Is Braggs stretching it with a felony?

hahahahha well the FEC and DOJ who you know enforce campaign fin laws for Presidential elections didn't see that......unlike of course what they said with Clinton and the DNC
And Trump had 3 republicans and 2 democrats on the FEC and for AG he hand picked people that he believed he could control and those he couldn’t he fired. Trump was safe as long as he was president.
That's worse for you since only an anti-American retard would support Trump. See how that works?

Of course he did, ya anti-American retard -- because Trump pardoned Flynn. :lmao:
It can't get any worse than being a Biden supporter. No dumb fuck the judge did it at the request of the DOJ.
The underlying crime is a criminal conspiracy in which Trump planned, financed, and concealed a plan to make hush money payoffs using Cohen, his
lawyer acting as his agent. A federal court convicted Cohen of violating federal election laws. Trump’s AG fail to charge Trump with conspiracy for obvious reasons. Bragg is doing what the federal court should have done. He is charging Trump with falsifying business records to conceal a criminal conspiracy.
Link to Bragg citing that statute?
2 of the 6 did not vote. You counting them as a vote to not indict is you lying.
Of the other 4, two Democrats voted to proceed with an investigation -- which was the standing position of the FEC until this vote.
The other 2 were Republicans, one of whom was Trainor. Both of whom offered the same reasons for going against FEC recommendations to investigate.
Their reasons were there was too much workload to be done, so since Cohen was already convicted by the DoJ, that vindicated their interests and there was no time to spend time investigating Trump.
And here's a complaint filed that Trump was investigated ZERO times out of 40 complaints because Republicans on that commission blocked all 40 investigations...
Now Bragg is going after Trump and y'all are positioning it like that's wrong because the FEC found nothing wrong with Trump, which is a flat out lie. See ya in court.
1. There were 5 votes cast, but the FEC had 6 members at that time, a full roster/quorum. So you are typing lies when you say two of the 6 did not vote. Read and learn.
"On May 6, 2021, the FEC closed an inquiry into whether the payment to Stormy Daniels by Donald Trump violated campaign financial law during the 2016 election. The FEC voted 2-2, between Democrats and Republicans, against a motion to take further action. Republican Vice Chairman Allen Dickerson recused himself, while independent Commissioner Steven Walther did not vote.
Similarly, in June 2021, the FEC found that National Enquirer violated US election laws and $150,000 paid by AMI to Karen McDougal amounted to an illegal campaign contribution. Publisher AMI agreed to a fine of $187,500. However, the FEC divided 3-3 on party lines on a motion to pursue further investigation into Donald Trump, thus closing the investigation."

2. We're discussing the FEC Commission votes, so how the fuck can you type :
The other 2 were Republicans, one of whom was Trainor. Both of whom offered the same reasons for going against FEC recommendations to investigate.

This is the FEC, there is no other, the Republicans did NOT go against the FEC. The Republicans FOLLOWED ELECTION LAW, unlike democrats who vote their commie party.
Why haven't we seen the democrat commission members who want to indict on TV explaining the Law and their vote like Smith & Trainor?
I'd love to hear their justification. But we won't, because they just vote their party line.

3. Stop lying. The referenced pdf file simply says that after a commission vote the matter is CLOSED. Democrats apparently want to keep pushing shit against Trump, and then not getting the 4-votes required to proceed, clogging the docket. The file says that the FEC is getting more partisan....imagine that.....instead of just interpreting the LAW fairly.
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There's audio of Trump conspiring with Cohen on how to pay off McDougal. That's what his own fucking money went to pay for.
Perfectly legal. She was worth every penny <g>
It can't get any worse than being a Biden supporter.

Of course it can and of course it does. Being a Trump supporter is far dumber. See how that works?

No dumb fuck the judge did it at the request of the DOJ.


You retard, he refused to dismiss the case...

Washington, D.C. federal District Judge Emmett Sullivan is refusing to dismiss the criminal case against former national security advisor Michael Flynn, and is now arguing that the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals erred when it ordered him to do so last month in a 2-1 ruling.

You're dumber than dog shit. :lmao:

He only dismissed the case AFTER Trump Pardoned Flynn...

Sullivan had previously resisted dismissing the case following a DOJ request
Judge Emmet Sullivan dismissed the criminal case against former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn on Tuesday, putting an end to a case that took a number of turns after Flynn's initial guilty plea three years ago.
Trump pardoned Flynn in late November after Sullivan refused to automatically grant the Justice Department's motion to dismiss Flynn's case earlier this year.

Of course, I'm reporting on this to an abject imbecile who said the Department of Justice posted a fake Flynn pardon online.

You're a typical conservative... A brain-dead, knuckle-dragging, Neanderthal with a single-digit IQ.

And Trump had 3 republicans and 2 democrats on the FEC and for AG he hand picked people that he believed he could control and those he couldn’t he fired. Trump was safe as long as he was president.
he’s not been president for years now the doj and fec still haven’t done anything
Except the evidence isn't really in dispute.

