Is Braggs stretching it with a felony?

Steele is a British spy, foolkie.

Paying a foreign spy for rumors is NOT oppo research, it's paying a foreign spy for dirt.

It's the twin sister of paying a hooker to keep quiet.
Problem is that the DNC and Clinton campaign paid Fusion GPS for opposition research.... Fusion GPS did their own hiring to achieve this...

DNC and Clinton campaign should ask Fusion GPS for their money back!!! :)
The hush payments are a crime and Cohen was found guilty of making them.
If the DA can prove to the jury that Trump financed the payments and Cohen was acting as an agent for Trump in committing the crimes then Trump will be guilty of a criminal conspiracy. I think this is Bragg’s plan and he seems to have the evidence he needs.
You type words with no proof. I call that bullshit.

The FEC declined to prosecute
The DOJ declined to prosecute
Bragg initially declined to prosecute
Pomerantz quit & wrote a book on the case
Jim Jordan subpoenaed Pomerantz
Bragg sued Jim Jordan to keep Pomerantz from testifying
You know that Jordan and the Republicans will expose the prosecutorial abuse and election interference.

As for the hush money payments being a "crime" here are two "expert legal opinions"
1. James Trainor, ex-head of the FEC
“It's not a campaign finance violation. It's not a reporting violation of any kind,” said FEC Commissioner James E. “Trey” Trainor.

2. Law Professor Jonathan Turley
I am still hoping that Judge Juan Merchan has the integrity to dismiss this clearly invalid indictment. Given Bragg’s failure to even state the key offense allowing him to bring these 34 felonies, Merchan should have scheduled a hearing on the threshold legal questions in two weeks — not schedule all motions to be heard in December.

So stop lying. Cohen could plead guilty to any "crime" he wants, that has zero to do with Trump.
You type words with no proof. I call that bullshit.

The FEC declined to prosecute
The DOJ declined to prosecute
Bragg initially declined to prosecute
Pomerantz quit & wrote a book on the case
Jim Jordan subpoenaed Pomerantz
Bragg sued Jim Jordan to keep Pomerantz from testifying
You know that Jordan and the Republicans will expose the prosecutorial abuse and election interference.

As for the hush money payments being a "crime" here are two "expert legal opinions"
1. James Trainor, ex-head of the FEC
“It's not a campaign finance violation. It's not a reporting violation of any kind,” said FEC Commissioner James E. “Trey” Trainor.

2. Law Professor Jonathan Turley
I am still hoping that Judge Juan Merchan has the integrity to dismiss this clearly invalid indictment. Given Bragg’s failure to even state the key offense allowing him to bring these 34 felonies, Merchan should have scheduled a hearing on the threshold legal questions in two weeks — not schedule all motions to be heard in December.

So stop lying. Cohen could plead guilty to any "crime" he wants, that has zero to do with Trump.
during discovery, Bragg has to turn over to the Trump team his associated crime to make these charges a felony....

if he fails to do that, then the judge will not move forward and the Trump team motion to dismiss, will be honored.... Patience grasshopper.
The possibility of incarceration??!l Do you lefties even HEAR yourselves? You all are so ecstatic that Bragg found something... anything….to pin on him, using a misdemeanor-turned -felony strategy never even attempted before, that you are actually convincing yourselves that he’s guilty of a true crime.

It’s a misdemeanor. Hillary did far worse with her deleted 33,000 emails. Bill did far worse with his sexual assaults on non-consenting victims. And yet, in your thrill to “find a crime” to pin on him (ala Stalin), you’re overlooking that this is a big nothingburger.

Actually, it isn't a nothingburger. If the American people had known that he engaged in this behavior prior to the 2016, he would have lost. Period. This is what makes it a big deal.

Oh, no one ever proved that Bill sexually assaulted anyone. Even Ken Starr had to admit that the women who accused Clinton had credibility problems.
And most people delete old emails... Do you have emails from four years ago? I don't. I clean out my email on a regular basis.

