Is it fair to blame junk food companies for people being overweight?

Observe what Fat people eat then don't eat that. Don't go where the Buffalos roam (and graze): Country Buffet, Fast Food Joints, etc.

Fat Person: "I don't eat much. It's Genetic."
Not Fat Person: "Oh so your body changes Oxygen into Fat?"

There are people with screwed up thyroids.

And then are those without any medical condition whatsoever than simply want to blame someone else for what is their fault.

No doubt there...
I never said that but like most debates what I say and what you hear are two different things.

You want to make this all about personal responsibility ONLY and pretend that food available, for cheap has nothing to do with it.

Everyone agrees its each persons responsibility...not sure why you keep punching that strawman. But to say everyone has gotten less responsible (which cannot be measured) and not that the worst foods are cheaper and readily available all over (which can be measured) is simply silly

If it's each person's responsibility, saying they are worse and readily available means nothing. It's still the person that chooses whether to actually eat them. The product shouldn't be blamed because the person can't say no.

Got it, access and availability means nothing. Fascinating

There are lots of things to which people have access every day. Some choose to use them and some don't. In the end, whether or not they get used is based on the person choosing or not choosing to use them. If people didn't choose to do so there would be no need for them to exist.

Could you please type out for me that something being accessible is no different than something that is not? I want a new signature and that would be perfect

Availability does not equate to use.

Dude, can you just say availability doesnt matter or not? No one said it equates to anything

Something could be readily available but using it is based on a choice by the user. I don't drink but beer is readily available and only something I could drink if I chose to do so.

Do you have at least one of everything available to buy? If you don't, you've proven my claim and disproven yours that mere availability equals use. I completely agree that if something isn't available people can't use it. What you seem to be claiming is that because someone is, people using it is based solely on it's availability and nothing to do with their choice to do so.

No what you are doing is saying its personal choice (which NO ONE DISAGREES WITH) and saying it CANNOT be anything else.

I'm saying there are multiple are saying there is only one.
It comes down to personal choices. I don't know ANYWHERE in America where ONLY unhealthy food is available so its all a MOOT POINT.
It seems that the point of this documentary is to point the finger at junk food companies and the claim is that they are responsible for people being overweight and that it's not fair to hold the individuals responsible. I really thought it was widely known that junk food just isn't healthy and that eating too much food is not a good idea. Grocery stores carry just about everything, from cookies to spinach. When you have children, and especially when you take them shopping with you, avoiding certain aisles is always a good move. No need to go down the candy aisle. While junk food abounds, there is also a produce section, fresh lean meats, fish and even diet meals and sugar-free items. It is a matter of personal choice. We can stop ourselves from gaining too much weight unless there is some condition that actually puts weight on no matter what.

I think people know better. I believe people develop bad habits and they are hard to break. Children especially don't want to eat carrots after they get a taste for candy, but that is on the parents. It's not ignorance so much as a lack of willpower. And the liberals in this documentary don't want people blaming obesity on lack of willpower or lack of exercise. But people know that what they are eating is bad for them and they keep doing it. I am interested to know what government intends to do to help them. If they really don't believe that people can help themselves, then clearing the store shelves of all junk food would seem to be their preferred method, but then they would no longer have nasty junk food companies to blame and if the problem was still there, then what? I would rather parents take that stand and clear the junk from their own kitchens. After all, the kids will eat those apples when they get hungry enough. Unfortunately, that hasn't happened so some nanny government supporters would like to take on the role of head of the household, all the while blaming companies for the problem with poor eating habits.

Michelle Obama's new lunch program isn't real popular with a lot of people. Of course, that is because some items are boring to people and the portions are skimpy. All that will happen is that students will eat twice as much when they get home and the school lunch won't help in the fight against obesity. Only parents who pass good habits onto their children will make a difference. I am guessing that some in government believe that it's necessary to change people by force, after junk food companies are either sued or taxed to death to pay for new programs. Have no fear, they don't want to ban sugar or junk food. Got to have those bad people around to take the blame when people find themselves supersized. They just want to make sure that the companies pay big bucks to atone for the fact that they exist in the first place and because they cajoled people into eating too much sugar and fat. And if you want to buy sugar, that's great, but it'll cost you. You can just never have enough taxes in liberal utopias.

