. It's also true that they get a leg-up in such cases as education, job quotas, and other advantages afforded them over the years.

The lack of equal opportunities keep many from excelling in society as a whole. There still remains a stigma attached to being a "black" in America. In other words, blacks aren't advanced as often, and to higher positions in many corporations as often. In addition, the stats on blacks are pushed to the forefront more frequently than those of other races. An example of this is the prison population in this country. Another stat is the number of children to unwed mothers. Poverty in general, is associated with blacks a lot more than is mentioned concerning other races.

We are guilty of separating stats on all levels with race, nationality, religion, and in some cases, even sports. This projects a division as to "race superiority" in the minds of many. When we speak of our prison population, it's often mentioned first that blacks make up the largest percentage of those behind bars. When we speak of welfare, it's blacks that are mentioned first, and emphasized the most. This habit or trend, gives the impression, especially among blacks, that they're somehow second class citizens, and are incapable of being anything more than what's written or said about them. We have stereo-typed them to the point of greatly influencing how they see themselves. They are well aware of how they are thought of by whites and others. Over time, in my opinion, it's cause what amounts to "an inferiority complex", resulting in an attitude of "no one expects anything more from me". Also, without the same opportunities, and some will argue this point I'm sure, they turn to alternative means to either gain respect ( gangs ) or to make a living ( crime ).

We often blame parents for the way our kids turn out in life, and in many cases, rightfully so. But, parents and their influence can only carry a child so far, then it takes a lot of personal effort to obtain what parents have guided us towards. Sometimes things work out, and we make our parents very proud. And, other times, we push aside the teachings and influence of our parents, and start following the wrong influences and life-style. In the case of blacks, more often than not, parents pass along the wrong guidance, and influence the kids in a negative manner. An example would be single mothers raising 4 or 5 kids, working, and hardly ever at home. This "struggle" life-style sets the wrong example, and leaves kids to learn from others.

( something just happened to cause my last paragraph to disappear )

Lack of equal opportunities? How so? And blacks stereotype whites all the time. Look at most black comedians for example. But whites don't act out the stereotypes. In many cases, what people often refer to as "stereotypes," is just plain reality. As far as parents go they are the number one influence in their child's life and they are ultimately responsible for their children's behavior. What I take away from your rant is that black culture is a primary contributor to black ill's but whites are to blame for their culture. I disagree that white people have an ounce of responsibility for the current state of blacks in America. If that were so we should apply the same standard to Asians.
I stand by my opinion, and understand yours.

Aww....isn't that sweet!
Yes......... of course it is ........... were you expecting bitter?

Yes. I expect normal people to respond with bitterness when dealing with a bigot.
Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community?

The left often wants to blame racism as the primary cause of the ill's experienced by the black community. This issue has worked its way deep into policy decisions to help "level the playing field." So I ask the question, is it really racism that plagues the black community or black culture?

I don't believe it is racism. You can't make a person do something, or not do something, if they hate you. It's those they trust that have led them in the wrong direction.

I believe it's more about the perception some have regarding the effects of racism. The left has certainly done their best to convince minorities that racism is holding them back, yet they've never been able to explain why. Racism is responsible for people not getting at least a high school education. Racism is responsible for young people turning to drugs and crime. Racism is responsible for people not being offered good jobs. The list goes on, but it's a widely held belief by some that racism has kept people down and unable to move forward. The left addresses these mythical causes with solutions, like affirmative action, which supposedly forces the racists to hire minorities. The left also lowers standards, supposedly to make up for the poor education minorities were offered.

You have to assume that minorities must go to the worst schools because we make them. Parents cannot move and send children to better schools because they themselves, and generations before them, also received a poor education, didn't graduate and are not gainfully employed. They are stuck in government housing in the poor neighborhood with the worst school. There is nothing in our system that encourages parents to finish school and set an example for their children. Racists must have put a stop to people trying to improve themselves.

Since minorities are stuck in crappy government housing in crappy neighborhoods, we must give them more welfare and lower the bar so they can get a better job. It doesn't matter that requiring lower standards for them means they likely won't succeed because they won't do as well as those who met the higher standards. Only racists object to giving people jobs they aren't fully qualified to do.

Increasing welfare and eliminating the stigma that goes along with it was supposed to convince the proud people that it's okay to accept help when you need it. The left talked about how they have a right to be subsidized. Racists held them back, so this was the only way to level the playing field. Gee, who could have predicted that it would get to a point where people felt entitled to it because they were victims of the very people who pay their way. The left's answer is that those people should pay even more because they are guilty. Even if they aren't guilty of forcing people to drop out of schools and live in crappy housing, some are white and guilty by virtue of skin color. Because we didn't do more to elevate them, we owe them.

