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Is Israel the Same as South Africa?

"...What's your point? Scary Jews with a "fierce determination" to kill as many women and kids as they can while hiding behind star-spangled skirts? Save your amateurish posturing for Hanukkah."

My point is, that all your fuss about Old Legal Standings don't matter a damn.

Victory in war overturned that old state of affairs.

And overwhelming military strength sustains the new state of affairs.

Arab-Muslim Palestinians long ago divided themselves into two camps.

Those who were willing to live alongside the Israelis.

And those who were not.

The former enjoy all the rights and privileges of enfranchised Israeli citizenship.

The latter have been living as cast-outs in shit-holes for the past sixty-five years waiting for a promised pan-Arab Victory or Deliverance that is never going to come.

With nothing left to do but fire-off rockets and whine about Old Legal Standings.

That's my point.

But you knew that all along, before you even wrote what you did.
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"...OMG...is that the el quesir. it is so hard to tell without unmarked, french made mirages swarming around it.
Does it matter in the slightest, to the point being made?

If the Israeli Navy consisted of two rowboats and a single motor-launch, their Navy would still be bigger than that of the Palestinians, and, of course, it is large enough to make the Egyptians and Turks and other Muslim countries respect them on the open water and in the Suez and nearby waters.

It happens to be the INS Hetz ( Sa'ar 4.5-class missile boat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) - a missile boat.

But, thank you for your tax money, which contributes to some modest degree to helping our good friends (and, nowadays, allies), the Israelis, defend themselves.

Don't forget to thank those who've contributed life, limb, and blood for your good friends in their heroic quest to colonize Palestine:

"USS Liberty: Contact Page

Anyone who has ever spent time in Israel, and knows how much they worship America, would also know that they would never murder Americans intentionally.
Does it matter in the slightest, to the point being made?

If the Israeli Navy consisted of two rowboats and a single motor-launch, their Navy would still be bigger than that of the Palestinians, and, of course, it is large enough to make the Egyptians and Turks and other Muslim countries respect them on the open water and in the Suez and nearby waters.

It happens to be the INS Hetz ( Sa'ar 4.5-class missile boat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) - a missile boat.

But, thank you for your tax money, which contributes to some modest degree to helping our good friends (and, nowadays, allies), the Israelis, defend themselves.

Don't forget to thank those who've contributed life, limb, and blood for your good friends in their heroic quest to colonize Palestine:

"USS Liberty: Contact Page

Anyone who has ever spent time in Israel, and knows how much they worship America, would also know that they would never murder Americans intentionally.

He knows it too. But bringing up the Liberty is just a little trick the pro - Palestinians try to use to demonize Israel. It's usually a sign that they have their back to the wall.
Then if you bring up Palestinians who blew themselves up in cafes and restaurants and killed Americans in the process, they say it is the same thing as what was done to the Liberty.

Very very very feeble minded people, some of these pro - Palestinians
"...OMG...is that the el quesir. it is so hard to tell without unmarked, french made mirages swarming around it.
Does it matter in the slightest, to the point being made?

If the Israeli Navy consisted of two rowboats and a single motor-launch, their Navy would still be bigger than that of the Palestinians, and, of course, it is large enough to make the Egyptians and Turks and other Muslim countries respect them on the open water and in the Suez and nearby waters.

It happens to be the INS Hetz ( Sa'ar 4.5-class missile boat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) - a missile boat.

But, thank you for your tax money, which contributes to some modest degree to helping our good friends (and, nowadays, allies), the Israelis, defend themselves.

Don't forget to thank those who've contributed life, limb, and blood for your good friends in their heroic quest to colonize Palestine:

"USS Liberty: Contact Page

You know when they resort to the Liberty they've done shot their wad.
Does it matter in the slightest, to the point being made?

If the Israeli Navy consisted of two rowboats and a single motor-launch, their Navy would still be bigger than that of the Palestinians, and, of course, it is large enough to make the Egyptians and Turks and other Muslim countries respect them on the open water and in the Suez and nearby waters.

It happens to be the INS Hetz ( Sa'ar 4.5-class missile boat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) - a missile boat.

But, thank you for your tax money, which contributes to some modest degree to helping our good friends (and, nowadays, allies), the Israelis, defend themselves.

Don't forget to thank those who've contributed life, limb, and blood for your good friends in their heroic quest to colonize Palestine:

"USS Liberty: Contact Page

Jew hater, why did you ignore my two questions above ?

lol...he is a "jew hater" because he ignores your questions? LOL.

get used to it. i have a feeling a lot more people are going to ignore your petty whining. he was posting about the USS liberty. show some respect.
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Does it matter in the slightest, to the point being made?

