Is it just me or are all the professional politicians united in dethroning Trump?

The answer is no. not now, maybe latter, if & when it suit's there purpose. maybe 2020 if Pence runs .
McCain sits and barks and Soros gives him a treat. Lots and lots of treats.

Another thread where the wagons are circled and the jerk begins. How insightful (sarcasm).

I'm guessing most Republicans would be quite happy to see Trump go away,

if the alternative was President Pence and the going away part wasn't unmanageably devastating to the Republican Party.

If Trump "goes away", the GOP lose in 2020 and probably lose a great deal in 2018 as the Rust Belt will be lost as well as much of the inroads he made. Is this what they want, to be subservient to the democratic presidency for another four to eight years? They seem to have really short memories.

Trump can't win re-election unless some sort of unfathomable shift in political sentiment unprecedented in history occurs between now and 2020,

so what's the risk for the GOP of somehow getting Pence in there ahead of time?

Is it just me or are all the professional politicians united in dethroning Trump?

My be is on "it's just you."

The very fact that you phrased your question that way indicates you cannot tell the difference between circumstantial commonalities and actual unity among actors.

I particularly enjoyed reading that the Trump supporter placed Donald Trump on a throne. It is apt, not this bare honesty, but the acknowledgement that Trump is an Authoritarian and has adopted the long defunct belief in the Divine Right of Monarchs (kings) as a right he has adopted.

James II was the last such King to claim this absolute rights, check this out:
The reign of James II


James II | king of Great Britain

King James II | Britroyals
For a bit of entertaining historical fiction, one might care to catch up with the Starz series Outlander.

House of Stuart

Will do, both my wife and I enjoy period pieces and historical fiction.

If your Social Skills are any indication I doubt either of you can read at all.
While Trump is in Israel trying to rebuild relationships which had been damaged or ignored in the recent past, the media talks about Trump making an offensive comment. Wow, he's never done that before, this must be "Breaking News, just ask CNN...(didn't the go down this road BEFORE the election without great results for their objective?)

Then people like McCain and Graham share their "concern" and the like about Trumps comments. I noticed how McCain was supportive of Trump before his re-election, he seems to have milked that for what he could and get many of Trumps supporters to vote for him, now these people seem to be against the "Make America Great Again" mantra since they have their positions.

Furthermore, Obama said clearly to Putin a few years ago that "after my election, I will have more flexibility". Where was the call for his head? If that is what was caught on open mic what is being stated behind closed doors? You know why people weren't going berzerk? He didn't commit a crime. He can speak as he needs to for strategic purposes, that's one of his jobs as president and he needs some latitude in which to operate.

As Alan Dershowitz stated; a talented and well versed lawyer though someone I often disagree with, there is no crime here. He is even against the Special Counsel, sees no reason for it.

Either the GOP don't learn from their mistakes, or, they are fully being lobbied to the point that they are not even representing the constituents who voted for them. I notice the ramping up of these allegations occur whenever Trump does something significant, so first it was NAFTA and the pile on started, now it's his budget and massive cuts to get the budget more in line with balance, something you can be sure his detractors don't want to see him succeed at. Of course, his first International trip is problematic because, gasp, he might actually build relationships with countries and be successful. We know that some treasonous people don't want that.

I'm thinking at this point, the rest of the world isn't looking at Trump as the enemy, they are questioning the logic of American interests who are trying to derail a democratically run election simply because they don't want the results. This could be far more harmful to Americas reputation than anything else.

How can Dershowitz knowledgeably proclaim that there are no crimes here when he certainly does not have access to all evidence, nor has the search for evidence even ended?

For the same reasons CNN and other networks claim there is a crime and reason to investigate, almost a year after such an investigation and multiple people admitting from various sources that there is no evidence of collusion.
While Trump is in Israel trying to rebuild relationships which had been damaged or ignored in the recent past, the media talks about Trump making an offensive comment. Wow, he's never done that before, this must be "Breaking News, just ask CNN...(didn't the go down this road BEFORE the election without great results for their objective?)

Then people like McCain and Graham share their "concern" and the like about Trumps comments. I noticed how McCain was supportive of Trump before his re-election, he seems to have milked that for what he could and get many of Trumps supporters to vote for him, now these people seem to be against the "Make America Great Again" mantra since they have their positions.

Furthermore, Obama said clearly to Putin a few years ago that "after my election, I will have more flexibility". Where was the call for his head? If that is what was caught on open mic what is being stated behind closed doors? You know why people weren't going berzerk? He didn't commit a crime. He can speak as he needs to for strategic purposes, that's one of his jobs as president and he needs some latitude in which to operate.

