Is FOX News trying to incite a race riot?


Gold Member
Jan 15, 2010
Before I get started, let me say for the record that I don't normally watch Fox News. That's not necessarily due to any animus regarding Fox. I just don't watch TV, period. That hasn't been the case all my life. It's a recent occurrence dating back about 4 years. And let me add that I'm glad I broke myself of the habit.

With all that said, I stopped in to a local restaurant a couple of nights ago. While there, I noticed that the station was tuned to Fox News, and Hannity's show was on. And who did Hannity have on to comment on the events going on in Ferguson, MO? It was none other than Mark Fuhrman. For anyone who may have missed the 1990s, Fuhrman just so happens to be the LA Police Detective who's testimony was tainted due to his use of the N word which came to light when he was on the witness stand.

Now, how can anyone see having Fuhrman on as being anything but intentionally provocative given his past history?
Boy, that's race riot material for sure even though in the ensuing days no riots. How inconvenient, huh?
NOT even close to the level of the race baiting AL Sharpton at the white house, is POTUS trying to start a race riot??

90's, thirty fucking years ago, give it a fucking break .......... race baiter!!
Before I get started, let me say for the record that I don't normally read the OPs posts. The OPs claim makes spandex look unstretchable..........
Boy, that's race riot material for sure even though in the ensuing days no riots. How inconvenient, huh?

It would certainly give anyone who's Black a reason to believe that they were intentionally being taunted by the White establishment power structure.
It would certainly give anyone who's Black a reason to believe that they were intentionally being taunted by the White establishment power structure.

So you intuitively speak for all blacks, how convenient!!

Hear these voices in your head much??
If you remember correctly it was O.J. Simpson who was on trial and whom most people still believe decapitated two white people. Nobody rioted when he was found not guilty. Fuhrman's use of the "N" word during the trial was a minor aspect of the trial but capitalized on by the liberal media in order to promote a racial issue. I bet if you polled the jury you would find that they all had use the "N" word in the past. In case you didn't notice there is already a race riot going on.
It would certainly give anyone who's Black a reason to believe that they were intentionally being taunted by the White establishment power structure.

So you intuitively speak for all blacks, how convenient!!

Hear these voices in your head much??

Let's put it this way, if and when a supposed 'news station' engages the services of anyone for the purpose of discussing a racial issue or a religious dispute of some kind when that person has a discredited history in that area, it's was obviously not an attempt at mending fences dialing down the tensions. It can only be seen as an attempt to further inflame emotions on both sides. For what? Ratings?
It would certainly give anyone who's Black a reason to believe that they were intentionally being taunted by the White establishment power structure.

So you intuitively speak for all blacks, how convenient!!

Hear these voices in your head much??

Let's put it this way, if and when a supposed 'news station' engages the services of anyone for the purpose of discussing a racial issue or a religious dispute of some kind when that person has a discredited history in that area, it's was obviously not an attempt at mending fences dialing down the tensions. It can only be seen as an attempt to further inflame emotions on both sides. For what? Ratings?

Maybe you should ask that question to the producers of Al Sharpton's show on MSLSD........
Is FOX News trying to incite criminal use of marijuana?

....I stopped in to a local restaurant a couple of nights ago. While there, I noticed that the station was tuned to Fox News, and O'Reilly's show was on. And who did O'Reilly have on to comment on the events going on? It was none other than Barack Obama. For anyone who may have missed the 2000s, Obama just happens to be the former Illinois Senator who admitted in his own autobiography "Dreams from my Father" that he had been a member of the "Choom Gang", a group who used marijuana illegally and extensively, which came to light when his book was published and he later ran for President.
Now, how can anyone see having Obama on as being anything but intentionally provocative given his past history?
Fuhrman is just called in because of his expertise in criminal matters and I have no problem with him doing that !! So he used a slur at one time , my attitude is , big deal !! Its not up to FOX to mend fences !!
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Is FOX News trying to incite a race riot?
Are you kidding? that is MSNBC's job they are the one with Al Sharpton on their payroll.
If you remember correctly it was O.J. Simpson who was on trial and whom most people still believe decapitated two white people. Nobody rioted when he was found not guilty. Fuhrman's use of the "N" word during the trial was a minor aspect of the trial but capitalized on by the liberal media in order to promote a racial issue. I bet if you polled the jury you would find that they all had use the "N" word in the past. In case you didn't notice there is already a race riot going on.

His use of the N word was the racial issue not the news who showed it or the mic that picked it up. Silly
It would certainly give anyone who's Black a reason to believe that they were intentionally being taunted by the White establishment power structure.

So you intuitively speak for all blacks, how convenient!!

Hear these voices in your head much??

Let's put it this way, if and when a supposed 'news station' engages the services of anyone for the purpose of discussing a racial issue or a religious dispute of some kind when that person has a discredited history in that area, it's was obviously not an attempt at mending fences dialing down the tensions. It can only be seen as an attempt to further inflame emotions on both sides. For what? Ratings?

Maybe you should ask that question to the producers of Al Sharpton's show on MSLSD........

but naaaaa, gotta make it Fox news fault
Let's put it this way, if and when a supposed 'news station' engages the services of anyone for the purpose of discussing a racial issue or a religious dispute of some kind when that person has a discredited history in that area, it's was obviously not an attempt at mending fences dialing down the tensions. It can only be seen as an attempt to further inflame emotions on both sides. For what? Ratings?

So why does MSNBC have Al Sharpton on payroll??
Is it alright for your Race Baitter / Instigator to have his own fucking show??


This is not a fucking racial show that is anti white and pro black??

Does Furhman have his own fucking show??

How about Chris Matthews??

And the Biggest Race Baiter of 2013 goes to…

The U.S. Government!
Yes, our Federal government, specifically the Pentagon, wants its employees to know that being a white, healthy, Christian male is shameful because you are more privileged than a black, unhealthy, atheistic female. In fact, the Pentagon goes above and beyond by showing that minorities are superior in many aspects to whites. The only question for the government is, which part is the worst, being white, male, Christian or healthy? You have to love where our tax dollars go.
Furman said nothing to incite a race riot, nor did FOXNews.

So would having Sharpton, Jackson or Farrakhan on FOXNews or any other channel be the equivalent to inciting a race riot?

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