Is Israel's wall evil?

Israel's wall is:

  • Fine.

    Votes: 20 66.7%
  • Evil.

    Votes: 10 33.3%

  • Total voters
You are aware that God is a generic term. What holy document?

There he is playing sub 60 IQ again. The real numbers don't look much better.

Everyone here knows that even you know what was meant by the reference. God - that which you hate more than anything else.

Which God. You don't even have a God name do you, who is this God you worship.
What is God's name?
Some Quakers refer to God as The Light. Another term used is King of Kings or Lord of Lords and Lord of the Hosts. Other names used by Christians include Ancient of Days, Father/Abba, "Most High" and the Hebrew names Elohim, El-Shaddai, Yahweh, Jehovah and Adonai.

Maybe you worship women, money, porn, sex, etc. perhaps a man on earth, by the sounds of it you worship Israel and the jews.

For the love of God - no need for trying to out-dumb yourself, we already got the point - not the sharpest.

Everyone here knows what is being talked about - even an atheist such as myself.

You said I hated God, yet you are a self declared atheist. Make up your mind.

You see yourself as "god".

460 The Word became flesh to make us "partakers of the divine nature":78 "For this is why the Word became man, and the Son of God became the Son of man: so that man, by entering into communion with the Word and thus receiving divine sonship, might become a son of God."79 "For the Son of God became man so that we might become God."80 "The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods."81
Catechism of the Catholic Church - "He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary"
There he is playing sub 60 IQ again. The real numbers don't look much better.

Everyone here knows that even you know what was meant by the reference. God - that which you hate more than anything else.

Which God. You don't even have a God name do you, who is this God you worship.
What is God's name?
Some Quakers refer to God as The Light. Another term used is King of Kings or Lord of Lords and Lord of the Hosts. Other names used by Christians include Ancient of Days, Father/Abba, "Most High" and the Hebrew names Elohim, El-Shaddai, Yahweh, Jehovah and Adonai.

Maybe you worship women, money, porn, sex, etc. perhaps a man on earth, by the sounds of it you worship Israel and the jews.

For the love of God - no need for trying to out-dumb yourself, we already got the point - not the sharpest.

Everyone here knows what is being talked about - even an atheist such as myself.

You said I hated God, yet you are a self declared atheist. Make up your mind.

You see yourself as "god".

460 The Word became flesh to make us "partakers of the divine nature":78 "For this is why the Word became man, and the Son of God became the Son of man: so that man, by entering into communion with the Word and thus receiving divine sonship, might become a son of God."79 "For the Son of God became man so that we might become God."80 "The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods."81
Catechism of the Catholic Church - "He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary"

LOL, the oldest lie in the book. "Ye shall be as gods". Sorry honey you're dismissed as the heretic you are.
I see you’re not much of a maven on history.
I also see you like to avoid the 1,000 years of continuous Muslim on Muslim slaughter.

No more than I avoid the 1000 years of continuous Christian on Christian slaughter, culminating in WWII. Whose hands are bloodier?

Let's not forget, the whole rationale for the Zionist Entity is that Christians in EUROPE were turning them into lampshades and bars of soap.

But then again, your Muslim friends are probably sitting next to you when you type.
So firing missiles from a hospital or school packed with kids is on with you.

Well, no, since I didn't go in and steal their land, they aren't doing that.

There's really no excuse for what the Zionists are doing. Not only is it immoral, but it's kind of... stupid. Do they really think there is going to be a point where their neighbors are going to stop hating them if they keep up with shit like this?
So how’s that Syria thing going for you?
It seems only Jews piss you off.

Naw, Zionists piss me off.

I actually voted for a Jew for Governor of my state last year...

His religion was never an issue for me. (as an aside, I served with his cousin in the Illinois National Guard. The guy was a douchebag, but I didn't hold that against him, either.)

the thing is Syria does piss me off, but for totally different reasons. But since I haven't been asked to subsidize that, there's only so much I can get pissed off about it.
So how’s that Syria thing going for you?
It seems only Jews piss you off.

Naw, Zionists piss me off.

I actually voted for a Jew for Governor of my state last year...

His religion was never an issue for me. (as an aside, I served with his cousin in the Illinois National Guard. The guy was a douchebag, but I didn't hold that against him, either.)

the thing is Syria does piss me off, but for totally different reasons. But since I haven't been asked to subsidize that, there's only so much I can get pissed off about it.
Uh, you actually think we don’t give Syria a few billion a year?
So how’s that Syria thing going for you?
It seems only Jews piss you off.

