Is evading and cheating on your taxes patriotic?

Do you advocate evading and cheating on your taxes?

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oh so if they name it something completely different....................

its fine that they forcibly take the money in that case?

and im the retard?

take a break, dude

No dumb ass, there are many forms of taxes that can be collected voluntarily that do not involve enslaving people.

Sales taxes that exempt must haves like food products, shelter, utilities, and medicine for example. When you purchase sales taxable items the purchase is voluntary.

As another example, property taxes. When you purchase land that will hold the lien of a property tax you are agreeing to pay the property tax.

These are in contrast to labor taxes, where the government is forcing you to pay a tax on your labor, which is essentially a tax on your body, a tax on living.

I consider capital gains tax a voluntary tax, as you agree to pay that tax when you make your capital investment.

However, payroll tax is the equivalent of forcing you from birth to pay taxes based on your place of birth when you produce labor for sustenance, shelter, family,etc..
Think I'll side w/ Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes on this one:

The government gives you five dollars that came from someone else.

If we banned that practice, that five dollars would not be taken from someone else any more. What you moochers are upset about is that you would no longer get that five bucks!

See? You are a moocher whining about losing that money taken from other people!!! There is not one whit of difference between you and the Obamaphone lady.

Except for the part where if it were up to me, taxation would be banned altogether. I do not need anyone elses money, nor do i receive any of it via any tax schemes. I'm the guy who pays in and gets absolutely nothing in return.

Your big deal over this is that it would give the government more money that it stole only you act like "we" cattle would receive it.

Morons. it's like a moron convention sometimes.
The government gives you five dollars that came from someone else.

If we banned that practice, that five dollars would not be taken from someone else any more. What you moochers are upset about is that you would no longer get that five bucks!

See? You are a moocher whining about losing that money taken from other people!!! There is not one whit of difference between you and the Obamaphone lady.

Except for the part where if it were up to me, taxation would be banned altogether. I do not need anyone elses money, nor do i receive any of it via any tax schemes. I'm the guy who pays in and gets absolutely nothing in return.

Your big deal over this is that it would give the government more money that it stole only you act like "we" cattle would receive it.

Morons. it's like a moron convention sometimes.
you get nothing in return huh?

very comical

the worst kind of pissant is the one who feels theyre living under someones boo on their neck and all they do is whine about it. grow a set of balls and if all taxes are theft, stop fucking paying them you gigantic pussy.
Right. So the jackboots you cattle pay for can come and steal my property, shoot or imprison me on your very dollar?

You're more stupid than one could have previously imagined.
I'm not advocating libertarian ideals. because libertarians want the mythical creature known as limited government. Right. They want to have just a touch of social cancer and expect it not to metastasize. I'm advocating a voluntary society. Something .people like you, in your never ending quest to give all authority to some window dressing called 'we the people'. Which is nothing short of the monarchies and dictators and elites of old. You're a broken record both in real time and historically.
ummm..... I don't vote for either party. I refuse to until their hammerlock on the system is addressed in a meaningful way. Primarily- end the association between them and their future employers :up: Wall St & Def Contractors.
youre an idiot

"my property"


what a canard

did you win a battle? or just pay someone the very government currency you don't want to exist, for it? is your property thusly not yours? you don't need no stinkin gubbamint bought it with literal gold bricks! you won it in battle! you traded it for a shiny rock!
if youre one of those governments are all tyrannical kinda guys, gluck man but we're too far apart for fruitful discussion

its not a diss, its a time saver

Who are you talking to?
the guy who thinks the gov't is not the people

it is

I have family and friends in govt

they grew up the same way I did

a very good teacher of mine is the mayor, too

And you ignored my response completely. Government is the people? Why do they need to use force then?
because some people disagree with the other people but don't constitute a loud enough voice

are you suggesting that every single person should agree with every single law? cuz that's ridiculous

You are ridiculous
oh so if they name it something completely different....................

its fine that they forcibly take the money in that case?

and im the retard?

take a break, dude

Well, the military and other such things used to be funded by other types of taxes before the existence of income tax, but that was a long, long time ago. I don't think other taxes alone could support the costs of having the most powerful military in the world. IMO, that is a GOOD expenditure. I feel good knowing that my country has the most powerful military presence in the world.

Maybe we could just have the best defensive military in the world and stop getting ourselves into everyone's shit
youre an idiot

"my property"


what a canard

did you win a battle? or just pay someone the very government currency you don't want to exist, for it? is your property thusly not yours? you don't need no stinkin gubbamint bought it with literal gold bricks! you won it in battle! you traded it for a shiny rock!

Clearly you do not understand contractual agreements. Then again, you sound like a first year liberal arts student with some sort of mental illness.
Wonder if Repubs :eusa_snooty: will cooperate on tax reform :doubt: , after the mid-terms, or will keep passing "show votes" to fundraise instead of doing their jobs WHICH they are getting paid for by libertarian tax payers :eusa_shhh: , among others :eusa_whistle:
"All taxes are theft" is a mental illness.

Its a childlike worldview
oh so if they name it something completely different....................

its fine that they forcibly take the money in that case?

and im the retard?

take a break, dude

No dumb ass, there are many forms of taxes that can be collected voluntarily that do not involve enslaving people.

Sales taxes that exempt must haves like food products, shelter, utilities, and medicine for example. When you purchase sales taxable items the purchase is voluntary.

As another example, property taxes. When you purchase land that will hold the lien of a property tax you are agreeing to pay the property tax.

These are in contrast to labor taxes, where the government is forcing you to pay a tax on your labor, which is essentially a tax on your body, a tax on living.

I consider capital gains tax a voluntary tax, as you agree to pay that tax when you make your capital investment.

However, payroll tax is the equivalent of forcing you from birth to pay taxes based on your place of birth when you produce labor for sustenance, shelter, family,etc..

Sorry, but there's nothing voluntary about sales taxes. They are compulsory. A sales tax is where the government turns the merchants into tax collectors. If the merchant refuses to collect that tax, men with guns will come and confiscate his business. That ain't voluntary.

The phrase "voluntary tax" is an oxymoron. Buing a property doesn't mean you've agreed to pay property taxes anymore than it means you've agreed to pay Guido protection money. The same argument applies in both cases.

The phrase "voluntary tax" is an oxymoron.

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