Is Don Jr. OK?

I'm sure you think he is.......

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I bust out laughing just looking at him....and when his bro is with him, they are a surefire comedy duo

Seriously? That's the best you can do?

You're fuckin' pathetic.

Here's a more recent picture of him for you:

This time is Trump's first year Born in Kenya Barack was a rounding error, an afterthought.

You Progs still post 90,000 Orange Man Bad posts for every Look at how great Biden handles this post

Laughable. Truly.
And 74 million of you idiots voted for him just one year ago.

Francis, you aren't goingto win this one. Your cult has sunk so far, that you pretty much are going to have to dig into history of slavery or death row to find things that aren't eclipsed 10 times over by your cult.
Here we are on the eve of a shooting war with Russia and a CNN editorialists worries about the health of the son of the former president. Is Ron Filipkowski O.K.?
He doesn't look, or sound, too well. This could be important because he is next in line to run the GOP after his father retires from service.

Does Biden Shit His Pants?

Of Course Jr, is ok,

Don't you have to report back to Putin or something?
Seeing Trumpers be fanboys for a dude they didn't give A SINGLE FUCK ABOUT until his daddy became their cult leader is fun to watch.....

Even more fun to watch is.....despite all of the fanboying, Eric is still on the outside looking in...bawahahahahahahaha
Between Don Jr. and Eric, one of them will be a strong contender in 2028.
How about poor little Chelsea? Is she the Clinton heir apparent? Daddy was porking an intern barely older than she was and mommy said it was O.K.
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And 74 million of you idiots voted for him just one year ago.

Francis, you aren't goingto win this one. Your cult has sunk so far, that you pretty much are going to have to dig into history of slavery or death row to find things that aren't eclipsed 10 times over by your cult.

You seem like a nice person if you leave politics aside. I'm going to leave it there

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