He did fuck Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal.
He did pay them to keep quiet about it before the election.
He did file paperwork that tried to disguise the payments.
None of which is illegal, nor within the statute of limitations.
Nice try, but not entirely accurate. Even spending his own money on his own campaign, he's still legally obligated to report the campaign contributions to the FEC. That rule doesn't evaporate merely because he spent his own money.
So tell us what "contributions" are you alluding to? The money his own attorney paid to Stormy Daniels? How is that a "contribution"? Even Cohen himself said he paid it without consulting Trump first.
1. There were 5 votes cast, but the FEC had 6 members at that time, a full roster/quorum. So you are typing lies when you say two of the 6 did not vote. Read and learn.
"On May 6, 2021, the FEC closed an inquiry into whether the payment to Stormy Daniels by Donald Trump violated campaign financial law during the 2016 election. The FEC voted 2-2, between Democrats and Republicans, against a motion to take further action. Republican Vice Chairman Allen Dickerson recused himself, while independent Commissioner Steven Walther did not vote.
Similarly, in June 2021, the FEC found that National Enquirer violated US election laws and $150,000 paid by AMI to Karen McDougal amounted to an illegal campaign contribution. Publisher AMI agreed to a fine of $187,500. However, the FEC divided 3-3 on party lines on a motion to pursue further investigation into Donald Trump, thus closing the investigation."

Nope, not lying when I said it was a 2-2 tie. There were multiple votes. The vote you're posting was to close the inquiry. Another vote, to prove any of the parties violated campaign finance law, ended with a 2-2 tie, with 2 others not voting, as I said...

However, the FEC said that it failed by a 2-2 vote to prove any of the parties violated campaign finance law.
Republican Commissioners James “Trey” Trainor and Sean Cooksey voted to dismiss the matter. Republican Vice Chairman Allen Dickerson recused himself, while independent Commissioner Steven Walther did not vote.
Dickerson and Cooksey wrote in a statement that they felt Cohen had already been punished criminally and the matter was “not the best use of agency resources.”

2. We're discussing the FEC Commission votes, so how the fuck can you type :

This is the FEC, there is no other, the Republicans did NOT go against the FEC. The Republicans FOLLOWED ELECTION LAW, unlike democrats who vote their commie party.
Why haven't we seen the democrat commission members who want to indict on TV explaining the Law and their vote like Smith & Trainor?
I'd love to hear their justification. But we won't, because they just vote their party line.

3. Stop lying. The referenced pdf file simply says that after a commission vote the matter is CLOSED. Democrats apparently want to keep pushing shit against Trump, and then not getting the 4-votes required to proceed, clogging the docket. The file says that the FEC is getting more partisan....imagine that.....instead of just interpreting the LAW fairly.

I literally showed you there was a 2-2 vote with 2 Republicans voting to protect Trump AND I showed you their reasons. So who knows how you think I lied when I quoted them.

And yes, those Republicans when against the FEC. I get they're members of the FEC, but also as I showed you, the FEC previously recommended Trump be investigated. When it came time to vote on the matter, those two blocked any such investigation.
So tell us what "contributions" are you alluding to? The money his own attorney paid to Stormy Daniels? How is that a "contribution"? Even Cohen himself said he paid it without consulting Trump first.

There are 2...

First, the $130,000 Cohen was convicted for in a payment to Stormy Daniels.

Second, the $150,000 AMI, who was fined $187,500 by the FEC, paid to Karen McDougal.

The only difference is that Trump is on audio with an attorney, plotting how to reimburse AMI.
well the only difference with trump that’s not a violation…unlike with obama, clinton and the dnc who all were found in violation of campaign fin laws for their illegal acts
Nope, not lying when I said it was a 2-2 tie. There were multiple votes. The vote you're posting was to close the inquiry. Another vote, to prove any of the parties violated campaign finance law, ended with a 2-2 tie, with 2 others not voting, as I said...
However, the FEC said that it failed by a 2-2 vote to prove any of the parties violated campaign finance law.
Republican Commissioners James “Trey” Trainor and Sean Cooksey voted to dismiss the matter. Republican Vice Chairman Allen Dickerson recused himself, while independent Commissioner Steven Walther did not vote. Dickerson and Cooksey wrote in a statement that they felt Cohen had already been punished criminally and the matter was “not the best use of agency resources.”

I literally showed you there was a 2-2 vote with 2 Republicans voting to protect Trump AND I showed you their reasons. So who knows how you think I lied when I quoted them.
And yes, those Republicans when against the FEC. I get they're members of the FEC, but also as I showed you, the FEC previously recommended Trump be investigated. When it came time to vote on the matter, those two blocked any such investigation.
1. Yep, you are lying. The vote wasn't to "close the inquiry". I posted the link and the quote: "The 2-2 vote was between Democrats and Republicans, against a motion to take further action. Republican Vice Chairman Allen Dickerson recused himself, while independent Commissioner Steven Walther did not vote."

2. So the vote to "take further action" failed 2-4. (it needed 2 more votes to pass)

3. You did not show two Republicans voted "to protect Trump". I saw their explanations and they upheld the letter of the campaign LAWs, unlike the democrats who never explain their partisan votes.

4. So even though Cohen and AMI made illegal campaign contributions, Trump can do what he wants with his own money.
1. Yep, you are lying. The vote wasn't to "close the inquiry". I posted the link and the quote: "The 2-2 vote was between Democrats and Republicans, against a motion to take further action. Republican Vice Chairman Allen Dickerson recused himself, while independent Commissioner Steven Walther did not vote."

2. So the vote to "take further action" failed 2-4. (it needed 2 more votes to pass)

3. You did not show two Republicans voted "to protect Trump". I saw their explanations and they upheld the letter of the campaign LAWs, unlike the democrats who never explain their partisan votes.
facts don’t matter to dembot conspiracy theories and their propagandist

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