Is Israel's wall evil?

Israel's wall is:

  • Fine.

    Votes: 20 66.7%
  • Evil.

    Votes: 10 33.3%

  • Total voters
The word I would use to describe Israel's wall is "sensible"

It's the same word I use to describe the locks on the doors of my house.

Um... okay.. Do you have a bunch of people in your back yard you stole the house from? Because that would be the better analogy.

"I keep locks on my doors because the people I stole the house from are trapped in the back yard, and I only let them in once in a while to help me straighten up and hope they don't try to kill me."
Everything about the Zionist Entity is evil.

They are like abused children who grow up to be mass murderers.
When it comes to making a choice between civilization or a backwards murderous tribal cult like Islam, I always choose civilization.

Aren't you anti gay, TEl AVIV is the gay place to be on earth now.
They think Israel is evil. It's ok for them to admit it now. We are far enough away from the Temple shooting in Pittsburgh, so the left (including the left wing Jews), don't need to pretend to love them when they hate them.

So,.yes they do think it is evil. Along with all of Israel itself.

The shooting in Pittsburgh had nothing to do with the Zionist Entity.

And, yes, when you have a country that is predicated on stealing someone's land and treating them as second class citizens in their own country, that's "evil".

So let's look at this wall. This wall is to separate the contain the Palestinians into the shitty slums the Zionists let them keep while the Zionists take all the good land.

Zionist had that land 3,000 years ago. There are no Palestinians.

Palestine isn't a country.

Zionist didn't exist 3000 years ago, and we should call natives of a land they come from, that is why Palestinians are called Palestinians.
Actually not. The so-called "Palestinians" are from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Syria. Very few of them are native to the region.
You're defending people who strap bombs onto their children and send them into crowded restaurants to kill and maim dozens of people.

And you are defending people who bomb schools and hospitals.

So why is one bad and not the other.

Great movie, called "The Battle of Algiers", where the French capture a rebel and the press asks him why they put bombs in women's baskets... and he replies, 'Why do you drop bombs from airplanes? We'd happy trade our baskets for your planes."
The word I would use to describe Israel's wall is "sensible"

It's the same word I use to describe the locks on the doors of my house.

Um... okay.. Do you have a bunch of people in your back yard you stole the house from? Because that would be the better analogy.

"I keep locks on my doors because the people I stole the house from are trapped in the back yard, and I only let them in once in a while to help me straighten up and hope they don't try to kill me."
How do feel about the Syrian Occupation of Lebanon?
Saudi Arabia slaughtering Yemenites?
The Muslim nation that still engage in Black slavery?
You're defending people who strap bombs onto their children and send them into crowded restaurants to kill and maim dozens of people.

And you are defending people who bomb schools and hospitals.

So why is one bad and not the other.

Great movie, called "The Battle of Algiers", where the French capture a rebel and the press asks him why they put bombs in women's baskets... and he replies, 'Why do you drop bombs from airplanes? We'd happy trade our baskets for your planes."
And just why are those Gazans firing weapons from schools and hospitals?
The so-called Palestinians didn't exist until 1967. The Jews didn't steal anything, and certainly not from any so-called "Palestinians."

Really? Then why did Britain call the place the "Palestinian Mandate" when they took it over from Turkey in 1918?
The Romans named the area Palestine and the Christian Brits weren’t about to call it Yisroel.
Everything about the Zionist Entity is evil.

They are like abused children who grow up to be mass murderers.
When it comes to making a choice between civilization or a backwards murderous tribal cult like Islam, I always choose civilization.

Aren't you anti gay, TEl AVIV is the gay place to be on earth now.
They think Israel is evil. It's ok for them to admit it now. We are far enough away from the Temple shooting in Pittsburgh, so the left (including the left wing Jews), don't need to pretend to love them when they hate them.

So,.yes they do think it is evil. Along with all of Israel itself.

The shooting in Pittsburgh had nothing to do with the Zionist Entity.

And, yes, when you have a country that is predicated on stealing someone's land and treating them as second class citizens in their own country, that's "evil".

