Is it fair to blame junk food companies for people being overweight?

It's your own fault if you're fat. PERIOD.

I'm fixing to have chili cheese fries and a hot dog for dinner. But not from some shitty fast food restaurant, homemade so I can somewhat control the ingredients, AND tomorrow I'll be up at 5 AM getting ready for my morning run.

I eat whatever I want and at age 43 weigh 5 pounds more than I did when I graduated high school.

Excuse me Bear but, obesity is not and never has been simply a matter or personal control. There are genetic, biochemical, as well as microbiological reasons why people become obese. I would point you to links but I seriously doubt that you are interested in reading up on the matter, so I will leave you with a suggestion - check your facts before you post. I will also remind you that this is the clean debate zone. Be nice.

Frankly, that is bullshit

People over eat and don't exercise, PERIOD.

Read it and weep, bear:
Wrong. If you have a genetic situation where you pack on pounds readily, you have to adjust for it. It's STILL your fault for getting fat. Yes, it might suck only being able to eat 500 calories a day, but if you know that you'll get fat if you eat more and you willfully eat more food, whose fault is that exactly? The ONLY way its not your fault for being fat is if someone handcuffed you to a bed and shoved food down your throat at gunpoint. If you picked up the fork on your own, its your own fault.

If I can only eat 2000 calories a day to maintain my weight but I eat 2500 and I gain, it's nobody's fault but my own. It doesn't matter what some chart says you're supposed to eat. If you eat so much food and you start seeing yourself getting fat, cut back and exercise. Just saying "I eat this much food because I'M SUPPOSED TO BE ABLE TO" doesn't mean anything if, in the end, your ass is wider than a freight train. You eat what you're supposed to. Everyone has different metabolism. You can only eat so much, so eat that much. Eating more than that with an excuse is just that, an excuse.
Wrong. If you have a genetic situation where you pack on pounds readily, you have to adjust for it. It's STILL your fault for getting fat. Yes, it might suck only being able to eat 500 calories a day, but if you know that you'll get fat if you eat more and you willfully eat more food, whose fault is that exactly? The ONLY way its not your fault for being fat is if someone handcuffed you to a bed and shoved food down your throat at gunpoint. If you picked up the fork on your own, its your own fault.

If I can only eat 2000 calories a day to maintain my weight but I eat 2500 and I gain, it's nobody's fault but my own. It doesn't matter what some chart says you're supposed to eat. If you eat so much food and you start seeing yourself getting fat, cut back and exercise. Just saying "I eat this much food because I'M SUPPOSED TO BE ABLE TO" doesn't mean anything if, in the end, your ass is wider than a freight train. You eat what you're supposed to. Everyone has different metabolism. You can only eat so much, so eat that much. Eating more than that with an excuse is just that, an excuse.
That would depend on if you actually know you have a genetic situation wouldn't it? Of course its your fault but its also the fault of the company that markets foods to you and puts addictive ingredients in the food without your knowledge, .
Every food you eat has every ingredient in it. It's not up to the food company to do your homework for you. If you want to know whats bad and whats good, look it up. There is a vast knowledge base on the internet.
Every food you eat has every ingredient in it. It's not up to the food company to do your homework for you. If you want to know whats bad and whats good, look it up. There is a vast knowledge base on the internet.
That has nothing to do with the point. The fact they are putting it in the food and not telling you this upfront puts some blame on them. Thats like buying a car with hidden flood damage and claiming the dealer is not responsible.
Wrong. If you have a genetic situation where you pack on pounds readily, you have to adjust for it. It's STILL your fault for getting fat. Yes, it might suck only being able to eat 500 calories a day, but if you know that you'll get fat if you eat more and you willfully eat more food, whose fault is that exactly? The ONLY way its not your fault for being fat is if someone handcuffed you to a bed and shoved food down your throat at gunpoint. If you picked up the fork on your own, its your own fault.