Naw, Zionists piss me off.

I actually voted for a Jew for Governor of my state last year...

His religion was never an issue for me. (as an aside, I served with his cousin in the Illinois National Guard. The guy was a douchebag, but I didn't hold that against him, either.)

the thing is Syria does piss me off, but for totally different reasons. But since I haven't been asked to subsidize that, there's only so much I can get pissed off about it.

People like yourself are so easy to slap around. (metaphorically of course)

"Fact Sheet: U.S. Assistance for the People of Syria"

As the world’s largest humanitarian donor, the United States has provided nearly $7.7 billion in humanitarian assistance for the Syrian people, since the start of the crisis in 2011. This aid reflects the continued generosity of the American people and demonstrates the United States’ steadfast commitment to addressing the unprecedented magnitude of suffering in Syria and the region. In addition to providing humanitarian assistance, including emergency food, water, shelter, and health services, the United States is also providing stabilization assistance. Together, these efforts help mitigate the impact of the crisis throughout the region, and allow Syrians living in newly liberated areas to begin to stabilize their own communities.

Fact Sheet: U.S. Assistance for the People of Syria | Press Release | U.S. Agency for International Development
So how’s that Syria thing going for you?
It seems only Jews piss you off.

Naw, Zionists piss me off.

I actually voted for a Jew for Governor of my state last year...

His religion was never an issue for me. (as an aside, I served with his cousin in the Illinois National Guard. The guy was a douchebag, but I didn't hold that against him, either.)

the thing is Syria does piss me off, but for totally different reasons. But since I haven't been asked to subsidize that, there's only so much I can get pissed off about it.

People like yourself are so easy to slap around. (metaphorically of course)

"Fact Sheet: U.S. Assistance for the People of Syria"

As the world’s largest humanitarian donor, the United States has provided nearly $7.7 billion in humanitarian assistance for the Syrian people, since the start of the crisis in 2011. This aid reflects the continued generosity of the American people and demonstrates the United States’ steadfast commitment to addressing the unprecedented magnitude of suffering in Syria and the region. In addition to providing humanitarian assistance, including emergency food, water, shelter, and health services, the United States is also providing stabilization assistance. Together, these efforts help mitigate the impact of the crisis throughout the region, and allow Syrians living in newly liberated areas to begin to stabilize their own communities.

Fact Sheet: U.S. Assistance for the People of Syria | Press Release | U.S. Agency for International Development
Joe’s 99% fos on almost every topic.
If you go in and steal someone else's land, you shouldn't be surprised when they attack you.
No land was stolen. Learn the history before spouting your nonsense.

Hmm, Yet sources show Arabs owned more land & made up more population before the Jewish Immigrants came in & created their Zion of theft & mass murder.
When it comes to making a choice between civilization or a backwards murderous tribal cult like Islam, I always choose civilization.

yup, the Zionists are "civilized"... they kill women and children with high technology.

So when does all this civilization start again?

Bullshit propaganda. That land belongs to Israel for over 3000 years.

Yeah, well they spent 2000 years not being there, so there's that.

Actually, the European Jews had nothing to do with the Hebrews who lived there 3000 years ago... but if you are going to try to steal some land by claiming someone else's fairy tales, you should really pick somewhere nicer than a crappy desert.
The so-called Palestinians didn't exist until 1967. The Jews didn't steal anything, and certainly not from any so-called "Palestinians."

As if there were no previous inhabitants, sure.
When it comes to making a choice between civilization or a backwards murderous tribal cult like Islam, I always choose civilization.

yup, the Zionists are "civilized"... they kill women and children with high technology.

So when does all this civilization start again?

Bullshit propaganda. That land belongs to Israel for over 3000 years.

Yeah, well they spent 2000 years not being there, so there's that.

Actually, the European Jews had nothing to do with the Hebrews who lived there 3000 years ago... but if you are going to try to steal some land by claiming someone else's fairy tales, you should really pick somewhere nicer than a crappy desert.
The so-called Palestinians didn't exist until 1967. The Jews didn't steal anything, and certainly not from any so-called "Palestinians."

