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Is it any wonder why Republicans lost?

Avatar4321 said:
No you arent getting. Democrats had to run to the right of Republicans to win. You telling me they were voting for "moderates" no they were voting for conservatives.
Yea, that's arguably the most riddiculous statement I've ever heard in politics. A Democrat running to the right of a Republican? Seriously?

Certainly didn't happen to you vaunted Santorum. How'd your prediction there turn out by the way?
No you arent getting. Democrats had to run to the right of Republicans to win. You telling me they were voting for "moderates" no they were voting for conservatives.

You mean those Democrat "conservatives", handpicked by the DNC that won? They'll have the talk with their leadership.

Talent lost because of ESCR? No, that doesn't explain other Republican losses in other states.

But neither does the fact that amendments banning on gay marriage passed in ten states. If yesterday was a shift to the left, it sure wasn't on that issue.
Yea, that's arguably the most riddiculous statement I've ever heard in politics. A Democrat running to the right of a Republican? Seriously?

Certainly didn't happen to you vaunted Santorum. How'd your prediction there turn out by the way?

could you fix your post? I didn't make the statement! :firing:
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Name a dem who ran to the right of a repub....

That's absurd.

Casey, Ford, Webb.

Casey didn't campaign much, but one of the areas Casey emphasized was that Santorum was weak on Immigration. Total BS, but still he ran on tougher immigration.
avatar your mistake is you think that everyone voted based on the issues YOU say the moderate dems ran to the right on.. Did you ever think people voted Democrat just because they are against the war ? Ever think of that ? I believe most of the people voted Dem mainly because of Iraq. You can sit back and believe it was because all of these little sub-issues if you want.. fact is this nation is mostly democrat now.

If you look at the presidential election the Democratic candidate got MORE individual votes...They just lost the electoral vote... So based on that I dont see how you can say this nation is Conservative..
There were several democrats that most definately belonged on the other side of the aisle, but be that as it may, they weren't.

Now for the reason so many didn't vote or voted cynically like myself in some cases, the following sums it up, but there is more at the site:


When Republicans worry more about staying in government than about limiting government, they get thrown out of government. That's the lesson of Nov. 7, 2006.
Umm...that is just a blog by some nutjob...but sure ..you can call that fact if you want...whatever.
:laugh: You are so funny. :crutch:

What's so funny about what he said, Kathianne? I wouldn't call the guy a nutjob, but he is just a blogger with an opinion that's worth no more and no less than anyone else's opinion. So I'm not really sure why you think it's compelling. Surely your opinion or mine is equally valid.
What's so funny about what he said, Kathianne? I wouldn't call the guy a nutjob, but he is just a blogger with an opinion that's worth no more and no less than anyone else's opinion. So I'm not really sure why you think it's compelling. Surely your opinion or mine is equally valid.

Considering neither you or Tbore are part of the 'party', I don't expect that you would bother to read what that was about. It had shit to do with politics, other than internal to GOP. But hey, whatever floats your boat.

There was 0, zippo, nada, to do with any 'fact', it was about how the administration ran the administration. Opinion, editorial, blog post. Compelling? Only for discussion.
Considering neither you or Tbore are part of the 'party', I don't expect that you would bother to read what that was about. It had shit to do with politics, other than internal to GOP. But hey, whatever floats your boat.

There was 0, zippo, nada, to do with any 'fact', it was about how the administration ran the administration. Opinion, editorial, blog post. Compelling? Only for discussion.

Nope... I don't read blogger's spewings... whether left or right. Like I said, just opinion. And if you think yesterday's loss was "internal to the GOP", it's just more proof that you guys haven't quite gotten that the reason you lost really had little to do with the GOP or the Dems... It had to do with the independents and libertarians who figured your guys weren't doing anything that had any results and were running up lots of national debt in the process cause you're so focused on Karl Rove's "base" and the Jesus strategy that you lost the normal people. It had to do with Bush and the arrogance of power that allowed him to think he could do whatever he wanted without checks and balances and without the balance of power....

You lost for lots of reasons... the GOP not being "conservative" enough isn't in the top ten of the hit parade... unless you mean that they were offensive in spending like a bunch of drunken sailors.

Like I said... his opinion has no more value than anyone elses and, frankly, I'd find your opinion more interesting than his... for discussion purposes.
Nope... I don't read blogger's spewings... whether left or right. Like I said, just opinion. And if you think yesterday's loss was "internal to the GOP", it's just more proof that you guys haven't quite gotten that the reason you lost really had little to do with the GOP or the Dems... It had to do with the independents and libertarians who figured your guys weren't doing anything that had any results and were running up lots of national debt in the process cause you're so focused on Karl Rove's "base" and the Jesus strategy that you lost the normal people. It had to do with Bush and the arrogance of power that allowed him to think he could do whatever he wanted without checks and balances and without the balance of power....

You lost for lots of reasons... the GOP not being "conservative" enough isn't in the top ten of the hit parade... unless you mean that they were offensive in spending like a bunch of drunken sailors.

Like I said... his opinion has no more value than anyone elses and, frankly, I'd find your opinion more interesting than his... for discussion purposes.