If I can only eat 2000 calories a day to maintain my weight but I eat 2500 and I gain, it's nobody's fault but my own. It doesn't matter what some chart says you're supposed to eat. If you eat so much food and you start seeing yourself getting fat, cut back and exercise. Just saying "I eat this much food because I'M SUPPOSED TO BE ABLE TO" doesn't mean anything if, in the end, your ass is wider than a freight train. You eat what you're supposed to. Everyone has different metabolism. You can only eat so much, so eat that much. Eating more than that with an excuse is just that, an excuse.
That would depend on if you actually know you have a genetic situation wouldn't it? Of course its your fault but its also the fault of the company that markets foods to you and puts addictive ingredients in the food without your knowledge, .

Now THAT i wrong, and happens I'm sure.

However, its not like addiction to meth or something where one hit and you're addicted and ruined for life.

Go to your local Wal Mart and watch all the fatties riding around in those carts that are supposed to be for handicapped people to use and watch what they buy.

It' all processed foods, premade meals, and pure junk.

And they can't even be bothered to WALK through the store to buy that.

Yes, it is THEIR fault they are fat.
That would depend on if you actually know you have a genetic situation wouldn't it? Of course its your fault but its also the fault of the company that markets foods to you and puts addictive ingredients in the food without your knowledge, .

Now THAT i wrong, and happens I'm sure.

However, its not like addiction to meth or something where one hit and you're addicted and ruined for life.

Go to your local Wal Mart and watch all the fatties riding around in those carts that are supposed to be for handicapped people to use and watch what they buy.

It' all processed foods, premade meals, and pure junk.

And they can't even be bothered to WALK through the store to buy that.

Yes, it is THEIR fault they are fat.

Your body craves fats and sugars ... That is why food that is supposed to be bad for you tastes good (for most people ... There are some freaks of nature out there). Both fats and sugars occur naturally and you were born addicted to them.

Nothing you eat today has not been genetically modified ... Unless it is completely chemical in ingredients. The corn, wheat, vegetables, meats and dairy we eat today are not the same genetically as it were 200 years ago.

Every time you cross pollenate bean plants or cross breed livestock ... You have genetically altered the outcome.

Wrong. If you have a genetic situation where you pack on pounds readily, you have to adjust for it. It's STILL your fault for getting fat. Yes, it might suck only being able to eat 500 calories a day, but if you know that you'll get fat if you eat more and you willfully eat more food, whose fault is that exactly? The ONLY way its not your fault for being fat is if someone handcuffed you to a bed and shoved food down your throat at gunpoint. If you picked up the fork on your own, its your own fault.

If I can only eat 2000 calories a day to maintain my weight but I eat 2500 and I gain, it's nobody's fault but my own. It doesn't matter what some chart says you're supposed to eat. If you eat so much food and you start seeing yourself getting fat, cut back and exercise. Just saying "I eat this much food because I'M SUPPOSED TO BE ABLE TO" doesn't mean anything if, in the end, your ass is wider than a freight train. You eat what you're supposed to. Everyone has different metabolism. You can only eat so much, so eat that much. Eating more than that with an excuse is just that, an excuse.
That would depend on if you actually know you have a genetic situation wouldn't it? Of course its your fault but its also the fault of the company that markets foods to you and puts addictive ingredients in the food without your knowledge, .

Now THAT i wrong, and happens I'm sure.

However, its not like addiction to meth or something where one hit and you're addicted and ruined for life.

Go to your local Wal Mart and watch all the fatties riding around in those carts that are supposed to be for handicapped people to use and watch what they buy.

It' all processed foods, premade meals, and pure junk.

And they can't even be bothered to WALK through the store to buy that.

Yes, it is THEIR fault they are fat.
You cant really relate it to drugs because eating is not only a required action to stay alive but it is also a habit. Like I said earlier its the fault of both parties.
Its just as fair as the left's tactics of going after gun manufacturers.