Sugar Is Evil and Other Silly Claims in the Obesity Wars

Of course not.
The federal government is responsible for most obesity.

It allows ignorant people to spend "food-stamp" money on damn near anything, and it gives the kids two free meals a day, 180 days a year, with summer feeding programs in many places too.

People who get food assistance should get healthy commodities in bulk, and only be allowed to buy healthy whole foods, and dairy products with the food-stamps.

No more chips, cakes, cookies, ice-cream, sodas, etc.

Yeah, cuz that's the American way.

Maybe you could get a Constitutional amendment, forcing poor people to only eat foods RWs approve of.

The federal govt does not force people to shove sugary, fatty food in their mouth.

Most food stamps recipients are the elderly and children. Food stamp amounts do not allow for the purchase of high quality food. They eat the crap at McDonald's because that's what they can afford.

We are human beings. We should not allow fellow human beings to go hungry or to be forced to eat fat food like the great American diet.

As long as we force people ton live on next to nothing, we will continue to have high rates of heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, kidney and liver disease and cancer.

What exactly stops people from receiving food stamps from buying healthy food?

Ignorance and the fact that the purchase of crap food with foodstamps is allowed.
If it's each person's responsibility, saying they are worse and readily available means nothing. It's still the person that chooses whether to actually eat them. The product shouldn't be blamed because the person can't say no.

Got it, access and availability means nothing. Fascinating

There are lots of things to which people have access every day. Some choose to use them and some don't. In the end, whether or not they get used is based on the person choosing or not choosing to use them. If people didn't choose to do so there would be no need for them to exist.

Could you please type out for me that something being accessible is no different than something that is not? I want a new signature and that would be perfect

Availability does not equate to use.

Dude, can you just say availability doesnt matter or not? No one said it equates to anything

Something could be readily available but using it is based on a choice by the user. I don't drink but beer is readily available and only something I could drink if I chose to do so.

Do you have at least one of everything available to buy? If you don't, you've proven my claim and disproven yours that mere availability equals use. I completely agree that if something isn't available people can't use it. What you seem to be claiming is that because someone is, people using it is based solely on it's availability and nothing to do with their choice to do so.

No what you are doing is saying its personal choice (which NO ONE DISAGREES WITH) and saying it CANNOT be anything else.

I'm saying there are multiple are saying there is only one.

Ultimately, there is only one that matters. Just because something is available does not mean someone has to buy it. They buy it by choice.

If someone left their car running would you get into it and take it? If you say no, you've discounted any claim you have that availability amounts to anything. Sure, people can't buy something unless it is available. However, that doesn't mean they have to. If they do, they do it by choice not because it's there.
It comes down to personal choices. I don't know ANYWHERE in America where ONLY unhealthy food is available so its all a MOOT POINT.

See? The Simpleton approach. No one said only anything was available Master Strawman Architect

The Simpleton approach blames an inanimate object for something when it can't do a damn thing unless someone does something with it. Bet you blame guns for killing people.
It comes down to personal choices. I don't know ANYWHERE in America where ONLY unhealthy food is available so its all a MOOT POINT.

See? The Simpleton approach. No one said only anything was available Master Strawman Architect

The Simpleton approach blames an inanimate object for something when it can't do a damn thing unless someone does something with it. Bet you blame guns for killing people.

Guns and other factors but now I know that considering more than one option is being closed minded :rolleyes:
Dude, can you just say availability doesnt matter or not? No one said it equates to anything

If you say that availability is why someone does something, you're saying it's on an equal level to the choice a person makes of whether or not to do it.
It comes down to personal choices. I don't know ANYWHERE in America where ONLY unhealthy food is available so its all a MOOT POINT.

See? The Simpleton approach. No one said only anything was available Master Strawman Architect

The Simpleton approach blames an inanimate object for something when it can't do a damn thing unless someone does something with it. Bet you blame guns for killing people.

