Is It Obama's Fault The White House Security Failed So Badly?

To me it is obvious that the Right Wing extremists are manipulating Secret Service coverage to increase their chances of hitting Obama. The activities of the last week are obvious "Probes" by rightwing extremists to characterize security vulnerabilities
Did you eat a whole box of Fruit Loops in one sitting?

I warned you about that....

On topic: NO
With LSD sprinkles.
Obama inherited the faulty WH security!!

6 years and they still have not learned how to lock a door. It is the Republicans fault for cutting door locking educational funding.

Reagan! Boooooooooooooosh!!

the Affirmative Action President had Affirmative Action Secret Service protecting him...what could possibly go wrong?

Uhhh, you do realize how unbelievably stupid this argument is, right?

The vast majority of SS agents who are protecting the Obamas and the Bidens are the same SS agents who protected the Bushes and the Cheneys.

You are aware of this, right?

The SS is not known for huge turnover at all, because the years of unbelievably intensive training in involved make most want to stay and do what they do until retirement. In fact, I will go hunting for turnover stats on the SS.

You are going to have to come up with a better argument than that in order to impress intelligent people here.

Oh, and "Affirmative Action Secret Service" ---- uh, are those racist code words? I am just giving you a chance to clarify, here.
A truly stupid thread.

The President does not organize or direct the actions of the secret service. They are there to protect him, not the other way around.

The President did do this:

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Tuesday chose veteran agent Julia Pierson as Secret Service director, the first woman to lead the male-dominated agency, a year after its reputation was tarnished by a scandal involving agents and prostitutes in Colombia.

Did he pick her because of her management qualifications or because she was a woman? (as Reuters seems to think.)

Of course he did that. But she leads the day to day operations.

Oh, and your attack on women is duly noted. Her gender should play absolutely no role in this.

And then Righties turn around, scratch their heads and wonder why they are always getting clobbered in the women's vote.... well, DUH!
Obama chose Julia Pierson as Secret Service director, possibly because he was cricitized for not hiring enough women. It would be like Obama to choose gender over qualifications, like he did when choosing a Supeme Court Justice. Obama called the shots on this one and now she is in the hot seat for totally fucking up. Yes, it rightly reflects on the person who chose her.

President Barack Obama on Tuesday chose veteran agent Julia Pierson as Secret Service director, the first woman to lead the male-dominated agency, a year after its reputation was tarnished by a scandal involving agents and prostitutes in Colombia.

Pierson will replace Mark Sullivan, who retired in February and was in charge during the Colombia scandal - one of the worst in the agency's history.

The Secret Service has been criticized for having an insular, male-dominated culture, and Pierson's appointment also comes as Obama fends off criticism that his second-term picks for high-level posts have not included enough women and minority candidates.

Pierson, a native of Florida, is currently chief of staff at the Secret Service and began her career as a special agent with the Miami field office in 1983. The director's position does not require confirmation by the U.S. Senate.

"Julia is eminently qualified to lead the agency that not only safeguards Americans at major events and secures our financial system, but also protects our leaders and our first families, including my own," Obama said in a statement.

Just wanted to point out what you wrote.

Are you saying that our first Latina SOTUS justice and our second Jewish female SOTUS justice, both of whom have won the admiration and respect of their colleagues, are somehow less qualified?


And then the Right turns around, scratches it's head and wonders why it is getting clobbered in the female vote.

This phenomenon is really fun to watch. It's like watching the stupid from Beavis, Butthead and Co. in slow motion and in loop, over and over and over again. It strengthens my believe that hope springs eternal, especially in the Right's great talent for snapping defeat out of the jaws of victory by simply opening it's mouth and saying stupid, unamerican shit.

Proceed, Governor, proceed.
I want to congratulate my friends and acquaintances on the Right: they provide us Lefties with hours of free entertainment.
The entire population of modern American conservatism has somehow managed to come together on a decision to make certain that no one ever takes them seriously.
Is It Obama's Fault The White House Security Failed So Badly?

Seven pages of silly arguments. Of course it's not.
Was it Reagan's fault he got shot?

Yep. Lazy motherfucker deserves all the blame. Lincoln too. And Kennedy.

Seriously, this demonstrates as clearly as anything how far removed from the sane the rightwing hystericals really are.

Did anyone, ever, try to blame Reagan for getting himself shot? Of course not.

But nowadays, it's not just the fringe of the Right, it's the new mainstream of the Right that leaps at chance to blame President Obama for events that threatened Obama.

Apparently President Obama has devised a sinister scheme of evil genius designed to weaken the Secret Service and get himself killed.

Yes, that IS how fucking retarded you people are...
Was it Reagan's fault he got shot?

Yep. Lazy motherfucker deserves all the blame. Lincoln too. And Kennedy.

Seriously, this demonstrates as clearly as anything how far removed from the sane the rightwing hystericals really are.

Did anyone, ever, try to blame Reagan for getting himself shot? Of course not.

But nowadays, it's not just the fringe of the Right, it's the new mainstream of the Right that leaps at chance to blame President Obama for events that threatened Obama.

Apparently President Obama has devised a sinister scheme of evil genius designed to weaken the Secret Service and get himself killed.

Yes, that IS how fucking retarded you people are...

It's the Koch playbook.
Aside from all the standard, predictable partisan hysterics and name-calling on this thread (as I understand it, USMB rules require personal insults and name calling in at least 75% of all posts or they shut a thread down), it may be good this guy got through. You find a hole, you fill it. You see a problem, you fix it. The American President and their family need to be protected -- especially in the freaking White House -- and hopefully this breach will make them as safe as they should be.
A truly stupid thread.

The President does not organize or direct the actions of the secret service. They are there to protect him, not the other way around.
Everyone needs to quit picking on the SS. They're doing a good job. You can't predict if somebody is going to jump a fence. What do you want, a 10 mile green zone around obama at all times?

Leave the Secret Service alone!
To me it is obvious that the Right Wing extremists are manipulating Secret Service coverage to increase their chances of hitting Obama. The activities of the last week are obvious "Probes" by rightwing extremists to characterize security vulnerabilities
. Terrorism is Left wing.
"Undocumented White House visitor"
Precisely. Liberals don't seem to mind when illegals jump the southern border fences so why are they up in arms about somebody jumping over the White House fence?

Leave the Secret Service guys alone! Theyre just following orders.
A truly stupid thread.

The President does not organize or direct the actions of the secret service. They are there to protect him, not the other way around.
Everyone needs to quit picking on the SS. They're doing a good job. You can't predict if somebody is going to jump a fence. What do you want, a 10 mile green zone around obama at all times?

Leave the Secret Service alone!

Do you think they might have locked the front door?

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