If the Israeli Navy consisted of two rowboats and a single motor-launch, their Navy would still be bigger than that of the Palestinians, and, of course, it is large enough to make the Egyptians and Turks and other Muslim countries respect them on the open water and in the Suez and nearby waters.

It happens to be the INS Hetz ( Sa'ar 4.5-class missile boat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) - a missile boat.

But, thank you for your tax money, which contributes to some modest degree to helping our good friends (and, nowadays, allies), the Israelis, defend themselves.

Don't forget to thank those who've contributed life, limb, and blood for your good friends in their heroic quest to colonize Palestine:

"USS Liberty: Contact Page

You know when they resort to the Liberty they've done shot their wad.

i swear, i never ever thought i would hear a vet say something like that.
Don't forget to thank those who've contributed life, limb, and blood for your good friends in their heroic quest to colonize Palestine:

"USS Liberty: Contact Page

You know when they resort to the Liberty they've done shot their wad.

i swear, i never ever thought i would hear a vet say something like that.

I've said it a thousand times and you know it. Quit being such a drama queen.
You know when they resort to the Liberty they've done shot their wad.

i swear, i never ever thought i would hear a vet say something like that.

I've said it a thousand times and you know it. Quit being such a drama queen.

don't sell them out. you know they deserve a full congressional investigation.

c'mon, you say you were a tank commander. you must know something about target acquisition. there is no way they knew without a doubt that it was not american and an immediate attack wasn't necessary.

they had four .50 cal machine guns for christ sake. that is all.
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i swear, i never ever thought i would hear a vet say something like that.

I've said it a thousand times and you know it. Quit being such a drama queen.

don't sell them out. you know they deserve a full congressional investigation.

c'mon, you say you were a tank commander. you must know something about target acquisition. there is no way they knew without a doubt that it was not american and an immediate attack wasn't necessary.

they had four .50 cal machine guns for christ sake. that is all.

I stopped discussing the Liberty 10 years ago. I accepted Israel's explanation. That is all.
i swear, i never ever thought i would hear a vet say something like that.

I've said it a thousand times and you know it. Quit being such a drama queen.

don't sell them out. you know they deserve a full congressional investigation.

c'mon, you say you were a tank commander. you must know something about target acquisition. there is no way they knew without a doubt that it was not american and an immediate attack wasn't necessary.

they had four .50 cal machine guns for christ sake. that is all.
I think that most of the posters and viewers realize by now that those with the mind set as Seal wouldn't be satisfied if a thousand investigations were made if these investigations didn't show Israel to be at fault.
Don't forget to thank those who've contributed life, limb, and blood for your good friends in their heroic quest to colonize Palestine:

"USS Liberty: Contact Page

You know when they resort to the Liberty they've done shot their wad.

i swear, i never ever thought i would hear a vet say something like that.
And I am pretty sure that the anti-Semites/anti-Israel crowd will never stop dragging up the Liberty incident even though it has been posted hundreds and hundreds of times by them throughout the years on different forums. Bloodrock is right. When all else fails, the anti-Semites/anti-Israel crowd never fails to bring up the Liberty incident. You can count on it.
"...Still swimming in denial? 'The mandate was a legal and administrative instrument, not a geographical territory.[26] The territorial jurisdiction of the mandate was subject to change by treaty, capitulation, grant, usage, sufferance or other lawful means.'..."

Whatever in the world are you talking about... 'denial'?

Nowhere in that post will you find reference to the Mandate as either one sort of artificial construct or another, territorial or legal or administrative or otherwise.

Both the Israelis and Palestinians can serve-up some halfway decent-sounding argument in support of their case, or in support of bits-and-pieces of it, anyway.

But, in the end, none of that shit signifies to an extent sufficient to influence the existence or sustaining of nations.

Allow me to introduce you to the Real World basis for the existence of the State of Israel:






...not to mention the reported existence of some 200 nuclear warheads.

...and the fierce determination of the Jews never again be put into a position of weakness that would allow others to slaughter them in their millions.

...which tends to make nonsense out of any old legal arguments.

The Jews are, historically, one of the most and longest-persecuted and slaughtered peoples on the face of the planet.

After the Holocaust, they turned things around for themselves, toughened-up, found their courage as a People once again, re-formed as a polity after a 1900-year-long absence, and have become the most hardened Survivalist Nation on the face of the planet.

Their Arab-Muslim neighbors also forced the Jews to learn how to make War better than anybody else in the region.

War has a tendency to cancel-out old understandings and arrangements and legal status.

As is the case here, practically speaking.

Your side lost.


Vae victus.

