Is Home-Schooling a Fundamental Right?

Actually they do. Government has no right to dictate they know better than a parent when it comes to education.

Interesting this position to take "choice" out of the hands of parents, when it comes to deciding what's best behind the QUALITY of their kids education. Yet, where are Obama's kids attending? How dare he put his kids best interests first.

The government has every right to do so if the People have delegated that authority to the government, which in the case of compulsory education,

they have.

Sorry to disappoint, but no they don't. If a parent decides they want a better quality of education for their children than public schools, they have every right to pursue it. Government can not stand in the way between the parent and what they feel is the best quality education for their kids.

Interesting how you completely dodged the Obama's "choice" for where they send their kids to school. What's the matter NYcarbineer? I thought the Democrats were for the middle class? Certainly the middle class can afford the same benefits of "CHOICE" Michele and Barrack have, we can't have exceptions to your argument of "choice" and education here.

Better luck next time.

So you can't be prosecuted for breaking compulsory education laws?

Prove that.
It is amazing how the local city council passed that nasty PATRIOT Act, good thing the feds stepped in to stop them.

How many southern states mandated segregated schools, until the big central government stepped in and made it go away?

Without a federal government you might still have segregated schools.

There you go again.

Schools were segregated all over the country, not just in the south. The reason for that was quite simple, the strong federal government you insist is the best defense of rights declared that separate but equal was the standard of the land.

Brown v Board of Education did WHAT????

What's funniest is that I'm the one in this thread willing to declare that homeschooling is a constitutional right,

and the ones who won't are calling ME the Nazi.

What's funniest is that I'm the one in this thread willing to declare that homeschooling is a constitutional right,

and the ones who won't are calling ME the Nazi.


If it makes you feel any better, I don't believe you are a Nazi.

I believe you're ignorant.

The US Consitution makes no mention of any right to education.
What's funniest is that I'm the one in this thread willing to declare that homeschooling is a constitutional right,

and the ones who won't are calling ME the Nazi.


If it makes you feel any better, I don't believe you are a Nazi.

I believe you're ignorant.

The US Consitution makes no mention of any right to education.

But it does make mention of the fact that making no mention of a right does not necessarily mean that the right doesn't exist. Someone who wasn't ignorant of the Constitution would know that.
What's funniest is that I'm the one in this thread willing to declare that homeschooling is a constitutional right,

and the ones who won't are calling ME the Nazi.


If it makes you feel any better, I don't believe you are a Nazi.

I believe you're ignorant.

The US Consitution makes no mention of any right to education.

But it does make mention of the fact that making no mention of a right does not necessarily mean that the right doesn't exist. Someone who wasn't ignorant of the Constitution would know that.

You go right ahead and believe it.

It also gives you the right to believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.

....making you no less absurd.

But that's your right as well.
If it makes you feel any better, I don't believe you are a Nazi.

I believe you're ignorant.

The US Consitution makes no mention of any right to education.

But it does make mention of the fact that making no mention of a right does not necessarily mean that the right doesn't exist. Someone who wasn't ignorant of the Constitution would know that.

You go right ahead and believe it.

It also gives you the right to believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.

....making you no less absurd.

But that's your right as well.

There's no mention of abortion in the constitution but the right to abortion is constitutional law.
If it makes you feel any better, I don't believe you are a Nazi.

I believe you're ignorant.

The US Consitution makes no mention of any right to education.

But it does make mention of the fact that making no mention of a right does not necessarily mean that the right doesn't exist. Someone who wasn't ignorant of the Constitution would know that.

You go right ahead and believe it.

It also gives you the right to believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.

....making you no less absurd.

But that's your right as well.

So Bloomberg's soda pop law can't be unconstitutional because there's no mention of soda pop rights in the Constitution?

An honest historical timeline of public education in the US.

Most all y'all don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Education- specifically education taught publicly to the masses, is a very foundational principle of this nation. It has its roots in Calvinism... that's right you haters of religion. But also true, is that though it is not an enumerated right, it is an integral foundation to the pursuit of true liberty.

Applied Research Center - Historical Timeline of Public Education in the US
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If prostitution is a natural right, what does a guy like you need the federal government to protect that right for you?

