Is Braggs stretching it with a felony?

I think it would be really hard to convince a jury that Cohen paid over $300,000 in hush money just before the election to hide Trumps illicit affairs with no promise of repayment.

Trump went to great effort to hide it all by paying back Cohen in monthly payments disguised as legal fees months after the election.

Cohen created the NDA and set up a bank account in a phony name owned by a shell corporation in order to disguise the hush money payment.

Dispite Cohens efforts the Feds uncovered the ruse. Cohen was charged with two election law violations, lying in setting up the bank account in a phony name that issued the hush money money payment, and a number of IRS violation.

Apparently Bragg has proof that Cohen was operating as Trump’s agent making Trump guilty of a criminal conspiracy. I think that the criminal conspiracy will be the underlying crime that will make the falsified records a felony.
And you have proof of this fantasy how? You're taking Cohen's word? That's like taking the word of a toddler with chocolate frosting all over his mouth that he didn't touch that cake.
And you have proof of this fantasy how? You're taking Cohen's word? That's like taking the word of a toddler with chocolate frosting all over his mouth that he didn't touch that cake.

Of course we haven't seen the testimony presented to the Grand Jury, but no the case isn't relying only on Cohen's testimony.

There will be corroboration by David Pecker (AMI Media Editor and Chief), Allen Weisselberg (Trump Organization Chief Financial Officer), other staff & assistants, texts, emails, contemporaneous notes, travel documents, phone records, shell company records, bank records on the loan Cohen took out, bank records for the shell company, invoices, business ledgers, and checks.

Oh ya, remember as a fixer Cohen is known to have made audio tapes of phone calls, one of which was already released to the public.

Taking Cohen's word by itself? Not likely, more likely is that Bragg has much more evidence then has been released to the public.

Cohen did not contribute to the Trump campaign, he paid hush money with his own money, and then paid himself back with Trump's own money.
Not campaign related, no campaign funds used.
Take a look at the federal election laws. Any expenditure to further the election of a candidate is considered a contribution. It does not have to be a contribution to the candidates campaign fund. It can be hush money, rental of a town hall for a rally, a billboard, or anything of value as long as the purpose was to help elect the candidate.

For an individual the limit on a camaign contribution in 2016 was $2700. Cohen pled guilty of making excessive campaign contributions and attempting to hide it.

Cohen was Trump’s lawyer, acting as his agent in paying hush money and hiding the payments by using a shell corp rand a bank account with a fictions owner. There was a clear understanding that Trump would pay him back after the election which he did.
Bragg might already be toast. Lost his bid for a TRO against Jim Jordan. Got slapped by a judge who said Pomerantz CAN testify to Congress about what Fat Alvin has been doing. Bragg may soon be busy keeping his own ass out of the fire.
I will defend my family against dangerously stupid leftards like you.

Don't come to my neighborhood. There's nothing here for you.
Just retards lounging around in squalor in your neighborhood huh! Are you in this photo?
To elevate a misdemeanor to a felony the “prosecutors must establish that your intent to defraud involved further criminal intent to either hide the commission of another crime or to assist in the commission of that other crime”

How the hell can Bragg do that when he can’t even cite the other criminal statute, Simp?
It is not required in the indictment and prosecutors only put what is required to bring the defendant to trial. The Statement of Facts Bragg released gives us a pretty good idea of the crime that will make falsifying business records a felony
Take a look at the federal election laws. Any expenditure to further the election of a candidate is considered a contribution. It does not have to be a contribution to the candidates campaign fund. It can be hush money, rental of a town hall for a rally, a billboard, or anything of value as long as the purpose was to help elect the candidate.

For an individual the limit on a camaign contribution in 2016 was $2700. Cohen pled guilty of making excessive campaign contributions and attempting to hide it.

Cohen was Trump’s lawyer, acting as his agent in paying hush money and hiding the payments by using a shell corp rand a bank account with a fictions owner. There was a clear understanding that Trump would pay him back after the election which he did.
So you and Bragg are claiming that Trump paying Cohen in June of 2017 was an effort to influence the 2016 election? Just how stupid must one BE these days to be a Democrat?
So you and Bragg are claiming that Trump paying Cohen in June of 2017 was an effort to influence the 2016 election? Just how stupid must one BE these days to be a Democrat?

Not as stupid as not knowing the payment to Stormy happened before the 2016 election.
What’s the update on the processing of this malarkey?
They got their wrap up date of 11/7/24 firmly on the books????
So you and Bragg are claiming that Trump paying Cohen in June of 2017 was an effort to influence the 2016 election? Just how stupid must one BE these days to be a Democrat?
Dates and years are facts so they feel that’s now optional
What’s the update on the processing of this malarkey?
They got their wrap up date of 11/7/24 firmly on the books????

Next court date is scheduled (IIRC) for December 4th.

The Defense should not have received (or will receive soon) all of the evidence from years of investigation, what was presented to the Grand Jury & what was not, both incriminating and exculpatory.

It will take months for the FDOTUS legal team to comb threw it. Then they write their motion to dismiss and motions for the suppression of evidence. The Prosecution then gets to write and submit rebuttal motions. The December 4th date is when the Judge is schedule to hear the motions "formally" in court and make his rulings on each point. That could take awhile.

Trial (if the case isn't dismissed) will be sometime after the 1st of the year to late spring.

I think it would be really hard to convince a jury that Cohen paid over $300,000 in hush money just before the election to hide Trumps illicit affairs with no promise of repayment.

Trump went to great effort to hide it all by paying back Cohen in monthly payments disguised as legal fees months after the election.

Cohen created the NDA and set up a bank account in a phony name owned by a shell corporation in order to disguise the hush money payment.

Dispite Cohens efforts the Feds uncovered the ruse. Cohen was charged with two election law violations, lying in setting up the bank account in a phony name that issued the hush money money payment, and a number of IRS violation.

Apparently Bragg has proof that Cohen was operating as Trump’s agent making Trump guilty of a criminal conspiracy. I think that the criminal conspiracy will be the underlying crime that will make the falsified records a felony.
I think you're missing what the FEC considers legal and illegal.

1. Simply put, if Cohen paid hush money for Trump, that is illegal, but if Trump paid any hush money using his own money its legal.
2. Nor was it legal for AMI (David Pecker) to pay $150,000 hush money. He got fined $187,000. But Trump could use his own money and its perfectly legal.
Next court date is scheduled (IIRC) for December 4th.

The Defense should not have received (or will receive soon) all of the evidence from years of investigation, what was presented to the Grand Jury & what was not, both incriminating and exculpatory.

It will take months for the FDOTUS legal team to comb threw it. Then they write their motion to dismiss and motions for the suppression of evidence. The Prosecution then gets to write and submit rebuttal motions. The December 4th date is when the Judge is schedule to hear the motions "formally" in court and make his rulings on each point. That could take awhile.

Trial (if the case isn't dismissed) will be sometime after the 1st of the year to late spring.

Thank you for update. If they chose to not plod along then 6 attorneys could review everything in 40 days. Believe me that if expediency was of benefit to them, they would finish quickly.
Otherwise it’s perfect to have this with a huge dog and pony show flourish 5-6 weeks ago and now nothing for SEVEN months to come.
Pre plotted perfection to get this rolling again early next year with introductions of all sorts of proposals to ban him from running because of “ongoing lengthy extensive investigation”

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