Is Braggs stretching it with a felony?

You really are dense.

I posted that you can only be convicted of 175.10 if you are also first [convicted] of violating 175.05 and Bragg has not charged 175.05 violations.
You posted that but it’s simply not true
1. The FEC has already said that hush money payments using your own money and not campaign funds is LEGAL.
2. What "court" established the payoffs were illegal, I call bullshit. See links below.

The FEC voted 4-1 to close the inquiry after failing to find that Trump or his campaign “knowingly and willfully” violated campaign finance law when his former attorney Michael Cohen paid $130,000 to porn star Stormy Daniels to keep her from disclosing an alleged affair. Cohen was convicted in 2018 of lying to Congress, tax evasion and other charges relating to the payments to Daniels and other women. He served three years in prison.
A Federal Election Commission member rejected the premise behind Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's 34-count felony indictment of former President Donald Trump, saying that hush-money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels is "not a campaign finance violation."

The Department of Justice said it was a campaign donation.
Since you ain't a lawyer, maybe you should read what a Law Professor says before you post horse shit.
"I am still hoping that Judge Juan Merchan has the integrity to dismiss this clearly invalid indictment. Given Bragg’s failure to even state the key offense allowing him to bring these 34 felonies"

Seems that lawyer doesn't know what he's talking about. There was no such failure on Bragg's part. New York law doesn't compel Bragg to include the underlying offense with the indictment.
That's another odd thing there aren't 34 felonies but 34 misdemeanors strung together to somehow magically make it one felony.


Wrong as always, ya flaming idiot. I would say you should read the indictment but you're too illiterate to understand it. The 34 counts are ALL felonies.

Sorry short bus you can't make a misdomeanor a felony just because you want to.


Here's the law, PussyBitch. Stretch that mighty wit of yours to its max and explain why this can't be a felony...

NY § 175.10

A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.
There should be no doubt that the hush money payoffs are a crime because Cohen was been convicted of doing it. If Brag can show that Cohen was acting on Trumps behalf which I think Bragg can, then Trump is guilty also of the hush money payoffs.

Then if Bragg can show the business records were intentionally falsified to cover up the hush money payments, it will be all over for Trump, guilty of a felony on all charges.

Mr. Cohen plead guilty to that Fake Crime as part of his deal, and didn't serve a single micro-second for the Fake Crime. He was in stir as a tax cheat.
Seems that lawyer doesn't know what he's talking about. There was no such failure on Bragg's part. New York law doesn't compel Bragg to include the underlying offense with the indictment.
Turkey is and has been a Trump apologist for years now.

No one knows why but if you follow his recent career it’s obvious.

He’s making nonsensical claims.

He has to understand NY law. He HAS to know that NY a state law does not require the “underlying crime” to be included in the indictment. Bragg has convicted numerous criminals so there is a record for Turley to see.

Beyond that,,, he’s pretending that Trump could have been prosecuted for campaign violations when he should know that was impossible on two counts.

1. A sitting President can not be indicted . He must be impeached first. Truly HAS. To know that

2. Trump COULD have made that payment to Daniels directly . That would not violate the law. That he Chose to do it through a third party puts that third party in jeopardy (obviously since Cohen was convicted) and puts Trump in jeopardy of violating this state law.

For Turley to pretend not to know these things makes him a joke

Wrong as always, ya flaming idiot. I would say you should read the indictment but you're too illiterate to understand it. The 34 counts are ALL felonies.

Fraud is a misdemeanor, intent to defraud makes it a felony since there was no one. 32 misdemeanors numbnuts
Seems that lawyer doesn't know what he's talking about. There was no such failure on Bragg's part. New York law doesn't compel Bragg to include the underlying offense with the indictment.
Bragg will eventually have to state what the underlying offense is
No that's not how it works.intent to defraud makes it a felony. And in this case according to the law no intent to defraud because no one is being defrauded.
Sorry but fudging financial records IS intent to defraud.

You should have learned that in law school counselor. Oh're just talking out your ass.

Never mind
Sorry but fudging financial records IS intent to defraud.

You should have learned that in law school counselor. Oh're just talking out your ass.

Never mind
. Traditionally, the federal role has been limited to two areas: (1) Enforcing the protections of the Voting Rights Act to ensure that every eligible citizen has the right to vote, and (2) After all votes are counted and an election result is certified, prosecuting individuals who have committed federal election crimes.
Bragg has over stepped his authority.
No he hasn't he has to state how he made a misdemeanor into a felony
For the one thousandth time. He does NOT have to state that in the indictment under NY State Law

Whoever told you different...never listen to anything they say again
P.S. Any testimony from Cohen should be disallowed. He has been convicted for perjury, as you point out, so why would anyone believe what he has to say now? It’s known in legal circles that once a witness is caught in a lie, all his other testimony is considered not credible.
"were you lying then, or are you lying now?"
For the one thousandth time. He does NOT have to state that in the indictment under NY State Law

Whoever told you different...never listen to anything they say again

I'm sure Mr. Bragg doesn't have to say a lot of things.

But the fact that he refuses to be transparent tells me that this is just political hack job, where he is colluding to try and rig next year's election.

The idea of indicting and prosecuting your political opponents is something that comes straight out of Stalin's playbook.

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