As Alan Dershowitz stated; a talented and well versed lawyer though someone I often disagree with, there is no crime here. He is even against the Special Counsel, sees no reason for it.

Either the GOP don't learn from their mistakes, or, they are fully being lobbied to the point that they are not even representing the constituents who voted for them. I notice the ramping up of these allegations occur whenever Trump does something significant, so first it was NAFTA and the pile on started, now it's his budget and massive cuts to get the budget more in line with balance, something you can be sure his detractors don't want to see him succeed at. Of course, his first International trip is problematic because, gasp, he might actually build relationships with countries and be successful. We know that some treasonous people don't want that.

I'm thinking at this point, the rest of the world isn't looking at Trump as the enemy, they are questioning the logic of American interests who are trying to derail a democratically run election simply because they don't want the results. This could be far more harmful to Americas reputation than anything else.

How can Dershowitz knowledgeably proclaim that there are no crimes here when he certainly does not have access to all evidence, nor has the search for evidence even ended?

For the same reasons CNN and other networks claim there is a crime and reason to investigate, almost a year after such an investigation and multiple people admitting from various sources that there is no evidence of collusion.

Investigations are done to determine if there is enough evidence to prosecute someone for a crime. They're not done because they already have the evidence.
While Trump is in Israel trying to rebuild relationships which had been damaged or ignored in the recent past, the media talks about Trump making an offensive comment. Wow, he's never done that before, this must be "Breaking News, just ask CNN...(didn't the go down this road BEFORE the election without great results for their objective?)

Then people like McCain and Graham share their "concern" and the like about Trumps comments. I noticed how McCain was supportive of Trump before his re-election, he seems to have milked that for what he could and get many of Trumps supporters to vote for him, now these people seem to be against the "Make America Great Again" mantra since they have their positions.

Furthermore, Obama said clearly to Putin a few years ago that "after my election, I will have more flexibility". Where was the call for his head? If that is what was caught on open mic what is being stated behind closed doors? You know why people weren't going berzerk? He didn't commit a crime. He can speak as he needs to for strategic purposes, that's one of his jobs as president and he needs some latitude in which to operate.

As Alan Dershowitz stated; a talented and well versed lawyer though someone I often disagree with, there is no crime here. He is even against the Special Counsel, sees no reason for it.

Either the GOP don't learn from their mistakes, or, they are fully being lobbied to the point that they are not even representing the constituents who voted for them. I notice the ramping up of these allegations occur whenever Trump does something significant, so first it was NAFTA and the pile on started, now it's his budget and massive cuts to get the budget more in line with balance, something you can be sure his detractors don't want to see him succeed at. Of course, his first International trip is problematic because, gasp, he might actually build relationships with countries and be successful. We know that some treasonous people don't want that.

I'm thinking at this point, the rest of the world isn't looking at Trump as the enemy, they are questioning the logic of American interests who are trying to derail a democratically run election simply because they don't want the results. This could be far more harmful to Americas reputation than anything else.

How can Dershowitz knowledgeably proclaim that there are no crimes here when he certainly does not have access to all evidence, nor has the search for evidence even ended?

You don't have access to all the evidence either, and yet are will to place blame anyhow. You are Dershowitz.
While Trump is in Israel trying to rebuild relationships which had been damaged or ignored in the recent past, the media talks about Trump making an offensive comment. Wow, he's never done that before, this must be "Breaking News, just ask CNN...(didn't the go down this road BEFORE the election without great results for their objective?)

Then people like McCain and Graham share their "concern" and the like about Trumps comments. I noticed how McCain was supportive of Trump before his re-election, he seems to have milked that for what he could and get many of Trumps supporters to vote for him, now these people seem to be against the "Make America Great Again" mantra since they have their positions.

Furthermore, Obama said clearly to Putin a few years ago that "after my election, I will have more flexibility". Where was the call for his head? If that is what was caught on open mic what is being stated behind closed doors? You know why people weren't going berzerk? He didn't commit a crime. He can speak as he needs to for strategic purposes, that's one of his jobs as president and he needs some latitude in which to operate.

As Alan Dershowitz stated; a talented and well versed lawyer though someone I often disagree with, there is no crime here. He is even against the Special Counsel, sees no reason for it.

