Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community?

Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community?

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I spend quite a bit of time in the burbs. Imagine my surprise to find oodles of black middle class people acting just like normal people.
And that is the entire point.

Those middle class black Americans act like other middle class Americans. Those that are acting like thugs are not middle class.

It is that culture that brings them down – not their race or racists.

Those middle class blacks often run away from lower class blacks. They immerse themselves in white culture and their kids go to white schools. They are often therefore shielded from the negative effects of black culture. Place them back in a majority black area and they will act as the majority black population does.
It is not ‘white’ culture either.

You seem far to hung up on the racial aspect as though you are trying to justify a negative view on blacks rather than actually interested in the culture aspect.

This exchange is reading like a justification after the judgment rather than the other way around.[/QUOTE/]

Whites have always had this love/hate relationship with what they viewed as "black culture"

Just look at 19th century pop music.

I agree. The black roots of 19th century pop music stems from the fact that whites did not allow blacks to participate in orchestras or bands and so blacks had to create a music of their own. It was wildly successful. many of the famous jazz musicians started off working in brothels and became famous world wide. They did so amid a time of white supremacy and black codes. In other words, thy succeeded despite the laws keeping them down. What's the excuse today?

And most died poor, as their intellectual properties were not protected.

I was referring an earlier period, though:

List of blackface minstrel songs - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Pulling the camera back a little bit...

"Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community?"

No, you and other racists are the primary cause of the ills that plague the Black community.

Some ignorant fools don't know the difference between race and culture.
I bet this guy had at least 80 rounds of ammo pumped into him by the cops.

Oh, wait...

And that is the entire point.

Those middle class black Americans act like other middle class Americans. Those that are acting like thugs are not middle class.

It is that culture that brings them down – not their race or racists.

Those middle class blacks often run away from lower class blacks. They immerse themselves in white culture and their kids go to white schools. They are often therefore shielded from the negative effects of black culture. Place them back in a majority black area and they will act as the majority black population does.
It is not ‘white’ culture either.

You seem far to hung up on the racial aspect as though you are trying to justify a negative view on blacks rather than actually interested in the culture aspect.

This exchange is reading like a justification after the judgment rather than the other way around.[/QUOTE/]

Whites have always had this love/hate relationship with what they viewed as "black culture"

Just look at 19th century pop music.

I agree. The black roots of 19th century pop music stems from the fact that whites did not allow blacks to participate in orchestras or bands and so blacks had to create a music of their own. It was wildly successful. many of the famous jazz musicians started off working in brothels and became famous world wide. They did so amid a time of white supremacy and black codes. In other words, thy succeeded despite the laws keeping them down. What's the excuse today?

And most died poor, as their intellectual properties were not protected.

I was referring an earlier period, though:

List of blackface minstrel songs - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Intellectual properties for both white and black were shady in those days. But that didn't stop them from suing and winning against Led Zeppelin.
"Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community?"

No, you and other racists are the primary cause of the ills that plague the Black community.

Some ignorant fools don't know the difference between race and culture.

Are you a racist? Or maybe a "culturalist"?

Question: What is the primary source of funding for public schools in America?
"Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community?"

No, you and other racists are the primary cause of the ills that plague the Black community.

Some ignorant fools don't know the difference between race and culture.

Are you a racist? Or maybe a "culturalist"?

Question: What is the primary source of funding for public schools in America?

The taxpayer.
Typical white people. They actually formed orderly lines to take turns punching the cops.

"Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community?"

No, you and other racists are the primary cause of the ills that plague the Black community.

Some ignorant fools don't know the difference between race and culture.

Are you a racist? Or maybe a "culturalist"?

Question: What is the primary source of funding for public schools in America?

The taxpayer.

Oh? Interesting. What kind of taxes? Do you know?
Hey, I thought white people didn't leave any litter after they protest!



And there's a dumpster right there and everything!

"Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community?"

No, you and other racists are the primary cause of the ills that plague the Black community.

Some ignorant fools don't know the difference between race and culture.

Are you a racist? Or maybe a "culturalist"?

Question: What is the primary source of funding for public schools in America?

The taxpayer.

Oh? Interesting. What kind of taxes? Do you know?

Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community?