I was not aware that either the League of Nations nor the British Mandate Authority had ever considered such a possibility during the 1920s or thereabouts on the timeline.

Do you have a link to credible initiatives of those times to undertake such Elections for all residents of the region, which the Jews would have rejected?

Having kicked the arses of all of their combined and allied Arab Enemies in 1948, 1967 and 1973, I think the Israelis have put the lie to accusations of being 'chickenshit'.

At the very least, they are far, far LESS 'chickenshit' than the Arabs whose arse they've kicked time and again.

Too late for that.

The Arab-Muslim Palestinians who chose to remain within Israeli jurisdiction in 1948 when the State of Israel was declared, are all full-fledged Israeli citizens and enfranchised to vote.

The Arab-Muslim Palestinians who chose to side with the Five Invading Aggressor Arab Countries in 1948 and to abandon their lands and hunker-down in the West Bank and Gaza until the Arabs won the war (and redeemed all the land for the Arabs alone and to drive the Jews into the Mediterranean), and who have been fighting a guerrilla war against Israel off-and-on ever since...those Arab-Muslim Palestinians are not citizens of Israel.

They had their chance.

They made their choice.

They chose poorly.

Welcome to your consequences.



None of that old legal horseshit matters a damn.

And hasn't, practically speaking, for a great many years.

Some folks, however, insist upon beating their heads against a thick stone wall that will never budge.

All that gets them is a headache.

The party's over... time for the Palestinians to pack up and move someplace else... 'cause there's no place for them in Israel after what they've done... and what few slivers of land still remain in their possession will be annexed over the next decade or two in order to round-out and complete the 1922 map.

Might as well avoid the Christmas Rush and leave now.

The sooner they leave, the sooner they and their families can build new lives and find happiness elsewhere, amongst their co-religionists and ethnic brethren.

What's your point?

Scary Jews with a "fierce determination" to kill as many women and kids as they can while hiding behind star-spangled skirts?

Save your amateurish posturing for Hanukkah.
Gee, Georgie Boy, I sure hope you are saving some of yours for Kwaansa. Isn't it something how Georgie Boy appears to not have a care in the world when it comes to his new friends murdering people who are non Muslims and even Muslims of different sects. I would think that he would at least be concerned about what is happening in Nigeria and other parts of Africa and, therefore, would participate in a forum on Africa.
Is Israel the Same as South Africa?

No, SA is a peaceful nation.
D'ya think SA would take the Palestinians in? And remain peaceful?

No, but they sure could give the Israelis some advice. Maybe Nelson Mandela should go and explain life to the Israelis.
Perhaps Mandela can tell the Jews of the 6,000,000 South Africans slaughtered in the Nazi concentration camps of Europe before they were promised a land of their own and seized their allotted share when the promisers looked like they were going to welch on the deal.

Oh, wait, that was the Jews, not the South Africans... sorry... my bad... never mind.
D'ya think SA would take the Palestinians in? And remain peaceful?

No, but they sure could give the Israelis some advice. Maybe Nelson Mandela should go and explain life to the Israelis.
Perhaps Mandela can tell the Jews of the 6,000,000 South Africans slaughtered in the Nazi concentration camps of Europe before they were promised a land of their own and seized their allotted share when the promisers looked like they were going to welch on the deal.

Oh, wait, that was the Jews, not the South Africans... sorry... my bad... never mind.

So if the Jews were done wrong in Europe, shouldn't their homeland be there? Why should the arabs pay for that? :popcorn:
No, but they sure could give the Israelis some advice. Maybe Nelson Mandela should go and explain life to the Israelis.
Perhaps Mandela can tell the Jews of the 6,000,000 South Africans slaughtered in the Nazi concentration camps of Europe before they were promised a land of their own and seized their allotted share when the promisers looked like they were going to welch on the deal.

Oh, wait, that was the Jews, not the South Africans... sorry... my bad... never mind.

So if the Jews were done wrong in Europe, shouldn't their homeland be there? Why should the arabs pay for that? :popcorn:

Poor, poor Arabs...having to give up less than 1% of the Middle East. :eusa_boohoo:
Perhaps Mandela can tell the Jews of the 6,000,000 South Africans slaughtered in the Nazi concentration camps of Europe before they were promised a land of their own and seized their allotted share when the promisers looked like they were going to welch on the deal.

Oh, wait, that was the Jews, not the South Africans... sorry... my bad... never mind.

So if the Jews were done wrong in Europe, shouldn't their homeland be there? Why should the arabs pay for that? :popcorn:

Poor, poor Arabs...having to give up less than 1% of the Middle East. :eusa_boohoo:

That doesn't explain anything. Ok, you have nothing. Got it.

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