Either the GOP don't learn from their mistakes, or, they are fully being lobbied to the point that they are not even representing the constituents who voted for them. I notice the ramping up of these allegations occur whenever Trump does something significant, so first it was NAFTA and the pile on started, now it's his budget and massive cuts to get the budget more in line with balance, something you can be sure his detractors don't want to see him succeed at. Of course, his first International trip is problematic because, gasp, he might actually build relationships with countries and be successful. We know that some treasonous people don't want that.

I'm thinking at this point, the rest of the world isn't looking at Trump as the enemy, they are questioning the logic of American interests who are trying to derail a democratically run election simply because they don't want the results. This could be far more harmful to Americas reputation than anything else.

How can Dershowitz knowledgeably proclaim that there are no crimes here when he certainly does not have access to all evidence, nor has the search for evidence even ended?

For the same reasons CNN and other networks claim there is a crime and reason to investigate, almost a year after such an investigation and multiple people admitting from various sources that there is no evidence of collusion.

Multiple people? Name them please.

It's clear the judgment of Trump and his surrogates is at best questionable, but that does not make it criminal. The investigation is to discover if their behavior was criminal or simply inappropriate.
the Orange Cretin has pissed off the federal Judiciary, but accusing at least one of them of being racially motivated to rule against the Cretin's personal financial interests will have that effect. Le Orange Cretine finie has also pissed off the MSM, but he ran against them in his campaign, because he aimed his appeal towards those who feel their plights are ignored by the MSM, not totally without reason.

The gop is still holding together for the mas pendejo
While Trump is in Israel trying to rebuild relationships which had been damaged or ignored in the recent past, the media talks about Trump making an offensive comment. Wow, he's never done that before, this must be "Breaking News, just ask CNN...(didn't the go down this road BEFORE the election without great results for their objective?)

Then people like McCain and Graham share their "concern" and the like about Trumps comments. I noticed how McCain was supportive of Trump before his re-election, he seems to have milked that for what he could and get many of Trumps supporters to vote for him, now these people seem to be against the "Make America Great Again" mantra since they have their positions.

Furthermore, Obama said clearly to Putin a few years ago that "after my election, I will have more flexibility". Where was the call for his head? If that is what was caught on open mic what is being stated behind closed doors? You know why people weren't going berzerk? He didn't commit a crime. He can speak as he needs to for strategic purposes, that's one of his jobs as president and he needs some latitude in which to operate.

As Alan Dershowitz stated; a talented and well versed lawyer though someone I often disagree with, there is no crime here. He is even against the Special Counsel, sees no reason for it.

Either the GOP don't learn from their mistakes, or, they are fully being lobbied to the point that they are not even representing the constituents who voted for them. I notice the ramping up of these allegations occur whenever Trump does something significant, so first it was NAFTA and the pile on started, now it's his budget and massive cuts to get the budget more in line with balance, something you can be sure his detractors don't want to see him succeed at. Of course, his first International trip is problematic because, gasp, he might actually build relationships with countries and be successful. We know that some treasonous people don't want that.

I'm thinking at this point, the rest of the world isn't looking at Trump as the enemy, they are questioning the logic of American interests who are trying to derail a democratically run election simply because they don't want the results. This could be far more harmful to Americas reputation than anything else.

How can Dershowitz knowledgeably proclaim that there are no crimes here when he certainly does not have access to all evidence, nor has the search for evidence even ended?

For the same reasons CNN and other networks claim there is a crime and reason to investigate, almost a year after such an investigation and multiple people admitting from various sources that there is no evidence of collusion.

Multiple people? Name them please.

It's clear the judgment of Trump and his surrogates is at best questionable, but that does not make it criminal. The investigation is to discover if their behavior was criminal or simply inappropriate.

Wow, you deny that this has been stated? I did this quick google search and came up with this. There are surely more than just what we see in this list. On top of this, I might add that Pelosi has stated this and went so far as to state that no Impeachment Process will be going forward. You don't say that definitively so early, before Comey was fired, unless you know more than the media is stating.

Oh before I forget, God Bless America:

12 times Dems, Repubs said no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion; 10 times people claimed there was

12 times Dems, Repubs said no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion; 10 times people claimed there was | Sharyl Attkisson

1. The New York Times
Nov. 1, 2016
According to the newspaper, the FBI says there’s no definitive connection between Donald Trump and the Russian government, reaching that conclusion after a wide-ranging investigation. The Times cited law-enforcement officials who said any cyberattacks carried out were “aimed at disrupting the presidential election rather than electing Trump.” The FBI also found no conclusive evidence of deliberate communications between Trump and a Russian bank, that were alleged earlier.