The left often wants to blame racism as the primary cause of the ill's experienced by the black community. This issue has worked its way deep into policy decisions to help "level the playing field." So I ask the question, is it really racism that plagues the black community or black culture?
There are many causes, and they date back 200 years or more. The main reason, in my opinion, is the lack of opportunities for most of them. Yes, we have black millionaires, black CEO's, black politicians, a half-black president, and blacks are in every field including doctors, lawyers, and judges. But, for the most part, blacks are outside the elevator that rises to the top of society. It's also true that they get a leg-up in such cases as education, job quotas, and other advantages afforded them over the years.

The lack of equal opportunities keep many from excelling in society as a whole. There still remains a stigma attached to being a "black" in America. In other words, blacks aren't advanced as often, and to higher positions in many corporations as often. In addition, the stats on blacks are pushed to the forefront more frequently than those of other races. An example of this is the prison population in this country. Another stat is the number of children to unwed mothers. Poverty in general, is associated with blacks a lot more than is mentioned concerning other races.

We are guilty of separating stats on all levels with race, nationality, religion, and in some cases, even sports. This projects a division as to "race superiority" in the minds of many. When we speak of our prison population, it's often mentioned first that blacks make up the largest percentage of those behind bars. When we speak of welfare, it's blacks that are mentioned first, and emphasized the most. This habit or trend, gives the impression, especially among blacks, that they're somehow second class citizens, and are incapable of being anything more than what's written or said about them. We have stereo-typed them to the point of greatly influencing how they see themselves. They are well aware of how they are thought of by whites and others. Over time, in my opinion, it's cause what amounts to "an inferiority complex", resulting in an attitude of "no one expects anything more from me". Also, without the same opportunities, and some will argue this point I'm sure, they turn to alternative means to either gain respect ( gangs ) or to make a living ( crime ).

We often blame parents for the way our kids turn out in life, and in many cases, rightfully so. But, parents and their influence can only carry a child so far, then it takes a lot of personal effort to obtain what parents have guided us towards. Sometimes things work out, and we make our parents very proud. And, other times, we push aside the teachings and influence of our parents, and start following the wrong influences and life-style. In the case of blacks, more often than not, parents pass along the wrong guidance, and influence the kids in a negative manner. An example would be single mothers raising 4 or 5 kids, working, and hardly ever at home. This "struggle" life-style sets the wrong example, and leaves kids to learn from others.

( something just happened to cause my last paragraph to disappear )

Lack of equal opportunities? How so? And blacks stereotype whites all the time. Look at most black comedians for example. But whites don't act out the stereotypes. In many cases, what people often refer to as "stereotypes," is just plain reality. As far as parents go they are the number one influence in their child's life and they are ultimately responsible for their children's behavior. What I take away from your rant is that black culture is a primary contributor to black ill's but whites are to blame for their culture. I disagree that white people have an ounce of responsibility for the current state of blacks in America. If that were so we should apply the same standard to Asians.
I stand by my opinion, and understand yours.

Aww....isn't that sweet!
Yes......... of course it is ........... were you expecting bitter?
I wouldn't say Black culture per say Urban thug culture yes.

Which culture do you associate "thug culture" with? "thug culture" has found its home primarily among the black community.

That culture is also prevalent in many Hispanic communities in California and the Southwest, a few Asian too. White people are the number one purchaser of rap music too btw.

That may be true. But the question is whether black culture is the primary cause of the ills in the black community? Just because you can subcultures of the same behavior among other cultures does not negate the fact that one culture in particular promotes it more than others.

Anyone raised in those environments can succumb to it, I've seen a few white people fall into this as well.
only extremely stupid white people fall to it .
I wouldn't say Black culture per say Urban thug culture yes.

Which culture do you associate "thug culture" with? "thug culture" has found its home primarily among the black community.

That culture is also prevalent in many Hispanic communities in California and the Southwest, a few Asian too. White people are the number one purchaser of rap music too btw.

That may be true. But the question is whether black culture is the primary cause of the ills in the black community? Just because you can subcultures of the same behavior among other cultures does not negate the fact that one culture in particular promotes it more than others.

Anyone raised in those environments can succumb to it, I've seen a few white people fall into this as well.

I didn't
There was a time when men like John Coltrane and the Count were the epitomes of black culture --- those days are long gone.


I enjoyed watching the entire video.

True beauty contained inside a rugged shell. The music is grinding but harmonious at the same time. Genius.

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