In fact, I’d argue that it shows how clean Trump is. While Biden is getting a pass for stealing classified docs from the SCIF when he was a senator and leaving them in his house, his garage, his office, etc., and enriching the Biden Corruption Family with bribes from the Communists, all that Bragg could come up with on Trump was an old misdemeanor covering up a perfectly legal action, if that.

I'm sure that the Special Prosecutor will get the goods on Trump for the documents in the closet at his country club... and his inciting a coup on January 6th.

But I'll take this one.
You type words with no proof. I call that bullshit.

The FEC declined to prosecute
The DOJ declined to prosecute
Bragg initially declined to prosecute
Pomerantz quit & wrote a book on the case
Jim Jordan subpoenaed Pomerantz
Bragg sued Jim Jordan to keep Pomerantz from testifying
You know that Jordan and the Republicans will expose the prosecutorial abuse and election interference.

As for the hush money payments being a "crime" here are two "expert legal opinions"
1. James Trainor, ex-head of the FEC
“It's not a campaign finance violation. It's not a reporting violation of any kind,” said FEC Commissioner James E. “Trey” Trainor.

2. Law Professor Jonathan Turley
I am still hoping that Judge Juan Merchan has the integrity to dismiss this clearly invalid indictment. Given Bragg’s failure to even state the key offense allowing him to bring these 34 felonies, Merchan should have scheduled a hearing on the threshold legal questions in two weeks — not schedule all motions to be heard in December.

So stop lying. Cohen could plead guilty to any "crime" he wants, that has zero to do with Trump.


You're quoting Trainor?

The Trump appointed FEC commisioner who voted to drop the case against Trump because he said the FEC had too many other things to do?

The guy who was billed as a member of Trump's election team?

THAT Trainor??

Why not just quote Melania?

You're quoting Trainor?

The Trump appointed FEC commisioner who voted to drop the case against Trump because he said the FEC had too many other things to do?

The guy who was billed as a member of Trump's election team?

THAT Trainor??

Why not just quote Melania?
You're quoting Trainor?
The Trump appointed FEC commissioner who voted to drop the case against Trump because he said the FEC had too many other things to do?
The guy who was billed as a member of Trump's election team?
THAT Trainor??
Why not just quote Melania?
1. You can attack Trainor all you want, but you can't dispute his opinion on the FEC law.
Like with Turley or Dershowitz, you can attack them for being bi-partisan, or on FNC, but you can't attack their expert legal opinions on the Law.
2. I can attack everything democrats post as deviate horseshit, so it has to be wrong. That is not debate.

I thought we were debating facts, not personalities?!

I posted expert opinions from Trainor and Turley. You posted whines about Trainor. Show us where he is wrong on FEC Law. ANS: he's not wrong.
1. You can attack Trainor all you want, but you can't dispute his opinion on the FEC law.
Like with Turley or Dershowitz, you can attack them for being bi-partisan, or on FNC, but you can't attack their expert legal opinions on the Law.
2. I can attack everything democrats post as deviate horseshit, so it has to be wrong. That is not debate.

I thought we were debating facts, not personalities?!

I posted expert opinions from Trainor and Turley. You posted whines about Trainor. Show us where he is wrong on FEC Law. ANS: he's not wrong.
All Fawnboi can do is attack sources and play semantic games.
1. You can attack Trainor all you want, but you can't dispute his opinion on the FEC law.
Like with Turley or Dershowitz, you can attack them for being bi-partisan, or on FNC, but you can't attack their expert legal opinions on the Law.
2. I can attack everything democrats post as deviate horseshit, so it has to be wrong. That is not debate.

I thought we were debating facts, not personalities?!

I posted expert opinions from Trainor and Turley. You posted whines about Trainor. Show us where he is wrong on FEC Law. ANS: he's not wrong.

It's a fact Trainor was billed on Trump's election team. It's a fact that the FEC wanted to investigate Trump for FEC violations before Trainor voted not to...

