Is Braggs stretching it with a felony?

I'm sure Mr. Bragg doesn't have to say a lot of things.

But the fact that he refuses to be transparent tells me that this is just political hack job, where he is colluding to try and rig next year's election.

The idea of indicting and prosecuting your political opponents is something that comes straight out of Stalin's playbook.
Ya mean because he doesn't do things the way you want them done...something is wrong.

File that complaint under "tough shit"
Ya mean because he doesn't do things the way you want them done...something is wrong.

File that complaint under "tough shit"


Its that Biden and Bragg and the rest of the Leftards in power are using any means necessary to hold on to power.

Even methods like persecuting political dissidents, which traditionally have never been used in the republic.

Its that Biden and Bragg and the rest of the Leftards in power are using any means necessary to hold on to power.

Even methods like persecuting political dissidents, which traditionally have never been used in the republic.
I guess when your bullshit complaint has been dismissed that nonsense is all you're left with
I'm sure Mr. Bragg doesn't have to say a lot of things.

But the fact that he refuses to be transparent tells me that this is just political hack job, where he is colluding to try and rig next year's election.

The idea of indicting and prosecuting your political opponents is something that comes straight out of Stalin's playbook.
“Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.”

Its that Biden and Bragg and the rest of the Leftards in power are using any means necessary to hold on to power.

Even methods like persecuting political dissidents, which traditionally have never been used in the republic.
Shouldn’t people who break the law be prosecuted regardless of their politics?
Shouldn’t people who break the law be prosecuted regardless of their politics?

Yes. But our legal system isn't being used fairly. If you are repub you get the book thrown at you.

If you are progressive, you get treated with kid gloves.

That is a violation of the COTUS.
Chris Wray… Trump appointee

Swamp creature first and foremost.

I find it hilarious you think these corrupt pieces of shit are beholden to those who appoint them.

They aren't. The FBI is the new Praetorian Guard.

Look them up if you are ignorant of history.
Yes. But our legal system isn't being used fairly. If you are repub you get the book thrown at you.

If you are progressive, you get treated with kid gloves.

That is a violation of the COTUS.
Recently Republicans have been fond of ignoring the rule of law and flaunting their contempt of the justice system. When you act with no regard for the law, you get the book thrown at you.

Actions have consequences, you know.
Recently Republicans have been fond of ignoring the rule of law and flaunting their contempt of the justice system. When you act with no regard for the law, you get the book thrown at you.

Actions have consequences, you know.

Provide links to your claim.

Recently a pro life man was raided by the FBI and charged with a felony with a potential 10 year sentence.

He was acquitted of the OBVIOUS politically motivated charges in less than hour.

Within the last few days, a violent tranny was recommended for parole by the VERY SAME DOJ, and that tyranny vandalized a church, terrorized a woman who was praying inside, and violently resisted arrest.

How do you rationalize that?
Recently Republicans have been fond of ignoring the rule of law and flaunting their contempt of the justice system. When you act with no regard for the law, you get the book thrown at you.

Actions have consequences, you know.
The DOJ and the FBI are ignoring the rule of law. The illegitimate administration is ignoring the rule of law. You just have no idea what the rule of law is.

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