Is It Obama's Fault The White House Security Failed So Badly?

Is Obama president or is he not? Is he in charge of the government or is he not? Will he ever be held responsible for anything that happens during his 8 years, or not?

why is the black messiah exempt from responsibility? Could it be that the first black president cannot fail at anything? that he must be idolized and praised not matter how badly he does his job?

PresidentBarack Obama has “full confidence” in the U.S. Secret Service’s director and personnel despite security breaches at the White House, spokesman Josh Earnest said Monday
In his statement, Mr. Earnest said that PresidentBarack Obama “does have full confidence in Director [Julia] Pierson and other members of the Secret Service to do their very important work.”
Secret Service Director Julia Pierson resigned Wednesday, a day after bitingly critical questioning by Congress about a White House security breach.

On May 5, the White House in a statement said: “The President remains confident in Secretary Shinseki’s ability to lead the Department and to take appropriate action based on the [inspector general's] findings.”
As more information about VA mismanagement surfaced, though, that language shifted and by the end of May, Mr. Shinseki had resigned.

Mr. Carney on Nov. 8, 2013, said:“The President has full confidence in Secretary Sebelius.”
She stepped down five months later, in April 2014.

Ms. Pierson’s predecessor at the Secret Service, Mark Sullivan, received a full measure of White support in April 2012 as details of a prostitution scandal continued to emerge and lawmakers questioned whether he should stay on the job.
“The President has confidence in the director of the Secret Service,” Mr. Carney said at the time.

Mr. Sullivan announced his resignation in February of the following year as Mr. Obama thanked him for nearly 30 years of service.

Among Mr. Obama’s top advisers, Attorney GeneralEric Holderhas perhaps come under the most intense pressure from Capitol Hill. The White House has never wavered.
“The President has full confidence in the Attorney General,” Mr. Carney said in June 2012.
Mr. Obama last week announced Mr. Holder’s resignation, calling him a great friend and thanking him “for everything that you’ve done not just for me and the administration, but for our country.”

There seems to be a pattern here.
I think the SS is so sick of Obama's shit that maybe they just don't care about his safety anymore. Interesting

I think the SS is so sick of Obama's shit that maybe they just don't care about his safety anymore. Interesting


What you "think" is very likely worlds away from reality in this case, I can pretty much guarantee you that.

But it's nice to see you around, Geaux!
Is Obama president or is he not? Is he in charge of the government or is he not? Will he ever be held responsible for anything that happens during his 8 years, or not?

why is the black messiah exempt from responsibility? Could it be that the first black president cannot fail at anything? that he must be idolized and praised not matter how badly he does his job?

Just so the stupid can be determined here.
Is President Obama running the day to day activities of the Secret Service or was that Julia Pierson's job?

Is the President responsible to insure that an adequate investigation is performed when there was a possibility that shots were fired at the White House?

Is it the President's job to tell Secret Service Agents that when they screw a prostitute to pay for services rendered instead of running out?

Was it the President's responsibility that so many incompetent White Males were assigned to his protection detail?

Is it the President's responsibility that racist will ignorantly attempt to make this into a racial issue?

Is it the President's responsibility that usually closet racist and conservatives call him a "Black Messiah"and no one else?
LOL Just heard on the news that Barry's administration isn't backing the lady any more.

Funny how that works. First they back and defend you and then the throw you under the bus.

Gotta luv it. LOL
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Not a single government agency runs effectively. Why do we expect this to be different?
That's a completely stupid statement. Most of the government agencys runs effectively. You just don't like the effects you believe they cause.

Obama's Secret Service deals more threats against him than Bush or any other US President. To date Obama & his family haven't even been scratched by an attacker. That makes Obama's Secret Service the most effective in history.
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Is Obama president or is he not? Is he in charge of the government or is he not? Will he ever be held responsible for anything that happens during his 8 years, or not?

why is the black messiah exempt from responsibility? Could it be that the first black president cannot fail at anything? that he must be idolized and praised not matter how badly he does his job?

Just so the stupid can be determined here.
Is President Obama running the day to day activities of the Secret Service or was that Julia Pierson's job?