  • Find reason to believe that Donald J. Trump knowingly and willfully violated 52 U.S.C. § 30116(f) by knowingly accepting excessive contributions from Michael D. Cohen;
  • Find reason to believe that Donald J. Trump knowingly and willfully violated 52 U.S.C. § 30122 by knowingly accepting a contribution in the name of another;
  • Find reason to believe that Donald J. Trump knowingly and willfully violated 52 U.S.C. § 30118(a) by knowingly accepting a corporate contribution from the Trump Organization OR knowingly and willfully violated 52 U.S.C. § 30116(f) by knowingly accepting an excessive contribution from the Trump Organization;
  • Find reason to believe that Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., and Bradley T. Crate in his official capacity as treasurer knowingly and willfully violated 52 U.S.C. 30104(b) and 11 C.F.R. § 104.3(a) and (b) by filing false disclosure reports with the Commission;
  • Find reason to believe that Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., and Bradley T. Crate in his official capacity as treasurer knowingly and willfully violated 52 U.S.C. 30116(f) by knowingly accepting excessive contributions from Michael D. Cohen;
  • Find reason to believe that Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., and Bradley T. Crate in his official capacity as treasurer knowingly and willfully violated 52 U.S.C. § 30122 by knowingly accepting a contribution in the name of another;
  • Find reason to believe that Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., and Bradley T. Crate in his official capacity as treasurer knowingly and willfully violated 52 U.S.C. 30118(a) by knowingly accepting a corporate contribution from the Trump Organization OR knowingly and willfully violated 52 U.S.C. § 30116(f) by knowingly accepting an excessive contribution from the Trump Organization;
  • Find reason to believe that Trump Organization, LLC, knowingly and willfully violated 52 U.S.C. § 30118(a) by making a corporate contribution OR knowingly and willfully violated 52 U.S.C. § 30116(a)(1)(A) by making an excessive contribution;
  • Find reason to believe that Essential Consultants, LLC, knowingly and willfully violated 52 U.S.C. § 30122 by knowingly permitting its name to be used to effect a contribution in the name of another;

Taking Trainor seriously given he's on team Trump is ludicrous.

How about asking Trump Jr. what he thinks?
It's a fact Trainor was billed on Trump's election team. It's a fact that the FEC wanted to investigate Trump for FEC violations before Trainor voted not to...

    • Find reason to believe that Donald J. Trump knowingly and willfully violated 52 U.S.C. § 30116(f) by knowingly accepting excessive contributions from Michael D. Cohen;
    • Find reason to believe that Donald J. Trump knowingly and willfully violated 52 U.S.C. § 30122 by knowingly accepting a contribution in the name of another;
    • Find reason to believe that Donald J. Trump knowingly and willfully violated 52 U.S.C. § 30118(a) by knowingly accepting a corporate contribution from the Trump Organization OR knowingly and willfully violated 52 U.S.C. § 30116(f) by knowingly accepting an excessive contribution from the Trump Organization;
    • Find reason to believe that Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., and Bradley T. Crate in his official capacity as treasurer knowingly and willfully violated 52 U.S.C. 30104(b) and 11 C.F.R. § 104.3(a) and (b) by filing false disclosure reports with the Commission;
    • Find reason to believe that Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., and Bradley T. Crate in his official capacity as treasurer knowingly and willfully violated 52 U.S.C. 30116(f) by knowingly accepting excessive contributions from Michael D. Cohen;
    • Find reason to believe that Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., and Bradley T. Crate in his official capacity as treasurer knowingly and willfully violated 52 U.S.C. § 30122 by knowingly accepting a contribution in the name of another;
    • Find reason to believe that Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., and Bradley T. Crate in his official capacity as treasurer knowingly and willfully violated 52 U.S.C. 30118(a) by knowingly accepting a corporate contribution from the Trump Organization OR knowingly and willfully violated 52 U.S.C. § 30116(f) by knowingly accepting an excessive contribution from the Trump Organization;
    • Find reason to believe that Trump Organization, LLC, knowingly and willfully violated 52 U.S.C. § 30118(a) by making a corporate contribution OR knowingly and willfully violated 52 U.S.C. § 30116(a)(1)(A) by making an excessive contribution;
    • Find reason to believe that Essential Consultants, LLC, knowingly and willfully violated 52 U.S.C. § 30122 by knowingly permitting its name to be used to effect a contribution in the name of another;

Taking Trainor seriously given he's on team Trump is ludicrous.