So, no more stigma, but plenty of race baiting. Look at those white people in middle and upper class neighborhoods. They are only there because they are privileged and the wealthy ones took advantage of the poor. The left fills their heads with crap about returning that wealth to it's rightful owners.

Now, people are angry because they have someone to blame for their lot in life and, therefore, it's okay to burn down those businesses, nice homes and attack people who don't look poor or any white person.

But the deep down anger comes from knowing that they failed themselves. Despite the left's efforts to ridicule successful minorities, people know that anyone can succeed if they actually apply themselves. Maybe some of the anger is really about being lied to for decades. Listening to liberal politicians promising to elevate them was a huge mistake and only kept them in poverty.

I'd be mad at myself if I were in their position. I'm sure it's hard to admit that being a fool your whole life and believing the myth that someone else kept you down is what really held you back. No wonder it's easy for people, like Sharpton, to help you find another outlet for your pent-up hostility.

That perception culturally abundant in black culture is called "racial over sensitivity." The Japanese hated the west during the colonial expansionist era but they dealt with it by modernizing and in many aspects outperforming the west at their own game. They took a working model and made it better while maintaining many of the positive aspects of their own culture that made them great. Blacks don't do this. They hold firm to all aspects of their culture and figure out new ways to become worse. The cultural Marxist aren't helping either.
YES! It doesn't promote a strong family and a strong work ethic...It sure as fuck doesn't promote morals or respect for others property.

OF course, I am evil for saying this as in the eyes of a democrat I shouldn't be able to hurt their feelings.
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There are many causes, and they date back 200 years or more. The main reason, in my opinion, is the lack of opportunities for most of them. Yes, we have black millionaires, black CEO's, black politicians, a half-black president, and blacks are in every field including doctors, lawyers, and judges. But, for the most part, blacks are outside the elevator that rises to the top of society. It's also true that they get a leg-up in such cases as education, job quotas, and other advantages afforded them over the years.

The lack of equal opportunities keep many from excelling in society as a whole. There still remains a stigma attached to being a "black" in America. In other words, blacks aren't advanced as often, and to higher positions in many corporations as often. In addition, the stats on blacks are pushed to the forefront more frequently than those of other races. An example of this is the prison population in this country. Another stat is the number of children to unwed mothers. Poverty in general, is associated with blacks a lot more than is mentioned concerning other races.

We are guilty of separating stats on all levels with race, nationality, religion, and in some cases, even sports. This projects a division as to "race superiority" in the minds of many. When we speak of our prison population, it's often mentioned first that blacks make up the largest percentage of those behind bars. When we speak of welfare, it's blacks that are mentioned first, and emphasized the most. This habit or trend, gives the impression, especially among blacks, that they're somehow second class citizens, and are incapable of being anything more than what's written or said about them. We have stereo-typed them to the point of greatly influencing how they see themselves. They are well aware of how they are thought of by whites and others. Over time, in my opinion, it's cause what amounts to "an inferiority complex", resulting in an attitude of "no one expects anything more from me". Also, without the same opportunities, and some will argue this point I'm sure, they turn to alternative means to either gain respect ( gangs ) or to make a living ( crime ).

We often blame parents for the way our kids turn out in life, and in many cases, rightfully so. But, parents and their influence can only carry a child so far, then it takes a lot of personal effort to obtain what parents have guided us towards. Sometimes things work out, and we make our parents very proud. And, other times, we push aside the teachings and influence of our parents, and start following the wrong influences and life-style. In the case of blacks, more often than not, parents pass along the wrong guidance, and influence the kids in a negative manner. An example would be single mothers raising 4 or 5 kids, working, and hardly ever at home. This "struggle" life-style sets the wrong example, and leaves kids to learn from others.

( something just happened to cause my last paragraph to disappear )

Lack of equal opportunities? How so? And blacks stereotype whites all the time. Look at most black comedians for example. But whites don't act out the stereotypes. In many cases, what people often refer to as "stereotypes," is just plain reality. As far as parents go they are the number one influence in their child's life and they are ultimately responsible for their children's behavior. What I take away from your rant is that black culture is a primary contributor to black ill's but whites are to blame for their culture. I disagree that white people have an ounce of responsibility for the current state of blacks in America. If that were so we should apply the same standard to Asians.
I stand by my opinion, and understand yours.

Aww....isn't that sweet!
Yes......... of course it is ........... were you expecting bitter?

Yes. I expect normal people to respond with bitterness when dealing with a bigot.

Yet the biggest bigots here are the far left!
I'd be mad at myself if I were in their position. I'm sure it's hard to admit that being a fool your whole life and believing the myth that someone else kept you down is what really held you back. No wonder it's easy for people, like Sharpton, to help you find another outlet for your pent-up hostility.
They're not fools, they're humans who have been conditioned over generations.

