Is Braggs stretching it with a felony?

Have read the Statement of Facts Bragg released? It should answer most of your questions
Here they are....still reading them......all 34 counts are "Falsifying Business Records in the 1st Degree". I don't see any felony count.

Its not a crime to pay hush money. What Bragg is doing is over stepping his authority.
It the purpose is to increase your chances of winning an election and you did not reported the hush money as a campaign contribution and a campaign expense, it would be a violation of election laws.
Anyone here in possession of a functioning brain actually think Trump does his own bookkeeping entries for his corporations?
He signed many of the checks personally. Therefore the law assumes that he knew what the checks were for
No, they don't have that. Not at all.

If they had that, they would have indicted Trump in the first place.
The Justice department holds the policy That a sitting president cannot be indicted under federal law. The most they could do was name him an unindicted co-conspirator, which they did. What that means is they had the evidence to indict him but were not legally permitted to.
Here they are....still reading them......all 34 counts are "Falsifying Business Records in the 1st Degree". I don't see any felony count.

To establish Trump's guilt in the hush money payoff, all Bragg has to do is to establish that Cohen was acting as Trump's lawyer and at his instructed Cohen carried out the hush money payments. A court has already established the hush money payoffs were illegal and that Cohen did it. If Cohen was acting on behalf of Trump, Trump is also guilty. This seem simple because Bragg has strong evidence that Trump did pay Cohen and most probably he has evidence of requesting Cohen to carryout the hush money payments.

To establish Trump's guilt in falsifying records to conceal the illegal hushmoney payments, Bragg has check stubs, invoices and transaction records that Trump used to establish the expenditures on the books as legal fees which is false. That is good enough for a misdemeanor charge. Bragg will have to convince the jury that the purpose was to conceal his guilt in the hush money payments.

If Bragg can do the above, Trump will be guilty of felony charges.
Have you read the Statement of Facts Bragg released? It should answer most of your questions. First time offenders of this offense do not usually spend any time in jail however they might make an exception for Trump. Usually the sentence is probation and or community service for first time offenders. Somehow I just can’t picture Trump in an orange Jump suit picking up trash on the roadsides.

A judge in a criminal case has a great deal of latitude in dealing with the defendant. It is really stupid for Trump to lash out at Judge Juan Merchan or DA Gregg. If he continues to attack the court, Merchan can put a gag order on him and if Trump violates it, he may find himself in jail. Before, during, and after any guilty verdict, the Judge can make it easy or hard on defendant. It is pretty much at his discretion.
"Somehow I just can’t picture Trump in an orange Jump suit picking up trash on the roadsides."
You TDS sufferers really want to see Donald Trump in handcuffs an orange jumpsuit

Ain't gonna happen.


Here they are....still reading them......all 34 counts are "Falsifying Business Records in the 1st Degree". I don't see any felony count.
Bragg will have to convince the jury that the purpose was to conceal his guilt in the hush money payments.
If Bragg can do the above, Trump will be guilty of felony charges.
Those '34 counts' ain't the whole story.
All they are doing is setting a marker for what is to come.
Establishing a predicate.
(First, a caveat: I ain't a lawyer)

If Bragg can prove that some ....not necessarily all 34....of these 'falsifying records' charges are true, then per New York law (as I understand it) showing that the falsifying was done to: cover up a action that could hurt Trump's electoral prospect; or, that Trump recorded the payments as a legitimate business expense and thus paid less tax than otherwise. Or that it was falsified to cover up any other crime....whatever crime the DA can show. And that means it doesn't even need to be a 'crime' that Trump committed. It is the 'cover up' of a crime that levers the 'falsifying' into felony-land.

And poster kyzr above states he hasn't seen a 'felony' listed in his reading of the 34 counts. And others have stated they haven't read what the underlying 'crime' would be.

Well, if they are reading it for that.....they can stop. It ain't there. Nor need it be. Yet. The NY DA is not required to list the 'underlying' crime at this point. And is likely ---perhaps wisely ---electing NOT to show his full hand. He will have to, oh sure. But not yet.

In short, I kinda look at those 34 counts as sort of a fishnet.....or sticky fly-trap. One of the counts...and it need only be one.....will be shown to be true (receipts, recordings, documents, testimony, etc.) ... and Bragg then proves to the jury that that payment was intended to cover up Crime A, or maybe Crime B, or C, or D, yadda, yadda, yadda.

And that is the Bada...and the Bing.
Braggs didn't have enough for misdemeanors b/c the statute ran out so he's saying it's a felony to commit a crime for covering up another crime. You can't possibly prove that.

Mr. Bragg promised during the campaign last year to try and "get" President Trump by "any means necessary."

The fact that he doesn't have enough isn't going to deter him from this. The worst that can happen is that the case is thrown out and then he can just blame someone else because he tried.

If the city is sued for malicious prosecution or spends money that would otherwise be used to feed the ppor- so what, he's not going to be affecte.
Those '34 counts' ain't the whole story.
All they are doing is setting a marker for what is to come.
Establishing a predicate.
(First, a caveat: I ain't a lawyer)

If Bragg can prove that some ....not necessarily all 34....of these 'falsifying records' charges are true, then per New York law (as I understand it) showing that the falsifying was done to: cover up a action that could hurt Trump's electoral prospect; or, that Trump recorded the payments as a legitimate business expense and thus paid less tax than otherwise. Or that it was falsified to cover up any other crime....whatever crime the DA can show. And that means it doesn't even need to be a 'crime' that Trump committed. It is the 'cover up' of a crime that levers the 'falsifying' into felony-land.

And poster kyzr above states he hasn't seen a 'felony' listed in his reading of the 34 counts. And others have stated they haven't read what the underlying 'crime' would be.

Well, if they are reading it for that.....they can stop. It ain't there. Nor need it be. Yet. The NY DA is not required to list the 'underlying' crime at this point. And is likely ---perhaps wisely ---electing NOT to show his full hand. He will have to, oh sure. But not yet.

In short, I kinda look at those 34 counts as sort of a fishnet.....or sticky fly-trap. One of the counts...and it need only be one.....will be shown to be true (receipts, recordings, documents, testimony, etc.) ... and Bragg then proves to the jury that that payment was intended to cover up Crime A, or maybe Crime B, or C, or D, yadda, yadda, yadda.

And that is the Bada...and the Bing.
There should be no doubt that the hush money payoffs are a crime because Cohen was been convicted of doing it. If Brag can show that Cohen was acting on Trumps behalf which I think Bragg can, then Trump is guilty also of the hush money payoffs.

Then if Bragg can show the business records were intentionally falsified to cover up the hush money payments, it will be all over for Trump, guilty of a felony on all charges.

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