Is the President responsible to insure that an adequate investigation is performed when there was a possibility that shots were fired at the White House?

Is it the President's job to tell Secret Service Agents that when they screw a prostitute to pay for services rendered instead of running out?

Was it the President's responsibility that so many incompetent White Males were assigned to his protection detail?

Is it the President's responsibility that racist will ignorantly attempt to make this into a racial issue?

Is it the President's responsibility that usually closet racist and conservatives call him a "Black Messiah"and no one else?
The buck stops here.
- H. Truman
Hasn't failed yet. He's still alive, living it up on numerous Vacations and golf outings. Nothing's changed.
Leadership is based on taking responsibility for your actions, the actions of the people under you, and the results of said actions.
If The Obama were a leader, He'd take responsibility for this.

Then why didn't Reagan have to be pardoned for Iran Contra? People under him did.
watching the RW children is really sad to see ... all huddled up in their tight little circles seeking affirmation from one another, getting NO respect from anyone ..


keep practicing though, Hillary will be along in a couple of years to wipe her butt with you just like Obama has been doing for 2 terms ... and you LOVE it !
watching the RW children is really sad to see ... all huddled up in their tight little circles seeking affirmation from one another, getting NO respect from anyone ..
keep practicing though, Hillary will be along in a couple of years to wipe her butt with you just like Obama has been doing for 2 terms ... and you LOVE it !
I love it when people aren't ashamed of their partisan bigotry -- keep up the good work!
watching the RW children is really sad to see ... all huddled up in their tight little circles seeking affirmation from one another, getting NO respect from anyone ..
keep practicing though, Hillary will be along in a couple of years to wipe her butt with you just like Obama has been doing for 2 terms ... and you LOVE it !
I love it when people aren't ashamed of their partisan bigotry -- keep up the good work!

you love it? really ?

well, that explains a lot ... go find your pals and feel sorry for each other, nobody else gives a damn .
watching the RW children is really sad to see ... all huddled up in their tight little circles seeking affirmation from one another, getting NO respect from anyone ..
keep practicing though, Hillary will be along in a couple of years to wipe her butt with you just like Obama has been doing for 2 terms ... and you LOVE it !
I love it when people aren't ashamed of their partisan bigotry -- keep up the good work!
you love it? really ?
well, that explains a lot ... go find your pals and feel sorry for each other, nobody else gives a damn .
More applause!
Leadership is based on taking responsibility for your actions, the actions of the people under you, and the results of said actions.
If The Obama were a leader, He'd take responsibility for this.
Then why didn't Reagan have to be pardoned for Iran Contra? People under him did.
Ah.. a red herring.
I accept your concession of the point.

Why? You insisted that a leader has to take responsibility for the actions of the people under him. The people under Reagan around Iran Contra committed CRIMES. Some of them got presidential pardons to avoid prosecution.

Therefore, if Reagan was a LEADER, according to YOU, he should have taken responsibility for those CRIMES, and therefore have faced the consequences.

Of course, it's always different when it's YOUR guy, isn't it?
Leadership is based on taking responsibility for your actions, the actions of the people under you, and the results of said actions.
If The Obama were a leader, He'd take responsibility for this.
Then why didn't Reagan have to be pardoned for Iran Contra? People under him did.
Ah.. a red herring.
I accept your concession of the point.

Why? You insisted that a leader has to take responsibility for the actions of the people under him. The people under Reagan around Iran Contra committed CRIMES. Some of them got presidential pardons to avoid prosecution.

Therefore, if Reagan was a LEADER, according to YOU, he should have taken responsibility for those CRIMES, and therefore have faced the consequences.

Of course, it's always different when it's YOUR guy, isn't it?

Are you really that upset that Reagan prevented the Communist takeover and control of Central America? In spite of the Democrats best efforts to provide the means for them to do so with the Boland Amendments, Reagan told his people to find some funds to give to the people that were opposing the Communists and succeeded.

I think it is a damned shame that anyone was convicted and sent to prison for doing the right thing, but then I oppose Communism and it is rather obvious that you don't.

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