Anyone would behave differently if they were raised and immersed in that, if they had people who claim to "care" making excuses for them, spinning for them, lowering standards for them, ignoring their misbehavior. For generations.

We are all responsible for our actions, but this shit runs deep.


I agree. It has been taught for decades and every liberal politician and teacher echoes the rhetoric. It's a form of brainwashing. But, once they realize what has happened, I think they could kick themselves for not seeing the truth sooner.
YES! It doesn't promote a strong family and a strong work ethic...It sure as fuck doesn't promote moral or respect for others property.

OF course, I am evil for saying this as in the eyes of a democrat as I shouldn't be able to hurt their feelings.

They will call you a racist but what that really means is "shut up, you're truth telling is hurting our narrative."
Fuggin black culture. Rioting over something as insignificant as another dead negro. Jesus H. Christ.

They should riot over shit that matters. Like when some white guys lose a hockey game!
Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community?

The left often wants to blame racism as the primary cause of the ill's experienced by the black community. This issue has worked its way deep into policy decisions to help "level the playing field." So I ask the question, is it really racism that plagues the black community or black culture?

Some yes...some no.

I encourage all who see no racism to look into how the criminal justice system treats blacks insofar as sentencing and verdicts.

On the other side of the coin, when your role models are absentee fathers, women who sing about the virtues of spouse abuse, and the music is consistently profanity laced, that isnt racism, that is culture self fulfillment.
I'd be mad at myself if I were in their position. I'm sure it's hard to admit that being a fool your whole life and believing the myth that someone else kept you down is what really held you back. No wonder it's easy for people, like Sharpton, to help you find another outlet for your pent-up hostility.
They're not fools, they're humans who have been conditioned over generations.

Anyone would behave differently if they were raised and immersed in that, if they had people who claim to "care" making excuses for them, spinning for them, lowering standards for them, ignoring their misbehavior. For generations.

We are all responsible for our actions, but this shit runs deep.


I agree. It has been taught for decades and every liberal politician and teacher echoes the rhetoric. It's a form of brainwashing. But, once they realize what has happened, I think they could kick themselves for not seeing the truth sooner.
Yeah, tough to say. When it's ingrained, and when it's still being done to you, it's gotta be very difficult to let it go.

Some ignorant fools don't know the difference between race and culture.

Are you a racist? Or maybe a "culturalist"?

Question: What is the primary source of funding for public schools in America?

The taxpayer.

Oh? Interesting. What kind of taxes? Do you know?


Excellent! Now....stay with me here.

How would a Supreme Court that isn't quite ready to give full equality to the ******* handle cases following Brown v Board of Ed in such a way as to perpetuate an uneven playing field for black people in America?

Here is some you will definitely need it:

A Return to School Segregation in America Separate and Unequal FRONTLINE PBS

So in order to become well educated students they need to be bussed into white schools so maybe some of that white magic can rub off on them? I was raised in a black intercity neighborhood. I was often the only white kid in the class. I graduated university (High Honors) after a stent in the military with an MA in History. Why was I able to do that?
I challenge any nutter here to PROVE that I....a liberal white American have ever told any black American that they are inferior to me.....and therefore should settle for handouts.

Go ahead, assholes. Have at it.
Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community?

The left often wants to blame racism as the primary cause of the ill's experienced by the black community. This issue has worked its way deep into policy decisions to help "level the playing field." So I ask the question, is it really racism that plagues the black community or black culture?

Some yes...some no.

I encourage all who see no racism to look into how the criminal justice system treats blacks insofar as sentencing and verdicts.

On the other side of the coin, when your role models are absentee fathers, women who sing about the virtues of spouse abuse, and the music is consistently profanity laced, that isnt racism, that is culture self fulfillment.

Indeed, repetitive criminals get longer sentences.
Are you a racist? Or maybe a "culturalist"?

Question: What is the primary source of funding for public schools in America?

The taxpayer.

Oh? Interesting. What kind of taxes? Do you know?


Excellent! Now....stay with me here.

How would a Supreme Court that isn't quite ready to give full equality to the ******* handle cases following Brown v Board of Ed in such a way as to perpetuate an uneven playing field for black people in America?

Here is some you will definitely need it:

A Return to School Segregation in America Separate and Unequal FRONTLINE PBS

So in order to become well educated students they need to be bussed into white schools so maybe some of that white magic can rub off on them? I was raised in a black intercity neighborhood. I was often the only white kid in the class. I graduated university (High Honors) after a stent in the military with an MA in History. Why was I able to do that?

You are lying. You were not raised in a black INNER city neighborhood.

A stent? You had a "stent" in the military?

Holy think everyone other than you is a retard. Fuck off.....ya lying shit.

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