Guns and other factors but now I know that considering more than one option is being closed minded :rolleyes:

You confuse factors with causes.

Considering something that is a passive, inanimate object as a cause when it can't play role other than someone choosing to use it is simpleminded.
Why did you want one? Yes it is based on what some company tells you should have. Let me guess. You have a Mac?

I can lay blame at the companies feet as well because I know what they do to create a habit or addition on purpose with their product. Think about the great example of the cigarette companies. They are not the only ones that do this.

I had decided to own a computer because I liked using one at work. No, I don't own a Mac. When I opted to buy one the first time, truth is I went with the cheapest one. No company ever told me I should have one back then. Plenty of commercials now try to tell me I need this or that. So far, no effect. I was never one to try and keep up with the Jones' like many people. I think that seeing other people with stuff is the biggest reason some people opt to buy new stuff.

I was interested from the start in computers and thought they were awesome. I like technology, though never got into video games. Somehow, the multitude of commercials couldn't convince me that I should buy one. I have had the same vehicle for nearly 20 years. All those commercials for the latest fancy models have not gotten me into a dealer even though I could trade my current vehicle in for a new one. Even friends suggest that it's time for a new one. Sorry, I do what I like.

I use my computer for work to this day. It's a good thing to have and no one twisted my arm. Just like no one has to convince me that I should buy a winter coat, cat food, eggs or toilet paper. Some things you need and you find the best deal. Commercials aren't likely to direct you to the best deal and should be ignored. Doing your own homework is always the way to go.
So if you dont own a Mac then you have been marketed to and fallen for it. Its ok because most of the things we do is guided by marketing. The PC is one of the biggest examples of marketing there is. There are other cheaper and better OS's out there than Windows. Bill Gates just happened to be the one that marketed his stuff better. Your job helped with the marketing by providing you with a PC at work instead of a more efficient system. They didnt have to say a word. They just let you develop the habit of using one instead of another system. The best marketing acts on you at a subconscious level. You dont feel as if someone twisted your arm. They just told you what you wanted to hear and gave you the illusion you made the decision on your own. If you have your own personal tracking device you that you pay for then thats another example of marketing.

Not everyone is totally controlled but you better believe everyone is affected and controlled to some extent by marketing.

There is a difference between affected and controlled. Affected involves the person making the decision. Controlled involved someone else making it for you. Don't confuse factors with causes.
Observe what Fat people eat then don't eat that. Don't go where the Buffalos roam (and graze): Country Buffet, Fast Food Joints, etc.

Fat Person: "I don't eat much. It's Genetic."
Not Fat Person: "Oh so your body changes Oxygen into Fat?"

There are people with screwed up thyroids.
yeah, how many and are they responsible for ALL the fat people?

Of course not. Most of em are just lazy pigs.
Go to Golden Corral, and watch the fatties pile it on and scarf it down.

I only go when they have the lobster tails, and I tell ya, looking at the fatties makes it hard to eat.

I bet those who want to blame the ones making something available as the cause of being fat don't take into account that the people you mention make the CHOICE to go back 3, 4, or more times.
Its just as fair as the left's tactics of going after gun manufacturers.

If you are a leftist, anything is "fair" if it furthers your political goals.

you're conflating unrelated things.

but that's what rightwingnuts like doing.
ten to one all the people whining about government limiting things like salt and requiring disclosre of nutritional content want government to tell people who they can marry and what they can do with their bodies.
Why did you want one? Yes it is based on what some company tells you should have. Let me guess. You have a Mac?

I can lay blame at the companies feet as well because I know what they do to create a habit or addition on purpose with their product. Think about the great example of the cigarette companies. They are not the only ones that do this.

I had decided to own a computer because I liked using one at work. No, I don't own a Mac. When I opted to buy one the first time, truth is I went with the cheapest one. No company ever told me I should have one back then. Plenty of commercials now try to tell me I need this or that. So far, no effect. I was never one to try and keep up with the Jones' like many people. I think that seeing other people with stuff is the biggest reason some people opt to buy new stuff.