How about asking Trump Jr. what he thinks?
Bragg is a clown. So you're saying that Bragg's super-secret felony is irrefutable????

It isn't there. There is no "there". Jim Jordan will get Pomerantz under oath and then the shit will hit the fan.

That's why Bragg is getting desperate. Bragg is in wayyyyyyyyy over his head.
The underlying crime is a criminal conspiracy in which Trump planned, financed, and concealed a plan to make hush money payoffs using Cohen, his
lawyer acting as his agent. A federal court convicted Cohen of violating federal election laws. Trump’s AG fail to charge Trump with conspiracy for obvious reasons. Bragg is doing what the federal court should have done. He is charging Trump with falsifying business records to conceal a criminal conspiracy.
It's a fact Trainor was billed on Trump's election team. It's a fact that the FEC wanted to investigate Trump for FEC violations before Trainor voted not to...

Taking Trainor seriously given he's on team Trump is ludicrous.

How about asking Trump Jr. what he thinks?

We went thru this before:
1. There were 6 FEC commissioners voting
2. Two voted to indict
3. Two voted NOT to indict, Trainor being ONE
4. Two voted to abstain

IF as you say Trainor is a partisan hack that let Trump off the hook the vote would have been 5 to 1 to INDICT.

Instead the vote was TWO TO INDICT and FOUR NOT TO INDICT.
The underlying crime is a criminal conspiracy in which Trump planned, financed, and concealed a plan to make hush money payoffs using Cohen, his
lawyer acting as his agent. A federal court convicted Cohen of violating federal election laws. Trump’s AG fail to charge Trump with conspiracy for obvious reasons. Bragg is doing what the federal court should have done. He is charging Trump with falsifying business records to conceal a criminal conspiracy.

There is no underlying crime unless you're a democrat hack. Whatever Cohen's plea deal said has ZERO to do with Trump.
Re-read post 982 again until you understand the legal expert opinions.

Trump can whatever the fuck he wants to do WITH HIS OWN FUCKING MONEY. (i.e. not campaign money)
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We went thru this before:
1. There were 6 FEC commissioners voting
2. Two voted to indict
3. Two voted NOT to indict, Trainor being ONE
4. Two voted to abstain

IF as you say Trainor is a partisan hack that let Trump off the hook the vote would have been 5 to 1 to INDICT.

Instead the vote was TWO TO INDICT and FOUR NOT TO INDICT.

2 of the 6 did not vote. You counting them as a vote to not indict is you lying.

Of the other 4, two Democrats voted to proceed with an investigation -- which was the standing position of the FEC until this vote.

The other 2 were Republicans, one of whom was Trainor. Both of whom offered the same reasons for going against FEC recommendations to investigate.

Their reasons were there was too much workload to be done, so since Cohen was already convicted by the DoJ, that vindicated their interests and there was no time to spend time investigating Trump.

And here's a complaint filed that Trump was investigated ZERO times out of 40 complaints because Republicans on that commission blocked all 40 investigations...

Now Bragg is going after Trump and y'all are positioning it like that's wrong because the FEC found nothing wrong with Trump, which is a flat out lie.

See ya in court.

There is no underlying crime unless you're a democrat hack. Whatever Cohen's plea deal said has ZERO to do with Trump.
Re-read post 982 again until you understand the legal expert opinions.

Trump can whatever the fuck he wants to do WITH HIS OWN FUCKING MONEY. (i.e. not campaign money)

There's audio of Trump conspiring with Cohen on how to pay off McDougal. That's what his own fucking money went to pay for.
Trump doesn't seem to think so. Have you seen his posts since being indicted?
Yep, he says he’s done nothing wrong which is what he has been saying for the last 50 years. For most people breaking the law and doing something wrong are synonymous but not Tump. For Trump breaking the law is a necessary consequence of doing business or running for office, just a legal matter to be handle by your lawyers. But doing something wrong means means he feels some guilt, a totally new experience.

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