Jillian, I was not speaking of 'why we lost', I was speaking about why Republicans may not have voted, or why they didn't vote Republican. Then again, you wouldn't know, would you? Because you are too intelligent and 'unbiased' to read something, just comment on it. You too are funny.
You guys still don't get it... you didn't lose because you weren't "conservative" enough.... you lost because you were too extremist.

The middle has spoken.
The "middle" has spoken? Perhaps, but then the Democrats did a great job of demonizing everything the Republicans did and trying to pass themselves off as moderates. In other words, the "middle" just got taken for a ride.

Since when is partial birth abortion, gay marriage and harvesting embryos for research something that the "middle" wants?

The Republicans lost because they acted too much like Democrats and tried too hard to work with them. But, I don't think you'll see it that way. Anyway, for someone who is going to be paying a lot more in taxes, you're awfully happy....

I can't wait for that tax on the Middle Class that Pelosi and her henchmen are going to come up with. When Pelosi and her gang take away that "tax cut for the rich", your taxes are going to go up, too, just like mine and everyone else's.

The Minimum wage bill, that will make domestic labor in this country more expensive and outsourcing more attractive. I hear a large whooshing sounds of jobs going to India and China. The unemployment rate will be inching up....

Kiss that Dow Jones Average goodbye...

Immigration reform --- look to Europe and the problems there, that's us in 30 years.

Then, there will be the endless kangaroo courts, political shows for the next two years. Nancy Pelosi and her pals fancy themselves as Bush's proctologist. They'll try to insinuate wrong doing, they'll try to connect dots... of course, they won't believe any of it... but they'll have accomplished their purpose, make Bush look bad. More than likely, those investigations will prove nothing, but hey... it's going to be great theater. The Democrats are poised to spend an order of magnitude more on investigations than Ken Starr ever did. And it will divert attention from the fact that the Democrats won't be doing anything differently than the Republicans, and actually, they'll probably be worse.

And the deficit? We'll be seeing that rise once the tax cuts not only for the Middle Class , but probably on capital gains vanish too.

Of course, the spending spree hasn't yet started, but I figure, the Dems will be definitely do what they do best.

And the War on Terror? If the Patriot Act goes, don't bet on an attack on American soil, bet on a bunch of them. I can see another 9/11 coming and it will have "Democrat" written all over it.

Of course, all of that won't matter any longer, because the Dems will be back in power and eventually they'll show their true colors.

Oh, BTW.... why is that when Democrats win, the people have spoken, but when the lose, it's another stolen election?
The middle JUST got taken for a ride ? WTF ?? Did I miss something , has it been happy times living in the land of chocolate for the middle class the last 6 years ? The Middle class has been getting royally screwed the last several years by lobbyists, declining wages, crappy pension plans, etc... I mean just do a google search on "Middle Class Getting Screwed" Im sure you will find plenty of articles during 05-06. So please tell me again how the middle class JUST got screwed.

The "middle" has spoken? Perhaps, but then the Democrats did a great job of demonizing everything the Republicans did and trying to pass themselves off as moderates. In other words, the "middle" just got taken for a ride.
avatar your mistake is you think that everyone voted based on the issues YOU say the moderate dems ran to the right on.. Did you ever think people voted Democrat just because they are against the war ? Ever think of that ? I believe most of the people voted Dem mainly because of Iraq. You can sit back and believe it was because all of these little sub-issues if you want.. fact is this nation is mostly democrat now.

If you look at the presidential election the Democratic candidate got MORE individual votes...They just lost the electoral vote... So based on that I dont see how you can say this nation is Conservative..

The last presidential election i saw had Bush with 3 million more votes than Kerry. So don't know where you got that from.
You guys still don't get it... you didn't lose because you weren't "conservative" enough.... you lost because you were too extremist.

The middle has spoken.

GMAFB. You're about as "middle" as my left hand.

Republican lost because they acted like tittybabies because they aren't getting everything they want how they want it from a Republican government, so they either abstained or voted Democrats.

In true Democrat-like fashion, the Republicans self-destructed. It's how Clinton got into office, and it's how Dems regained control of Congress.

Problem is, you STILL don't have enough to override a Presidential veto. Sucks, doesn't it?
Yeap..your right...it was the year before he was the minority president...but I still believe IRAQ has switched alot of voters minds. People arent as scared as they were in 04. The FEAR factor wasnt in effect so the republicans couldnt really play that card as much. The IRAQ war was the reason the republicans lost. This whole , we didnt get the message out is BS..They did.. Americans just dont accept it.
The "middle" has spoken? Perhaps, but then the Democrats did a great job of demonizing everything the Republicans did and trying to pass themselves off as moderates. In other words, the "middle" just got taken for a ride.

I have a feeling i'll often be repeating this in various ways in the following weeks. When one party controlls the White House, Senate, and House everything good and everything bad that happens falls squarely on their shoulders. The Democrats did not have to demonize anything, all they had to do was say "Look what 6 years of unrestrained Republican power has gotten you. Are you happy with the results?". The answer would appear to be no.

Since when is partial birth abortion, gay marriage and harvesting embryos for research something that the "middle" wants?

1. Most Americans are pro-choice.
2. Most states have passed their own laws WRT to gay marriage / civil unions. The issue isn't really on the table anymore (no more windfalls like you had in '04, sorry).
3. Most Americans support stem cell research, even the embryonic kind.

Don't confuse the middle with higher turnouts among hard right evangelicals.

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