I was interested from the start in computers and thought they were awesome. I like technology, though never got into video games. Somehow, the multitude of commercials couldn't convince me that I should buy one. I have had the same vehicle for nearly 20 years. All those commercials for the latest fancy models have not gotten me into a dealer even though I could trade my current vehicle in for a new one. Even friends suggest that it's time for a new one. Sorry, I do what I like.

I use my computer for work to this day. It's a good thing to have and no one twisted my arm. Just like no one has to convince me that I should buy a winter coat, cat food, eggs or toilet paper. Some things you need and you find the best deal. Commercials aren't likely to direct you to the best deal and should be ignored. Doing your own homework is always the way to go.
So if you dont own a Mac then you have been marketed to and fallen for it. Its ok because most of the things we do is guided by marketing. The PC is one of the biggest examples of marketing there is. There are other cheaper and better OS's out there than Windows. Bill Gates just happened to be the one that marketed his stuff better. Your job helped with the marketing by providing you with a PC at work instead of a more efficient system. They didnt have to say a word. They just let you develop the habit of using one instead of another system. The best marketing acts on you at a subconscious level. You dont feel as if someone twisted your arm. They just told you what you wanted to hear and gave you the illusion you made the decision on your own. If you have your own personal tracking device you that you pay for then thats another example of marketing.

Not everyone is totally controlled but you better believe everyone is affected and controlled to some extent by marketing.

There is a difference between affected and controlled. Affected involves the person making the decision. Controlled involved someone else making it for you. Don't confuse factors with causes.
Thats why I listed both words. Not only are you affected you are also controlled. Power consists of someone prescribing the limits of your actions and giving you the illusion you are making your own decisions. If you werent being controlled you wouldnt be on the internet.
It comes down to personal choices. I don't know ANYWHERE in America where ONLY unhealthy food is available so its all a MOOT POINT.

There are a couple of obscure places in America we call "convenience stores". Try that.
It comes down to personal choices. I don't know ANYWHERE in America where ONLY unhealthy food is available so its all a MOOT POINT.

There are a couple of obscure places in America we call "convenience stores". Try that.

Ok, then don't go there. I've never been forced to eat food from a gas station. It was always my choice to do so. My God, just because it's close means we have no choice? WTF?
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Why did you want one? Yes it is based on what some company tells you should have. Let me guess. You have a Mac?

I can lay blame at the companies feet as well because I know what they do to create a habit or addition on purpose with their product. Think about the great example of the cigarette companies. They are not the only ones that do this.

I had decided to own a computer because I liked using one at work. No, I don't own a Mac. When I opted to buy one the first time, truth is I went with the cheapest one. No company ever told me I should have one back then. Plenty of commercials now try to tell me I need this or that. So far, no effect. I was never one to try and keep up with the Jones' like many people. I think that seeing other people with stuff is the biggest reason some people opt to buy new stuff.

I was interested from the start in computers and thought they were awesome. I like technology, though never got into video games. Somehow, the multitude of commercials couldn't convince me that I should buy one. I have had the same vehicle for nearly 20 years. All those commercials for the latest fancy models have not gotten me into a dealer even though I could trade my current vehicle in for a new one. Even friends suggest that it's time for a new one. Sorry, I do what I like.

I use my computer for work to this day. It's a good thing to have and no one twisted my arm. Just like no one has to convince me that I should buy a winter coat, cat food, eggs or toilet paper. Some things you need and you find the best deal. Commercials aren't likely to direct you to the best deal and should be ignored. Doing your own homework is always the way to go.
So if you dont own a Mac then you have been marketed to and fallen for it. Its ok because most of the things we do is guided by marketing. The PC is one of the biggest examples of marketing there is. There are other cheaper and better OS's out there than Windows. Bill Gates just happened to be the one that marketed his stuff better. Your job helped with the marketing by providing you with a PC at work instead of a more efficient system. They didnt have to say a word. They just let you develop the habit of using one instead of another system. The best marketing acts on you at a subconscious level. You dont feel as if someone twisted your arm. They just told you what you wanted to hear and gave you the illusion you made the decision on your own. If you have your own personal tracking device you that you pay for then thats another example of marketing.