President Trump

2. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin, House Speaker)
Feb. 28, 2017
No one has ever showed us any evidence that any collusion had occurred between an American involved with the political system and the Russians.”

3. James Clapper (Former Obama Director of National Intelligence)
March 5, 2017
“[Regarding] NSA, FBI…CIA…Director of National Intelligence (DNI), that had anything, that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians, there was no evidence of that included in our [January] report,” Clapper testified. He was asked, “…but does it exist?” He answered, “Not to my knowledge.”

Former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper

4. Rep. Devin Nunes (R-California, House Intelligence Committee Chairman)
March 20, 2017
During a hearing, Nunes questioned then-FBI Director James Comey:
NUNES: Do you have any evidence that any current Trump White House or administration official coordinated with the Russian intelligence services?
COMEY: Not a question I can answer…
NUNES: Well, I think — I understand that…but I can tell you that we don’t have any evidence and we’re conducting our own investigation here.

Rep. Devin Nunes, Chairman of House Intelligence Committee

5. James Comey, then-FBI Director
March 20, 2017
Comey was asked if he agreed with former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Clapper who said there was “no evidence” of “collusion between the members of the Trump campaign and the Russians.” Comey replied, “I think he’s right about characterizing the [January] report which you all have read.”

6. Rep. Chris Stewart, (R-Utah, House Intelligence Committee)
March 20, 2017
“At this point, everyone on this dais should agree with Mr. Clapper because we in the committee have seen no evidence, zero, that would indicate that there was collusion or criminal wrongdoing between any members of the previous [sic] administration or campaign and Russian officials.”

The Kremlin in Moscow is the official residence of the Russia’s President.

7. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-California, House Intelligence Committee)
April 2, 2017
When asked, “Can you say definitively that there was collusion, there were people affiliated with the Trump campaign who were working with Russians to time the release of damaging information about Hillary Clinton that had been hacked either from [Hillary campaign chair] John Podesta or the DNC?” Schiff replied, “I don’t think we can say anything definitively at this point.”

8. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California, Senate Intelligence Committee)
May 3, 2017
When asked if she had evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign, Feinstein replied, “Not at this time.”

9. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-West Virginia, Senate Intelligence Committee)
May 8, 2017
“People that might have said they were involved, to what extent they were involved, to what extent the president might have known about these people or whatever, there is nothing there from that standpoint that we have seen directly linking our president to any of that.”

10. James Clapper (again)
May 8, 2017
At a hearing, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) asked Clapper if it’s still accurate that he has no knowledge of the existence of evidence of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. Clapper replied, “It is.”

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
Photograph by: Frank Plitt via Wikimedia Commons

11. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-California)
May 9, 2017
Rep. Waters has repeatedly stated that President Trump “has colluded with the Russians,” but when asked if she has seen evidence to back up her claims, Waters replied: “No, we have not.”

12. President Donald Trump
May 9, 2017
In a letter of termination to FBI Director Comey, President Trump wrote that Comey had informed him “on three occasions that I am not under investigation.” (This hasn’t been independently confirmed by the FBI or Comey.)
All Congress wants is for their Investment Portfolios to be as swollen as possible.
McCain sits and barks and Soros gives him a treat. Lots and lots of treats.

Another thread where the wagons are circled and the jerk begins. How insightful (sarcasm).

I'm guessing most Republicans would be quite happy to see Trump go away,

if the alternative was President Pence and the going away part wasn't unmanageably devastating to the Republican Party.

If Trump "goes away", the GOP lose in 2020 and probably lose a great deal in 2018 as the Rust Belt will be lost as well as much of the inroads he made. Is this what they want, to be subservient to the democratic presidency for another four to eight years? They seem to have really short memories.

The fact is that the Republicans are likely to lose the House in 2018. The AHCA is extremely unpopular and Republicans in blue states are likely to lose their seats. Then you have a slew of regulation rollbacks that favor Wall Street and Big Business over ordinary people. Trump will lose in 2020 if he decides to run. Trump won because he was not Clinton. He has made no inroads. Bush
Donald Trump wants to drain the swamp.

What do you think the swamp lords think about that?
JFC who do you think are in his cabinet. LOL

Trump became an establishment Republican as soon as he felt it was to his advantage to do so.
I don't think he can get those Medicaid cuts through the Senate. Trump is a plutocrat and economic advisors are plutocrats. He parades as an alt-right nationalist.

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