So let's look at this wall. This wall is to separate the contain the Palestinians into the shitty slums the Zionists let them keep while the Zionists take all the good land.

Zionist had that land 3,000 years ago. There are no Palestinians.

Palestine isn't a country.

Zionist didn't exist 3000 years ago, and we should call natives of a land they come from, that is why Palestinians are called Palestinians.

The Jews have been there since the time of Christ. The Romans defeated them.

Palestine isn't a country.

Who Are The Palestinians? | My Jewish Learning
Yes, Emperor Vespasian named the area Palestine.
Palestine was the Roman word for "Philistine," the ancestral enemies of the Jews.
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The word I would use to describe Israel's wall is "sensible"

It's the same word I use to describe the locks on the doors of my house.

Um... okay.. Do you have a bunch of people in your back yard you stole the house from? Because that would be the better analogy.

"I keep locks on my doors because the people I stole the house from are trapped in the back yard, and I only let them in once in a while to help me straighten up and hope they don't try to kill me."

What an utterly childish and dishonest characterization .
Everything about the Zionist Entity is evil.

They are like abused children who grow up to be mass murderers.
When it comes to making a choice between civilization or a backwards murderous tribal cult like Islam, I always choose civilization.

Aren't you anti gay, TEl AVIV is the gay place to be on earth now.
They think Israel is evil. It's ok for them to admit it now. We are far enough away from the Temple shooting in Pittsburgh, so the left (including the left wing Jews), don't need to pretend to love them when they hate them.

So,.yes they do think it is evil. Along with all of Israel itself.

The shooting in Pittsburgh had nothing to do with the Zionist Entity.

And, yes, when you have a country that is predicated on stealing someone's land and treating them as second class citizens in their own country, that's "evil".

So let's look at this wall. This wall is to separate the contain the Palestinians into the shitty slums the Zionists let them keep while the Zionists take all the good land.

Zionist had that land 3,000 years ago. There are no Palestinians.

Palestine isn't a country.

Zionist didn't exist 3000 years ago, and we should call natives of a land they come from, that is why Palestinians are called Palestinians.

The Jews have been there since the time of Christ. The Romans defeated them.

Palestine isn't a country.

Palestine was country till 1948 when Israel self declared themselves a country by stealing land and killing the inhabitants, and the people from there are Palestinians, the Canaanites that never left. You can compare the Palestinians the same as Native Americans in the US.

Wrong. Palestine was never a country. the so-called "Palestinians" are not from the area occupied by Israel. Virtually everything you know is wrong.
You're defending people who strap bombs onto their children and send them into crowded restaurants to kill and maim dozens of people.

And you are defending people who bomb schools and hospitals.

So why is one bad and not the other.

Great movie, called "The Battle of Algiers", where the French capture a rebel and the press asks him why they put bombs in women's baskets... and he replies, 'Why do you drop bombs from airplanes? We'd happy trade our baskets for your planes."

Muslims would never do anything like that. Religion of peace!
The so-called Palestinians didn't exist until 1967. The Jews didn't steal anything, and certainly not from any so-called "Palestinians."

Really? Then why did Britain call the place the "Palestinian Mandate" when they took it over from Turkey in 1918?
Palestine is a name the Romans gave to the region. There was never a country called "Palestine." The British simply adopted the Roman nomenclature.
Who promised them again?

According to their holy document, God did. They aren't going to give up their nation.

Which God.

So you finally decided to go full retard. Obviously, their God.

Their God?? God is generic. What is their God's name?? And what holy document?

Sure, what's next, God is gender neutral?

The so-called Palestinians didn't exist until 1967. The Jews didn't steal anything, and certainly not from any so-called "Palestinians."

Really? Then why did Britain call the place the "Palestinian Mandate" when they took it over from Turkey in 1918?
Palestine is a name the Romans gave to the region. There was never a country called "Palestine." The British simply adopted the Roman nomenclature.

There was ever since the Romans gave it the name, and by the way , the area was never called Israel and Judah is no more and was not for a long time.
Who promised them again?

According to their holy document, God did. They aren't going to give up their nation.

Which God.