Not everyone is totally controlled but you better believe everyone is affected and controlled to some extent by marketing.

There is a difference between affected and controlled. Affected involves the person making the decision. Controlled involved someone else making it for you. Don't confuse factors with causes.
Thats why I listed both words. Not only are you affected you are also controlled. Power consists of someone prescribing the limits of your actions and giving you the illusion you are making your own decisions. If you werent being controlled you wouldnt be on the internet.

If I didn't want to be on the internet, I wouldn't be here. NO ONE is making me be here. I CHOOSE to do so.

Power involves convincing you that you have no choice in the matter. Seems you've been controlled.
Why did you want one? Yes it is based on what some company tells you should have. Let me guess. You have a Mac?

I can lay blame at the companies feet as well because I know what they do to create a habit or addition on purpose with their product. Think about the great example of the cigarette companies. They are not the only ones that do this.

I had decided to own a computer because I liked using one at work. No, I don't own a Mac. When I opted to buy one the first time, truth is I went with the cheapest one. No company ever told me I should have one back then. Plenty of commercials now try to tell me I need this or that. So far, no effect. I was never one to try and keep up with the Jones' like many people. I think that seeing other people with stuff is the biggest reason some people opt to buy new stuff.

I was interested from the start in computers and thought they were awesome. I like technology, though never got into video games. Somehow, the multitude of commercials couldn't convince me that I should buy one. I have had the same vehicle for nearly 20 years. All those commercials for the latest fancy models have not gotten me into a dealer even though I could trade my current vehicle in for a new one. Even friends suggest that it's time for a new one. Sorry, I do what I like.

I use my computer for work to this day. It's a good thing to have and no one twisted my arm. Just like no one has to convince me that I should buy a winter coat, cat food, eggs or toilet paper. Some things you need and you find the best deal. Commercials aren't likely to direct you to the best deal and should be ignored. Doing your own homework is always the way to go.
So if you dont own a Mac then you have been marketed to and fallen for it. Its ok because most of the things we do is guided by marketing. The PC is one of the biggest examples of marketing there is. There are other cheaper and better OS's out there than Windows. Bill Gates just happened to be the one that marketed his stuff better. Your job helped with the marketing by providing you with a PC at work instead of a more efficient system. They didnt have to say a word. They just let you develop the habit of using one instead of another system. The best marketing acts on you at a subconscious level. You dont feel as if someone twisted your arm. They just told you what you wanted to hear and gave you the illusion you made the decision on your own. If you have your own personal tracking device you that you pay for then thats another example of marketing.

Not everyone is totally controlled but you better believe everyone is affected and controlled to some extent by marketing.

There is a difference between affected and controlled. Affected involves the person making the decision. Controlled involved someone else making it for you. Don't confuse factors with causes.
Thats why I listed both words. Not only are you affected you are also controlled. Power consists of someone prescribing the limits of your actions and giving you the illusion you are making your own decisions. If you werent being controlled you wouldnt be on the internet.

If I didn't want to be on the internet, I wouldn't be here. NO ONE is making me be here. I CHOOSE to do so.

Power involves convincing you that you have no choice in the matter. Seems you've been controlled.
You were convinced to be here. You didnt choose to. The power is on display when you claim you made the choice. You knew nothing about the internet until it was marketed to you.
I had decided to own a computer because I liked using one at work. No, I don't own a Mac. When I opted to buy one the first time, truth is I went with the cheapest one. No company ever told me I should have one back then. Plenty of commercials now try to tell me I need this or that. So far, no effect. I was never one to try and keep up with the Jones' like many people. I think that seeing other people with stuff is the biggest reason some people opt to buy new stuff.

I was interested from the start in computers and thought they were awesome. I like technology, though never got into video games. Somehow, the multitude of commercials couldn't convince me that I should buy one. I have had the same vehicle for nearly 20 years. All those commercials for the latest fancy models have not gotten me into a dealer even though I could trade my current vehicle in for a new one. Even friends suggest that it's time for a new one. Sorry, I do what I like.

