Is Cultural Diversity a Strength or a Weakness?

Is Cultural Diversity a Strength or a Weakness?

  • Unsure

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There it is again, just as I said. You're just dying to tell us all about your "academic ability," aren't you? Well, go ahead.

You traveled down the insult path.

Don't avoid it, tell us all about your great "academic ability." You know you're dying to.

You reply by repeating yourself? Are you expecting a different response?

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein at BrainyQuote
No accent (i.e. southern, hispanic, ebonics, Asian, etc.), puts zero importance on heritage or racially identity, etc. .

That does not describe a "normal" American culture, you idiot. You didn't even think about what you posted (probably because you can't).

So you are trying to say there is no American culture?

Did I say that, dbag? Shove your straw man back up your ass. I very much doubt you even know what the word "culture" means.
Show me where I've used the word "diversity" once in this thread, you dishonest douche.

This thread is about cultural diversity. I question it. You've railed against me for it, though, not very convincingly. My assessment is justified.

Shut and pay attention. Show me where I've used the word "diversity" once in this thread, you dishonest douche.

There he goes again. Expecting a different response. Oh, he didn't SAY he was expecting a different response. But he's expecting it nonetheless.

See what I did there? Wasn't it cool!

Notice how the guy who misrepresented my argument says "pay attention."
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Cultural diversity by itself is neither weakness nor strength. It can be a strength if all segments of the society is not disenfranchised. It can be a serious weakness resulting in sectarian strife if there are segments of the population which have been marginalized.
Cultural diversity by itself is neither weakness nor strength. It can be a strength if all segments of the society is not disenfranchised. It can be a serious weakness resulting in sectarian strife if there are segments of the population which have been marginalized.

I duuno, an enfranchised culture that promotes backwards values can be a negative as well. Not advocating for disenfranchisement, just showing that the opposite can be true too. I can think of a few examples where the disenfranchised became enfranchised and screwed it up for everyone. But I certainly don't want to ward off the attacks that will inevitably be cast against me if I were to name those examples.
I can think of a few examples where the disenfranchised became enfranchised and screwed it up for everyone. But I certainly don't want to ward off the attacks that will inevitably be cast against me if I were to name those examples.

Stop being a pussy and name them.
I can think of a few examples where the disenfranchised became enfranchised and screwed it up for everyone. But I certainly don't want to ward off the attacks that will inevitably be cast against me if I were to name those examples.

Stop being a pussy and name them.

I agree. We cannot have a sincere discussion if you are holding back on arguments. As long as you do not act uncivilized, it is OK to put forth a candid argument.
I can think of a few examples where the disenfranchised became enfranchised and screwed it up for everyone. But I certainly don't want to ward off the attacks that will inevitably be cast against me if I were to name those examples.

Stop being a pussy and name them.

I agree. We cannot have a sincere discussion if you are holding back on arguments. As long as you do not act uncivilized, it is OK to put forth a candid argument.

Very Well

South Africa is a perfect example of going from disenfranchised to enfranchised and ruining a country. This is not to say that people should be disenfranchised, however, enfranchising the homelands destroyed the whole country.
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Stop being a pussy and name them.

I agree. We cannot have a sincere discussion if you are holding back on arguments. As long as you do not act uncivilized, it is OK to put forth a candid argument.

Very Well

South Africa is a perfect example of going from disenfranchised to enfranchised and ruining a country. This is not to say that people should be disenfranchised, however, enfranchising the homelands destroyed the whole country.

You didn't describe a culture or cultural characteristics, coy-boy.
Stop being a pussy and name them.

I agree. We cannot have a sincere discussion if you are holding back on arguments. As long as you do not act uncivilized, it is OK to put forth a candid argument.

Very Well

South Africa is a perfect example of going from disenfranchised to enfranchised and ruining a country. This is not to say that people should be disenfranchised, however, enfranchising the homelands destroyed the whole country.

Why do you think South Africa is destroyed? From what I know it is a vibrant member of well touted BRICS. This happened after apartheid ended.
I agree. We cannot have a sincere discussion if you are holding back on arguments. As long as you do not act uncivilized, it is OK to put forth a candid argument.

Very Well

South Africa is a perfect example of going from disenfranchised to enfranchised and ruining a country. This is not to say that people should be disenfranchised, however, enfranchising the homelands destroyed the whole country.

You didn't describe a culture or cultural characteristics, coy-boy.