So you finally decided to go full retard. Obviously, their God.

Their God?? God is generic. What is their God's name?? And what holy document?

Poor Penny, you don't believe in God and you don't believe in His word. That's fine, but it is a very silly thing to try and "debate" God while denying who others believe He is. You've already decided your "belief" system is superior to any other.

You are aware that God is a generic term. What holy document?
Trump's wall as we all know is supposed to be "evil". But what about Israel's wall? Shouldn't Israel have an open border?
No wall for Israel means total destruction for Israel -- that's what her enemies have sworn to bring about. No wall for America hastens her demise; that is proven every day. Pray for peace for Israel and for us, remember that our being allies with Israel means success for the United States of America.

…2I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. 3I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you; and all the families of the earth will be blessed through you.” .…Berean Study Bible

That is utter BS.
They think Israel is evil. It's ok for them to admit it now. We are far enough away from the Temple shooting in Pittsburgh, so the left (including the left wing Jews), don't need to pretend to love them when they hate them.

So,.yes they do think it is evil. Along with all of Israel itself.

The shooting in Pittsburgh had nothing to do with the Zionist Entity.

And, yes, when you have a country that is predicated on stealing someone's land and treating them as second class citizens in their own country, that's "evil".

So let's look at this wall. This wall is to separate the contain the Palestinians into the shitty slums the Zionists let them keep while the Zionists take all the good land.

Conquest is not theft
They think Israel is evil. It's ok for them to admit it now. We are far enough away from the Temple shooting in Pittsburgh, so the left (including the left wing Jews), don't need to pretend to love them when they hate them.

So,.yes they do think it is evil. Along with all of Israel itself.

The shooting in Pittsburgh had nothing to do with the Zionist Entity.

And, yes, when you have a country that is predicated on stealing someone's land and treating them as second class citizens in their own country, that's "evil".

So let's look at this wall. This wall is to separate the contain the Palestinians into the shitty slums the Zionists let them keep while the Zionists take all the good land.

Conquest is not theft

Conquest is by military invasion. You just admitted there were people there to conquest, and without money , Zionist and Evangelical, you would of never defeated them.

noun: conquest
  1. the subjugation and assumption of control of a place or people by use of military force.
    "the conquest of the Aztecs by the Spanish"
    synonyms: defeat, vanquishment, annihilation, overthrow, subjugation, rout, mastery, crushing; More
    victory over, triumph over;
    "the conquest of the Aztecs"
    seizure, takeover, capture, occupation, invasion, acquisition, appropriation, subjugation, subjection
    "their conquest of the valley"
    • a territory that has been gained by the use of subjugation and military force.
      plural noun: conquests
      "colonial conquests"
    • the invasion and assumption of control of England by William of Normandy in 1066.
      singular proper noun: Conquest; noun: the Conquest
    • the overcoming of a problem or weakness.
      "the conquest of inflation"
    • a person whose affection or favor has been won.
The so-called Palestinians didn't exist until 1967. The Jews didn't steal anything, and certainly not from any so-called "Palestinians."

Really? Then why did Britain call the place the "Palestinian Mandate" when they took it over from Turkey in 1918?
Palestine is a name the Romans gave to the region. There was never a country called "Palestine." The British simply adopted the Roman nomenclature.

There was ever since the Romans gave it the name, and by the way , the area was never called Israel and Judah is no more and was not for a long time.
There was a region on a map the Romans called Palestine. There was never any nation of Palestine, nor was there ever a people called Palestinians. The people you now call Palestinians aren't native to the region.
According to their holy document, God did. They aren't going to give up their nation.

Which God.

So you finally decided to go full retard. Obviously, their God.

Their God?? God is generic. What is their God's name?? And what holy document?

Poor Penny, you don't believe in God and you don't believe in His word. That's fine, but it is a very silly thing to try and "debate" God while denying who others believe He is. You've already decided your "belief" system is superior to any other.

You are aware that God is a generic term. What holy document?

There he is playing sub 60 IQ again. The real numbers don't look much better.

Everyone here knows that even you know what was meant by the reference. God - that which you hate more than anything else.

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