I use my computer for work to this day. It's a good thing to have and no one twisted my arm. Just like no one has to convince me that I should buy a winter coat, cat food, eggs or toilet paper. Some things you need and you find the best deal. Commercials aren't likely to direct you to the best deal and should be ignored. Doing your own homework is always the way to go.
So if you dont own a Mac then you have been marketed to and fallen for it. Its ok because most of the things we do is guided by marketing. The PC is one of the biggest examples of marketing there is. There are other cheaper and better OS's out there than Windows. Bill Gates just happened to be the one that marketed his stuff better. Your job helped with the marketing by providing you with a PC at work instead of a more efficient system. They didnt have to say a word. They just let you develop the habit of using one instead of another system. The best marketing acts on you at a subconscious level. You dont feel as if someone twisted your arm. They just told you what you wanted to hear and gave you the illusion you made the decision on your own. If you have your own personal tracking device you that you pay for then thats another example of marketing.

Not everyone is totally controlled but you better believe everyone is affected and controlled to some extent by marketing.

There is a difference between affected and controlled. Affected involves the person making the decision. Controlled involved someone else making it for you. Don't confuse factors with causes.
Thats why I listed both words. Not only are you affected you are also controlled. Power consists of someone prescribing the limits of your actions and giving you the illusion you are making your own decisions. If you werent being controlled you wouldnt be on the internet.

If I didn't want to be on the internet, I wouldn't be here. NO ONE is making me be here. I CHOOSE to do so.

Power involves convincing you that you have no choice in the matter. Seems you've been controlled.
You were convinced to be here. You didnt choose to. The power is on display when you claim you made the choice. You knew nothing about the internet until it was marketed to you.

I chose to be here. There are other ways that I can do what I'm doing. If I want to send a letter, I can send it to someone through the USPS or I can send it through email. One takes longer than the other but dependent upon the purpose or receiver, I choose which method I use. That isn't controlling although the end result is a factor is that choice. Either ways it's a choice.

I knew nothing about a lot of product/services until they were marketed. Some I choose to use, some I don't. If I had no choice, I would use the last one for which I saw and advertisement or marketing was provided.
So if you dont own a Mac then you have been marketed to and fallen for it. Its ok because most of the things we do is guided by marketing. The PC is one of the biggest examples of marketing there is. There are other cheaper and better OS's out there than Windows. Bill Gates just happened to be the one that marketed his stuff better. Your job helped with the marketing by providing you with a PC at work instead of a more efficient system. They didnt have to say a word. They just let you develop the habit of using one instead of another system. The best marketing acts on you at a subconscious level. You dont feel as if someone twisted your arm. They just told you what you wanted to hear and gave you the illusion you made the decision on your own. If you have your own personal tracking device you that you pay for then thats another example of marketing.

Not everyone is totally controlled but you better believe everyone is affected and controlled to some extent by marketing.

There is a difference between affected and controlled. Affected involves the person making the decision. Controlled involved someone else making it for you. Don't confuse factors with causes.
Thats why I listed both words. Not only are you affected you are also controlled. Power consists of someone prescribing the limits of your actions and giving you the illusion you are making your own decisions. If you werent being controlled you wouldnt be on the internet.

If I didn't want to be on the internet, I wouldn't be here. NO ONE is making me be here. I CHOOSE to do so.

Power involves convincing you that you have no choice in the matter. Seems you've been controlled.
You were convinced to be here. You didnt choose to. The power is on display when you claim you made the choice. You knew nothing about the internet until it was marketed to you.

I chose to be here. There are other ways that I can do what I'm doing. If I want to send a letter, I can send it to someone through the USPS or I can send it through email. One takes longer than the other but dependent upon the purpose or receiver, I choose which method I use. That isn't controlling although the end result is a factor is that choice. Either ways it's a choice.

I knew nothing about a lot of product/services until they were marketed. Some I choose to use, some I don't. If I had no choice, I would use the last one for which I saw and advertisement or marketing was provided.
You chose to be here but you didnt choose to be on the internet. It was marketed to you. You tried it out and here you are on the internet claiming marketing has nothing to do with your choices. Dont you find that ironic?

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