If you are a leftist, anything is "fair" if it furthers your political goals.
And that political goal is control....If they get away with one thing, then they will try another and another and another until the total transformation of America as they hate it is complete. No food what so ever is a threat to us, but what is a threat to us is inactivity, where as we have no way of burning that fat off once it sets in. These days with the economy bad, and with the way things have been set up as planned over the years, umm we have entered into a stage where our citizens are hit with to much inactivity in their lives, and so when you couple this with eating just about anything and everything that moves, then the results are devastating. I think the government should maybe suggest change, but never to force change. What government should be doing if it knows what the problem is, is to promote activity in the area of exercising or being creative in the areas of jobs for many more people to become active, instead of this laying around on their butt's drawing welfare or living in free housing etc. It also should be spurring economic growth for all Americans through creativity and idea's, instead of the blame game that is being played today by the government in which it is now since totally captivated upon.
No food what so ever is a threat to us,


How did you get to this planet?
Well I am living proof of that which I speak, because I was a lineman in my life, and I worked on the right of ways way back in the day until retired finally. It was hard work and yet we loved it.. We ate anything that we liked, and anything that was offered up as to be deemed legal by the FDA standards of safety in America. We drank those big gulp drinks and all that jazz. We burned off our food and liquid diets working hard, and we never had a problem at all with obesity or anything like that all the way up until we were no longer working like that anymore (retired). In fact I would eat a Wendy's triple burger meal like it was nothing, and I would eat any other meal like that without an ounce of fat being gained up into my late 40's. Now what planet did you say you came from, that LAZYmoon planet in which is just beyond that black hole where your thinking is right now ? :)
No food what so ever is a threat to us,


How did you get to this planet?
Well I am living proof of that which I speak, because I was a lineman in my life, and I worked on the right of ways way back in the day until retired finally. It was hard work and yet we loved it.. We ate anything that we liked, and anything that was offered up as to be deemed legal by the FDA standards of safety in America. We drank those big gulp drinks and all that jazz. We burned off our food and liquid diets working hard, and we never had a problem at all with obesity or anything like that all the way up until we were no longer working like that anymore (retired). In fact I would eat a Wendy's triple burger meal like it was nothing, and I would eat any other meal like that without an ounce of fat being gained up into my late 40's. Now what planet did you say you came from, that LAZYmoon planet in which is just beyond that black hole where your thinking is right now ? :)

And you actually believe the commercial food supply now is exactly what it was "then". :rolleyes:

Ah, it must be Christmas. Naivete scene.

And a perfect illustration of post 240 too.
No food what so ever is a threat to us,


How did you get to this planet?
Well I am living proof of that which I speak, because I was a lineman in my life, and I worked on the right of ways way back in the day until retired finally. It was hard work and yet we loved it.. We ate anything that we liked, and anything that was offered up as to be deemed legal by the FDA standards of safety in America. We drank those big gulp drinks and all that jazz. We burned off our food and liquid diets working hard, and we never had a problem at all with obesity or anything like that all the way up until we were no longer working like that anymore (retired). In fact I would eat a Wendy's triple burger meal like it was nothing, and I would eat any other meal like that without an ounce of fat being gained up into my late 40's. Now what planet did you say you came from, that LAZYmoon planet in which is just beyond that black hole where your thinking is right now ? :)

And you actually believe the commercial food supply now is exactly what it was "then". :rolleyes:

Ah, it must be Christmas. Naivete scene.

And a perfect illustration of post 240 too.
Matters not, but what matters is how active you are in order to process that food on out (separating the bad from the good in it's nutritional value upon whatever part of it that it might hold or could be good for you), and then to get those poisons out of you afterwards by allowing the body to do it's thing like it is suppose too by staying active as possible in ones life. The body has a remarkable system of doing things like that, but if we lay on our butt's doing nothing but stuffing ourselves to our deaths ultimately, and with any kind of food, then we get what we deserve I guess.

I guess people like committing suicide by food these days, because they know what they are doing to themselves, but is it the governments job to enforce a food and drink ban on us all or maybe it should rather figure out ways to get everyone back to being constructive in their lives, and this instead of being eternal couch potato's instead.
No food what so ever is a threat to us,


How did you get to this planet?
Well I am living proof of that which I speak, because I was a lineman in my life, and I worked on the right of ways way back in the day until retired finally. It was hard work and yet we loved it.. We ate anything that we liked, and anything that was offered up as to be deemed legal by the FDA standards of safety in America. We drank those big gulp drinks and all that jazz. We burned off our food and liquid diets working hard, and we never had a problem at all with obesity or anything like that all the way up until we were no longer working like that anymore (retired). In fact I would eat a Wendy's triple burger meal like it was nothing, and I would eat any other meal like that without an ounce of fat being gained up into my late 40's. Now what planet did you say you came from, that LAZYmoon planet in which is just beyond that black hole where your thinking is right now ? :)

And you actually believe the commercial food supply now is exactly what it was "then". :rolleyes:

Ah, it must be Christmas. Naivete scene.