South African blacks were years behind the Afrikaners, or, to be put bluntly, Western civilization in general. They rejected everything the West advocated for from the economic system to concepts of civility and rule of law. The ANC, for example, didn't even tolerate blacks who adopted western culture, formed "legitimate" political parties, or worked in cooperation with the Afrikaners, opting to instead throw a tire around their neck, douse them with gasoline, light them on fire, and throw a party. Having rejected the culture that once led the nation to prosperity they have renamed nearly every municipal structure so as to eradicate the last cultural reminisces. Indeed, years later the two still don't get along, though the Afrikaners are certainly more tolerant of them than they are. What we find today is white flight, interior decay, Aids, one of the highest amounts of recorded rape in the world (I think it is in fact the highest), and even organizations are starting to warn off the impeding genocide. Politically the black population is begging the ANC to redistribute the wealth and land, although, they refuse to do it because past experiences have shown that upon redistribution the farms become unproductive and they are afraid their economy will tank more than it already has. Their culture, like most African countries upon independence, was such a wreck that they simply weren't ready for western style democracy. Time has proved this to be the case.
You've named a color and a political party. Have you not thought this through or are you still afraid to speak directly?
I agree. We cannot have a sincere discussion if you are holding back on arguments. As long as you do not act uncivilized, it is OK to put forth a candid argument.

Very Well

South Africa is a perfect example of going from disenfranchised to enfranchised and ruining a country. This is not to say that people should be disenfranchised, however, enfranchising the homelands destroyed the whole country.

Why do you think South Africa is destroyed? From what I know it is a vibrant member of well touted BRICS. This happened after apartheid ended.

Yes BRICS is the modern day Warsaw Pact wannabe. You see, the ANC allied themselves with the Soviets which is why apartheid did not fall until after the fall of the USSR. This is also why the US refused to help end apartheid until after the fall of the Soviet Union. Keep your eye on BRICS and NATO.

Anyway, the unemployment rate went from 9.2% in 1980 to 25% today. The South African economy is slowing despite recent growth after the millennium. Their economy is also slowing with on and off negative GDP growth. Their interior is likewise rotting away and they have a serious problem with illegal immigration. To make matters worse, violence skyrocketed after the end of apartheid, and though they have made dramatic improvements since then, they are ranked second in the world for assault and murder. Rape is another serious issue as they are among the highest in the world. They likewise have an impressive welfare state, although they cant afford it, and thus, no one receives any substantive benefits. In any case, I believe South Africa will continue this trend for many years and I predict more flight out of the country by Afrikaners. Not to mention more capital flight. Before they can even dream of prosperity they must first reestablish the most basic function of government: law and order. They are failing at this task. The police are in fact amongst the worst perpetrators of rape and murder in South Africa.

The state of law and order in South Africa

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You've named a color and a political party. Have you not thought this through or are you still afraid to speak directly?

Political values stem from cultural values. South African blacks are mostly a collectivist conservative culture. They reject western culture because they believe it to be un-African. All this is detailed in my previous post for anyone who has the power of comprehension. In any case, shared power in a culturally diverse country has proven to be a failure.
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So the failed "culture" to which you allude is 'being black in South Africa'? Do you know what the word "culture" means? Do you think it means 'skin color' or 'geographic location'?

And, have you met and interacted with many South Africans? Have they confirmed your generalizations?
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Is Cultural Diversity a Strength or a Weakness?

Being 90% white, how would Republicans even know?
So the failed "culture" to which you allude is 'being black in South Africa'? Do you know what the word "culture" means? Do you think it means 'skin color' or 'geographic location'?

No we should never get culture confused with race. I made this point clear early on in the post. Nevertheless, when you have two different cultures of two different races (Which is a misrepresentation because there is more than one black culture in South Africa), it is easier to label them by skin color than to give their culture some artificial name. Of course, geographic location has nothing to do with it either, although, cultures do differ by geographic location as well. Culture is the beliefs, customs, and values of a group, place, society, or time. As I said earlier, culture matters and not all cultures are equal. Why do you ask such questions?

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Is Cultural Diversity a Strength or a Weakness?

Being 90% white, how would Republicans even know?

There is only one white culture? Oh, you mean to call Republicans racists? Very well, carry on. Fail, but carry on. As you can see, this thread is about culture, not race. Nevertheless, I will cede to you that races in the United States often differ by culture. That is why it is posted in the "race relations category."
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Is Cultural Diversity a Strength or a Weakness?

Being 90% white, how would Republicans even know?

There is only one white culture? Oh, you mean to call Republicans racists? Very well, carry on. Fail, but carry on.

There is only one white culture? Well, there's gays. But most of them are Democrats. Then there's college professors. But most of them are Democrats. Then there are scientists, but of course, most of them are Democrats. Then there's feminists. Most of them are Democrats. Well, you can see where this is going.

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