Trying to change the subject again? The question remains, if the Constitution protects consenting adults having sex why is prostitution illegal? Why is it illegal in Michigan for an unmarried couple to live together? Why is adultery illegal in New Hampshire? Why is incest illegal every where but Rhode Island? Why is it illegal to won more than 5 dildos in Texas?

None of these laws would hold up if you are correct

The Constitution protects speech too, doesn't it?

Not according to the Supreme Court, which actually proves my point.
If prostitution is a natural right, what does a guy like you need the federal government to protect that right for you?

Trying to change the subject again? The question remains, if the Constitution protects consenting adults having sex why is prostitution illegal? Why is it illegal in Michigan for an unmarried couple to live together? Why is adultery illegal in New Hampshire? Why is incest illegal every where but Rhode Island? Why is it illegal to won more than 5 dildos in Texas?

None of these laws would hold up if you are correct

Is sex with a consenting adult a natural right?

Is breathing a civil right?
How many southern states mandated segregated schools, until the big central government stepped in and made it go away?

Without a federal government you might still have segregated schools.

There you go again.

Schools were segregated all over the country, not just in the south. The reason for that was quite simple, the strong federal government you insist is the best defense of rights declared that separate but equal was the standard of the land.

Brown v Board of Education did WHAT????


I didn't way anything about Brown, did I?
But it does make mention of the fact that making no mention of a right does not necessarily mean that the right doesn't exist. Someone who wasn't ignorant of the Constitution would know that.

You go right ahead and believe it.

It also gives you the right to believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.

....making you no less absurd.

But that's your right as well.

There's no mention of abortion in the constitution but the right to abortion is constitutional law.

Actually it isn't, it is case law, which is an outgrowth of constitutional law. There is a subtle, but nonetheless real, difference.
But it does make mention of the fact that making no mention of a right does not necessarily mean that the right doesn't exist. Someone who wasn't ignorant of the Constitution would know that.

You go right ahead and believe it.

It also gives you the right to believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.

....making you no less absurd.

But that's your right as well.

So Bloomberg's soda pop law can't be unconstitutional because there's no mention of soda pop rights in the Constitution?


You do know that it was struck down by a state judge, not the Supreme Court, don't you? In fact, it was struck down by a low level state judge.
Homeschooling is just a form of private schooling. Private schools are held to state standards, so should homeschools.

It's common for public school districts to have people employed, at taxpayer expense, just for the purpose of working with homeschoolers to help and assure that they are getting the job done.

Again, I sincerely believe that you will be happier in Cuba, Venezuela and other tyrannical regimes.

Esther La Vista, dude.


If I'm willing to stipulate that you do not have anything intelligent to add to this discussion, will you stop trying to convince me?

Gee, it has been overwhelmingly shown that you do not understand constitutional law. Yet that hasn't prevented you from opining.

Again, I sincerely believe that you will be happier in Cuba, Venezuela and other tyrannical regimes.

Esther La Vista, dude.


If I'm willing to stipulate that you do not have anything intelligent to add to this discussion, will you stop trying to convince me?

Gee, it has been overwhelmingly shown that you do not understand constitutional law. Yet that hasn't prevented you from opining.


Show me ONE thing I got wrong.
You go right ahead and believe it.

It also gives you the right to believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.

....making you no less absurd.

But that's your right as well.

So Bloomberg's soda pop law can't be unconstitutional because there's no mention of soda pop rights in the Constitution?


You do know that it was struck down by a state judge, not the Supreme Court, don't you? In fact, it was struck down by a low level state judge.

That has nothing to do with it. Once again you avoid addressing the issue with irrelevant nonsense.
You go right ahead and believe it.

It also gives you the right to believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.

....making you no less absurd.

But that's your right as well.

There's no mention of abortion in the constitution but the right to abortion is constitutional law.

Actually it isn't, it is case law, which is an outgrowth of constitutional law. There is a subtle, but nonetheless real, difference.

And irrelevant. Would you like to tell us how it is that abortion is a constitutional right although abortion is never mentioned in the Constitution?

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