And a perfect illustration of post 240 too.
Matters not, but what matters is how active you are in order to process that food on out (separating the bad from the good in it's nutritional value upon whatever part of it that it might hold or could be good for you), and then to get those poisons out of you afterwards by allowing the body to do it's thing like it is suppose too by staying active as possible in ones life. The body has a remarkable system of doing things like that, but if we lay on our butt's doing nothing but stuffing ourselves to our deaths ultimately, and with any kind of food, then we get what we deserve I guess.

I guess people like committing suicide by food these days, because they know what they are doing to themselves, but is it the governments job to enforce a food and drink ban on us all or maybe it should rather figure out ways to get everyone back to being constructive in their lives, and this instead of being eternal couch potato's instead.

Would be nice if that worked, but it won't. You can't legislate culture.
But you can regulate what goes into food. And to a laughably minimal amount, we do.
Wrong. If you have a genetic situation where you pack on pounds readily, you have to adjust for it. It's STILL your fault for getting fat. Yes, it might suck only being able to eat 500 calories a day, but if you know that you'll get fat if you eat more and you willfully eat more food, whose fault is that exactly? The ONLY way its not your fault for being fat is if someone handcuffed you to a bed and shoved food down your throat at gunpoint. If you picked up the fork on your own, its your own fault.

If I can only eat 2000 calories a day to maintain my weight but I eat 2500 and I gain, it's nobody's fault but my own. It doesn't matter what some chart says you're supposed to eat. If you eat so much food and you start seeing yourself getting fat, cut back and exercise. Just saying "I eat this much food because I'M SUPPOSED TO BE ABLE TO" doesn't mean anything if, in the end, your ass is wider than a freight train. You eat what you're supposed to. Everyone has different metabolism. You can only eat so much, so eat that much. Eating more than that with an excuse is just that, an excuse.

If the a normal diet is 2000 calories and someone eats only 500 and still gets fat, how is it their fault that they are fat? You suggest that they should eat even less, but how is a long-term starvation diet going to keep them healthy, particularly when they may be healthy despite being overweight? Many people have slow metabolisms and other genetic disorders that hinder their ability to shed fat. Others have the wrong microbiota in their guts, and a lot of the reason for that is all the damned antibiotics in our foods.
Wrong. If you have a genetic situation where you pack on pounds readily, you have to adjust for it. It's STILL your fault for getting fat. Yes, it might suck only being able to eat 500 calories a day, but if you know that you'll get fat if you eat more and you willfully eat more food, whose fault is that exactly? The ONLY way its not your fault for being fat is if someone handcuffed you to a bed and shoved food down your throat at gunpoint. If you picked up the fork on your own, its your own fault.

If I can only eat 2000 calories a day to maintain my weight but I eat 2500 and I gain, it's nobody's fault but my own. It doesn't matter what some chart says you're supposed to eat. If you eat so much food and you start seeing yourself getting fat, cut back and exercise. Just saying "I eat this much food because I'M SUPPOSED TO BE ABLE TO" doesn't mean anything if, in the end, your ass is wider than a freight train. You eat what you're supposed to. Everyone has different metabolism. You can only eat so much, so eat that much. Eating more than that with an excuse is just that, an excuse.

If the a normal diet is 2000 calories and someone eats only 500 and still gets fat, how is it their fault that they are fat? You suggest that they should eat even less, but how is a long-term starvation diet going to keep them healthy, particularly when they may be healthy despite being overweight? Many people have slow metabolisms and other genetic disorders that hinder their ability to shed fat. Others have the wrong microbiota in their guts, and a lot of the reason for that is all the damned antibiotics in our foods.

And how many morbidly obese people eat only 500 calories a day?

Calling an outlier the norm is just a little disingenuous isn't it?
Every food you eat has every ingredient in it. It's not up to the food company to do your homework for you. If you want to know whats bad and whats good, look it up. There is a vast knowledge base on the internet.

The USDA and the FDA wholeheartedly disagrees with you, as do I.

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