As if there were no previous inhabitants, sure.
Every area on earth today had prior inhabitants.
When it comes to making a choice between civilization or a backwards murderous tribal cult like Islam, I always choose civilization.

yup, the Zionists are "civilized"... they kill women and children with high technology.

So when does all this civilization start again?

Bullshit propaganda. That land belongs to Israel for over 3000 years.

Yeah, well they spent 2000 years not being there, so there's that.

Actually, the European Jews had nothing to do with the Hebrews who lived there 3000 years ago... but if you are going to try to steal some land by claiming someone else's fairy tales, you should really pick somewhere nicer than a crappy desert.
The so-called Palestinians didn't exist until 1967. The Jews didn't steal anything, and certainly not from any so-called "Palestinians."

As if there were no previous inhabitants, sure.
Every area on earth today had prior inhabitants.

The rules changed.
When it comes to making a choice between civilization or a backwards murderous tribal cult like Islam, I always choose civilization.

yup, the Zionists are "civilized"... they kill women and children with high technology.

So when does all this civilization start again?

Bullshit propaganda. That land belongs to Israel for over 3000 years.

Yeah, well they spent 2000 years not being there, so there's that.

Actually, the European Jews had nothing to do with the Hebrews who lived there 3000 years ago... but if you are going to try to steal some land by claiming someone else's fairy tales, you should really pick somewhere nicer than a crappy desert.
The so-called Palestinians didn't exist until 1967. The Jews didn't steal anything, and certainly not from any so-called "Palestinians."

As if there were no previous inhabitants, sure.
Every area on earth today had prior inhabitants.

The rules changed.
Tell that to India and Pakistan.
And the entire Muslim world.
And the Balkans.
Trump's wall as we all know is supposed to be "evil". But what about Israel's wall? Shouldn't Israel have an open border?
Walls aren't always built to keep people out. They are also built to direct them to a doorway.
yup, the Zionists are "civilized"... they kill women and children with high technology.

So when does all this civilization start again?

Yeah, well they spent 2000 years not being there, so there's that.

Actually, the European Jews had nothing to do with the Hebrews who lived there 3000 years ago... but if you are going to try to steal some land by claiming someone else's fairy tales, you should really pick somewhere nicer than a crappy desert.
The so-called Palestinians didn't exist until 1967. The Jews didn't steal anything, and certainly not from any so-called "Palestinians."

As if there were no previous inhabitants, sure.
Every area on earth today had prior inhabitants.

The rules changed.
Tell that to India and Pakistan.
And the entire Muslim world.
And the Balkans.

Most Jewish Israelis moved there in the 20th century.

Most Indians, Pakistanis, and ex Yugoslav Serbs, Croats, and Bosniaks had been there for far, far, longer.
The so-called Palestinians didn't exist until 1967. The Jews didn't steal anything, and certainly not from any so-called "Palestinians."

As if there were no previous inhabitants, sure.
Every area on earth today had prior inhabitants.

The rules changed.
Tell that to India and Pakistan.
And the entire Muslim world.
And the Balkans.

Most Jewish Israelis moved there in the 20th century.

Most Indians, Pakistanis, and ex Yugoslav Serbs, Croats, and Bosniaks had been there for far, far, longer.
I think it’s wonderful when old timers are murdering each other for “god’s“ sake.
Do you see how stupid you look when you legitimize mass murder because, “Well, they always lived there”?
By the way, many of these populations were moved around post WWI and post WWII.
Everything about the Zionist Entity is evil.

They are like abused children who grow up to be mass murderers.
The Muzzie savages are the mass murderers. Those who defend them don't know anything about them.

So, Jews & Protestant (Zionists & Neocons) have never been mass-murderers??????
I never claimed they weren't. However, in this thread I'm only talking about the conflict between Israel and the Muzzie savages who are trying to destroy it.
As if there were no previous inhabitants, sure.
Every area on earth today had prior inhabitants.

The rules changed.
Tell that to India and Pakistan.
And the entire Muslim world.
And the Balkans.

Most Jewish Israelis moved there in the 20th century.

Most Indians, Pakistanis, and ex Yugoslav Serbs, Croats, and Bosniaks had been there for far, far, longer.
I think it’s wonderful when old timers are murdering each other for “god’s“ sake.
Do you see how stupid you look when you legitimize mass murder because, “Well, they always lived there”?
By the way, many of these populations were moved around post WWI and post WWII.
Most of the so-called "Palestinians" moved in after the 6-day war.

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